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Four Killed In New Wave Of Protests In Gaza Strip (Videos)

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On June 8, a new wave of protests erupted in the Gaza Strip as tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered near the so-called security fence to commemorate the International Quds Day, according to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV.

During the protests, Palestinian activists launched several kits carrying Molotov bombs at Israeli military positions around the Gaza Strip. One of the kits downed a mini drone that was being used by the Israeli military to monitor the protests.

The Israeli military claimed that gunmen, who were among the protestors, opened fire at one of its positions north of the Gaza Strip and said that “no injuries were reported.” Following this claim Israeli soldiers began targeting the protestors with sniper rifles, rubber bullets and tear gas.

The Health Minister of Palestine said that four protestors were killed by Israel snipers and 618 others were injured by Israeli forces, including “Mohamad al-Baba” a photographer of the France Press Agency (AFP).

During the last two months, the Gaza Strip witnessed a similar wave of protests against the Israeli state, during which more than 120 protestors were killed by the Israeli military, according to the Qatari al-Jazeera TV.

According to local observers, the death of the four protestors today will likely escalate the tension between the Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli military. The next weekend is also expected to witness similar, if not larger, protests.

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How long does Hamas keep this up? Because no change to overall situation will occu by these antics.


Hamas does not seem to care about the casualties in Gaza strip. Neither did Trump when he started this mess. Civilians always suffer because of stupid political decisions. :(

Lena Jones

STFU already with your stupid lies smaug and pzivj zio-cogs! LOL like anyone believes your genocidal selves really care about Palestinian civilians.


And since when has HAMAS cared for the people of Gaza! You are way ignorant :D

Lena Jones

Oh check you out all triggered. FACT: Israel created Hamas!!! So STFU you little genocidal, lying turd! If you don’t like RESISTANCE GROUPS then stop your fucking occupation!!!!


“Oh check you out all triggered” Lena Jones is using her brain today !! TIGER SPAM :DDDD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


The idiot runs away and hides


Screw you Pacific NW. If you where standing in the same room as me, You would piss your pants!


Haha… so you are making personal threats now!

Hey you, fucking stupid dumbass idiot, do you think I give a flying fuck about your threats shitface?



Such vulgar language PaciificNW. By the way you shall piss your pants 3 days from now. :D


Listen carefully you to me turd, you are on record (with your IP on file) as having made threats of violence… which is a stupid thing to do, considering.

And now you double down, warning me about some future event you have in store for me in three days time.

Fuck you assturd… and fuck your threats of violence.

Good thing you just put yourself on record as having made specific — e.g. three days from today — threats of violence, confirming what a complete dumbfuck idiot you are.

Bring it on shithead!


I don’t even know in what country you are located ! If you are scared you should stay at home on June 12 :DDD


Why would I be scared? Because demonic cables may be planning a false flag event like thry did in 911, which by the way I personally lived through, was living twenty miles or so from ground zero… so I know exactly what a large scale Mossad run false flag mass murder looks like… and feels like.


Just screwing with your head about 3 days. Does NY also have an Orange County? We replaced our orange groves with buildings many years ago.


At least I have a head….you dumb ignorant brainwashed beast


OH NO! Is PacificNW a bit pissed off today? :DD TIGER SPAM https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg


No… more like disgusted with morally twisted up pretzels like you cupcake.


Your cupcake is waiting for you at the pub down the street Does the old lady know about this?


You are not my cupcake pissant… so waiting at the pub will do you no good


Never been called pissant before. Perhaps I shall run across you in 3 days.


there we go again, with the threats….

you must be a legend in your mind, asswipe.


No threat here. We shall meet in the pub and laugh about this “discussion” Good night.


do tanks sleep?

Lena Jones

Some animals play dead to save their asses, PZIVJ plays STUPID to save his zio exposed scumbag arse.


You are the ignorant person, ignoring the fact, and framing foolish arguments as fact.

Lena is correct, Hamas has been proven as a construct of Israel, just as Al Qaeda is proven a construct of America.

your ignorance, is not knowledge.


Did I say Hamas is not a construct of Israel ? Nod is posting like an idiot again ! :DDD


Nor did I say that you did say that.


I do not care for Hamas or the Taliban. This does not make a person a Zionist !


yeah, but your highly selective focus on the powerless actor Hamas, while you ignore the culpability and responsibility of the Israeli forces that are the agents of death…. kind of indicates that instead what is going on in your mind is a warped and twisted hasbara defense of the indefensible!

Let’s hear you call the IDF snipers fascist death squad goons who are motivated to murder unar med people by a deep racism which causes them to view the human beings they are murdering as sub-humans.

Let me hear you denounce Israel as being a racist fascist criminal enterprise guilty of war crimes. Then, and only then, will your criticism of Hamas be fair and balanced.


You will hear nothing from me. There is already too much “kill all jews” on this site. This I call racist hate.


You just outed yourself as a Zionist troll then. I find it funny how you pull out the victim card (which is standard operating procedure for hasbara trolls like you) and speak of “kill the jews”, as if Jews were being killed.

Who is killing whom in the Gaza Concentration camp?

Are Jews being murdered?

Or is it Jews who are committing the murder?

Murder, which you as a good Zionist foot soldier are trying to put the blamefor on Hamas.

By outing yourself as a Zionist ideologue and refusing to condemn the indefensible you are yourself guilty of supporting murder.

You are killing your own humanity!


You are starting to bore me PacificNW. Now going to the store to pick up a six pack. TIGER SPAM :DD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg


I am not hear to entertain you. Idiot!


WRONG! Tour job is to entertain me. Just like monkey on a computer :DDD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1b0dd21e0239976079cb3cb5d3e15f96af04cb67589fde89d41cd8934b0933b.jpg


Drink your beer stupid duffus… meditate on how you are one who supports the massacre of defenceless human beings.

Put on a brown shirt and wear an armband… for it suits you well.


So you are claiming not to be a stupid monkey on keyboard ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png


Is that the best you got you mentally twisted up zionist freak of nature


Actually I do have better. But don’t have time to deal with retards. FLAG SPAM :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/19f4390a50829580ce711be745f03d64860ee8a12906690568bec58c89ef5513.jpg


That I doubt. You seem like a typical low IQ brainwashed tool.


