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MARCH 2025

Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Over the past week, hundreds of mercenaries and volunteers, mainly from NATO countries, as well as from Latin America, have arrived to Ukraine to fight for the “democratic values”.

Motivated by Ukrainian and Western propaganda, some of them were convinced that they were going to walk through Ukrainian meadows, gaining easy fame in TikTok and easy-going Ukrainian girls.

Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Some of them thought that they were going to another war orchestrated by Washington, following the example of Yugoslavia, Syria, Iraq or even Afghanistan. They were assured that they would be paid a lot of money for minimal risk, and they would take part in combat operations like short-term departures from places of permanent deployment under the cover of drones and strike aircraft.

They found themselves in a poor country torn apart by internal contradictions and leading a full-scale bloody war against one of the strongest armies in the world. It turned out that they had to fight to the death under the constant aviation and artillery strikes of superior enemy forces.

At the same time, the newly arrived “heroes” get in line to get outdated Ukrainian weapons. They are faced with a lack of necessary organization and coordination on the part of the AFU command.

Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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On March 13, one of the main assembly centers for foreign mercenaries and volunteers in the Lviv region was hit by Russian cruise missiles. The building used as military barracks was destroyed

According to various sources, from 38 to 180 foreign fighters were killed. Hundreds were injured.

This attack was the last straw that crushed the enthusiasm of foreign fighters and caused their stampede from Ukraine and a flurry of piteous videos on social networks. Dozens of them came back to Poland hours after they entered Ukraine.


Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Foreign Fighters Fleeing From Ukraine (Videos)

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Lol, some mercs think that they can stand up to a regular army lmao


More on this: https://t.me/EternalMuscovite/4818

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

Keep your shitty links and gay cartoons for your nazi boyfriends you retarded degenerate.

Last edited 2 years ago by F U




Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

It’s off-topic, but otherwise quite important. However, we must not make the mistake to lump the ordinary Russians together with Jews. They are as much victims as we are.

jens holm

Thats no secrets at all. Its also never mentioned why so many were starved to death in Leningrad and not evacuated.

In west we have cleaned more things about the WW2 then in east.

jens holm

People like me are happy to get more information about it.

2,15% are nazis in Ukraine. They are not even in the Parlament. Those nazis has joining voulenters. Even so 97,5% are not.

For good reasons Ukraine has many Nationalists. Stalin, starvation to death and all the punishers didnt kille the opponions about Ukraine has the right to decide much more by themself.

Zelinsky is public elected. Their Parlament has many political parties but no Nazis.

The Ukra quagmire is not as You are told.




From what you sound like here, why aren’t you helping your beloved g0y/neo-Nazis friends s0y bitch?

Just like other young fuks that run away from Ukraine to Pooland and all they do is make fake stories and memes. ***(Also, no I’m not against those young lads moving away from war).

All of your beloved MSM was talking about the Neo-Nazis problem that Ukraine had for a long time and now that’s all fake news, “the big problem” is no longer a problem somehow. Stop the BS.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345
jens holm

I cannot stop the BS sorry. It is what I do and what I like.


I told you NATO faggot: when you live in a ‘nazi-like fear country’ you can’t express your ethnicity nor to declare yourself on any census as ‘russian’ without being haunted by those syphilitic LGBTQ CIAOps scumbag nazis. Suck cock, eat shit, cocaine banderist. In Ukraine there are for sure between 45-50% russian ethnics.


They might be nor in parlement nut they have a strong grip on zelenski, cause he is just a puppet.


Losers agony displayed here guys listen to this slimy pos naziboy 🤢 it must be hurting to see what a bunch of pussy your western safari mercenary are ? Stay out of Ukraine it is Russian and no need for more idiots who can only kill civilians and military medics keep playing X box it’s safer

Ian Cooper

“No Nazis” in parliament is misleading at best. There’s Right Sector, Svoboda, S14/C14, Azov Battalion (actually regiment strength), St Mary’s Battalion, Aidar Battalion, SNA, and many more. They have a huge influence on politics. They are the whole reason Zelenskyy couldn’t end the war on Donbas.

The idea that the right has no influence on Ukrainian politics is ludicrous. ALL of the last 8 years of Ukrainian politics has been directed by the neo-Nazis.


