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Foreign Jihadists In Greater Idlib Stress Support To HTS In New Statement

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Foreign Jihadists In Greater Idlib Stress Support To HTS In New Statement

Fighters of the al-Qaeda-led Wa Harid al-Muminin operations room, Illustrative image.

Foreign Jihadists in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib stressed their support for al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in a joint statement released on June 18.

In the joint statement, the jihadists praised HTS for “supporting the religion and serving Mujahedeen” as well as for “preserving security” and “implementing Shari’a [Islamic law].” The jihadists noted in their statement that the group is not faultless.

“Supporting Hay’at is not a claim to infallibility or immunity to mistakes, nor a favorite a faction or a bigotry to a tribe,” the statement reads.

The unusual statement was signed by many prominent terrorists, including leaders in HTS’ own ranks like Abu al-Harith al-Masri, as well as the following groups:

  • The Turkistan Islamic Party [Uyghur jihadists];
  • Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad [Uzbek jihadists];
  • Liwa al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar [Caucasian jihadists];
  • Sham al-Islam [Moroccan jihadists];
  • Jzazrawiat al-Hay’at [Saudi jihadists];
  • Tajiki Jamat [Tajiki jihadists];
  • Muhajree Ahl al-Sunnah Min Iran [Iranian jihadists];
  • Jamat al-Alban [Albanian jihadists];
  • Jamat al-Maldives [Maldivians jihadists].

The statement was clearly meant to support HTS which is being criticized by ‘more radical’ al-Qaeda-affiliated factions in Greater Idlib.

HTS is now involved in conflicts with both Horas al-Din and Ansar al-Din. Both groups and defectors from HTS formed a new operations room in Greater Idlib earlier this month. HTS apparently sees this as a threat.


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Lone Ranger



Idlib is infested with these rodents,one of the last places where there is an infestation,screw ceasefires,the SAA and their allies should launch a massive operation with Russian air cover to liberate the area or there will be no peace ,Idlib will fester like a boil,lance it.

Icarus Tanović

No justice, no liberation, no peace.


Ok, so we can expect that finally Russia will man up and launch a neutron bomb on these cockroaches?

Icarus Tanović

Let’s hope so.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well done SF, I’m impressed.

The Turkistan Islamic Party [TIP] may be reaffirming their loyalty but I have to wonder what HTS will be thinking about their divided loyalties, they’ve got one foot in HTS and the other foot in the Rouse the Believers Operations Room, and you can’t have 2 masters, so who’s their master, HTS or Erdogan. If TIP members start disappearing or end up dead we’ll know HTS believes the TIP are more loyal to Erdogan, and I think they’ll start disappearing and winding up dead any time soon, because they are more loyal to Erdogan.

Liberal guy


Peter Jennings

‘Supporting Hay’at is not a claim to infallibility or immunity to mistakes’ I’m glad that they included that in their statement otherwise we may have gotten the wrong idea entirely. :)

We shall see just how much support they are talking of when the SAA turn up at their door.

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