Israel is the occupying authority. Gaza is a completely surrounded by land (with Egyptian complicity), air and by sea! Gaza is completely dependent on Israel, which can and often DOES shut off essential basic civilian necesseties of life such as supplies of water, electricity.

Israel is 100% legally responsible for the squalid conditions it forces these millions of people to live in this giant concentration camp it controls.

Now it has taken to massacring unarmed people like they were fucking rabbits!

Israel is a fascist and ravist crime against humanity and anyone who continues to support this moral abomination is a piece of shit!

Gaza is the Warsaw ghetto of our time and the IDF is the Gestappo!


Does Israel care? Because, you fail to mention that it is Israeli snipers who are doing the murdering! These people who are being massacred by the IDF are not “casualties” they are murder victims of a racist targetted extra-judicial killing machine.

Israel is as guilty as sin!

Boycott this racist death squad nation. Isolate the fuck out of Israel. Shun all Israelis, who support the death squad entity. Bring this ethno-supremacist moral cancer to its knees.


Of course Israel and US do not care. My argument is that Hamas sends their civs to the fence line to be shot. and they accomplish nothing!


The human inmates of the Israeli concentration camp of Gaza have little to live for. Israel makes sure of that. The levels of sufferring and sense of complete hopelessness and being forgotten by the world are things your mind probably is insensitive to. It is not Hamas that is driving these propke to protest, it is because Israel has left them with no other options.

And something is being accomplished by their ultimate sacrifice. The world is getting first hand footage of the kind of inhuman monstrous racist thing Israel is in actuality. The world is waking up to the very real Nazism that fills the insides of Zionism.


The Israelis could choose not to murder these people. Why do you never focus the guilt upon the guilty party?


Leave the land you have stolen. Stop killing women and children in Zionist occupied Palestine.

Largest number of anti Semites on the planet live in Israel. Doing mass murder on Palestinian Semites…

Taking Jerusalem, and calling it yours. Too funny.


Repeating the same ideological rhetoric over and over means nothing. Tell me, will these protests make any progress towards their stated goals?


Nor does your nonsense about “progress”. It are the Zionist who have refused any “progress” .

Progress to the Zionists, means more expropriation. More murder.


You have not answered the question! Will these protest cause any change to the situation?


I already answered it.above. You ignored it. Yet my answer isn’t fact, it is opinion. And opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink.

There is no way to know, if protests would work, and to what extent.. But here is some science for you, to debunk your foolishly framed irrelevant question.

Yet, is change possible? Of course it is. Science says.

Will it happen, likely not, inequality says.

“Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion.”



You’ve stated clearly how your desired goals run contrary to Israel’s, even if you you phrase that in the most partial way possible. How that answers the question the question of the effectiveness of the protests is another matter. But these protests have made no change to the strategic situation. The UN remains passive-aggressive (depending on the committee), Israel continues to be apart of NATO, the US continues to supply weapons, the blockade continues, Iran just got kicked out of Damascus for Pete’s sake! What could these protest do? No change to public opinion has occurred anywhere in the world, so what’s the point?


I’ve clearly stated nothing of the kind. I have no goals. I do not hate people. I understand inequality.

I did not expect you would understand the point on evidence I provided. Goes to you contention that there is no good to come from protest.

I do not now if this is true or not, and I do not think your opinion is knowledge. But science said, awareness is possible. And only through awareness, can change occur. SO there is no yes or no.

And as I said, in a post before you demanded I tell you what I already had told you 10 hours previously …..

I said…

“”It is true that Israel is an apartheid state, guilty of genocide..

But you are right.

Mass protest means jack shit. We have owners, and our owners own Israel….””

inequality rules. And most of we chimps, don’t get that. Or refuse the simplicity of it all.


It will lead to Chaos… Dissorder… Fear…Pressure…Boycots…Showing the True Face of Evil to the World…which you are.. Kid-Killers… Which will lead to ignorance of the Rest of the World when the Real Fight Starts…it’s just the warming-up… European IsraHelli Import go Back to where you came from…!! Occupiers is what they are…fuck offff


“Repeating the same ideological rhetoric o”

1- Zionists occupy Palestine. Land they have arbitrarily taken from the long standing occupants.

Fact, not rhetoric.

2- “Stop killing women and children i” Something that Zionists have been doing for decades, in order to take more, and iunsure they keep what they have stolen.

Fact not rhetoric

3- “Largest number of anti Semites on the planet live in Israel”

With hundreds of thousands of displaced, murdered Palestinian Semites on the account of the Zionists, this too is FACT. Not rhetoric.


Boycott the fascist death squad apartheid state! Israel is a murderous war crime nation whose entire leadership belongs in the Hague!


If that were true, why would a mass protest change anyone’s mind?


because it is forcing people all around the earth to see Israel for what it actually is! The carefully nurtured Zionist narrative that Israel and its hasbara operatives around the world in the media and elsewhere have carefully put together over the last 70 years is coming apart at the wheels.

These brave Gaza concentration camp interned human beings whom the Israelis are nassacring like they were fucking rabbits are awakening the world to the racism and the death squad fascism that is at the very core of Zionism.

The Zionist myth is dying in the bloody soil of the Gaza killing fields.


Reading past the ideological rhetoric that makes this political murder. Letting random people die so that someone else will fight the Israelis. Tell me, if Hamas were to make permanent peace with Israel on the best terms they can get as Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia have done would there be any conflict?


And accept sub-human existence inside Israeli controlled bantustans, on their own historical lands!

You Zionists are a piece of cake!

First you ethnically cleanse yourself a nation in 1948-49, using terror and rape as a weapon of war to cause the Palestinian villagers to flee for their lives….

Then you build a Jim Crow Apartheid system that is racist to the core and you wall the indigenous people into small isolated disconnected Israeli controlled bantustans, imposing intolerable suffering upon the millions of human beings whom your fascist racist state oppresses and murders and tortures (and who knows what other dark satanic crimes are getting committed away from the cameras).

And you have the gall to suggest that these poor suffering human-beings should accept this and sue for the best “peace” they can get?

I have a much better idea! The entire world should sanction your racist dystopia and you ethno-supremacist morrally compromized Zionist suppoerters should be universally shunned by all! You are a moral cancer!