Indeed,when it comes down to it,its the men with the guns who count.


Absolutely! And for Christ’s sake, the Chairman of the National Assembly, Andriy Parubiy, was the founder of Svoboda which just changed it’s name from the fascist Social-National Party [just invert the first two words] because of bad publicity in the West. BTW, Chairman of the National Assembly is the exact same position that Nancy Pelosi holds in the US: Speaker of the House of Representatives. Not exactly a marginal figure, right? Well, our boy Parubiy is a true-believer Nazi. Not some opportunist looking for a comfy office, no this M.F. is the real deal. He gave an interview on Ukrainian TV where he claimed, “Hitler was history’s greatest democrat”.

Sources: 5/11/2018, UK Morning Star, “Ukrainian speaker Andriy Parubiy slammed for praising Hitler as history’s ‘greatest democrat’”.


An information confirmed by a Ukrainian: the neo-nazi part of Ukraine is 10-20%. Zelensky is a crook and a drug addict bought by Biden. And really, it’s not even the Russians that were victimized by those neo-nazis and the Ukrainian forces in general. It’s their own citizens, the same Ukrainians as them. They were prohibited from speaking Russian and any language other than Ukrainian (people with Hungarian roots, Romanian roots and so on) – their own languages! How is that okay? How is that democracy? The regular bombing of Donbas (thousands of civilians killed), burning people alive in Odessa, the abuse, humiliation and torture of those who were considered separatists or simply not “Ukrainian” enough. Is THAT okay? I’m sorry, but “Angels of Donbas” or the “Alley of Angels” in Donbas is real, and the ones who did it were the Ukrainian forces, not the Russians. And the ones shooting the civilians who try to flee from Ukrainian territories to Russia in the back are also the Ukrainian troops, not Russian.

jens holm

Im a danish nazi and proud of it.


because the stinky asshole of your whore of a mother shitted you out in this world

Black Flag

Last month you claimed you were a Danish Muslim!

“jens” is whatever he wants, or whoever uses the name at the roll farm.

jens hoIm

Im not Muslim, and Im real Jens. Im not stooge troll. Ypou can read western medias covering my ass better then Yours. By thats You can add and subtract.

Ill change nothing in my english. This is about oppinions and no spellin test. Z´Sure we mqaonkies still are monkies no matter which close we have.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens hoIm
Black Flag

Well you certainly make as little sense, using mangled & garbled English, as the regular resident troll operating as ‘jens’!


A proud nazi without a dick.


It would help if you could define what being a nazi means for you. I can tell you that I have a very clear understanding how Jews (Zelensky is also one), are trying to engineer the demise of the white race, and first and foremost, us Germanic people, but I don’t mind too much if people in other countries want to live a backwards lifestyle. They should just not do it in our countries. And from where I stand, AH was only a Jewish tool, put in place (against Stalin) to have white people slaughter as many other white people as possible.


Nemachruj tady dánská lopato!

anti nazi

he is one of those idiotic foreign warriors but from basement’s parents, hey GasHunter, open your window for the incoming missile.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

More SBU Disney propaganda. Meanwhile you lost 14,500azov trolls in Mariopol. Oy gevalt…


Stalin’s “Torch-men-Order” #0428 confirmed by Russia https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=5804

Stalin’s “torch-men order” (Fackelmännerbefehl) is the command No. 0428, issued November 17th, 1941 by Stalin. It declares that Russian partisans in German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within an area of 40 – 60 km in depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, which would report the supposed German terror attacks. This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian partisans wearing German uniforms.

It is evident, that with this order, Stalin laid the foundation and practice of the “scorched Earth” tactics, which the German side had repeatedly been accused of and even charged with for obvious propaganda reasons. These criminal mercenary acts were clearly outside the convention of land warfare as stipulated in Den Haag in 1907 and which occurrences were vehemently denied by the German side.

The news magazine Der Spiegel (6/2000) quotes an example of the partisan Sonja Kosmodemjanskaja, who came to be honoured in the DDR, for her part of setting aflame the village Petrischtschewo near Moscow together with other mercenaries who followed the Stalin order.


Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther
jens holm

Thats NATO lies. You rotten CIAtrolls.

