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MARCH 2025

Former Israeli PM Bennett Says US ‘Blocked’ His Attempts at a Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal

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Former Israeli PM Bennett Says US ‘Blocked’ His Attempts at a Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal

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Bennett says the US and its Western allies decided to ‘keep striking Putin’ and not negotiate

Originally published by AntiWar

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in an interview posted to his YouTube channel on Saturday that the US and its Western allies “blocked” his efforts of mediating between Russia and Ukraine to bring an end to the war in its early days.

On March 4, 2022, Bennett traveled to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin. In the interview, he detailed his mediation at the time between Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which he said he coordinated with the US, France, Germany, and the UK.

Bennett said that both sides agreed to major concessions during his mediation effort. For the Russian side, he said they dropped “denazification” as a requirement for a ceasefire. Bennett defined “denazification” as the removal of Zelensky. During his meeting in Moscow with Putin, Bennett said the Russian leader guaranteed that he wouldn’t try to kill Zelensky.

The other concession Russia made, according to Bennett, is that it wouldn’t seek the disarmament of Ukraine. For the Ukrainian side, Zelensky “renounced” that he would seek NATO membership, which Bennett said was the “reason” for Russia’s invasion.

Reports at the time reflect Bennet’s comments and said Russia and Ukraine were softening their positions. Citing Israeli officials, Axios reported on March 8 that Putin’s “proposal is difficult for Zelensky to accept but not as extreme as they anticipated. They said the proposal doesn’t include regime change in Kyiv and allows Ukraine to keep its sovereignty.”

Discussing how Western leaders felt about his mediation efforts, Bennett said then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson took an “aggressive line” while French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz were more “pragmatic.” Bennett said President Biden adopted “both” positions.

But ultimately, the Western leaders opposed Bennet’s efforts. “I’ll say this in the broad sense. I think there was a legitimate decision by the West to keep striking Putin and not [negotiate],” Bennett said.

When asked if the Western powers “blocked” the mediation efforts, Bennet said, “Basically, yes. They blocked it, and I thought they were wrong.”

Explaining his decision to mediate, Bennett said that it was in Israel’s national interest not to pick a side in the war, citing Israel’s frequent airstrikes in Syria. Bennett said Russia has S-300 air defenses in Syria and that if “they press the button, Israeli pilots will fall.”

Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine didn’t stop with Bennett’s efforts. Later in March, Russian and Ukrainian officials met in Istanbul, Turkey, and followed up with virtual consultations. According to the account of former US officials speaking to Foreign Affairs, the two sides agreed on the framework for a tentative deal. Russian officials, including Putin, have said publicly that a deal was close following the Istanbul talks.

But the negotiations ultimately failed after more Western pressure. Boris Johnson visited Kyiv in April 2022, urging Zelensky not to negotiate with Russia. According to a report from Ukrainska Pravda, he said even if Ukraine was ready to sign a deal with Russia, Kyiv’s Western backers were not.

Later in April, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said there were some NATO countries that wanted to prolong the war in Ukraine. “After the talks in Istanbul, we did not think that the war would take this long … But, following the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting, it was the impression that… there are those within the NATO member states that want the war to continue, let the war continue and Russia gets weaker. They don’t care much about the situation in Ukraine,” Cavusoglu said.

A few days after Cavusoglu’s comments, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admitted that one of the US’s goals in supporting Ukraine is to see Russia “weakened.”


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“Your Daughters Sell them to Me!” “They can work on my כוח גדול Orange Juice Factory we have opened to supply Duabi!”. “We can sell wepaons for and supply Black Cube training in you schools! Victor Boot camp to replace Wagner”!

Maruv -Destination


“Our contacts in the CIA and U.N will do and say anything!” “We have some beach sandals from an island in the carribean that would destroy many at both organiations, We call it the OJ effect in politics”.

Warren Zevon Lawyers guns and money.


The whole point of this Ukrainian affair was to destabilize Russia while bolstering the US position. Why would the Americans permit a peace deal, which would stabilize the region and thus eliminate the degrading effect on Russia? Ukretards need to wake up and figure out that they are just props in a US program aimed at Russia. Can you people really be this stupid?


Yes they can be that stupid. The ukies have been master trained by the west for 3 decades to be this dumb / submissive


No, the US is losing.




Regardless, no sane person would like to live in a country in a ‘russia orbit’. Unfortunately if you want freedom from ruski mir you have to fight for it. Well done Ukraine for bringing russia to its knees!

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London!

The only on its knees now is the Ukranazis completely encircled in Artyomovsk and asking for clemency. You are pathetic.

Michel LeBlanc

7 billion people from the global south dont agree with you.

We have had enough of propping up america.


You can’t undo 30+ years of brainwashing. Even if Zelensky or his successor wanted to make peace, I’m doubtful it would go over well with the rest of the rabid Russophobes in UA.

Last edited 2 years ago by MHC

Oh, you can undo the brain-washing with a 152mm magic reversal spell.