Israel requires its very own Nuremburg war crimes tribunal and the rntire Zionist elite belongs in the Hague for war crimes they have committed.

There… fixed it! That is a much better idea.


I’m not remotely Jewish, don’t assume I am just because I don’t hate Jews. .

That is to say you do not want peace. You want war. But you do not have any intention of fighting it yourself. You want ethnic cleansing, purges, and show trials and you even imply genocide. You bury this among many condemnations of Jews for alleged crimes, but fundamentally you believe that Jews are sub-human and must be eradicated. . Given the fact that there are many people like you among the Arabs, why do you think the Israelis make extreme security efforts? And tell me, who is more closely related to the Nazis? Them or you?


And Not all Zionists are Jews. Christian Zionists are the main reason why Zionism has such a grip on the American body politic.

Not all Jews are Zionist either.

One of the most celebrated (in Gaza) martyrs of their struggle is Rachel Corrie who gave her life defending the poeople of Gaza with non-violent protest and defiance of the Israeli death machine, which murdered her bycrushing her to death under a bulldozer.

Rachel Corrie was Jewish and the memory of her sacrifice resonates in Gaza.

Zionists are forever trying to paint opposition to Zionism as being synonomous with a racist hatred of Jews. For a long time this trick worked, but those days are gone.

Like all racists you assume I must be Arab, when I am not even remotely so.

Who is doing the murdering in Gaza?

So my condemning this moral crime, means I want war? Pray tell me how this twisted logic works?

Condemning Zionist crimes is what I am doing, yet you are trying to twist this into some kind of hatred of Jews… playing the typical hasbara troll trick of invoking this myth of Jewish victimhood….

Even when, as in this case it is Jewish IDF death squad racists who are committing the acts of murderous violence.

How fucking twisted up is that?

Zionism is a political ideology predicated on a belief in Jewish victimhood and also Jewish ethno-supremacy.

Judaism is an ancient religeon. There are many practicing Jews who infact completely and unambiguosly reject Zionism, do these Jews also hate Jews according to you?

It is the fascist death squad racist ideology of Zionism that is criminally insane and myst be stopped!

It is Zionists who try to confuse and conflate Jewishness and Zionism as being synonomous, when in reality there is a huge gulf between them.

Most Zionists, are not even practicing religeous Jews…. many are self professed athiests.


You’re avoiding the question, while yet insisting onusing an antiquated term for Israel.


He is also quite correct.


The term I prefer to use for Israel is: “war crime scene”


Answer the question.


I did. Israel is a war crime and it needs to be stopped


That is not what I asked and you know it. How does this protest accomplish that objective!?


Israel’s racist death squad mentality has beenrevealed for all to see. Increasingly people understand that Gaza is an Israeli controlled concentration camp and that Israel is a morally twisted sick racist society.


Political murder. You want Gazans to die so that the UN will condemn Israel.


Whoa there hasbara troll… who said I wanted anybody to die?

You are dishonestly attempting to put words in my mouth.

Do you always lie like this?

The racist fucks who are currently massacring people in the Gaza concentration camp are wearing IDF uniforms.

You are doing your very best to take the focus off of this stark and yndeniable fact!

Who is doing the killing?

Are you really going to try to paint Israel as the “victim”.

Give me your best attempt… I was going to say “shot”, but knowing how you Zionists like to murder people I thought better agaibst using that word.


Just because i disagree don’t make me a propaganda bot. Excuse me, but if no one dies then no alleged evil can be revealed. And if Hamas intended to avoid deaths the protests would not have continued in their present manner even after dozens upon dozens die and thousands injured. I guarantee the protests will continue next week and more people will die in a variety of incidents, but what will change except the talk in the UN? If you want military action, take military action. Don’t try to cajole other people by creating the incidents that you condemn.


Your continued attempts to paint Israel as a “victim of hamas violence”…. is morally repugnant and paints you as a zionist ideologue.

Those poor IDF snipers “forced” to massacre defenceless people caged inside a concentration camp (from sniper positions under absolutely no threat)…forced to massacre all these human beings — and make sick videos, which I have personally watched where they high five each other and celebrate each kill — yes.. such “victims”

of Hamas violence… right?

Go on… tell us who you really work for?


While you assume those who disagree with Zionism are anti semetic ?

Jews are people too. We are all just stupid chimps, fighting amongst each other over irrelevant bullshit, while we are raped and owned via inequality.

While you twist everything you hear into anti antisemetism so you can dismiss truth.

You put words in his mouth, then argue hate :P Too funny.

Your prejudice reveals you.


“If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.”

― Noam Chomsky

Israel is NOT the worst war criminal around.

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.


Yes…. The problem of murderous criminal syndicates is bigger than Israel But it does not alter the fact that Israel is a racist murderous death squad society that requires the Nuremburg treatment


As does the USA, Canada, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UK, and all the rest of the murdering cumquats who blindly follow murder and imperialism while calling it democracy in action.


All nations that are under control of the Oligarchic crime syndicates are being run by criminals, but the Israeli Apartheid ethno-supremacist and openly racist society of Israel is in a class all by itself


Hamas IS Israel, As All Qaeda is America.


“because it is forcing people all around the earth to see Israel for what it actually is! ”

who cares. People around the earth are powerless, just like you are slave.

wake up.

money = debt = slavery. They own you, your government, all debt, all militarizes, most all business…

And they have you blaming some bullshit entity called Zionism.


You only become a slave once you believe yourself to be a slave. The Oligarchy’s power and reach may be immense, but it is not absolute as you believe.

Wakeup from the poisonous belief that you seem to entertain that you are a powerless slave of the glibalist banking elite. Join the resistance movement, beginning by freeing yourself inside your own mind.

Freedom starts from within!


bunk. Leave your wallet at home next week and tell me how `free`you are.


I left my wallet at home for ten years, when I was off grid in self-exile and I survived. You have no idea.


when I was off grid in self-exile “

uh huh. Who cares.

Is that your answer, run and hide. D you think that will feed humanity. Do you think that would be freedom .



do you think being a hasbara troll like you most definitely seem to be, will feed humanity?


