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Foreign Puppets United: Tsikhanouskaya Promotes Navalny’s Wife As ‘Leader Of Russian Opposition’

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Foreign Puppets United: Tsikhanouskaya Promotes Navalny’s Wife As ‘Leader Of Russian Opposition’


As the bane of foreign meddling in Russia’s sovereign affairs and boy-toy of MSM Alexey Navalny retired from the scene after he finally faced the widely-expected, but still pretty soft punishment for his multiple violations of the law. So now, the masters behind the attempt to destabilize Russia need some another fake leader of their network of influence. Fortunately, for them, there is a candidate.

Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya, which was proclaimed the ‘winner’ of the presidential election in Belarus by NATO member states, but fled the country and is now hiding in Lithuania, is already promoting Navalny’s wife, Yulia, as the ‘leader’ of the ‘Russian opposition’.

It is interesting to note that Svetlana and Yulia have a lot of things in common. Their husbands are detained (Navalny recently got over 2.5 years for the violations of the term of his suspended sentence over corruption). They both receive direct support from the official enemies of their countries. They both promote steps that, in the event of success, will lead to the destabilization and dismantling of the countries of their origin. And they both call for more sanctions against the countries of their origin, for the ‘good of their nations’ for sure (at least according to their official positions).

In an interview with France Presse, Tsikhanouskaya turned to the wife of Navalny saying that she should take her husband’s place.

“When they throw our men behind bars for agitation and a desire to improve life in our countries, we, the wives, can only take their place and support them,” Tsikhanouskaya said.

This statement goes fully in the framework of the MSM propaganda campaign that is now making a ‘new leader’ of the Russian opposition from Navalny’s wife. Therefore, soon, we will see the new former leader of the hardcore pro-Western, neo-liberal clique interested in the destruction of Russia that prefers to call itself ‘non-system opposition’.

The Navalny team and its masters already used the support from MSM, Big Tech and their own influence network to use children in anti-government protests in Russia. So, it will be useful for them to get a ‘fresher face’ to lead the protest, especially if this is a woman. Taking into account the modern trends in the West, the female face to formally lead the push to destroy Russia is a pretty ordinary move.


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johnny rotten

After having failed as sluts these lady play the revolutionary in exile, a pity that it remains only theater for the use and consumption of the Western media, while in reality neither among Western citizens nor among Russian ones have any value or meaning.


Can always join P-riot Dand

Jens Holm

Thats just another part of the problems. They are right in many things too. Vomen too often is kept as second class in russia. Its very visble all over.

AM Hants

Woman – second class citizens in Russia??????? Even when Russia was part of the Soviet Union, the women were never second class citizens.

Remind me, how many female astronauts and cosmonauts, did the planet have back in 1963?

Tell Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, the Russian politician that Russia views her as a 2nd class citizen. How many times did she orbit the earth, back in the 60s? Isn’t she the only female that has been on a solo space mission?

Compare her to Jen Psaki, the US equivalent ha-ha. What is she famous for? Besides giving women a bad name.

Jens Holm

I see no real signs for Your assumptions. I agree its better then the Tzar system.

And I do compare. I comment them too and partly in the same way. They also has a great lack of education but in a much higher level.

Here Im with Sanders. Much needed money can be find among the reach ones and also in the middleclass.

Its a derouter nd a decliner not to add low classes with education into the very productive shrinking middleclass or higher.

We see here in the socalled Scandinavian models, that it pays of. More of the population has jobs and more has better jobs and by contribute to the state at least partly. By that they are included and makes no uprise. They actually has hopes for the future.

We also see lower crimerates by having better educted police and socialworkers. It not much cheeper, but ¨we prefare unarmed socialworkers.

Its very much about learning trust to the State. We are never afraid of the police and cross the street if we see one.

By that the mesages about the Covid works and we are in the low end about it even mistakes are done too. 80% by that support vaccination as well.

We have more control by that state AND THEN we outsource.USA has given the private ones too much private power and they act as robbers according hospitals, health care and insurrence.

I checked it up by old Judge JUdy realtity show. Veyr much time in courts are for simple bill down to X rays. We never pay for that. When people comes to hopitals they have never chosen to have cancer or being hit by a car. None choose that. So we all pays in by tax and hope we are not next victim.

And if we are hit by cancer or a car, we are paid the rest of Our lives by the state with the same amount of money each month. They also pay so medinie and other thinsg are almost frëe. So we dont ttalk abou tmillions in courts in a lot of things.

