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MARCH 2025

Former Head Of IDF Intelligence Revealed Israel’s Role In Soleimani’s Assassination

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Former Head Of IDF Intelligence Revealed Israel's Role In Soleimani's Assassination

Major general Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force

The former head of Israel’s military intelligence has revealed the involvement of his department in the murder of the general of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qassem Soleimani in 2020. This is the first official confirmation of the Israel’s involvement in the assassination.

The revelation was made by the former head of the IDF’s Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Tamir Hayman in his interview with Malam magazine published by the Israeli Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center. Maj.-Gen.

“Soleimani’s assassination is an achievement, since our main enemy, in my eyes, are the Iranians,” claimed Maj.-Gen. Tamir Hayman.

Hyman did not disclose any details of the high-profile operation aimed to eliminate Soleimani.

In the interview, Hayman said that “we thwarted a lot of ways they tried to smuggle weapons and money, and the headline of all of this is stopping the Iranians from entrenching themselves in Syria.”

However, the Israeli military intelligence is known to have tracked the mobile phone numbers used by the Iranian general before he was killed in the U.S. drone attack. Earlier, the US intelligence services claimed that they managed to determine that Soleimani changed his number three times in six hours on his way from Damascus to Baghdad on the day of the attack.

Former Head Of IDF Intelligence Revealed Israel's Role In Soleimani's Assassination

Maj.-Gen. Tamir Hayman

Explaining the reasons for Tel Aviv’s participation in the US special operation, Hyman claimed that he considers Iran the main threat to Israel and has resisted Tehran’s attempts to take root in Syria for many years.

Tamir Hayman finished his term in the Israeli intelligence services in October. He claimed that during his rule of the intelligence service, “two significant and important assassinations can be noted in his term.”

Former Head Of IDF Intelligence Revealed Israel's Role In Soleimani's Assassination

Baha abu al-Ata

The other victim was the Islamic Jihad leader Baha abu al-Ata, who was killed in the Gaza Strip in 2019 during the Operation Black Belt.

The revealing of the Israel’s participation in the assassination was only a matter of time. The close cooperation between the intelligence services of the two countries was not a secret. The first reports that Israel had shared three of Soleimani’s cellphone numbers with the US hours before the drone strike came in May. However, IDF officials have avoided to comment on their role in the operation.

Today’s official revelation is yet another confirmation of the terrorist warfare used by the Israeli top officials in the country’s foreign policy.


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No surprise there: Israel gave the order, Trump just obeyed his masters. If he didn’t – immediate impeachment. The only reason why he stayed full 4 years is because he served Israel so obediently.


Why does every IDF soldiers look like a queer

John Wooh

Its very easy to recognize them, by their narrow distance of their eyes almost 90% males of them got this. Persian people are also very easy to recognize…

John Wooh

(them = Jews)

Peter Wallace

Have to ask Iron Dick who skites about how many men and boys he has dicked.

Chris Gr

Many mustache guys are queer also.

Peppe il Sicario

You’d be an expert on queers that I’d bet all the nuts in a squirell’s nest.

Chris Gr

You and Icarus are experts on this.


I never thought of Paedophiles looking “queer”, but they’re definitely paedophiles !


Those Israeli will dick down anything they see


So there is a name,Hayman,no matter how long it takes the bastard should be taken out,these people are not super human they live in homes and drive on roads,i hope he is checking his car every day.

Chris Gr

Yes and you want radical Shias to take over?


I want the Iraqis to take over,don’t you get it?

Chris Gr

Ba’athist Iraqis?

Peter Wallace

This was an International War Crime committed by the two countries that don’t recognise the ICC so they become immune to prosecution. Both are quick to demand the prosecution of other leaders for their perceived crimes. They have both shown it is OK to kill against international law so it is fair that all Israeli and American leaders are also able to be targeted. Remember the US shooting down Yamamoto during the 2ndWW in a highly planned attack made to look accidental.

John Wooh

They gave them self the right to build nuke’s, but forbid others to do so that explains their mindset.

Karl Wolfe

“The Warfare State” was specifically written to warn about what happens when the Rule of Law becomes meaningless and murder is the primary method of Power by the State. Be careful with what you wish for because you might not be so happy with it in the long run, Fools.


Just another war crime in a never ending list from these vile satanic scum masquerading as human beings. These child murdering vermin are rightly loathed by every civilized nation on earth. You live by the sword, you’ll die by the sword, the US nd UK are now both bankrupt and impotent….. Israel will disappear like snow off a ditch.

Chris Gr

Ok Soleimani fought like a man. But he is liked by radical groups in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and Palestine.

Wet Noodle Zion

You are the epitome of the imbecilization of western thought. Truly indicative of the decline of Anglo Zionist power.

Chris Gr

Because Soleimani supported radical groups?

Peppe il Sicario

When will we get an article on the Mossad agents killed by Iranian security as revenge, eh????


Soleimani, more than anyone, deserves the credit for defeating ISIS/Daesh in Syria and Lebanon. The fact that the Israelis wanted him dead says everything you needed to know.


I’m not going to read all the comments below.

Just came here to say – he lived like a dog, and as Trump said – he died like a dog.

Now he is burning in hell with the rest of his Iranian bastards that we have sent there, not to worry soon many of them will join him too.

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