“nteresting, I directly rebuted your assertion that I should try living without my wallet for a few days a”

Well, you are likely a liar, and secondly, the question wasn’t one that spoke only to you, but to humanity as a whole. What is interesting, is you fixate on an irrelevant point. That being you.

While ignoring the CONCEPT I gave you to mull over.

“There is no inevitable irresistable force keeping us enslaved!”

wake the fuck up.

money = debt = slavery. Read or ask, but please dont babble ignorance as knowledge. I might have to give you a spanking.

“What are you doing to feed humanity?”

Another irrelevant point.

Sure as fuck aint running off to my cabin in the woods…


They own it all, lock stock and barrel. Science, logic, and common sense incipient of understanding usury, agree.

” We borrow created out of nothing money from bankster with interest,(1)

then the bought and paid for politicos ( 2 )

give the money to the corporations the banksters own,(3)

which is used to affect the globalist policies, the banksters seek.(4)

1- “In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money” http://www.bankofengland.co… “

2- “Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.”

Gilens, M., & Page, B. I. (2014). Testing theories of American politics: Elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564-581. DOI: 10.1017/S1537592714001595

3 -“So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It’s all one massive monopoly.

Controlled from the top down “

’A total of 737 control 80% of it all”

The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.”

Please Google “The network of global corporate control”

4 “Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ”

| David Rockefeller |

( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)


I am aware of the deeper globalist Oligarchy which Zionism is an instrument of. This does not mitigate or lessen the crimes against humanity being committed by the racist death squad apartheid state of Israel though.

Are you seeking to diminish Israel’s criminal culpability for the Gaza massacres and the long list of war crimes that hellish fascist outpost of ugly colonizing racism clearly is guilty of?

I want to see the end of the fractional reserve system and the rule that it has brought about as much as anyone who has studied and become aware of this centuries old hydra that has parasatized the world.

Why are you always pointing away from Israel? Why are you always trying to change the subject?


Because I am not so foolish that I would blame the puppet, for the actions of the master with its hand up its ass.

You said “This does not mitigate or lessen the crimes against humanity“

I never said otherwise. Yet it is also not unique. Except in your own mind. Israel is a war criminal. So is the USA, the UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Canada.

Yet you foam at the mouth when you speak of Israel. That reveals your prejudice.


Not true… you have expressed blame for many countries, including even Canada, which for sure has blood on its hands, but whose soldiers are not currently shooting defenceless human beings like turkies inside a walled in concentration camp

And yet… you refuse to unambiguously condwmn the Apartheid Zionist criminal enterprise, which is very currently committing precisely these kind of indefensible war crimes?

Again I ask you why the refusal on your part to condemn the murderous and racist actions of the Israeli state?

I don’t think you are a fool, but I am vecoming convinced that you are something else.

Why do you continue to reguse to criticize Israeli crimes against humanity?


your ignorance, is not knowledge.

“you have expressed blame for many countries“

No, I have recognized fact for what it is. . You show me where I blamed any of these fools for being fools :P Recognizing fact, does not = blame.

And because I have a pretty nice IQ, I know full well it is just fucking stupid to blame people, for being mass educated and socialized into whatever this mess around us, is called.

“And yet… you refuse to unambiguously condwmn the Apartheid Zionist criminal “

You are a liar. What I do, is refuse to seek out to point Israel as THE bad guy, for doing what the rest of our governments do. Because of inequality of power. Especially when I know just how many Muslims we Americans have murdered for globalism. Sure Israel is a genocidal state. So is the USA, Saudi Arabia et al..

condemnation is irrelevant emotional garbage.

the system is inequality. The system is the problem.And it isnt just the reality of social harm in inequality in wealth, it is recognition of what can be done for power via the many roads of inequality. We see the power of inequality right now, as the usurers who own business, governments, and bomb makers invade the planet.

Zionists,, and Israel, are small fry. You though, foam at the mouth.

I see you, hater.


Show me another government that imprisons almost half of its citizens based on racist criteria in a cruel inhumane system of isolated and walled in concentration camps?

Show me another nation that is currently massacring large numbers of unarmed civilians it has caged up in walled in concentration camps?

Show me a society as openly racist and as embracing of racism as Israel?

Show me a society that is officially structured on the basis of an ethno-supremacist ideology, as the state of Israel is?

Israel richly deserves the hatred it gets. Israel is in a class all by itself of odious racist morally bankrupt ideology.

You refuse to condemn Israel fot its current crimes against humanity, hiding behind a wooly argument that the world’s problems are deeper than just Israrl.

That is an attempt on your part to change the subject. For nobody, and certainly not myself said anything to indicate otherwise.

Why do you continue to refuse to condemn athe racist butcher nation of Israel?


Israel richly deserves the hatred it gets. “

I see you clearly.

You say AGAIN “Why do you continue to refuse to condemn athe racist butcher nation of Israel?“

Are you fucking stupid, how many times do I have to answer your question.

“condemnation is irrelevant emotional garbage.“

I recognize the fact. And move on.

You just want me to hate people like you do.

For the effects of the system which created them. While you ignore the same actions, on the part of many others. So you can condemn Israel. Foaming at the mouth.


Asking someone to clearly and unambiguously condemn some nation or some practice is not the same thing as calling for hatred.

Why do you continue to refuse to condemn the morally indefensible acts pepetrated by the Israeli state?

I am not asking you to hate anybody. I am asking for clear and unambigupus condemnation of the morally indeensible acts of the Israeli state and its agents in deliberately and cold bloodedly massacring msny scores and maiming many hundreds of humans for life.

The fact that you cannot bring yourself to condemn these crimes against humanity says a whole lot about the kind of person you are.


but whose soldiers are not currently shooting defenceless human beings “

while it did indeed bomb Libyans to death, women and children included, to help depose the leader of the most prosperous nation in Africa at the time.


A war which was envisioned in the Zionist PNAC document of 1999… and was also very much desired by the Zionist war crime state.

All of the PNAC wars have been wars for Israel and Israel is prepared to fight for Greater Israel down to the last American.

What’s your point, in pointing out other wars fought for achieving the Zionist Oded Yinon Plan.

I am well aware that the US is a ZOG… are you?


“Zionist PNAC document of 1999.

You are a poor liar. And you foolish lies reveal your irrationality. The Project for a New American century was neo con politics. based on the writings of Zbigniew Brzezinski.