Thats among other things is what I write about to and with the Americans.

I also debate about their very old election system. One thing the states were made one by one and because of that are different, but parts of the rest is very strange and unfair.

So I do comment them too as well as at home in DK.

AM Hants

Sorry, was I assuming that Valentina Tereshkova is the only female who flown solo in space? Sorry was I assuming that Valentina Tereshkova was a Russian Politician?

With regards the rest of your comment, remind me, but, what has that got to do with you stating women are classed as 2nd class citizens in Russia?

Jens Holm

Three things about those Riots. 1) they have no other choise 2) to many women are home because its expected by the machos and 3) Vomen wont get equal rights until they take them them. Machos will never give them. They have to convince the non machos like fx the suffragettes did.

Russia is not alone in this.

AM Hants

Other things about Riots and how to create a $oro$/NED funded protest?

They have no choice, when offered $oro$ shillings, for stirring up trouble. Too many women at home, because it is expected by the machos?????

So if women were allowed out of the house and able to work, there would be no reason for $oro$ funded protests? Remind me, but, what year are we in? Have we seriously regressed back to Neanderthal times?

Woman won’t get equal rights until they take them, Machos will never give them. They have to convince the non machos, like the fox the suffragettes did?

Sorry, but, again are you talking about 21st century women, having absolutely no equal rights and comparing them to early 20th century women, who were chaining themselves to the railings? Owing to the Machos?????

I am seriously cracked up laughing, owing to being a female who has never, ever, been prevented from doing anything, courtesy of the Machos. Especially as I have always had a very soft spot for alpha males who carry the ‘Super Y Chromosones’.

Jens Holm

Its very visible You have no idea about at all, what it is about, being in total denial as You are.

AM Hants

What am I in denial about?

How to stage a regime change coup the $oro$ way?

How much does Soros and the NED actually spend on financing regime change, wherever they wish?

How much did both Orange Revolutions in Ukraine cost? How much did the Rose Revolution, over in Georgia cost? How much did the US Presidential Election, regime change script cost? I can keep going on, but, sure you get where I am going and if you don’t others do.

Why are so many from the Azov Battalion, which was created by the Head of the European Jewish Community, over in Ukraine, Igor Kolomoisky, over in the US and why were they in the Capital Building on the 6th January 2020? Why are so many from the Azov Battalion, natives of the Middle East, who are also linked to ISIS/Daesh/Al Qaeda or whatever name they go by today?

Funny when you look at how the Maidan was run, to how you see the same similarities over in Washington DC. Including old Jill Biden handing out the cookies, just like the Cookie Monsters McCain and Nuland did over in Kiev. Now why is that?

Jens Holm

Thre we go again.

Here all can be elected

Here we dont change regime every fourth year. We take out some and take in some to hope for the better according Out constitution and Laws,

Here the opposition is used as competer and pressure for needed changes. Fx tools gainst corruption. I have shown maps for, that tx dont go to the Goverment and well as the local Governess, but drown in corruption’

And if things were fine in “East”, there were no need for changes. Here Navalnev is inspired by good westgern ideas which very visible are seen as succes. Thats not being west at all but dirty manipiulation of the worst.

I also has listed up several things many times here about the Russian system has toproduce. It cant because it has a great lack of educated people in the middle income sector.

The rest of You is trying to talk about anyuthing else and has a total lack on fokus or lies or not. I see the facts. Somebodu y has to change things in better systems as well. Thats ignored too.

If YOu want a center system, Moscow should be much stronger its like a bad car. You can go the other way and give more power to the Region. But You systematicly has chose NONE.

You are in total denial of the needed focus for Russia doing well. It did collapse, didnt it. Is it doing fine – NO ITS NOT.

So Navalnev is fot better and normal relation inside Russia and production af neeed or/and more advanced relations to world systems, which actualy works – better and much better.

Blaming polar bears and pinquins for it makes no sense.

I finally wil remind You those money are NOT YOURS and we have much more then You even can imagine. Its also in used in collapsed countries, where You here and there has not traditions for building anything but are runned bad and bader by Tzars and Bolsjevists. They cant change from day to day. That destruction takes generations and is none of Russian business UNLESS it can contribute. Russia fx has given cheep gas to Ukraine.

And we do contribute a lot and do have succes or at least some succes in those ruins of a fallen empire with its neocolonialistic plundering.

Jens Holm

You are right about one thing. They and some us see dirt there too, but Our parts is not making the dirt. Someone else did and does. We even are blamed supporting nazis. Well WW2 dont say that and we have taken Fascist parties in Western Europe away mainly by votings and also by change of Governess.