Yamil Perez

You really believe the RED Army had the capacity to fight the Germans and genocide their own population? Never go full tard its counterproductive…


” Russian partisans in German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within an area of 40 – 60 km in depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population.”

Yeah I’m sure Russian partisans had tens of thousands of SS uniforms and nothing better to do with these uniforms (let’s say infiltrate German positions) but to destroy civilian population?! Let me guess, Soviets in German bombers bombed Soviet cities? You really are retarded and equally desperate for attention for your nonsense.


Thank you, Hans von Töaster-Strüdl. Have another Hop Pocket as a reward.

Hitler Kaput

You have to be incredibly, unbelievably moronic to actually believe this stale Goebbelsian crap. But you are incredibly moronic. and completely mentally sick.


Nazi germany like the western media a very skillful at disinformation, din’t stop soviet from reaching berlin :)

Tom Bombastadillo

Hans, do not compare Soviet Union to today’s Russia. You just might be a dinosaur.


And yet you compare NATO to “Nazis”.

Tom Bombastadillo

All post WW2 government architecture in the USA is explicitly of the Fascist Style. Look at the buildings. There are fascist designs on US stamps from well after 2000. Yes, NATO are today’s Nazis.

jens holm

Nice to have this link too. I hope its not propaganda as well. Thamk You.

Jens Assholm

Get a room you two!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jens Assholm

Jens and Hans = Perfect couple.

Jens is gay and a closet nazi, Hans is nazi and a closet gay.

And both are retards 😀

Tom Bombastadillo

They can bunk up with Fritzzz and Yamil Perez.


Oh, if he is not faking then he didn’t get the message, russians know where you all are, expect some fireworks :)

Tom Bombastadillo

I can tell that the guy is lying out his A just from his facial expressions. That’s what a spoiled American liar looks like when he is lying. Remember that.


I’m the one with the extra salty balls, tell your mom I said Hi. She will know who I am.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

RAF there is another camp with volunteers 30 km from where you last bombed. Should be easy to find on the map. The info is from a mercenary who is there. Source Telegram Via HansGunther :-)

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Great comment. Very funny……

Iron Nappy of Israel (pedophile and proud)

Get on your Hans and suck my 🍆 dear Hans, and I promise to dildo your 💩 again!


The funny is, they still had mentality of easy win and media love to do that, show a dream of easy win but blocked other news channel reporting a reality on the ground. So they came in got scammed and fked about to got best western weapon but reality ukrop might be already sold it to ISIS or other kind thing for money

jens holm

There we go again now putting ISIS in it too. Its easy to see those Ukras still has some for themself and are getting more. Thye also can use them in a very well organized way.

We all know Ukras has overcrime and corruption. I dont think thats the point.

As for my country we has about 10.000 Ukras working here. They as a start take low paid jobs. The women are used to work and mix too. No women are in black tents home making food and children only.

So we in this welcome more and has meny vacant jobs for them after some time. Grown and children almost are in school from day one here.

We had overcrime from Ukra incommers. Those are not in my country anymore. Normal Ukras supporting Zelinsky dont like them in the same way as we do.

NONE ARE BLOCKED HERE. Only the Putin propaganda by Putin is not here.

Sahara Winds

In US the Joo MSM is claiming Ukraine is winning based on total made up lies. These wannabe mercenariy idiots believed that rubbish. Grown men believing such idiocy. That Ukraine could defeat a motivated Russian army. And then, that they as foreign mercenaries with no command structure and using small arms were going to arrive and make a difference! Being issued a rusty old second inventory AKM’s and sent out face Russian artillery or tank units! Whole new level of meaning to term “Useful Idiots.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Sahara Winds
Black Flag

Many of these westerners prioritized bringing their camera and go-pro equipment. They thought they were going to make mercenary adventure videos to publish online and play the role of self mythologizing heroes. They thought they were going on mercenary safari, out to eastern most Europe, to plink away with AKM’s at the ethnic Russian civilians and film it. The didn’t expect missiles up their asses on the first day there. Having seen hundreds of mercenaries missile fucked in first days they are now having a little rethink about it all!

Then there was Walli, the alleged Canadian superstar Special Forces sniper, who got killed within twenty four hours of arriving and never fired a shot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag

The NATO mercs should have stayed at home and played video war games instead. ‘Stay Safe’ NATO cretins. LOL

jens holm

Its very biased. The system for the written propaganda is clear.