““The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative[1][2][3] think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy““

Ànd I have read it. I have also read that, which it is taken from.

What it really was ….Globalist policy Not politics.

Then you babble Sorry, but I got no more time for your irrationality.


The PNAC manifesto is the template for 911 and all the Zionist wars for Israel that were envisioned in that document and which were subsequently fought, bankrupting the US treasure and killing millions in the middle east.

The PNAC manifesto also clearly forecast 911, calling for a “new Pearl Harbor type event”. An “event”, which was soon provided courtesy of the Mossad (no denying the presence and the implications of the five dancing Israeli Mossad agents arrested celebrating and filming the false flag mass murder of 3,000 New Yorkers as it was happening, on that day of infamy…what kind of inhuman monster celebrates a mass murder as it is going on?).

I have read it. So have many American patriots, we know who the traitors are. One day they will hang for high treason.


It is true that Israel is an apartheid state, guilty of genocide..

But you are right.

Mass protest means jack shit. We have owners, and our owners own Israel….


Soon Palestine will become another Vietnam for child butchers US, NATO and Israel…….


This is a charity if somebody assassinate the child butcher Netanyahu and Israel and rescue Palestinian hostages…..


Any prime minister or president supporting the child butchers Netanyahu and Israel is in fact declaring himself the child butcher, oppressor and thief……..


Putin could believe in one God but should never believe in US, NATO and Israel and in their agreements.

Joe Dirt

4 less Muslims in the world, today is a good day.

Lena Jones

Only a genocidal jew would say something so very stupid – and you know why it’s stupid? Because an average of 167 Palestinian babies are born every month lol! And the fake-jew birth rate in israel? 48 per month. Low sperm count for jews due to hundreds of years of interbreeding. Plus, jewish men don’t seem to like having sex with jewish women – they much prefer sex with ‘shiksas’.

Joe Dirt

Only Nazis hate the Jews, are you a Nazi?

Lena Jones

Only jews hate gentiles – are you a jew?


But a growing population around the world despises the terrorist anti-Semitic Zionists and their behavior in Palestine. Very few Jews compared to the population of occupied Palestine are actually Semitic, the rest of the Zionists and Zionists around the world are just anti-Semitic a*sholes supporting the butchering of the Semitic people of Palestine. Oh and in case your education has been so lacking, Judaism is a religion just like Christianity, Islam or many others. I look forward to the very richly deserved karma which Israel will inevitably receive for it’s decades long butchering of the Semitic people of Palestine. Israel’s cruelty of the Semitic people of Palestine ranks right up there with the claims they made about Hitler.


…I look forward to the very richly deserved karma which Israel will inevitably receive…

wont just be Israel that gets what they deserve. Karma is coming for ALL of us.

Joe Dirt

You in Israel right now?


You couldn’t pay me enough to behave like an Israeli, I have morals, compassion and would never ever murder for theft much less enjoy it as the brave IDF do against 3 and 4 year olds. I also wouldn’t try to pretend I’m Semitic while terrorizing the real Semitic population of Palestine.


Only an idiot confuses a Jew, with money power. Only an idiot, thinks it are Jews, who are murdering the middle east. Only an idiot, thinks that all Jews, are actually Jewish. Only an idiot, thinks that Jews are the same as Zionists.

Lots of idiots on this site. Pandering to their own irrational hate and prejudice, Ignoring reason and logic.

Joe Dirt

Me brainwashed? Have you read the Quran you stupid fuck. It’s full of hate. If anyone who is irrational and prejudice it’s fucking muzzy the child raper Muhammed


I read Genesis too dimwit.

But I also do understand the meaning of the worlds relevance, and immateriality. You are a dull, stupid, prejudiced, hate filled chimp….

In other words…


Joe Dirt

You read Genesis? Why? Lol I’m talking about Muslims and the Quran….please, try to stay on track with the conversation


The hate speech word salad you generate can hardly be described as rising to the level of being a conversation…. As long as you keep your face buried in that poisonous fetid muck you call dirt, you won’t improve your basic intellectual functions…. Dirt.


Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you.

Fluoride eater huh…


Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you DIrt….


Israel is a fascist death squad crime against humanity. Zionism is the functional equivalent of Nazism! As a Zionist you act like a Nazi, you speak like a Nazi, you defend your precious Zionist belief system with the same blind fervor that Nazis defend their beliefs.

You are a Nazi Joe…. and you might as well wear a fucking armband too!

Joe Dirt

Lol how can a Jew be a Nazi? Seriously you are fucking stupid


If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck!

Zionism is functionally the same as Nazism. The IDF death squads now engaging in ethni-supremacist driven mass murder of unarmed civilians inside a giant concentration camp are precisely like the Gestappo surrounding the Warsaw ghetto!

It is twisted no doubt, but Zionists have brought this comparison upon themselves through their own murderous and racist acts. If Zionists behave like Nazis… and they do! then they invite the comparison.

I’ve seen the footage of the racist IDF snipers high fiving and celebrating their kills as if they were shooting rabbits. You want to defend thst kind of sick inhimanity… then I question yours.

I’ve watched footage of crowds of Israelis chanting the most vile and genocidally racist cgants at sporting events… egged on in their lynch mob mentality by members of the Israeli cabinet.

This is precisely the kind of behavior of the Nazis!

The Israeli ethnic cleansing, the Oded Yinon Plan…. the blatantly apartheid racist nature of its society all point to a deep and I agree deeply disturbing parallel between the Zionist state and the Nazi state.

If you find this comparison troubling… you should!

Do something about it then, add your voice to those demanding a change in Israeli bahavior, and demanding accountability for Isrselis who are committing war crimes.

Don’t shoot the messenger.


You are dirt, so I understand your ignorance.I understand you completely.

You have murdered about 2 million or so Muslims, , since your masters convinced you and the fools like you, that Muslims shut down science in order to do 911 was an inside job.

When will your blood lust be satiated. When will you stop committing war crimes against humans, because you are too stupid to figure out the real fight is rich v. the rest of us.

eh dimwit… tell us.