Tommy Jensen


Jens Holm

I will not use Laika as wellfare for aniamals like dogs and that.

Facts about women is very well descriebed and also fx by women leaving Russia for marrige to almost anyone here.

Jens Holm


Half pay for women in the late USSR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Russia

AM Hants

Despite being heterosexual and a middle aged female, must admit, Polina Gagarina sums up the perfect female, for a variety of reasons, including talent and intelligence.

Also like this track and her interpretation of the lyrics.


Tommy Jensen

Feminine and talented. Modern Russia. Personally I dislike when other than natural Anglos sing in English. They do it better in original. Here is a woman from Sweden, beautiful 1’st record. Then she started to sing in English and I lost interest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7EKoCqQfWY

AM Hants

Even the chickens would find that rather fowl and that is before you rescue them from the freezers? Vaginal salmonella, courtesy a frozen chicken and DIY version of keeping yourself entertained in a public place, not something that floats my boat.

Jens Holm

I see Russia declining baecause none very needed changes are possible. As long as Russia is in the top top for corruption the sate will not get in the needed tax, which a state need op remain and grow.

He also is described as “West” . I dont see that. He want to implment good parts of the West and those already is made and work well. Whats wrong with that.

I see the alternatives. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aef499ef8d5b21da31b52b2f7a654b24de4c4e79504a0b6556716393e71a1092.jpg

AM Hants

Get back to Queen Greatest Hits Jen or keep off the medication, when you try projecting.

Jens Holm

I admit Russia on the map is better in this projektion and by that the Corruption is less.

Your comment is no coment.

Ralph London

Come on, AM, NO amount of medication can help him.


Pretty sad to see how John and Ivan fight to the last tooth whilw Rokefeller and Rotenberg play with stocks. Bidens and Putins are just puppets.

AM Hants

Vlad is nobodies puppet. Biden, well he just needs a hand up his rear end, to operate his mouth and a carer to show him where to go.

Jens Holm

Number one is most warfare i knowing Your enemy well too. You should focus his trong sides. Thats the ones, You might meet.

You also should focus on Your own weak sides and upgrade. Thats a long time job. You dont do that as well. You not even try to remove the dirt You make Yourself and even blame others for it.

Thats a kind of impressing.

AM Hants

Sorry, but, can you translate that for me please? I know English is not your first language and give you credit for trying to use English. The only problem, is I have no idea what you are saying.

Knowing you enemy well too???? Do I live a life, looking for enemies to get to know? Think I have passed on that one.

Whose trong or even wrong sides should I focus on? Especially the ones that I might meet?

Focus on my own weak sides and upgrade. I actually like my weak sides as they are part of me and who I am, so have no desire for an upgrade, thank you.

I don’t do that as well – do you mean upgrade? Like I said, I have no desire to upgrade my weaknesses, owing to liking them and I have no desire to change the person I am, because it suits strangers.

Now what dirt do I make myself and blame others for? Now that does not fit with my OCD nature, and dislike of dirt, let alone blame others for my own filth.


Yeah, my master is more handsome than your master :)

AM Hants

Is that how you judge people? Beauty comes from within and actually, I have no master or mistress, controlling me, come to that. However, nice to know that you acknowledge your masters. How much is $oro$ paying this week?


Not as fat as the dildo Rotenberg has put in Putin’s arse

AM Hants

Projecting your fantasies bacon?


Projecting Rotenbergs dildos in Putlers arse

AM Hants

Precisely, your fantasies. Saddo.

Jens Holm

We have pictures. He looked like a condom :)

AM Hants

I would hate to think what other images you have on your computer Jens. Now why does Hunter Biden’s laptop come to mind, when reading your comment?

Their is help out there for you and bacon.


All this phony ‘Opposition Leader’ BS Talk is pure fantasy…Navalny’s so-called opposition party has never more than 1-2% pull…it’s equal BS such as phony talk about traitor + wannabe putschist Juan Guaido as so-called opposition leader…they both could only ‘Lead’ a pile of dog shit.

Jens Holm

You dont know that at all.


As its written things against him mainly is made up too.

Here he anytime would be allowed to have only 1-2% as well.

Ivan Grozny

It says a lot about your delusions, that you promote wikipedia as authoritan source – it’s well-known and documented that all the alphabet agencies edit and manipulate the content. In all political matters, wiki can NOT be trusted!!!