The enemy is talked down being afraid, sitting ducks and of no use. And when they are or most of them are and do fight well, the ussual step is, those people are of non importance.

Thats how an indoctrinated memory card is. Control Alt delate. You hardly can see their behinds even they never had clothe on.

Sahara Winds

Very biased??! It’s based on first person accounts! Posted directly online! From the very idiots who went there without doing any research! And now they are running back to Poland pronto!

Last edited 2 years ago by Sahara Winds
jens holm

Shut up or I jens from kopenhagen will throw you in the head with rotten danish fish in vinegar. You punk.

Black Flag

Who will?! You…and your scaredy cat mercenary army?! The LOLZ, Jenny, the LOLZ!! ; )

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag
Tom Bombastadillo

Yeah, and you’ll save the rotten icelandic shark meat for yourself! Won’t you! ;)

basement in US embassy in poland

it is not over until rambo says so. these fukers watched too many rambo hollywood productions.

Hungary Guy

NATO, US, UK, ISISrael & Co. are unfit for real Combat. Their preferred enemies are 3rd Worl Countries’ barefoot peasants with AKs, max. RPGs. Anything above- is just too much for these “Heroes”


This is what I said from the start. All of these Barbie Tik Tok faggot soldiers are used to having superioir armour, artillery and air cover while fighting a sanctioned and broken country with no resistance. I predicted this 2 weeks ago when they first started to recruit people, and told that faggot jens and hasbara troll Yamil that this will be their fate. If they were Yemenese, Hezbollah, Al Shabi, IRGC fighters who are used to fighting while the enemy has air superiority, your game would be different…


really funny, they thought they were in afghanistan fighting a bunch of herder and farmers, in the face of a real adversaries, they running like headless chicken just like what happened in afghan airport


They knew they wouldn’t be. The west’s leadership is completely infiltrated and subverted by jewish interests, they use Europe and Anglo countries abroad as their golden cow with the intent of demonizing it and throwing it under the bus in favor of Russia and China.

1 min 37 secs: https://t.me/SurvivingWeimerikachat/92014

“2019 interview of Zelensky’s presidential advisor, Oleksiy Arestovych.

more proof this has been planned for many years.

he even says we need to do this to russia between 2020-22”

A number of these volunteers are going to be dead shortly, or cry their eyes out and attempt to flee.


Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

What the fuck is a queer like “Pidor” going to do, LOL


Run home and cry to his sugar daddy.

Sahara Winds

Pidor brought his high tech urban combat hoodie, in camouflage pink.

jens holm

He is verry cute. Maybe I also join NATO Frikorps :)


Look who else likes them younger


Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther
Hitler Kaput

Your daddy and your uncle fucked you one time too many you crazy psyho… actually your uncle IS your daddy :D

Your dead fuhrer loved very little kids, plenty of photos of him touching babies and groping little kids (almost as Joe Biden). He even molested his niece until she killed herself. Go join him in hell brainded moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hitler Kaput



Lol, the more russians are winning the stronger western propaganda becomes,lmao

jens holm

Thats Yuri gagarin. Laika got his non connected brain.

jens holm

If we are infiltrated by Jews I love it. So far Our well fare is doing well. We have the lowest corruption in the world. Wew have the best and most sober court system and the most trusted police.

We has a female Premiere Miinister, which run the country well by 25% of the PM and by that has to ask the rest of us before decidings.

After the frist chock we are between for Cowid and most people are vaccinated and we dont wear masks.

We export more to USA then we buy from them.

And the best might be we not even invented windpower as better and cheeper. 200 days a year it now covers 50% of Our electricity. We make more turbines because of the electric cars are comming.

Tom Bombastadillo

Mighty Denmark.

Tom Bombastadillo

What about all the stuff the Krauts took from you back around 1872 or so?


You are retarded. Jews spell the end of humanity, and in particular, the end of all aspects of non-Jewish civilization. They are a slaveowner “culture”, you (and I) are just cattle to them, to be slaughtered when no longer beneficial to them. Ignore your petty exports or whatever for a moment and try to see the bigger picture.


