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Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine. Kiev’s Road To Abyss

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Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine. Kiev's Road To Abyss

Foreign mercenaries in Ukraine

According to reports received from the official media, as well as from those involved in the conflict in Ukraine from the allied forces of Russia and the LDPR, there is a trend of widespread use of foreign mercenaries on the side of the AFU.

On February 27, 2022, the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine was founded by order of President Vladimir Zelensky. It consisted of mercenaries from both NATO and post-Soviet countries, such as Georgia and Belarus.

There is also more and more information about the participation in the war of representatives of U.S. satellites, such as Britain, France, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Turkey, etc. Unfortunately, information about participation often appears after such people have been captured by Allied forces.

Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine. Kiev's Road To Abyss

Belarusian pro-Western mercenaries in Ukraine

Moreover, the leaders of countries whose citizens are mercenaries appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to treat them humanely. For example, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already done so when he appealed to the Russian authorities to treat his citizens with mercy.

Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine. Kiev's Road To Abyss

British mercenary Aiden Eslin is a prisoner of war in the allied forces of Russia and the LDPR

However, there is more and more information about the presence of cadres of NATO countries in Ukraine. As early as February 9, 2021, the Verkhovna Rada passed a law allowing foreign military personnel to enter Ukraine to participate in full-scale military exercises. This legislative platform gave NATO countries military personnel the right to be present on Ukrainian territory and was a consequence of the provision of the Ukrainian Constitution on striving to join the North-Atlantic alliance.

“Polish mercenaries and regular military personnel have long and willingly fought in Ukraine. It is much easier for Poland and other NATO countries to send already trained Alliance military personnel to Ukraine than to retrain Ukrainian ones. Without the intervention of Western specialists, the weapons supplied to Ukraine will not shoot and drive by themselves.” This statement was made by Polish political analyst Konrad Renkas.
“It is known that citizens of the Republic of Poland are already fighting in Ukraine, and they are not show volunteers, but mercenaries and military personnel sent there by order. The participation of foreigners in the conflict will grow because the equipment and weapons sent in bulk to the Kiev authorities will not shoot themselves. The tragedy for Ukrainians is that in this situation hostilities may continue until the last Ukrainian soldier is sent to the front in the criminal plans of Kiev and the West. Even then, however, Ukraine will not cease to be a battlefield, because Poles, Canadians, Brits and others will continue to fight in Ukrainian uniforms, just to support this blazing fire”.

Moreover, among some members of the U.S. military lobby, the view is spreading that NATO’s participation in the war on the side of Ukraine should be expanded.

The former head of the U.S. Special Operations Command in Europe, Mike Repass, is a military adviser to the Armed Forces and in his opinion supplies of Western weapons to Kiev are not effective enough.
In this regard, the retired general believes that NATO should prepare and send a 40,000-strong group of Ukrainian troops to Ukraine “to conduct offensive operations to dislodge the Russians.”

“We need the U.S., France, Poland, Britain and Germany to each create a Ukrainian military unit equivalent to a brigade. These countries have enough military potential, so they will be able to form Ukrainian military forces, equip and train them on their territory.”

Repass is confident that with NATO equipment, air defense equipment and support from Western aviation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will begin to fight more effectively against the Russian armed forces in a “Western style”.

Thus, the West is not currently in the mood for the resumption of dialogue between Ukraine and Russia, but provokes an escalation of the conflict in every possible way, without getting directly involved in it.


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Muhammad your Prophet

That’s a good question. What happened to all the mercenaries that Putin the terrorist cockroach brought from Syria? Did they crawl back to their hellhole in the desert already?


No, they are currently busy fucking your mother.

Muhammad your Prophet

My mother? Who would want to fuck that? The Putin cockroaches will really rape anything that moves, don’t they? I can buy them a monkey so they can gang rape it.


Wait a minute … you have a mother? WTF??? I always assumed you were littered like a dog in existence just to annoy us. Son of a gun! Well … she did a very, very bad job rising you to that waste of a human you display yourself every day to us. Do you have any other important information for us to explain you complete lack of a soul in your, most probably, puny body? Please share!

hunter bidé lab pork !

fake moamed was born from zelonsky and adolf is got no mother !!! is the santa Klaus the psico pedo !!!