Jens Holm

Its says a lot about Yourself, that You cant even find the 49 others telling exact same thing.

And yes its well documented what wikipedia is. You kind of expect I take it as the best of the best. WEell, I doo – but I do check other sources too.

And yes there are many factcheckers trying to update things and its very difficult.

I see old enclopedias as cars being more and more outdated and not possible to repair. Thats what they try and do relative well.

I will remid You that any can write in complaints about manipulated content as well as trying to add and subtract facts. They even ask for facts and better facts, if theing are not doing fine.

And Yes politics has many sides an oppinions. I do see several sides and oppinions for same thing. Obvious You take the first one and never has been reading the other ones. Dont blame wikipedia for that.

And dont blame Wiko for removing things. Its very difficult when muslims think they are judges fx cant even debate womens rights and responsabilities because thats HARAM.

Other medias has same problems with too much crap and even remove world art pictures and statues, which millions pay to see in museum or are in learning books, where I live.

Or manekin pis, which is just a boy peeing water in a fountain. Who hasnt see small boys or girlds do that.

Another famous one take away was from Vietnam. We see a runing naked girls hit by the Americans with napalm and smoke and explosions in the background.

Fokus is on she is naked – BECAUSE HER CLOTHE IS BURNED AWAY –


Here in Denmark we learn a lot about Our bodies in the sv´chool and in very good illustrative paintings and very sober photo. Its not pornografi, when we can see children being born and how bat home or in the hospital. Pornografi is not even forbidden here. So how can anyone from som far out country decide above Our constitution for education in schools and later on as fx for nurses and doctors.

So I do prefare none bring deep dark state made by themself here as truth.

Its You, which is the deep dark state, but You not even try too look for it even its in public publications for almost anything on the internet here – In danish – I admit its danish, but many things can be translated, but You deny that.

And for the danes, which cant handle internet, we have free libraries, where You can see in detail what we use in Our armed forces and where. Tha law says so.

We have a social wellfare system which do a lot of good things by tax, but even its open to read in the same way for free, You deny vitals in Denmark aall are lies.

You dont understand kapitalisme is based on debts and intererests, so as long as debt is production or get You a roof the debt is very good and a sign og activity. You dont subtract that from bad debt, because have another much lower tax and debt, which only is semilar to a small corer og Ours.

You systematicly are not able to see Our freedom as it is, because You compare it with Your low responsability and that – of course is some kind of anarchy. We add freedom and right with reponsability, som we get more freedom and responsability because we are raised to be much more responsible and therefore also flexible persons.

Its easy to understand and fx said well 1968. Old men should not decide what Young girls should do and ceratinly dont raise them like sheep.

Those – and the Young boys and mens – should not raised looking back to often not even good old days. Instead we all pay tax to the improved sekural parts,whvich handle schools, educations, find skills and reward hard work after what You do m- instead of if You Grandfather like You and often give a Young an a car and a Young women a bounch of flowers in her behind for doing exact same job.

We see it in Your versions as we cant control Ourself and its no option even to debate things about.

Ivan Grozny

Well, that was a long rant – you said many things, some truthfull, some not so much. For your reference – I, myself, are DANISH – born and raised in Copenhagen!!!! Yes, we danes have a lot of benefits, we do have a nice and comfortable excistence, I do not deny that. I like our democratic system, I like to be able to think independent, to speak free, and all that. But, but … you seem to be delusional about your – expressed or imaginary – “superiority” – how is it, that all the west are so wonderful, that only in the west – in Denmark particulary – is people permitted to enjoy life?? You seem to forget, that little H.C.Anderson-land – “Morten Koch-fatasien” – is not the end of the world, it’s not the only world. We discuss things here on this forum, we disagree, sometimes it boils over, and in the moment of heat, we might – stupidly – call each other names, and what not. Bare the compleat idiot, or the obvious trolls, some of us can stomach the tone, some of us can take a punch – if you cannot, then, please, stay away. South-front are unique, in that it is NOT prio-anything, except, it is against oppression, against the “Elite” (New-World-Order, Millitary-industrial-Complex, or what you call it) – it stands for truely free-thinking. I mentioned wikileaks – not because it “removes content,” as you implied, no wiki is NOT to be trusted about politics, because it is saturated by people that work for the deep-state (the U$ intelligence agencies og the Zionistic I$rahell). Wiki is great for many technical and factual knowledge, but not for philosophical or political matters – thoughts outside “western” comfort-zones are misrepresented. Why don’t you try taking the “west” hat off – try to think outside the box. I used to think like you – the “west” is the most advance, free and developed in the world. Then I happen to lose control – I actually travelled to countries OUTSIDE the west, I tried to COMPREHEND their viewpoint, their thoughts, their culture. The west is not all – and the way of China and Russia, trying to build a better world, one where states compete and cooperate in a win-win kind of situation, is far to prefer. You seem to have trouble comprehending, that many people in the world, do NOT agree to the “west” (the U$ and to a lesser degree, the €U) as superior, and should have the leading role – either in command or reward!