Did you notice that Red and Black flag with the Star of David on it? Hum? AshkeNAZIs?

jens holm

We also dont see Ukras as a golden cow. You really dont get the Western Economics.

We dont demonize Russia and China. They do it very well themself. Russia is relavent right now.

Sahara Winds

Current western economics is made on the petrodollar. A sophisticated financial scam to maintain the value and reserve currency status of US Dollar. Through system of artificial demand, as Dollars are needed to but international commodities. The subsequent recycling of those petrodollars from Saudi’s accounts back into the privately owned US Federal Reserve, that finances the next round of US public debt. And the use of same petrodollar system to internationally export US inflation from high debt levels and excessive money printing (used to fund a line of successive US wars since Vietnam, and the ongoing vastly expensive waves of regime change programs). That system will collapse at some point in future, as all dominant western reserve currency systems have eventually failed with time. Is just a matter of time and relevant events. To understand how vulnerable it is, the US destroyed minnow state Libya, because Qaddafi was going to create an African gold backed hard currency. For the purchase of infra-African oil and gas resources. This was such a threat because the currency had a real intrinsic value. It was not just paper or a digital ledger with nothing more than blind faith that it would hold its value tomorrow. The Qaddafi proposed currency would hold its value regardless, and thus other users would find it a safer place to hold and transfer value over time. This was such a threat that the US deemed it had to be stopped, and the Obama era US used NATO to bomb Libya into a shattered dysfunctional mess, that is still in civil war today. That is western economics 101.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sahara Winds
jens holm

You are a little barking big mouth rooster Yourself. By that You try to hide, there is no brain behind it. You dont need to. We all now parts of this site is driven by infections for Monsanta and people like them.

3rd Rome lmao

Three independent sources report that the deputy chief of Russia’s Rosgvardia (a unit of RU’s interior army which has had tremendous losses in Ukraine), Gen. Roman Gavrilov has been detained by FSB. Gavrilov had also previously worked in FSO, Putin’s security service.


Post your sources please, this is interesting if true.

3rd Rome lmao



Ukrainian news… Give me a break.

Yamil Perez

BS alert.

jens holm

Alexander Khinshtein first replacer says its not true. So far its a maybee.

3rd Rome lmao

My husband and his two daddies!


^ Yuri the clown.


Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther
3rd Rome lmao

^ Hans the Turd 💩 🚽


What is it with you jews and your obsession with feces? You enjoy ugliness and cannot stand what is good and wholesome. You beauty in the world and work to destroy it, then replace it with something ugly. You enjoy perverting everything good in this world and like doing so with irony.

Tom Bombastadillo

Well, take a pyramid representing the World Order. Now take an inverted pyramid representing the exaltation of the lowest along with the dimunitivisation of the highest. Now superpose that inverted pyramid over the original upright pyramid and what do you have.

You have the Star of David.

Toronto Tonto

Nothing but diarrhea from your shiteating retarded mouth.

3rd Rome lmao

yeah bitch,whatever 😀.

Tzatz Twatz

Your mother is a bitch, turd. Go back to her asshole and stink there.


Butthurt shit-eater 😆 All falling apart? That talk to the public yesterday seamed desperate.😂

Tzatz Twatz

Yes you are, always butthurt and and always shiteater – always begin to swallow some more shit from my butt. Open your filthy toilet mouth and swallow bitch! All! Do it now!

Know your meme

Do not worry my prince, The good news is Russian leaders have never and would never do anything to their military officers. They always treat them with great respect even in failure and arrange longterm holidays in Siberia or warm graves in Moscow. So, nothing to worry about 🤣.


Hello Hiand, you “Romanian” gypsy. As unhappy as you are, being shitty to others changes nothing. It only digs your rut deeper.

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

The only tremendous loss happened when you were ejected…


Russia is also based on Rome (eastern Rome). As were the Kievan Rus and the Bulgarian empire. The same can be said for the Holy Roman empire, the British empire and the American empire received inspiration from Romaios.

This mentality is identical to the Asiatic empires of antiquity that spanned from India to Anatolia and North Africa. All were very materialist and began to fall when they became exceedingly corrupt and decadent. Most of all, the race mixing destroyed their creative abilities that aided their demise.

