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MARCH 2025

Foreign Mercenaries: Kiev Regime’s War Is Full Of Corruption, Deceit And Dirty Deals

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Foreign Mercenaries: Kiev Regime's War Is Full Of Corruption, Deceit And Dirty Deals

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With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, President Zelensky launched a full-scale campaign to attract foreign military volunteers to strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Citizens of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Israel were among the first to arrive. Later, entire squads of foreign soldiers of fortune were formed, equipped with the most advanced Western weapons. However, it soon became clear that this war is not ‘a walk in the Ukrainian fields’ but a fierce battle under condition of Russia’s air dominance.

The places of deployment of fighters of the Ukrainian International Legion are regularly hit by the Russian military. However, it turned out that Russian strikes are not the only challenge to foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. Upon returning home, those of them who survived told about many other problems they faced in the war-torn country.

One of such problems revealed by foreign veterans of Ukrainian war is that the Ukrainian military command often attempts to use foreign mercenaries as cannon fodder, sending them on suicide missions in the most dangerous areas on the front lines.

According to a veteran of special operations forces from Australia, if Ukrainian officers had a personal grudge to the foreigners, they could send soldiers to a minefield without warning about the danger threatening them.



Another big problem the foreigners faced is the corrupt nature of the Ukrainian military. There are many evidences of mercenary funds falling into the hands of the Ukrainian military and SBU officers.

Troy Offenbecker, a US veteran, claimed that members of the International Legion were not paid as the money settled in the pockets of Ukrainian commanders:



According to foreign veterans, they witnessed dirty deals when anti-tank weapons handed over by the West were secretly reloaded and disappeared to an unknown destination. Another member of the Ukrainian International Legion confirmed that NATO anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons constantly disappear, but the Kiev regime does nothing against their entering the black market.

He says: “Looks like they (Ukrainian officers) steal at all levels”.





Another veteran agrees with his comrade, noting that foreigners were not paid for the destruction of Russian vehicles and aircraft despite the fact that they were promised to be awarded with a lot of money like the Ukrainian servicemen do.

On the front lines, the fighters were often sent on missions without any radio communications and artillery support.





In addition, fighters of the International Legion draw attention to the broad support of the local population to the Russian army in Donbass.

Residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, despite threat of punitive actions of the Ukrainian military, provide full support to the Russian forces.

“The majority of the population is with the Russians and many leak to them the location of the Ukrainian troops, who are ambushed and annihilated” – said one of the veterans.

Another mercenary admits: “…there is a really serious issue with so many pro-Russian civilians… it’s hard to say how they (Ukrainians) conduct fight against all those spies if you can call them like that”.

Numerous evidence confirm that the Kiev regime is deploying a large-scale effort to identify citizens who supported the Russian military or just synthesized Russia. For example, in late September 2022, footage of the massacre of local residents in Kupyansk by Ukrainian Nazis shocked the Internet. So far, a lot of videos showing the pro-Russian civilians in the Kherson region have been proudly shared by Ukrainians online.

However, the foreign fighters confirm that the majority of civilians in the war-torn regions have pro-Russian views and attempt to support the Russian military.




Kiev is accusing Russia for destroying civilian infrastructure and purposely targeting civilian facilities like schools, hospitals etc. The reason for Russian strikes on these facilities was clear since the very beginning of the Russian military operations in Ukraine. They are used by the Ukrainian military as military bases, warehouses, temporarily deployment points and for other military purposes.

The member of the International Legion confirmed that his group had been stationed by the Ukrainian command in schools since he came to the war-torn country.



US mercenary Justin Banse, who joined the Azov battalion, confirms the commitment of many Ukrainian soldiers to Nazi ideology. 

He emphasizes that the American media do not want to show this to their citizens: “… they want Ukraine to look very, you know, I call it family friendly”.




According to all the facts confirmed by foreign mercenaries, the reality of the war in Ukraine is fundamentally different from the image presented by the Ukrainian and Western propaganda which is aimed to attract former marines and combat veterans from different countries.

The majority of mercenaries left the war-torn country in the first months of hostilities. For example, back in March 2022, members of the American PMC Forward Observation Group hastily left Ukraine after a missile strike on their deployment site.