Joe Dirt

Only 2million, wow we have a long way to go but I think the US, Israel, SAA, Russia, and EU are doing a great job at killing those muzzy rats


and you bud…. you are a racist turd

Joe Dirt

Islam is a religion not a race you stupid fuck. Stop hopping on that MSM buzz word “racist”.


Your racist genocidal inclibation towards the billion or so humans who follow that faith makes you a violent racist pig.

It is your own genocidal inclination that makes you a racist…. racist.

Joe Dirt

You are clearly a dipshit lol religion is not a race…so you can’t be racist to a religion.


clearly you have difficulty grasping simple concepts… perhaps if you pulled your mind out of the dirt it might be easier for you.


Notice after the jewish Hitler was invited to be guest of honour by zionist appeaser Putin, jewish trolls openly glorifying the murder of ‘muslims’ by jewish nazis started to appear in the comments on this site.

You’ll also notice how the ‘football hooligan’ type supporters of Putin have started to vanish as the evidence of Putin selling the s-400 to every wahhabi terror nation has become impossible to ignore.

Realism is the rise of the new nazi menace on Planet Earth- world jewry. And world jewry no longer feels the need to even PRETEND they are not nazis, so they are now murdering children, journalists and medics in the open.

The jewish Hollywood values of the worst video images in Human History, those ISIS murder films, proved how close we are to the end time. Atrocties have been caught on camera before, but never with the loving detail the jewish directors and producers gave to their ‘ISIS’ works. Supreme evil with the mask off.

Now world jewry is convinced their dream of nuclear strikes on their ‘enemies’ – in this case the tens of millions of innocent Humans in Iran, are just months away. Southfront has given no coverage to the world tour of the jewish Hitler, and the significance of the jewish Hitler meeting each of his slaves and servants, beginning with Putin- but then again Southfront has literally no way to spin this.

But Southfront knows Putin is falling over himself to enable Trump to ‘clear the books’ in readness for the Iran War. Events in Syria are 100% designed, like those in N Korea, to ensure Trump can tell the American people that their only immediate problem now remains in Iran. Russia betrayed Cuba, and Russia betrayed Serbia, as we all know. Now Putin is preparing for the greatest betrayal of all.


Southfront has given no coverage to the world tour of the jewish Hitler…

When do I get the Links you promised to send me for a couple of Moons? I got None….Zero….Zip…Blaming others for what they are doing themselves, is what AngloZioNazis are good at….


..according to you, it can be said that Russia was betrayed by Russia itself. But those betrayers are just certain politicians and their lackeys – rogue servants.


Zionists are the terrorists of the world. Observing Israel’s lies and behavior towards the Palestinians helps one to understand what Hitler had against Jews. Unfortunately many Jews who do not behave in such a manner, supporting the terrorist Zionists in Israel and zionists around the world that make it possible for Israel to continue it’s reign of terror, are going to bear the results of what Israel does while claiming it’s acting in their name. You can see the steady growth of so-called anti-semitism around the world as a direct product of each atrocity committed by Israel. It will continue to grow until Israel receives it’s well deserved karma. It’s interesting that the anti-Semitic Zionists targeting the Semitic people of Palestine are able to claim that other people are anti-Semitic for not agreeing with the anti-Semitic Zionists and their terror campaign in Palestine.


“Zionists are the terrorists of the world.”


As bad as they are, there are much worse…And I know who the “real terrorists are”. And I know which countries implement their globalist policies.

You American ?

“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.


So you believe that Zionists only work in the Middle East ey? First off, let me straighten you out on a thing or two. Targeting a group of people because of the country they were born into is a lose lose proposition; kind of like blaming Palestinians for having been born there, Russians for having been born there, Americans for having been born there etc. etc. and on and on. Which group holds a stranglehold on the US government? Give you a hint…. they also reside in the Middle East. Has the US GOVERNMENT destroyed and been responsible for death all over the world in pursuit of profit? Absolutely! Now pay close attention here. The US GOVERNMENT departed from the ideals of it’s Founders in the 1800s, which is why there’s so much death and destruction (by the way, you left some out like the large grab of Mexican territory which constitutes a sizeable chunk of the lower part of the US).

So now let me see if I can clear the actions of the US in the Middle East which doesn’t benefit the US as a policy, but does benefit the zionists in control of the reins of power. Even while the US destroys these countries for the benefit of Israel, it doesn’t get the delight and enjoyment from say, using the Palestinian population as a shooting gallery or a place for heavily armed IDF to terrorize 3 and 4 year old kids by beating them or locking them away in prisons to be tortured. Zionists however have no difficulty in propagandizing the American population and distorting the facts through their corporate owned media and money in support of child, medical, reporter murderers, as well as other unarmed civilians. Maybe now you see why I say “terrorists of the world”. If it’ll make you happy, I’ll say terrorists of the Middle East. Is that better? Just don’t forget who holds power in the US.


“So you believe that Zionists only work in the Middle East ey?”

No, but if you, for a second, expect me to drop my brain in a shit bucket and beLIEve the Zionists control the Americans, well you can go find an idiot to feed that too.

Money power rules . And it aint called Zionism.Its called FIAT banking.

“Has the US GOVERNMENT destroyed and been responsible for death all over the world in pursuit of profit? ”

No they have not. The profit, only ensures a long line of willing dupes to do what needs to be done. They are responsible, for affecting globalism. And ALL that that entails. They have their power to do this, pursuant the petro dollar which was given to them, by money power.

As does Canada, France and all the other countries who are a member of the BIS. Financial, military, or diplomatically, they all help in one way or another,.

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ”

| David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing sovereignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)

This is what is going on., This is what is relevant. Rest of it is theater, for small minds who cannot comprehend the real power in our corrupt socio economic paradigm.

I know who holds power in the USA, and it isn’t a political entity. It are the rich dirty usurious bastards who will say anything to keep you fighting me over irrelevant bullshit like politics and religion while they clean up;.

Clever lot huh. They got you, a seemingly intelligent fellow, blaming some political power for the effects of the most comprehensive power ever seen on this planet. Our corrupt monetary system.


“Using the monetary system, the bankers have been able to steal ownership of most corporations on this planet. Big Pharma, MIC, Big Agro, everything. Science says.