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

As Mussolini said there is no such thing as “pure race”

Yamil Perez

Except for the Australian aboriginals.

Tom Bombastadillo

Have you checked what their average IQ is? Does that say anything about miscegenation? You decide.

jens holm

I disagree. Their problems came, when thy took Mecca and let in too much religion. All their science was knocked out.


Fake news coming from Ukraine it is being declared by Kremlin there’s nothing truthful about this

Black Flag

Western intelligence PSYCHOPS apparatus are in hyperdrive at present, take all such ‘reports’ with large grain of salt. These sorts of reports are very common practice in major wars – and understand NATO is at war with Russia here, just by proxy. These reports are designed to cause reinforce a narrative about what’s going on with the opposing side. The west’s officials want its public to think the Russians are in turmoil to aid the western agenda to spend billions in western taxes on sending arms to prop up a collapsing US sponsored Zelensky Regime.


Some will stay forever, that Canadian sniper Wali. May he rest in pieces.


Is that guy confirmed KIA?

Yamil Perez

Yup, blown to pieces. He lasted a whole 20 minutes.

Tom Bombastadillo

Too bad he didn’t have Turdeau (sp) in his backpack.

jens holm

I have seen no sources for he should be dead. I even mailed god yesterday.

Kadyrov is not here and in Kiev but in Grosney.

Iron Nappy of Israel (pedophile and proud)

Jensy I’m in your ass 24/7 🍆 you always smell of rotten cheese. I love rotten cheese 😘

Dark Asian Male

Remember that Russia is using proly less than 5% of its power and 10% of its will to completely carpet bombing cities and public facilities (which they never intend to do so, unlike the good ol NATZO). Those mercs who survived should start to see Things from the other side of story. Next war they fought will surely happen in their own backyard…. Nope complete wiped out of their country by Nuclear Missiles.

Yamil Perez

Oy vey why are you running? Come back, Steiner’s attack is coming and we will be saved!!


Yeah.. it felt a lot of different when you on the ground than when you commenting on the internet about how weak and lame those russian troops and thier tanks are. Ukraine will prioritize better weapon to thier troops rather than bunch of recently trained volunteers. Even if you do have experience, they cant put you on regular troop squad because language barrier. You probably grouped with other volunteers and your squad are as good as its weakest link.

jens holm

That might not be as true as You assume. The ukras are decentralized in organisations and has many small units with small leaders.

They are inpendent opportunists.

And hallo stupid: Everybody where I come form has English as second language. So my hopes are small but the be more then You almost insinuate.

Tom Bombastadillo

Foreign legions always get the worst end of the stick. Just look at WW2.


against one of the strongest armies in the world

Stopped reading here. Are you paid by russians? Or are you from some sort of shithole where t72, tos1, mig29, ka52 are strongest army in the world? Russians are fighting with equipment used in afghanistan in the 70s-80s


So is US. Military equipment except for drones didn’t change a lot in past 40 years. They only added new sensors( termal, night vision etc) but equipment is the same. So weapons are weapons and can be effectively used.


Imagine that! Russian forces using Cold War-era equipment are just smashing the NATO-trained and supported Ukrainians. What would happen if the Russians cut loose with all modern weapons? Yikes!

Toronto Tonto

Shitter, none of that was used in Afghanistan you utterly brainless and clueless imbecile, only T72 but not current version. Afghanistan wasn’t even in “70s” you absolutely retarded shiteater (USSR intervened in december ’79). American strategic missiles ICBMs, the most important weapon in any arsenal, were designed in 60s build in 70s. Abrams, F-15, F-16, Apache, all old systems literally from 70s, but upgraded ofc. And better than F-35 and other new garbage you fucking moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Toronto Tonto

Sorry bro Im high on LSD and captagon. Sometimes Im typing funny chit.


Sorry bro Im high on LSD and captagon. Sometimes Im typing funny chit.


You must be a fucking stupid clown!

Tom Bombastadillo

I’d say he must be being impersonated.

jens holm

I have see Ukra soldiers kind of laughing. The tanks are attacing with no soldier and airsupport just as by the T34 in WW2.

Here the Americans made most of the fuel by Bedfords and even helped mixing up the ruissian fuel with american high octane. Very mush of the communication equipment was from US.