These are not Nazi trolls, these are the Mossad Information Operations Troops. The Israeli military is talking to you from different accounts, each with at least 200 accounts. They create the appearance of resistance, and therefore you don’t need to answer, like, minus them, you just need to ignore them, and don’t energize! only then will they be powerless and useless




Monkey? He didn’t say your sister, he said your mother.


This is uncanny! that is exactly what the guy in the bazaar said to them.

Ze Z

What happened?


They were just training the rookies.


Is it not possibel to think as a normal human pour vous, you are just writing about nothing, and do not use the name of Mohamed !

Glory to the Vodka People!

Those are not mercenaries, they are called “Allies”. Anyway they prefer Captagon over Krokodil and Russia is too poor for Captagon.

Muhammad your Prophet

You’re right. They’re not mercenaries. They’re allies who came to Ukraine to stop the Putin terrorist cockroaches from raping Ukranian women and children.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Jason Meaden

Repeating insults is not gonna change the situation at the front lines. Ukraine doesn’t stand a chance with or without the West’s assistance, so better end this sooner than later to save lives and infrastructure.

Ze Z

So you’re jealous because you’re not the one being raped?

John vishnekskaya

It is always disappointing when comments such as yours destroy the whole point of having comments in the first place. The purpose of the comments section is to create intelligent, respectful and thought proving conversation. You clearly do not have the ability to understand this.

Greetings, Mu

FYI….you’re such a POS, I can’t even begin to count the ways.

You MoFos will continue to shell and slaughter civilians in the Donbass to this very day, until you’re TOTALLY exterminated. On that day, I will celebrate for a week straight. You and your ilk are spawned of the Devil himself.

Go FUrself, you sick POS.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greetings, Mu

Putin didn’t bring anyone the Syrians offered and now are kicking Nazi cowards


Simple,they didn’t bring any,now fuck off.

Muhammad your Prophet

Maybe you’re right about that since the Russian army is always stiffing its soldiers out of their money. You can’t call them Syrian mercenaries. More like Syrian slaves.

Glory to the Vodka People!

Tonk mov!



It could be stated quite accurately that your comment is that of a meager cockroach.


They are fucking all your zio Jewish women because you Jew male worms are born with tiny swivel deformed dead dicks because of years of inbreeding and goat shagging


Treat the foreign mercenaries with a good helping of home cooking! Give the “missile sandwich” they deserve. Maybe a “BOGO” on body bags for the imported trash!

Glory to the Vodka People!

Russia is complaining every day that the war will take longer. Maybe they should act like men first.


As the US did, eveytime. Sonhere we are playin high school head games. Doesn’t change a thing.

Siberia for the internationals or bodie bags. Either way.


Good idea, to send some NATO goons to fight and start WW3, just because the western-backed Ukrainian Nazi terrorists are failing very badly. Russia should have no problem to send a few more cruise missiles to wipe them out like they did before. This is again a public sign that the west is failing to achieve any goals from their involvement. They lost a ton of money betting on the Nazis, they have created another failed state and they clearly don’t know how to get out. Russia can destroy EU simply by refusing to deliver their much needed gas and oil. Those big-mouths in the west are very desperate to spin up things by putting out bluffs every day. They really think they have seen what Russia has to offer … the did not see anything yet. There are several ways Russia can kick their butt to finally recognize reality. Like I said, the just have to cut them of from gas and plunge them right into a state of middle-age times.


For such a poor country, fighting a bordering military superpower, the Ukrainians aren’t doing that bad at all


They were finished after 2 weeks. They only exist because of the support from their masters. Ukraine is bankrupt and not able to function as a economy. Russia did what they told they will do. Ukraine is a failed state already. Russia is controlling the battlefield and has reached a very acceptable kill ratio. While Ukraine is loosing man, hardware and territory, Russia will keep this pace as long as they need. As some point Ukraine will have to realize their losses and finally accept the truth. As long as things look peachy for Russia’s SMO this will go on as planned, regardless if Ukrainian army is holding on longer or not to some front-line. They are really just prolonging their inevitable defeat.

Glory to the Vodka People!

Lots of excuses :)


In 2014 after the American coup , America immediately did steal the 30 ton gold from Ukraine. Ukraine has the order to fight till the last men did die …. for nothing.


2014 Biden flow in whit 300 blackwater mersenaries to start killings on the 2 sides, the security people and the protesters. So the us can say, look they are killing there own people. And yes, he flew out whit all the gold from the national bank. Everywere they got in, they always steale the gold. the same in 1945. Some day Merkel askt for her gold, the yankees sead all is vaporised.