Jeg håber ikke jeg er for hård ved dig. Hvis du vedbliver at hævde vesten, USA, EU eller Danmark, som de eneste der har ret til, fortjener eller er det bedste-af-det-bedste, vil du ikke finde mange venner her. Du har ret til din mening, vi har ret til vores. Der er ikke nogen der har patent på sandheden, eller de vises sten eller såden noget. En ting kan du være sikker på, de fleste af os ønsker ikke, og vil kæmpe imod, at blive styret af U$A’s (og I$rahell) interesser – vi foretrækker selv at finde vores egen vej!

Sorry, for this rant – it was not my intention. Feel free to express yourself, but, please, do not try to ‘lecture’ others about the ‘superiority’ of the west – many of us have been there – we even got the t-shirt and all – but have since ‘awaken’ and seen the light, consumer capitalism with a select few as the only real ‘winners,’ save for a token illusion of free-choice or free-thought, is not right. You might want to read some classics – “1984,” “Farenheit 451,” “Brave new world.” Mind, they are ALL by illustrious “western” authors!

Ivan Grozny

Well, that was a long rant – you said many things, some truthfull, some not so much. For your reference – I, myself, are DANISH – born and raised in Copenhagen!!!!

Yes, we danes have a lot of benefits, we do have a nice and comfortable excistence, I do not deny that. I like our democratic system, I like to be able to think independent, to speak free, and all that.

But, but … you seem to be delusional about your – expressed or imaginary – “superiority” – how is it, that all the west are so wonderful, that only in the west – in Denmark particulary – is people permitted to enjoy life?? You seem to forget, that little H.C.Anderson-land – “Morten Koch-fatasien” – is not the end of the world, it’s not the only world. We discuss things here on this forum, we disagree, sometimes it boils over, and in the moment of heat, we might – stupidly – call each other names, and what not.

Bare the compleat idiot, or the obvious trolls, some of us can stomach the tone, some of us can take a punch – if you cannot, then, please, stay away. South-front are unique, in that it is NOT prio-anything, except, it is against oppression, against the “Elite” (New-World-Order, Millitary-industrial-Complex, or what you call it) – it stands for truely free-thinking.

I mentioned wikileaks – not because it “removes content,” as you implied, no wiki is NOT to be trusted about politics, because it is saturated by people that work for the deep-state (the U$ intelligence agencies og the Zionistic I$rahell). Wiki is great for many technical and factual knowledge, but not for philosophical or political matters – thoughts outside “western” comfort-zones are misrepresented.

Why don’t you try taking the “west” hat off – try to think outside the box. I used to think like you – the “west” is the most advance, free and developed in the world. Then I happen to lose control – I actually travelled to countries OUTSIDE the west, I tried to COMPREHEND their viewpoint, their thoughts, their culture. The west is not all – and the way of China and Russia, trying to build a better world, one where states compete and cooperate in a win-win kind of situation, is far to prefer. You seem to have trouble comprehending, that many people in the world, do NOT agree to the “west” (the U$ and to a lesser degree, the €U) as superior, and should have the leading role – either in command or reward!

Sorry, for this rant – it was not my intention. Feel free to express yourself, but, please, do not try to ‘lecture’ others about the ‘superiority’ of the west – many of us have been there – we even got the t-shirt and all – but have since ‘awaken’ and seen the light, consumer capitalism with a select few as the only real ‘winners,’ save for a token illusion of free-choice or free-thought, is not right. You might want to read some classics – “1984,” “Farenheit 451,” “Brave new world.” Mind, they are ALL by illustrious “western” authors!

Jens Holm

Your comment came into my box in a very strange way.

I never has said everything is wonderfull in Denmark.

I say its better then most for almost all of us compared to others. By that I will not prefare anythings else.

My comment often is the orher way around. I seldom see we steal things from poor countries. We educate, work hard and reward ourselves and the rest by that.