After this USA should reorganized the Russian and its supply too.

jens holm

Their scientist has told them to put on pepper.


Victims of Western propaganda. I doubt whether even Western Special Forces types are used to sophisticated missile strikes.


This is the problem with fucking America. They make all their enemies like Russia, Iran and China look weak and say they use old or stolen American equipment and Americans eat that shit up. They think the USA is invincible and no other country is near NATO. All their morale dropped when they realized Russia isn’t fucking playing and isn’t weak. All of America’s enemies will die fighting them because what america did their economies. People are saying they should fight Iran because they still think Iran hit the consulate in Iraq, Iranians will literally kill themselves as sacrifices if it means letting Iran win. They ran in Saddams minefield to keep Iran safe, imagine what they’ll do America who’s sanctioned the fuck out of them, and doesn’t let them breath. Soon Russia will grow impatient like Iran did when sanctioned, and Russians will want to KILL nato troops.

Honestly it’s so sad, when Americans try to invade the country, they’re not going to expect it when the axis of resistance isn’t playing like how Russia isn’t playing in Ukraine


They all have been brainwashed by the fucking Western education and propaganda for a very long time.

Tom Bombastadillo

Not all of them.

jens holm

Actually we has very free medias and by debating in socalled PARLAmentarisme has speeks and votes about it.

By that we have seen the many sides of it and some has been very propagandansized too. But its side S.

And yes, we can be tricked too. But as we see today as well he results in life is much better.

The correct word is CONVINCED.

jens holm

Nato is not even in Ukraine. We were in Iraq asked and prayed for by the Govermenet there.


Russia should shift its focus on killing foreign fighters like the house they attacked. If foreigner bodies keep dropping, Russia will gain more respect because right now NATO countries think Russia is weak and Ukraine is winning, killing foreigners will change their minds


Russia is winning. They are slow because they don’t want to use scorched earth tactics like the U.S. usually does.


Yes I get that, but I’m saying they attack foreign troops to wake the rest of the world up and show them they’re not no paper tiger the west has shown them to be

jens holm

But there arnt foreign troops there moron. You can find some very few 1000 in the Asovs.

And thats it. Well it seemes there are incommers now.

None here why I live has talked about papertigers as well. In stead we are very well and sober well informaed about everybody there.

We have all medias about it and live journalist on both sides on live TV. Now most journalist are in west, but there still are some doing a sober job.

One related to FOX and his assistent was killed in the frontzone. Some Russians took out their car even it was named as journalist. So mjuch for the propaganda.


NATO countries do not think that at all. They know the truth, choose to feed their people garbage

Tom Bombastadillo

With NATO and MIC, it’s all about money. World peace, safety–nah, nothing else really matters to them. Only money.

jens holm

I dont think its garbage keeping Minsk 2 for well known reasons – but next show Our oppinions well by boycut.

We do whatever we can in that context and Denmark too.

jens holm

Russians dont decide that. ha ha ha.

An easuer job sould be to find russians not in their own country totally misguided.


I was in charge of projects in northern Iraq in 2004, after the US invaded and took over the country. As the security situation got worse, there were many people who thought to make a quick buck, as we hired experienced staff for our projects. I always asked candidates, what they see as the worst case scenarion, if something should happen to them. Most answered ‘getting killed’, and saw this as a reasonable risk to take for the 1200 US$ a day. I told them, that the worst case scenario is getting shot or attacked with an IED, but survive. Many injured I had to transport back were severely injured with loss of limbs, blinded, serious head and brain damage, or destroyed inner organs, who barely survived. When confronted with this unheroic perspective, many did reconsider. The problem is the biased media, painting the pictures of heros, totally excluding the ‘heros’, which have to live the rest of their miserable lives as criples, physicaly and menthaly.

Last edited 2 years ago by Selbstdenker
Tom Bombastadillo

$1200 per day of my taxpayer dollars. I would shoot them myself.


“The 550 would-be fighters that have arrived from Canada so far are part of a battalion based in Kyiv, said the representative of the International Legion for the Territorial Defence of Ukraine, who asked not to be identified for security reasons.” https://nationalpost.com/news/world/exclusive-so-many-canadian-fighters-in-ukraine-they-have-their-own-battalion-source-says


Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

Dead man walking…

jens holm

Eastern Bunny seemes not to be swimming in clyde.