O no real a nice game are you just stupid, or do you not count dead people, O yes they are not American, thats why I like some Nukes !

Wishing for stability

They had NATO supplying them with weapons and training for 8 years they had a 250k army ( 3x the size of the British army) with 600k reserves 10 times more tanks and artillery than the British army. So hardly weak.

They were promised NATO and EU membership and support if they started a war with Russia.

Jason Meaden

It’s actually pretty bad because they have engaged in a lot of false flag operations killing their people for which there are dozens of video testimonies… so as an outsider it’s hard for me to look at them in a positive light.

Glory to the Vodka People!

Then why Russia still send the gas?

Wishing for stability

Cos NATO stole all their money ($ 300BN) and they need the money


Really? Because that makes everyone who receives their gas Russia’s B**CH :-) Do you really need everything explained?


Here is an interesting article discussing the weak points of NAYOYO economic sanctions. The basic point is that financial statistics represent a strong economy just as the Pentagon budget represents a strong military. Russia is a dominant source of energy, commodities and industrial input resources. Europe simply can’t survive long without Russian trade. The day when the White West could take whatever they wanted for whatever price they decided was ‘fair’ are over. This war is the last defence of Western privilege and colonialism.

Financial war takes a nasty turn — https://www.goldmoney.com/research/goldmoney-insights/financial-war-takes-a-nasty-turn?gmrefcode=gata


Satan is the god of this world and zionists are his tool


Deception rules our world


NATO, NATO nations, they use their own armies plus mercenaries plus foreign militant mercenaries like ISIS & Al Qaeda. Russia, China & Iran could also have a group and or groups who are not officially in their military but who wage clandestine war against NATO nations and NATO. They can down aircraft carriers and ships, they can down aircraft. They can steal Polish tanks, be equipped with NATO supplied weapons. They can minimise loss of life to civilians and have select targets. These nations can wipe their mouths and say, what, you are accusing Us of backing terrorist groups like you back ISIS, other terrorists organisations and the loyalist paramilitarys in Ireland, NI? These NATIONS could say but We are not having any problems with terrorism. They could be called Knights, they should be against NATO but also against all the nations which support NATO. They should also behave like Knights and do things like deliver food parcels. The public in our world will LOVE them, respect them and be enthralled by them. We will prefer and trust them against our own Western, European and English speaking governments

Glory to the Vodka People!

Btw why are fires every day in Russia?

Porc halal

Because they have plenty of gas to burn, maybe?! … what kind of silly question is this ??


They have nothing to do with humanity, nothing with the Oekraïne, just killing for money, if they work in een abatoir – slautherhouse, no mercy for them, their end is near, its not normal this kind of human, p^sychopaats they are !

Isambard Prince

Let Repass lead from the front. To show “courage”…


Boom: https://t.me/russianhead/2874


They are not POW’s; they are not lawful combatants and neither deserve nor should be given any of the rights afforded legal combatants.

José Oliveira

Don’t be an idiot. Any POW should be treated by side A the same way that sides wants his own men to be treated when they are POW of side B.

Russia is giving a decency lesson to the Abu Ghraib scum of USA, and at the same time giving Kiev a reason to order the NeoNazis to try to behave like humans when Russians are captured.

We can’t do anything for those fallen in battle, but we, humans, have the obligation to treat the POW as if they were our kids, brothers, or fathers.

War is already an ugly thing by itself. So, we don’t need to also lower our level by behaving like the NeoNazi pigs.

As an anti-fascist portuguese, I want all NeoNazis dead or jailed for life, bit I don’t want russian soldiers to become criminal beasts by torturing them. We already have enough criminal beasts in USA and Ukraine and, as it seems, in Canada, UK, Australia and very likely in Poland.

Thank you for 1945, and now thank you again for this. And remember: not all westerners belive in Pentagon’s propaganda, not all westerners are pro-NATO, many westerners are anti-USA imperialism, and the number of westerners knowing the truth about Kiev’s regime and Azov’s ideology is growing every day. And the propaganda reached such a level, that it’s starting to backfire.



The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !




Burnt Kiev Chicken.