So I just write, that people in Russia, Arabistan should do same thing and fx also clean for corruption and make fair consitions for all by good polive, good courts and a good Parlments and mainly a good Governess as well.

I now has about same thing for many parts of the world. As a child I was raised people in the thirs world should be helped up and we certainly did. But they didnt do as we did. Fx healtcare and food just kept more and more alive, we has to feed now. It was not Our context. I was less propultion growth so the people living there had a better life.

Now we see them on Our doorstep and fx 50% of the Muslims after 10 years still has no jobs and even do their best to avoid.

Thats not how it works here. Our system and its wellfare is not freedom with no responsability. The respoensability is educate, if You can and pay well for Yourself and fx pension to all the ones, which cannot.

Thats named as including almost no matter what. Here we also include sexual minorities. Genders have same jobs and education and mainly paid the same amount of money even we have problems here and there.

I think its much better. Women alone all over are not prostitutes and they are not nakes just because somebopdy has other traditions. Its even so less clothe and knowing each other makes genders respect among each other. We do have rapes, but we also includes men are raped too.

So freedom actually is high, but its also added high responsability.

Read the arricle about som Irish PM. None in Denmark could have written that article. People writing like that has no idea about what we see as normal opposition in parlamentarisme. He cant even try to be lected as President of Russia because he is Westerner. Well, he is not.

He dont like corruption. Many does not like corruption. He want to take the best things into Russia and its easy, they already are invented.

But OH NO som Putin and ancient communists added and upgraded as Oligarcs srtop it. Should any prefare that.

The same goes for Syria and ME. There is not a single tool for peace there. All think they will fight to win or die. Thats not the worst.

The worst is they blame me and us about it. I only see Trump in that nasty level here in west and now they might be mpre as they was.

They got Biden, but they needed Sanders. With this Im a little honored. Normally we often are small pissants for many of them, but here Sanders can see we actually are doing something right, where they do something very wrong.

Tommy Jensen

If women were in power there would be world peace due to women’s special care values. Thats why all Presidents and the Pope should be women, with gays as VP’s. For freedom and for peace.


Thank you for these unique and pregnant insights into he human condition.

Jens Holm

We dont see that here. Its more as they are exact the same in a different way and by that a good supplement in all levels.

I partly can agree about Popes and religions. Very much in the ortodox world is about keeping women down obeying and home bringing slippers to their belowed and honored husbounds.

I see the same for gays. They do no harm to me and the rest of us, so they as well as lesbians and other minorities are a normal part of us.

I dont know whats wrong with people loving to guess and see, whats going on in other peoples bedrooms. I really dont. I any does that to me and see if we are socalled norml or not, I will trow anything hard agaist them.


On the contary gimp,Protect women better than any packa demented cursed soros entity (period) See faith excells prudence even the more prudent,you either got the runs or not,in this case don’t insult better bred higher intellects ok! You only need to look into the breeding,compared to satanic fuglys on the take!



Jens Holm


AM Hants

Hilary Clinton????? Victoria Nuland???? Nanzi Pelosi?????

Shall I go on, with a list of female ‘peace ambassadors’?

Jens Holm

These are just as clever as men in the same positions. Vomen are about the same in level and sometimes a very important completion.

You kind of assume they all should be better then men. Why??? I see men also are in levels and parts of them are not clever at all.

So its a matter of volumen and by that more hands and brains. We fx dont pay to women in divorse anymore. They are educated as us and have their own bank account. We of course share for Our children. High incomes pay a little extra in child support.

AM Hants

My reply was to Tommy, with regards Woman’s Special Care Values and pointing out the peaceful and caring sides of Hilary Clinton, Nanzi Pelosi and Victoria Nuland for starters.

Yep, I will agree that female politicians are no better than male politicians, but, would I ever class a politician as being intelligent? Certainly not, since waking up and smelling the coffee, back in 2014. They are the biggest waste of spaces, on the planet and the most dangerous with it.

Where have I said that I assume that women are better than men? I have always believed and stated that both genders have their own weaknesses and strengths, and one compliments the other.

Women and divorce – is that progression? The cost of maintenance, post divorce, equates with how far women have advanced over the years?

Educated as us and even have their own bank accounts?????

Margaret Thatcher, graduated from Oxford University, back in the 1940s, with a degree in chemistry and I am sure she also had her own bank account back then. Not a 21st century concept, to allow education for females and their own bank accounts to go with it. Sharing children and high incomes pay a little extra for child support????? Well, that is great for the child. The parents share them, after the divorce and does the child have any time with both of their parents as we focus on how females have progressed in the 21st century.