Yamil Perez

Rats are leaving the sinking ship 🚢

jens holm

You are right. The majority of leavers are children. Next group are women having them.

Women should take over countries. Macho men has shown their qualifications well.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

jens holm

NOT A SINGLE WORD about those many, which are not running away. Thats very strange. There are so many examples for why people arrive but also leave.

Syria should be a very good example just as Iraq.

Its about the same for helping the civiliansn in trasportation, housing, medical care and fx intermistic schoools for the children. Those also get surprices ir chocked and some leave too.


piece of shit, thank you for entertaining us.

jens holm

We just dont see the ones joining.


Shouldn’t you be more worried about the Arabs and Africans raping your women?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


This is very good to see. Beautiful work Russia for putting these vermin in their place! Please continue and kill a bunch more, but leave some alive still to tell the tale of their doom to fellow retards in the west.

Klaus Meier

Warum werden nicht Schienen und Straßen aus Polen und Rumänien kommend ständig bombardiert? russ. Truppen in Transnistrien müssen ja auch dafür aktiviert werden.

Last edited 2 years ago by Klaus Meier
Arzt Injektion

Putin, Putin, Putin. All I hear all day is Putin. Gentlemen, if Putin is deposed the war goes on but probably in a lot more violent way. You will see a true war then. The leading opposition to Putin is the Communist Party. They blame Putin for being way to soft. They say the time to have recognized the two republics should have been back in 2014 or right after the civil war when the Ukrainian Army was obliterated. Waiting 8 years makes it far more costly.

Please educate yourself as to the politics in Russia. There are no liberal doves waiting to take Putin’s place.

Last edited 2 years ago by Arzt Injektion

Hahhaha, yeah. Putin is like the best option for the west. At least he was, but if u saw reporting from that generals, u can see how mad and sad for ppl killed are russian politicians, elites and all other ppl in power.

jens holm

I agree. They are kept because the alternative most likely will be chaos all over and the system makes no replacers.

Its typical for that kind of state.


Note to frequent commenters on this site: How cool that we are not being censored by some authority here in the comment section. However, consider that many of us might be referring this site to friends, family or other news sites, etc. exposing the BS of MSM. What are these new readers going to think of this site when it is chock full of hate and bigotry and homophobia, etc. – the full gamut of low life thinking?! Consider that.

Tom Bombastadillo

Too many people get into poop-slinging troll wars on such open forums but I just scroll past it all. That is MUCH BETTER than being censored. As for the sheeple you refer to, they must find their own way to water past all of the propaganda weeds and brambles.

For years all of America watched Don Rickles be an jutter bigot on MSM TV and then later Dickhead Cheney said “Go f*** yourself” to Patrick Leahy in front of everyone, so they are all used to it by now.

jens holm

I will say they dont want this

Black Flag

First photo looks like any standard weekend warrior air soft team! These guys are all going to get killed. If they don’t freeze to death first in their weekend warrior air soft camo tee shirts in the Ukrainian winter.

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag
Tom Bombastadillo

Man, it looks so miserable over there in Ukraine this time of year. I grew up in bleak freeezing cr@p like that here in USA and hate to be reminded of it.

I moved to broiling Mordor 24 years ago and it’s been just great.

jens holm

But later of the year You gott compensated.

I have moved north many years ago and now has a very short summer almost having 24 hours of sunshine. I can see the grass grow.

But when its dark in the midvinter its really very dark. So I has hobbies for inside the house and forget the outside for days.

So we learn. It was an improvement for me. I adapted well. It took time to get used to the wind, but is makes as lot of electricity by turbines.

Black Flag

North Dakota, Minnesota!?! Frosted hard ground and sweeping winds from north! Brrrrzzzzz! : 0

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag

Yeah. and the wind there is sick. Last 2 years it was the strongest in the world that is not categorised as huricane or cyclone

jens holm

Putin has gas.

jens holm

Its for show pictures only. None should rely those people are that when they again are in a frontzone.

Black Flag

Wrong. Look again at the first image, the mix of ages, the mix of fitness. They did not understand or research where they were going, the scale of the enemy they will face, or the scale of the conditions they will face.

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag
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