The sweetest part of that ponzi scheme. The fact we borrow created out of nothing money from banksters with interest,(1) then the bought and paid for politicos ( 2 ) give it back to the corporations the banksters own,(3) for the use in the globalism the banksters seek.(4)

Sweetest scam EVER. Cant accuse banksters of stupidity. The herd is clueless.

1- “In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money” http://www.bankofengland.co… “

2- “Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.”

Gilens, M., & Page, B. I. (2014). Testing theories of American politics: Elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564-581. DOI: 10.1017/S1537592714001595 3 -“So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It’s all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down “ ’A total of 737 control 80% of it all” The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.” Please Google “The network of global corporate control” 3- “This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Zbigniew Brzezinski

You only showed me, how uninformed you really were. Hope you will improve your understanding, and look to the real problem. And that is certainly not incipient of the middle east. By any stretch.


“expect me to drop my brain in a shit bucket and beLIEve the Zionists control the Americans”

Nope, not at all. I do expect you to use it however. Do you believe that AIPAC cannot affect whether a Congress person gets re-elected countering any of Zionists (and it’s not about religion, I didn’t say ‘Jews’) expectations regarding Israel? Congress critters live in fear of the money controlled by AIPAC and other Zionist organizations which march in uniformity for Israel. Has any member of Congress ever lost re-elections because of not conforming to Israeli policy? You betcha! And Congress critters noticed and have been silent on that score since. Have you ever looked at the neocon members and their affiliation with Israel’s designs? Yes it’s about money and power and the Zionists wield it effectively and efficiently.

Speaking of small minds… It’s interesting that you can’t equate simple actions of the US which benefit Israel while alienating most of the rest of the world against the US as recent history shows. It’s also interesting that you can’t see which group of people inhabit the neocons and true halls of power in the US and which controls also the corporate media message which always just happens to sync with the desires of Israel. Want a current example, how about moving the embassy to Jerusalem or getting out of the JCPOA Iranian agreement. Which country’s leader comes and commands an audience directly with the Congress (and gets it) sidestepping the President of the country (overwhelming applause from it’s members too)?

Yes small minds are kept arguing amongst each other about things that are just pure bs like gender neutrality and Republican/Democrat. Yes the reserve currency, which is credit from the rest of the world propping up the fiat currency of the US and enabling it to wage war all over the world. Yes it’s about controlling not just the money but also the world’s resources. And yes it’s about small minds that can’t see beyond who is wielding that money, what their doing with it in pursuit of their ideologies, the fear elected officials have of enacting legislation which would favor America over that of Israel, the fear prospective candidates for office if they don’t state publicly their undying support for Israel and yes it’s reflected in current world events. Does Iraq, Syria or now Iran ring a bell? Does this mean there are no other people or lobbies vying for power other than the Zionists? Of course not. The Zionists just happen to have more representation in the US government (even Israeli citizens in Congress), control more money than the others as a unified group and wield it effectively. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there!


Do you believe that AIPAC cannot affect whether a Congress person gets re-elected countering any of Zionists “

I dont care. It doesn’t matter.`It only matters to someone stupid enough to think they live in a democracy.

And why on earth would I blame a puppet, for the actions of the entity and or persons, with their hand up the puppets ass . pretty dumb….

.“ It’s interesting that you can’t equate simple actions of the US which benefit Israel while alienating most of the rest of the world against the US as recent history shows. “

of course I can, while I am not stupid enough to blame Zionists or Americans, As I said earlier to you ( do you even read before your mouth starts working again )

You argue beLIEfs. Ignore logic. You ignore comparative objective harm. You want to blame Israel, for the actions of all those American boys who lined up to sign on for the culling of the Muslim herd, just so they could pay into the ponzi scheme type mortgage they have. And those 401k`sers who have a need for greed, and those fools who keep voting in an oligarch, and so on, and so on, and so on. Lots of people to blame. Kind of stupid to blame, them, rather than the real problem.


Your insistence to put it on Israel, is your failed argument on display for anyone above halfwit to see.


“I dont care”

Right…. those that hold the reins of power matter not in your view, money is the problem as you see it. That’s the main difference between the two of us. I see money as a tool used by those who have achieved power one way or another, to keep it, expand it etc. I also look at those behind the scenes with the money, what they do with it and their common ideology. Why is the US in the Middle East? Two reasons, one is oil and one is Israel. http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2018/march/13/us-commander-us-troops-prepared-to-die-for-israel-in-war-against-syria-hezbollah/ You’ll notice I didn’t blame Zionists for the US taking a chunk out of Mexico or bombing Yugoslavia because Empires have desires too. The fact that you can’t comprehend the primary motive for the US to destroy Middle Eastern countries and who benefits from those actions seems to imply preconceived ideas that you are not willing to challenge which is fine with me. If you had wanted to discuss how, for instance, voting in the US or any country for that matter, concludes with the election of an oligarch, I would’ve understood and willingly engaged on the subject. Instead. your discussion technique is that anyone who doesn’t agree with your point of view completely is: a “simple mind”, “seemingly intelligent”, only appeals to “halfwits”, “think they live in a democracy” (funny I don’t recall saying that since I live in a Republic). I’ve met your type before so… I won’t waste my time on any more discussion with an individual who believes he knows it all, ignores the obvious before his eyes and is only interested in pushing his view while insulting.


money is the problem as you see it.“

Not what I said dimwit.

And the rest of what you wrote is irrelevant babble. Go find a stupid person to feed your bunk to.

You are one big fat load of speculative bullshit, all tied up with hate.


Your constant insults, lack of discussion techniques are proof positive of exactly what I said. To stoop to your level for a moment, you’re an ignoramus!!!



Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, told Palestinian news outlet Baladna TV that 50 out of the 60 who died on Monday were members of his organization, while the rest were civilians. Hamas won elections in 2006 and has run Gaza since the end of a violent power struggle the following year.

Israel has long argued that Hamas has used the protests, which began on March 30, as cover to for terrorist attacks or attempts to infiltrate its border.

The U.S. listed the head Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, as a specially designated global terrorist. Hamas has been responsible for an estimated 17 American lives killed in terrorist attacks.

Enough said!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec205ff9f47431f342c3e856f34d8d26bf51eb38f42ee3592f7e8a6f299ab4cb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/21b9eea7126fddaaa15af41ed33686ca55e0836a988c250da196fb17b2e4d882.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c5cb281f1aa9af272d0033286fec181abe2ef8205f52788bda27106ec2ea623.jpg


How does it feel to keep your head buried in the sand?

