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Foreign Jihadists In Greater Idlib Threaten HTS’ Security Forces In New Statement

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Foreign Jihadists In Greater Idlib Threaten HTS’ Security Forces In New Statement

Fighters of the al-Qaeda-led Wa Harid al-Muminin operations room, Illustrative image.

Foreign jihadists in Syria’s Greater Idlib released a statement on August 22, threatening the security forces of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which fully controls the region.

In the statement, the jihadists accused HTS leader, Abu Mohamad al-Julani, of “betraying” and “selling” them, vowing to attack the checkpoints of his security forces.

“We inform you that you are targets for us as long as you help the oppressor against the oppressed … This is a warning and a threat for you to leave this disgraceful work,” the statement reads.

The jihadists also called on HTS to release Horas al-Din commander Abu Omar Manhaj, who was arrested after the recent battle between the group and the Fa Ithbatu Operations Room, as well as American journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem and British aid worker Tauqir Sharif.

Sharif was allegedly arrested for “mismanaging” relief funds and supporting some projects that “incited division” in Greater Idlib. Abdu Kareem was arrested for promoting Sharif’s cause. Both men were arrested by HTS’ security forces earlier this month.

HTS was recently accused by activists in Greater Idlib of pressuring foreign jihadists in order to appease the West, mainly the U.S.

The new statement by foreign jihadists highlights these accusations, which appear to be close to reality. None of HTS fighters or commanders were killed or injured in the recent U.S. drone strikes on Greater Idlib.


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Hopefully they kill each other like true muslims ;)


That’s what HTS gets for being the ones handling all the “aid” of Turk/NATO global Zioterrorists give their Ziowahhabi useful idiots. Ain’t easy to be the leader of the CIA’s pawns.

Jens Holm

Not all there are as stupid in this as You.

johnny rotten

Mercenary thugs, hired in dollars and prizes such as free looting and rape, religion is just the cover, the principals are the usual suspects, even they have nothing to do with religious motives, same shit promoters and hit men.

Jens Holm

Dollar is real money. Do they fight for zink?


Not Zink but Rhodium (much more expensive than gold) Dollar is fiat, soon to be worthless, paper currency.

Rhodium – $2,930 per ounce


Of course Wahhabi-Salafism is the main motivating factor in their murderous jihadist terrorism. Wahhabi-Salafism also known as Takfirism is a brutal, genocidal religious doctrine that emanates from Saudi Arabia.


that emanates Zionists through Saudi Arabia

I think that Saudi regime is just Zionist shop window and their curtain where they hide behind.


There is indeed an alliance between the two now but Saudi Wahhabists and similar jihadists, like Tukroaches have been chopping heads, stoning pple and terrorizing infidels for centuries, long before this new alliance.


Tukroaches : ) nice touch.






This situation can’t last forever.

It would take few targeted assassinations (by special ops) that they start killing each other exchanging accusations who started it and why. As time passes by Idlib will become ungovernable Because there are too many illiterate, primitive, violent terrorist low lives mercenaries and killers at one small place. And “forces of order” are terrorist also so the HELL would brake loose if they start shooting from all sides…


Seattle 2.0 :)

Jens Holm

Maybee You could become Pope in Iran.


I am Pope the Pedo First.

Bring your little children and sit them on my lap to share some religious moments.

Jens Holm

So many children has no father and mother


You defiantly are autistic Jens. It’s like talking to the tree.


You see, Jen’s brain works in mysterious ways. What he meant was, there are many orphans that perverts prey on.

In his sentences there are some fragments of connections to the subject at hand here and there, although in the most bizarre way and incomprehensible. You must be an excellent code-breaker to understand half of what he writes… And then the moment you understand him, it makes you angry. Just like when it was just gibberish!


I bet my new shorts that you are one of those enigma cracking guys !

It takes insane passion to “read” infinite flat line of Yens brain es if it is really working and showing something apart from being in permanent non movement in appearance. And to analyze that on the top?!

You like to discover the smallest least visible details that hardly differ from one big nothing. That you analyze them in most methodical way there is with nano precision and making whole new picture that was invisible to common people. Maybe you are antipodal to Jens and that is why he fascinates you? Sorry if I got personal. Intuition makes me speak many bizarre things…sometime.