Foreign Mercenaries: Kiev Regime's War Is Full Of Corruption, Deceit And Dirty Deals

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The interviews with the foreign mercenaries revealed that the activities of the Ukrainian International Legion involve many difficulties that are not directly related to the hostilities in the war zone. More than nine months have passed since the beginning of the war, but the problems of interaction between the fighters of the Ukrainian International Legion and the Ukrainian military command, widespread corruption and the lack of batches of NATO weapons after illegal deals on the black market are still leading to no less losses among the foreign contingent than Russian artillery, tanks and drones.

The large support of the Russian Army by the local population of Donbass, failures in supply of military equipment, conflicts between the foreign fighters and Ukrainian officers of the AFU and the SBU, and of course heavy losses in the ranks of foreign mercenaries on the battlefields resulted in a significant decrease in the number of foreign soldiers of fortune fighting in Ukraine.

One can expect that during the coming winter months the number of those willing to go to defend the Kiev regime in the ranks of the Ukrainian International Legion will decrease even further.


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L du Plessis

Sounds like the White House, Pentagon and the CIA, a sewer of corruption. 👹

Only dead hohol is a good hohol

So the killers of civilians are whining that they did not get paid. They can go and complain to Einsatzgruppen. They will be paid in lead 😆🖕🏳️‍🌈

Last edited 2 years ago by Only dead hohol is a good hohol

This is not your war, bastards, so you shouldn’t be there. Get what you deserve, and do not complain.


This war has been planned by the pro-Nazis who have been in office in Washington since 2014. The goal is to destroy Russia. Only an inept person doesn’t understand this. Zelewski is a Ameriscum puppet same as Saak’ashvili puppet did with Russia on 2008 or Guaido, Tikhanovskaya a many other puppets


The more of these pricks telling their stories back home in the Empire, the sooner reality sinks in about the complete failure of the Ukrainian CIA project.


Whose war is it? The Russians who invaded? The African and Afghan mercs who are fighting for Russia now?

Assad Defeated Zionists

Please keep sending more Goyim slaves so they can get a well deserved dirt nap.

Gerry Bell

Apart from mercenaries there’s also the considerable number of state-sanctioned special forces participating from US, UK, Canada, Poland and Baltic states. HIMARS and M-777 artillery apparently have US Marine crews (most experienced/accurate)


Yes some of the scumbags are regular Nato wearing Ukrainian uniforms,hundreds of stupid Poles have been killed,they must be retarded after what the Ukrainian Nationalists did to Polish people in WW2,they must have a screw loose.


I am very curious to know how many active-duty Canadians are involved in this catastrophe. I find the self-righteous and hypocritical nature of many Canadians to be quite amusing. They screeched and wailed about unsubstantiated claims of Russian in involvement in Donbas, while they were training and supplying the Ukretards, and constantly bemoan the lack of free speech in Russia, but they’re okay with the army refusing to tell the people whether or not the country is actually fighting in a war. It’s always hard to choose the most pathetic population in the Five Eyes, but Canada certainly punches above their weight in the contest. “Top soldier says he won’t confirm or deny that Canadians troops are on the ground in Ukraine” https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/general-wayne-eyre-canada-top-soldier-special-forces-not-confirm-ukraine-1.6545145

Only dead hohol is a good hohol

Doug MacGregor summarized well. These countries (like Canada and Norway) are far away and behind stronger nations, so they are usually the first to jump into coalitions of the “willing” to maximize their grifting.


It’s more than that with Canada. There is a paricular Ukretard impetus in Canada that is not present in other countries. Canada does carry the shit-bucket for the Americans in any situation to a far greater degree than any other vassal. They do a lot of work in helping the Anglo-American corporate apparatus to exploit French-speaking African countries, as well as kicking the shit out of Haiti every few years. The Canadian arms industry is able to get the state to do basically whatever it wants.


I disagree with your name. I think Ukraine and Ukrainians should live. Therefore the war must be ended quickly, with a victoria for Russia – which, in fact, would be a victory for most of Ukraine too.


Okay, but let’s wait a min and thing about this…

Wouldn’t you think these fukers wanted to fight next to Neo-Nazis and kill civilians? Don’t try to push these cunts’ views on us. THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING. The US troops after Iraq invasion fuking KNEW THEY KILL civilians and were lied to from the start, did that stop them? No, they didn’t care they wanted money. Did they give a shit about what they did? NO.