The child can look forward to a divorced mother, with an education and her own bank account, with a little cash left over for childcare.


Get a brain transplant:

Captain Freedom

Just like men, they should be wimmen too. I’m afraid some of us are not quite capable to grasp the genius of Mr. Jensen

Jens Holm

In my context she is opposition. ‘ Here everybody can be elected into all levels of the Governess unless they are hard criminals, are very very retard or has a psykic defection.

In Russia You for Gods sake has to ask the ones, which alredy are elected and even in bad Russian style also control the Courts.

We give all a chance here even hardheaded Nazis and Communists. They then are in the open and cant say, we try to keep them down – unless they dont follow Our constitution.

By that they are very visible and we see they only get some few 1000 votes of several millions and een they know, they are no go.

So it does not matter if some Navalnev only gets 2% of the votes. Our limit of 2% gives 4 seats of 179 in the Parlament, and thats it.

We also give voting rights for people with other passport then Ours 1 vote each for tthe local parlaments. They have children like us going to school, they are helped in unimployment or visist hospitals too.

Some few of them are limited in the local parlaments about vitals for the state, but they are elected to the rest.

The ones with no danosh passsport cant be lected to the Parlament, but actually they can be ministers. Ministers here are chosen by the Premiere Minister and not elected.

It makes no sense, that anybody cant be equal in an election campaign. They have to have about 20.000 trusted persons to be in the game. None says those 20.000 has to vote for them.

We see the Russian version as selective nepotisme of the worst kind.

Fog of War

The new Zio angle ” Female power ” . You wouldn’t want to hurt a woman now would you evil Russians ?

Jens Holm

Russians are not even close to 1968 here. Women will never be given equal rights by macho men, which every day check or are being checked 10 times, they are not gay.

Its the same with Most muslims. They feel safe becsause many are raised to treat womens as ownership. And those women were raised for sales wasnt they?

Most women in Islam has much lower rights then the book says.They as well as the men every days says: ITS WRITTEN.

But they dont know. They are told, Its written as well as they are told how Sharia is in mens matter being the leading clever ones.

That why most muslim women has lower IQ then Our and also more often act more stupid.

The non Wahabits even think íts about driving cars in Saudi Arabia. And talking about vomens rights even iks Haram. No debate here.

The highest level here seemes to be western women are half naked and prostitutes, which to me is below the belt in level.


Fog of War

Thats why Denmark is going to allow more in right ?

Jens Holm

I see most of it as sekular adjustments to today and tomorrow. We make the hieraki wider and not as deep as it was.

People has to understand that rights as the very subjective freedom” always is a balance and 100% connected to responsability.

We makes all more responsible for themself and the country. We see its needed because we have so many new kinds of jobs, which demand education and responsability, which no family leader or factory leader can be able to handle and see and even often is incomptent as leaders. So more things work with trust, Its just simply impossible witout it – And we can see the results if it dont work.

So we are develloped and raised in much more single persons, which are responsible for themself. So the family is much less responsible. The rights are followed a person much more and is replaced by responsabilities by sekular laws.

The top influence by family as well as leader of a factory is lowered a lot. You are Your own person.

By that You can choose education as You wish in schools which are totally free ore almost totally free. You can work anywhere You want. There is nothing strange in being with opposit gender any place apart from toilet and changing clothe. You are not responsible for Your parants as well as Your Grandparents. They are Your helpers and hopefully Your supporters, but they dont decide for You and ¨certainlyy not in sales for marrige or who You gonna marry or live with.

We instead partly has invented “registrated partnership”, which is almost the same as marrige in the sekular parts. It can be supplemented by Your lawyers if You fx want the children raised in a certain religion. It meant for everybody and much easier can be replace with leavig each other. But practical matters can be handled by laws, which also includes supportig Your children(You have to contribute even You have them or not or half, a third or not).

But the responsability is that You work as well as it goes. Not all Danes are Einsteins or the opposite. By that You have to pay a lot of tax, which is divided to the ones, which need them and in an equal way.

We a little by little has made a public sector to handle it. In the 1968 uprise and changes it was names “Old men shall no decide what Young women do”. That of course were for men as well.

It also was very visible, that making a good job is not about gender a if You in the farmland has men at one field and women at another. We expanded and every brain and hands was needed. They were just as bright as us as well most jobs dont need You are very strong.

We already had the men split men up. They were paid for what they actually did. If You could do the same thing 100 times an hour You were paid more then the ones, which only could make 800.