NATO has been integrating its active duty military personnel and ‘retired’ military personnel into the command and control structure of the AFU since joint training exercises began, shortly after the coup of 2014 in Kyiv. Anyone who believes that these personnel are not involved in active combat operations (in one way or another) is not being honest. The ‘40,000 troop’ thing is exactly the same suggestion that the Obama administration offered in regards to the Syrian conflict, an offer which was denied.


“..and support from Western aviation..”

Someone is looking to have his home country nuked. Whats the matter, triple leveraged real estate and want it swept away?

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo
Glory to the Vodka People!

Putin is a pussy


These corporate paid shills in uniform will do whatever their paymasters want. That said, they should also have someone explain to them that, just like a shipment of missiles, a group of soldiers can also be eliminated. Just as before, when Russian gave these mercenaries a taste of real warfare, not the kind the west is used to. The kind where they obliterate everything in their path because they can, without much in the way of deterrence. This war puts the shoe on the other foot and they run home. Too bad those civilians these assholes slaughtered in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghan and Libya didn’t have that option. Those that could flee, went to EU and elsewhere. This is where the EU nightmare began. Now Russians will end the nightmare…the one called NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
jeff montanye

no problem that they don’t speak ukrainian or russian or will not qualify for geneva convention treatment if captured? talk about your unlawful combatants. laws for thee but not for me.

Ragnar Jonsson

They will also be de-nazified, no worries.


“Moreover, the leaders of countries whose citizens are mercenaries appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to treat them humanely. For example, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already done so when he appealed to the Russian authorities to treat his citizens with mercy.”

They should be returned in black bags so that every other psycho can see firsthand what is waiting for them. Also, can’t wait for Ruskies to start pulling bodies of dead nato/nazi scum from basements of Azovstal. If that’s too hard, just collapse buildings on them, let them be buried alive.

MAD Magazine

What’s that on his arm?

Happy Days with a scope’s crosshairs?

So he went on a human hunting expedition in Donbass and was so excited, he tattooed it on his arm, is that correct?

Send him home right away as he asked, in a body bag. And send his mums the bill.


Just a fat imbecile. I find it very curious that both he and the other middle-aged crazy Limey that was captured both worked in the CIA Kurdish project previously. Somebody makes it real easy for these dipshits to get around.

Dick Von D'Astard

The bankrupt collective West can’t really maintain this war for too much longer. Russia can always escalate far more than Washington, London or Brussels would be able to endure. Ukraine is just turning into a bottomless pit that they had hoped would manacle the Bear for them and force a humiliation climb down from Russian opposition to Nato expansionism east. It hasn’t it won’t.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

It is most important to identify Western mercenaries who are in Ukraine. We here in West Europe can use are own networks to gather as much information and details as possible. All we need is a name and an area or family address. Also mercenaries should Not be granted POW status! The family’s of the Western mercenaries in Ukraine should be subjected to the same treatment their mercenaries have inflicted on the civilian population of the LDPR and the ethnic Russian population of East and Southern Ukraine


Troll, it was Putin and Russia. More horseshit from idiots and the king of terrorists US and NATO. it is no hidden secret along with biolabs in Ukraine and world over. The perception of good guy left long ago and the indispensable US is long gone down the toilet and history.

The maharaja

Is this really news? or story worthy? For 70 plus days we have heard about it in every story its a given. What might help would be to show that the ones you have captured got a 77 year prison term in Siberia?

What might also help is if Russia decided to use more men of her own? That all being said this is just a filler story like many others. Russia is not that worried about it and as such makes no official moves to counter it. The actual Russian government and Army seem to be ok with what they have. They also seem ok with torching these types in their barracks. So unless Russia has something to say this is just dribble he said she said. filler.


Why can’t southfront add an ignore user feature? That would take care of the trolls.


Almost half a million men lost at Verdun to the French army in ww1 history repeats itself with the Kiev regime sending tens of thousands of young men and even boys and elderly men to fight in a conflict they know they can never win. We say to the men of the Ukrainian army go home to your family’s you are being used by trillionair bankers and their puppet politicians they care not for you or Ukraine


The west went all in with sanctions, weapons and intel supply. After all that, the war was not stopped and the progress of Russia in Ukraine have been slowed but not stopped. Grab your teddy bear and hug it because there is no more hope for the US. Throwing money at Puppet Zelensky isn’t working and now all that’s left is social media victories.


Soon the tranny amerikkkan army will be on the march!

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