The Crunge

If this guy’s telling the truth, it seems like Putin and company were weak negotiators. You’d think they’d learn after the Minsk deal the west would only use this peace time to beef up the Ukrainian military. Which brings me to my next question. Why did Putin and company wait 8 years until attacking while their kin were getting shelled in east Ukraine? I’ve heard the Ukrainian army was so weak then the DPR militia could have beaten them themselves. And don’t you think his military guys would say something like these Ukes are getting stronger, if we don’t go in now things are gonna get tougher down the line. If they invaded they may have saved many lives.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Crunge
The Crunge

If they invaded sooner they may have saved many lives I meant to write.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Crunge

Maybe they should have launched the SMO in 1991.


Care to explain how the strength of the Ukrainians in any way matters in this? It is a US program aimed at Russia. The republics were Ukrainian territory, and it was ostensibly an internal dispute despite the US having overthrown the Ukrainian government. The Russians gave politics and diplomacy a chance, like civilized human beings, and the Americans refused to back off on their attack on Russia. So now the Russians are eliminating the American capacity to use the Ukrainians. It’s not complicated.

Zionism is Cancer

Oye vey, we cause the fire and then we say we were blocked from extinguishing it, oye vey, our nose knows no nooks and crannies for opportunity 💩🇮🇱💩


Funny how he says all these things now and not before….? Surely it is not because he can use this to gain some “support” in Zionist-stan with how things going over there right now…surely not.

Zionists don’t fuking care about Ukraine and you can even see how they treat “Jewish Ukrainians” in Palestine (Israel) LMFAO. The fact is if there was nothing he could have gain he wouldn’t fuking say it. But guess what SF I gonna do your job. BiBi is now hinting to send Plastic Dome to Ukraine or what most believe which is to send weapons to Ukraine.

Come on SF put two things together… There are Zion/Jews in Palestine (Israel) that dislike Neo-Nazi Ukraine and guess what that clown trying to gain something out of it (support). Okay, there is a lot into it but Bennett is fuking out and if he doesn’t do something to gain support he will never be in power again nor his party.

He wants to be seen as someone unlike Bibi a warmonger that tries to reach a peace deal (which he didn’t BTW) so he gonna blame it on the West – which is true to some point.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345
Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London!

Nazis dying en masse for 10% Big daddy sleepy Joe, aka pedo Peter


The UkroNAZI leader is lining his pockets with the money from the blood of fallen Ukros ..for the American vampires . Their NATO plan is impossible the EU will be the first victim of America’s delusions.


Fuck off………


Was the end game to clear Ukraine of its own people by provoking war between them and Russia? Was the NATO Ukraine provocation meant to harm Ukraine even more than Russia? Ukraine’s friendship with NATO and the US where Ukraine has to fight until the last boy is dead, is surely the kind of frienship which should put ANYONE off of ever joining NATO or of being friendly with the US UK EU?


When the worst most contemptible and disgusting para$ite “wags the dog(s)” through bribery and coercion bearing “gifts”!…

Russia WELCOMES it’s old guest to it’s HOME!… “AGAIN”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Andre zulubal

hope he will use his diplomatic skills during next round of talks with iran…

rafik chauhan

Zelsenky should decide without thinking about west . He is presdeint of ukraine not a puppet of Nato. Putin i understandable person he will immediatly halt all operation if Zelesenky secretly tell Russian to meet and negotiate and withdraw soldier in donbass for time being


Ze has been casted for the exact job he is doing right now and since he is still on the job he seems to be performing as expected. He is an actor this is an acting gig when the show ends he will go to some other job and not look back. Just like most actors he has zero attackement with the storydevelopment just wants to perform as best he can.

Of course that is bad for the people in ukraine for whose this “story” is not a tv show they can quit whenever they feel like and leave it behind it is their live. Their houses and citys are not cgi and when they bleed it is not hollywoodblood. But that’s not something Ze or those who picked him for this very job are conserned about at all.


Believe anything that a squeeZed juice war criminal lets slip from its forked poisonoUS tongue at your own risk.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
Romanian whore

And the confirmation of what we, Pamfil Military Academy said long ago:

В России для нужд Спецоперации в несколько раз нарастили производство управляемых артиллерийских снарядов “Краснополь”, которые станут одним из средств эффективного уничтожения танков Abrams и Leopard, – РИА Новости

In Russia, for the needs of the Special Operations, the production of Krasnopol guided artillery shells has increased several times, which will become one of the means of effectively destroying Abrams and Leopard tanks, – RIA Novosti

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore
Tommy Jensen

Off course we blocked Israel’s attempt to take over Khazar and establish Khaganate again in Ukraine, and off course Russia agreed to refrain from denazify Ukraine to satisfy Israel. A proof America is needed everywhere to maintain order on this planet!


What a puppet show, both are a part of the British crown corporation, give it up already.

peter mcloughlin

despite the confidence of empires, there is no certainty of continued victory – ultimately only defeat. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/


Distribute the original link everywhere. They cannot attack a jewish polititian as russian agend or troll or whatever.


Russia warned israel to not send arms to ukraine and this pishing contest has the US/EU/NATO on one side and Russia on the other and it ain’t over yet. Russia is grinding up the Ukranian army and more corruption details are coming out and Zelensky needs to hang it up and surrender and come clean about all his little business dealings in that russian courtroom

Yo People!

A Jewish peace plan?

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yo People!
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