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MARCH 2025

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

Update (2317ET): Accroding to Kyodo news, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe is reportedly showing no signs of life and has suffered from cardiac arrest after being taken to the hospital, according to police and fire officials.

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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The 67-year-old was shot from approximately 3 meters (10 feet) away. The suspect, 41-year-old Yamagami Tatsuya, reportedly stayed on the scene until his arrest on an attempted murder charge.

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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Nikkei 225 futures erased gains following news of Abe’s collapse, while the yen gained with US Treasuries.

*  *  *

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has reportedly been shot in the chest during a campaign speech at around 11:30 a.m. in the city of Nara, near Kyoto. According to NHK what sounded like ‘consecutive bangs’ were heard, after which Abe could be seen bleeding – with some reports saying from the neck. It appears he was shot in the left chest area from behind.

The local fire department reports that Abe is in cardiac arrest, while Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) members reported him to be unconscious.

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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A suspect, believed to be a young or middle-aged man, was apprehended at the scene along with a shotgun, according to NHK.

Futures took an immediate hit on the news.

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Feared Dead After Assassination Attempt

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Retired Troll

Japan is an occupied US colony and nothing there happens without American masters approval. Japan’s PM has less power than a movie theater usher.


True. The people of Japan are totally brainwashed, with many of them not even knowing that their great “friends” from America actually were the ones that flattened both Hiroshima and Nagasaki! Many actually believe that the Russians did it. Unbelievable but true. So when the war in Ukraine has been won by Russia, it would be great to see China and Russia liberating Japan from their evil masters.

Ashok Varma

Shinzo Abe was a right-wing CIA created puppet and an apologist for Japan’s myriad crimes including the sexual enslavement of Korean, Filipino, Chinese, and other women subjects of the Japanese Empire during the Second World War (i.e. “comfort women”). Stop feeling bad. Karma.


US has been killing million of innocent peoples in The Middle East lol.


Yet you have no evidence for anything you say.


I understand you are a coward afraid of the truth, that’s why you dodge debate in favour of lies upon lies and other futile balony. Only violence can make you behave honestly. While I’m no fan of the US government, you have a tendency to scapegoat Whites for jewish machinations.

Last edited 2 years ago by Midgardlad

USA contracted the japs to replicate the hi-tech hypersonics of the Russians after a series of US military wankers failures attempting to copy the system…


I would like to advice Both the USA & Japan to stick to what they do best..


… That is producing erotic P O R N movies.


Sorry guys, I have to chop my sentence above becoz SF would not accept it in one go.


Just write one word, edit your comment, and post the whole thing.

But do remember SF has been hiding some comments they don’t like for some time now.

Simon Teasdale

Today’s US occupied Japan is ruled by the ideological descendants of the Imperial era fascists, who were put back into power by the US so they could turn Japan into a bulwark against China and the Soviet Union and now Russia. They were also cultivated & paid by the CIA. Abe was one of the new breed of kow towing warmongers.

hunter bidé lab pork !

why this doenst happen to all that Psico Abortions Digital Nazi parazites in the World !!!???


because it is all that Psico Abortions Digital Nazi parazites that order such crimes

the perpetrator is an ex JSDF man, so someone that has links to the american cockroaches

clear as a summer sky who is behind it


This man has entirely dedicated his life to America slavery just like the present PM, sad to see that the japs were afflicted with STOCKHOLM SYNDROME where a prey has developed an adoration for its brutal predator.

a passer by

Almost point blank shotgun blast to the chest in broad daylight, in the middle of the road, during a speech, using home made tools, like the primary objective is for everyone to “see” it, not killing the victim. How did the bullet flew past his fellow campaigners, by the way? Anyone consider that it might be just plumes and sound effects, like a blank?

Everyone there ducked after the first shot, yet the victim didn’t even flinch from either the sound or the hit, as seen in a video on twatter. No blood pool, no visible wound, just some blood on shirt.

Fellow campaigners first reported that victim’s still has vital signs, yet vital signs were lost after the victim got on the ambulance, which supposed to carry both personnel and equipment to prevent exactly that.

This op stinks to high heavens.

But it’s so ‘shock and awe’, not many docile Japanese, nor foreigners for that matter, would seriously scrutinize this as a potential false flag, would they? Especially when it’s going to be “rude to the deceased” according to eastern culture.