I’m not interested in your shorts, please don’t bring your underwear to discussion.

Sigh… All you could gather from my comment was that I am bragging about code breaking? And you call him autistic while my sarcasm went over your head?

Don’t get aggressive-defensive on me. Jens here is a pastime for many of us, there’s even bi-weekly contests: “Who mimics Jens best” and “Who makes funniest replies to Jens”.


I guess you do not like my comment. No it was not about your “bragging”(I didn’t even notice that you were “bragging”) Apart your “shorts” phobia…

If you want me to be perfectly honest I was not interested at all about the content of your comment.

Specially because it was psychoanalysis of Jens . So neither psychoanalysis interests me (I find it boring) or even less what in Jens head is happening and why….So I have tried to make it interesting (for myself) by making the story out all of that…utterly childish I know but that’s me.

So what I did is “passive aggressive”? Right or wrong analyzing Jens was not for me.. I personally would never ask myself about what is in his head under no circumstances. So if that is only your (and not only yours pass time) so be it. No big deal


It’s not your reply that I don’t like, it’s your rude manners. Each to their own but hey, “Ignore” was invented for this kind of situations, right?


Lets say I am “rude” person by your and maybe some other people standards. It is not something that makes me happy, it is my way to deal with this world.

Huge majority of the people on this forum play by their own rules so I do the same. Therefore I can’t be bothered to please everybody (even if that “everybody” is sometime majority)

I never ask myself what bothers me about other people unless they go over the top and don’t give me any other choice. Being nice and genuinely good person is always interpreted as weakness and taken advantage of. So I rather prefer to be on the harsh side than too soft.


But its good for gasolin prices as well. You dont know what you talk abot. not many pinnguins in tropics.


” HTS was recently accused by activists in Greater Idlib of pressuring foreign jihadists in order to appease the West, mainly the U.S.”

This is yet more proof why US drone strikes are currently killing ‘cannibals’ who refuse to bow to the US preferred cannibals. :)

Let the infighting begin. I have a new bag of popcorn

Jens Holm

Its so funny. Much like USA does averything and the rest do nothing haha. Maybee they are on opium donated by zionists and khazars in USA as well and CIA has logistics by ISIS tunnels.

cechas vodobenikov

your confusion amuses; your ignorance does not conflate with inaction…..paradoxically, much of what the USA is self defeating—reflected in the recent UN vote, a humiliation for the USA


West has spent too much money for practically non existing results and disastrous situation in “rebel” ranks. Without those direct US interventions, Syria would be free today. it seams that they knew well Russian and Iranian limits and they took advantage of that in for them right moment to act.


The funny thing is, that US cities are now being ripped apart by rival gangs. There was another riot in Seattle last night.


I just wander for how long they can continue like that because situation in US will go from bad to worse. And they keep pushing their wars and ignore huge growing problem at home….

Maybe they hope that people from Seattle will enlist in army and go to Afghanistan or Syria to escape from violence at home : )


That’s a bloody good idea. Yemen would be generally warmer in winter than Afghanistan though :) Do you know what the Visa requirements are to live in Yemen?


Are you serious?

If you are non-Muslim and have regular European looks (specially – white face, blond hair ) I don’t think that would be very good idea even to go there let alone try to stay longer. You could run into trouble very quickly.


Yemen would be safer than London Paris or Seattle :)


on second taught you might be right :)

cechas vodobenikov

media reports riots in Denver, Portland, Minneapolis also—sott.net reports this…it does reflect my politics; however they report a great deal not found elsewhere


Rat on Rat violence,carry on you Apes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The new statement by foreign jihadists highlights these accusations, which appear to be close to reality. None of HTS fighters or commanders were killed or injured in the recent U.S. drone strikes on Greater Idlib.”