These fukers are doing the same thing, blaming others and trying to save their faces. Let’s remember why they were there in the first place. They are saving their fuking faces and just blaming Ukraine as everyone now doing (the EU and US doing the same thing). Ukraine was used to fight Russia…


Afghanistan, remember that war still? The US worked with Afghani “Army” but the Pentagon (CIA mainly) created their own group called Zero units. The Zero units took the jobs of the US special forces so the US don’t get blame for their war crimes in Afghanistan. BTW the Zero units didn’t follow the Afghani government or were under Afghani government.

The few first people to leave Afghanistan included Zero units members.

“The CIA’s Afghan Proxies Will Get Fresh Start in the U.S.” Huh…funny is it?

NEVER believe 3rd party groups, they have no saying in anything and only after money or power. The blackwater group started like that and just got so much bigger. These people are after money or power, nothing more.

Who in their right mind go to Ukraine to fight the wrong side for NOTHING?


This information needs to be disseminated everywhere. Social media (Twitter, FB and so on). Southfront as a link seems to be blocked by some of these platforms but you might be able to link the original video or cut it anew and upload it directly. One can also link it in eMails to multiplicators, people with a lot of reach.

Miki Miric

Zivjela Rusija Zivjela Srbija


What are those fascist bastards moaning about,no one made them go they are lucky they got out alive.


A russian propaganda site talking about corruption in Ukraine, this is simply hilarious :-)


Krusty the Klown of Kiev has openly acknowledged the problem of corruption in the failed Ukrainian CIA project. It was well-established even in Five Eyes media that the failed Ukrainian CIA project is the most corrupt state in Europe. “Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe” https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine


What’s going to happen here is that the russian military is just going to get better at what they do and these guys will get sent home in plastic bags. No politics or sob stories, just bags. Despite all the foreign help and US/western billions the ukranian military is a failed institution.

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Have we won yet?

Ghost of Moscow

The Russian Leadership is Full of Corruption, Deceit and Dirty Deals! That’s why now Ten Months into the War, the Russian Military is no closer to Victory then when they invaded in February!

Biden Brutal Regime

Soldiers of fortune, be ready to spend your money in hell. Rest in feces

EU must not be USA slave

The World needs Ukraine dismantled as soon as possible and we should back Russia.for that.

Ukrainianism is a cancer and Europe should have taken action against it before Russia.


Last edited 2 years ago by EU must not be USA slave
Biden's sphincter

Die bitches

Tommy Jensen

Russia is preparing to storm Dumbass one more time, to look if it turns out better this time.


The ATO/JFO was preparing to storm Donbas again back in February. Seems to have turned out really well for Ukretardistan.


Easy solution. Shoot the Uki nazi officer and take your money and also make the planet a better place.

Crimea is 100% Liberated

if Ukrainian officers had a personal grudge to the foreigners, they could send soldiers to a minefield without warning about the danger threatening them. are ukops now russian spies? how sad these losers didnt step on a mine. so we won, not yet?

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Have we won yet? Is Crimea still ukraine? is ukraine still a country?

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Have we won yet? so we won on twitter and minecraft but not in Donetsk?


What did you expect from a bunch of Nazi criminals and a corrupt Government led by the same people who doesn’t care about human lives. You have to be a fool to join Ukraine in this fight knowing that Ukraine is a sh..t hole. with today’s information on the internet any sound 2 brain cell human beings should know all the crimes that Ukraine has done since 2014. Anyway, I have no pity for these guys, they’re lucky to still be alive.


Further, I don’t think there will be a decrease in the ranks of International Legion, since the Brits and USa are training ten of thousands of Ukrainians and mercenaries right now in Britain and Germany and Italy.Should we have some compassion for those mercenaries ?


another dead ameri-cannot mercenary—-these LGBT perfumed at jens LGBT nursing home very effective vs taliban


Dead mercenaries aka contract killer$ make the best maggot food. Keep on exterminating this filth, Mr Bear.


They decided to fight for the Nazis. Now they’re complaining that the Nazis betrayed them? Well. They’re Nazis. What do you expect?

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