So the problems were equal pay for making exact the same job, which pr tradtion wwas not done as it was. Voman was lower paid even they did the same job even You both were fx taxidriver by the same cab and did exact thing and by that money to the owners of the caps.

We still have probles about that in traditional womens and mens jobs.

Everybody needing help get the same help and fx a good minimum pension. Here all get exact the same treatment at the hospitals, in health, schools by the police and courts(almost).

So if You are from a poor family or has none, You get as anybody else.

In production its the same thing. Compaed to ME 80% work for non family companies. In ME only 20% does.

Here its a matter of getting the most qualified for the money and no familiy but a comapny support – very often financed by shareholders.

And most people actually are share holders by the state or our private pensions as stockholders. So Our pension also is a support for supporting the country as well as Ourself. I cant take those money out and travelk around the world 1o times, but I get a good pension until I die. It doeasnr matter if I becomes only 75 or 100 years ago. Im safe so to speak.

In those many matters above Denmark is a little extreme, but its very visible we by many rights and responsabilities and by that homogenisations are more united then many.

We dont see people – as told fx in USA – are lazybums sleeping on the sofas because the state feed us and give us a roof and a sofa too.

We do get rewarded having a job. Its very visible, so by that more people works here and many are very well educated, because they can see and trust thir rights pay off.

We have crimes and cheaters too. Im kind of proud we are number one in corruption and trust, but even so we have it too and fight it to. Its only the level, whcih i lower.

You can say the state and the local parlaments in the open and hardly no dark parts of the state for some is being control freaks, but Our level seemes to pay of.

80% want to be vaccinated. They trust what the state recommend even it has made several mistakes about it. By that we also are in the low end according dead ones.

AM Hants

$oreo$ Sisters, remind me of the one over in Myanmar, loyal to $oro$, who came out of the nick, won the election, with the help of Smartmatic Voting Machines, and is now back in the nick. How much money did she make, courtesy $oro$ and friends? Same with Guiado, over in Venezuela and wasn’t he also a student of the NED School of Politics?

Jens Holm

According to You Zorros seemes to be anywhere and a great majority. If so, You should prefare Majority Rules.

You have no patent and no links for something better in Burma as well as Venezuala. If so a minimum should be to explain, so we can folow the Chaiman and his Ants.

AM Hants

According to me??? No, just check out where his Open Society Foundation pay checks end up and how much money he receives from many Governments, courtesy of the tax payer.

You can start with the EU, and before the previous elections, was it around 250 MEPs took the $oro$ shilling, and that was just the EU. Then have a look at Ukraine, where he has admitted financing both the Orange Revolutions. How much did he fork out and how much did he get back, courtesy corrupt politicians, using tax payer funding?

I was watching a fascinating video, the other day, with regards the various foundations of the likes of Soros, Clintons, Obamas, Gates, etc, etc, etc. How they then branch out and how the branches support all forms of the parent company and friends. All reliant on Government, tax payer funding, courtesy NGOs. The $billions, all currencies involved, and then you see what it all pays for, including the cyber trolls that are paid to flock to these articles.


Rubbish whores have no future,only just just that rubbish:

Peter Moy

What does anybody with an IQ above room temperature expect from these two bimbos from the same whorehouse. Even more ridiculous is that the Einsteins and idiots in Washington, DC along with their lapdogs in the EU and NATO support these two basket cases. I say these two bimbos should start organizing a Russian Army of Liberation as Vlasov did in the Great Patriotic War. Ask the degenerates in Hollywood for a script.

Jens Holm

“West” is not like that at all.

Rhodium 10

Nothing to surprise!…Both are foreign agents which have received money and media Support from NATO countries!…their goals is to take the Flock of Goats to the street to protest to create the feeling of rejection of the government inflate number of protest and exagerate everythings!…but after years of colour revolution Russian people are not fool and know that be part of the West servant club is a poisoned gift.

Lone Ranger

If thats the best the CIA can do they better look for a hasbarat job… Thats their mental level nowdays….


I wonder what would happen to financing of these dozens of “news” agencies if I come to power?


Many women are easily manipulated due to allowing feelings before logic. That’s what makes them women! West does this here in America and abroad as you see the idiots in Belarus. I recall chatting with this Russian woman a few years ago complaining about this and that in Russia. I told her to hold strong, work and keep striving for a better future. I’m of Slavic background and the weakest link I see in our people is this parasitic nature, ego and hubris. Work, learn to solve problems together and you will thrive.

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