That’s a start SF, now keep up the disclosures and tell your readers even more, explain to them exactly who the foreign Jihadists actually are and what they actually want. Most of the foreign Jihadist in Idlib belong to HTS banner but about a third of them don’t, and those that don’t operate under a Turkish banner instead. There are 2 separate opposition governments operating in Idlib now, one of them is called the Salvation Government and the other is called the Syrian Interim Government [SIG]. The Salvation Government is supported by HTS and it’s affiliated factions and the SIG is Turkey’s love child, the SIG have international support and are legally recognized [by the Astana agreements and resolution 2254] as moderate opposition forces but the Salvation Government is designated an internationally recognized terrorist organization. So who actually supports the Turkish backed SIG, who around the world is helping the SIG to maintain control of Idlib, are you ready for the truth that SF refuses to disclose to you all, here it is, the Russians, the Iranians, the Turks, the US, and the UN all help the SIG. The US helps with drone strikes, the Russians help them politically [Astana agreements/resolution 2254], and with deals to reopen the M4 highway, and the Iranians were helping them with political support [Astana agreements/resolution 2254], and cheap oil and gas imports as well, [but Turkey has recently stopped buying cheap gas from Iran and now buy expensive gas from the US instead], and the UN of course by sending in heaps of humanitarian aid. And who is actually opposed to the Turkish backed SIG, are you all ready for a shock, it’s the Arab League and Israel, they’re the only 2 parties who don’t want resolution 2254 to go ahead, just like Assad they think the SIG is just a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, and they know that once the political process finally ends the Turks will end up controlling a huge chunk of Syria, and neither party want that to happen. So what do the foreign Jihadist this article is referring to really want, and why are they really upset with HTS and their own SIG, if you want to know I’ll tell you. They’re upset with Russia and Turkey because they were designated as terrorists according to the old Astana agreement, and now they want a new agreement that recognizes them as a legitimate opposition force, that’s why they’re opposed to the M4 reopening, they want to stall the political process until they can work out a deal to save themselves, even though they actually work for Erdogan they still rigorously apply pressure on him to get a better deal from Russia and Iran, SF continually blames HTS for playing a role in the anti Turkish/Russian protests when in fact most of the protests are organized by members of the Turkish backed SIG themselves. HTS doesn’t want the highway reopened either but they do nothing to stop it happening, they just sit back and try to avoid any trouble with Russia and the SAA, they’ve actually been as quiet as church mice recently, it’s actually the Turkish backed factions making all the trouble now. And why do the Turkish backed terrorist factions hate HTS so much now, why have they become so hostile to their old ally, it’s because the HTS Salvation Government is doing deals with Assad and leaving them out in the same way Turkey did with Russia and Iran. HTS does trade deals with the Syrian Government which helps to sustain their revenue, they do deals to swap prisoners and open checkpoints, and they’ve ceased any form of aggression against the SAA full stop, HTS NEVER ATTACK THE SAA ANYMORE, it’s just the so called Turkish backed moderate opposition and their terrorist allies who do that now, so the Turkish backed terrorist factions [not the moderate opposition] have been left out in the cold by everyone and they resent it. The HTS backed Salvation Government controls about 75% of occupied Latakia, Hama, Idlib, Aleppo and the SIG controls the rest, so the internationally recognized SIG has far less influence and support than the Salvation Government has, and curiously the Syrian Government does deals with the terrorists but not the internationally recognized SIG, so you’d think that SF should be explaining the reasons this has happened but they never do, it’s a secret only I try to explain, they don’t want you to know there’s very little difference between the US policy for Syria and their own. The simple truth is Assad favours working with HTS to weaken Turkish influence over Idlib, and Russia instead works to promote Turkish influence, that’s a complete opposite approach to solving the political problem, but no one knows there’s a problem because SF never tells us there’s one, I do though, but no one listens to me, oh well I do try.

The original version of resolution 2254 legitimized the US occupation of northern Syria by recognizing the political rights of the autonomous Government, it didn’t just recognize the rights of the Turkish backed SIG, so whenever I read pro Russian or pro Iranian comments that criticise US involvement in Northern Syria I have to smirk, it was their resolution 2254 that first officially recognized the autonomous Governments right to exist in the first place, they let the US slip through the same door the SIG were allowed through.

cechas vodobenikov

what does the US do? they bomb sand dunes and claim this is ISIS….they r require to waste money and justify attacking women and children in order to ensure that macdonald’s employees have zero health care and receive at least 5 pesos per hour

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