Liberal Democratic Party (Abe’s party) are going to milk every drop of sympathy out of this one, and the person used to be called Abe carrying new identity retired to a beach mansion somewhere.

Last edited 2 years ago by a passer by

Yes, everybody reacted in reflex, except the victim who was in shock from the hit. I myself have been in a situation where an explosion happened right next to me and while everybody did jump for cover I just stood there unable to move, there was only one thought in my head “that’s it”. Luckily an object + protective clothing shielded the blast. But it’s totally normal not to move at all in such a situation.

Yes, that is how it looks in real life, this is not an action movie.

Paramedics can only do so much, he was hit in the heart, no equipment on earth can save anybody from that, if it had happened right in the hospital he probably still had died. Sometimes there just is nothing that can be done.


There won’t always be a lot of blood, entry wounds are small. If he was using small shot it would have spread out especially from a very short unchoked barrel (which would also waste much of the energy of the expanding gases), and some reports mention home made explosives found at the assassins home, you mention plumes – of smoke, from black powder? So this could have been quite an inefficient gun that did not blast a hole right through the body, which would have made the large exit hole, instant death and lots of blood you were expecting. President Roosevelt was shot with a pistol but saved by his pocket book, although he carried the bullet in his chest for the rest of his life. Like Elvis though, who knows with any of it. Sad though, one guy dead another in prison for life, try waving a placard or writing a letter of complaint instead, I say.


What SF mean “feared dead”. He has passed away a while ago.

Last edited 2 years ago by Seethefuture
Ashok Varma

Good Riddance to a racist war criminal apologist. KARMA is here.

Zionism is Cancer

KARMA indeed. May he rest in piss like all Zionist whores.


They didn’t update the title that is all, but SF updated the report that he is dead.

“Update (2317ET): According to Kyodo news, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe is reportedly showing no signs of life and has suffered from cardiac arrest after being taken to the hospital, according to police and fire officials.”


Japan was neutered after the WWII. Today they are a nation of looney tunes.

Tuff Tank

How about that pR0n tho⁉

Dark Asian Male

He did died. RIP Abe…


One could conceivably argue that Japan was never the same before their surrender to “Little Man” and “Fat Boy”?… Same could also be said for Germany that has been along for Uncle $hmuel’s “ride” and didn’t kick “Red”, White and Blue’$ a$$ out of it’s Country after the Berlin Wall “collapse” in 1989???…

America didn’t win anything with the demise of the Soviet Union 32 years ago… They simply did then what they’ve always done -outspent the competition “With the Full “Faith” and Credit of a Printing Pre”$$”!… And threatened ANYONE else who dares to decouple from the $USD (https://www.elitereaders.com/united-states-steal-trillions-dollars-iraqi-gold-oil/) (https://311truth.wordpress.com/2014/01/18/magna-bsp-the-israeli-connection-to-311-terrorism-at-fukushima/)!…

But not ANYMORE!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Servet Koseoglu



Who is Jack Posobiec? He sounds like another classic worthless zionist cunt lol.


He was a Zionist pet, hopefully more Zionist pets are gunned down like this

Victoria NullEnd

Állítólag csak megjátszotta, hogy szót fogad a világ kormánynak. Közben meg nacionalista japán volt a javából. És ez most a NATO csúcs után kiderült.


This is disgracefull,then again the murderer is just a typical jap/nazi kun,likely hired by cia/gaystappo! The masons nose is outta joint,they copped a backhander by god,losing their useless leaders so they had to take it out on a more reasonable g7 leader than not,to try to blackmail the others to do as they say like or else? These maggots need to be taken out,sure this bloke wasn’t a saint,but atleast he sat down to negotiate trades!


Looks that name Abe isn’t very good luck , of course he knew too much about the Western Crime Syndicate too.


Who cares? lol

Peter Jennings

This is what tends to happen with politicians who leverage hard earned pensions, and then raid them leaving behind the impression of a pension. In doing so, he has lined Japan up as the first economy to fall bigtime.

This what happens when one gets into bed with the FED. Don’t worry though, as the dollar will be the last to sink because the USadmin will throw everyone else’s economy under the bus first.


Well, guess they should ban small home made hand cannons now🥴😒


seems that he was a jew lover. his killer stated that he killed him for his connection with a particular religious group.

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