You are a veritable IDF press release. Israel is a death squad racist state that is extra-judicially executing people, using exploding hollow point rounds to inflict maximal physical trauma.

Gaza is the Warsaw ghetto of our time, and the IDF is the fucking Gestappo!


Gaza is the Warsaw ghetto of our time, and the IDF is the fucking Gestappo!

Palestinian/Nazi alliance has a long history starting from 1936-1939: The Great Arab Revolt With support from Nazi Germany, Haj Amin al-Husseini led a three-year rebellion against the British and their allies to force an end to Jewish immigration and land purchases. An estimated 415 Jews, 200 Britons and 5,000 Arabs were killed.

you are a veritable IDF press release.

My state source: NBC NEWS: Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, told Palestinian news outlet Baladna TV that 50 out of the 60 who died on Monday were members of his organization, while the rest were civilians. Hamas won elections in 2006 and has run Gaza since the end of a violent power struggle the following year.

How does it feel to keep your head buried in the sand?

Ecological terrorism and the lives it endangers must not be and can not be tolerated. 600 such kites have been sent from Gaza with wo-hundred succeeded in reaching Israel burning 9,000 acres of crops and forests.

exploding hollow point rounds

You’re an idiot you can’t use a hollow point or so-called expanding bullet with a high velocity rifle, now grow a brain.


You obviously have not looked at the horrible gaping wounds caused by these exploding rounds that the IDF racist killers are utilizing to influct naximal damage in the victims…. maiming thousands for life.

You have not seen the numerous examples of exploded out bullet remnants that are being extracted from victims bodies.

I get why one would not want to even see these horrible pictures and the forensic evidence of the bullet remnants… from hundreds of maimed victims and the bidies of those murdered by the IDF, but you are wrong.

Israel is deliberately using exploding rounds to kill and permamently maim for life as many human beings in the Gaza concentration camp as it can.

Israel us a war crime and it requires its own Nuremburg treatment.


Actually the only ones committing war crimes is you Hamas.

Throughout the 2014 Gaza Conflict, Hamas and other terrorist organisations in the Gaza Strip intentionally and systematically used strategies designed to maximise harm to civilian life and property, both in Israel and in the Gaza Strip. These strategies gave rise to violations of the Law of Armed Conflict, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Hamas and other terrorist organisations launched more than 4,500 rockets and mortars during the 2014 Gaza Conflict, approximately 4,000 of which were deliberately directed at Israel’s civilian population. The intent to target Israel’s civilians was clearly shown both by the sheer volume of projectiles aimed at civilian areas, as well as by official Hamas statements made during the 2014 Gaza Conflict, such as, “our rockets are aimed at the Hebrews, the murderers, the Israelis, the criminals…our missiles accurately target the homes of the Israelis and the Zionists.”

The rockets and mortars caused deaths and injuries, terrorised millions of Israeli civilians and caused damage to civilian property. The range of these rockets covered more than 70% of Israel’s civilian population, bringing the hostilities to the entire country. Those in residential communities near the Gaza Strip had a mere 15 seconds or less to seek shelter. By deliberately targeting Israeli cities and the civilian population, as part of a widespread and systematic policy, Hamas and other terrorist organisations in the Gaza Strip violated customary norms of the Law of Armed Conflict and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

As noted above, Hamas and other terrorist organisations complemented their rocket and mortar barrage with ground infiltrations into Israel through cross-border assault tunnels designed to facilitate attacks and kidnapping of Israeli civilians and soldiers. On four different occasions in July, armed Hamas militants, in some cases disguised as IDF soldiers, emerged from cross-border assault tunnels into Israeli territory, leaving nearby residents in constant fear of sudden attack. A Hamas-run newspaper boasted that the tunnels “terrorised millions of Israelis.”

Hamas and other terrorist organisations embedded their military assets and operations within densely populated areas and civilian structures in the Gaza Strip as a matter of military strategy. By conducting hostilities from within civilian surroundings, Hamas and other terrorist organisations frequently turned civilian structures into military objectives, exposing them and surrounding civilians to risk of harm, in a manner which violated the Law of Armed Conflict and often constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity. Hamas and other terrorist organisations used U.N. facilities, schools, hospitals, mosques, residential buildings, and their immediate vicinity, for military purposes: as rocket-launch sites, weapons storage facilities, command-and-control centres, and covers for tunnel entrances. For example, some 550 rockets and mortars were identified by IDF systems as being launched from within or near “sensitive sites” such as schools, U.N. facilities, hospitals, and places of worship.

Hamas and other terrorist organisations actively ensured civilian presence in the areas from which they operated by directing civilians either to remain in, or to return to, sites or areas of impending IDF activity. These organisations directed civilian movement for the purpose of shielding both by verbal means – by waging an official campaign pressuring civilians to disregard Israel’s warnings prior to impending IDF military activity – and by explicit physical coercion. By directing the movement of the civilian population and of individual civilians for the purpose of shielding military operations from attack, Hamas and other terrorist organisations committed war crimes.

The militants of Hamas and other terrorist organisations frequently disguised themselves as civilians when carrying out attacks, a tactic that often directly violated customary international law. This tactic also gravely endangered the Gaza Strip’s civilian population by impeding the IDF’s ability to identify militants. Furthermore, this tactic also made it possible for Hamas to depict militant fatalities as civilian, which accorded with Hamas’s directions to intentionally inflate purported civilian casualties by characterizing militants killed as “innocent” civilians for propaganda purposes. Indeed, the Hamas-run Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip published guidelines for “social media activists,” encouraging the inflation of civilian fatality figures: “Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from the Gaza Strip or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don’t forget to always add ‘innocent civilian’ or ‘innocent citizen’ in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.”

Hamas and other terrorist organisations also rigged civilian property and residential areas with booby traps and improvised explosive devices. This was a systematic and deliberate Hamas combat strategy, as confirmed by a Hamas combat manual on explosives which was recovered by IDF forces operating in the Gaza Strip. This tactic, too, substantially increased damage to civilian life and property and, in some cases, violated norms of customary international law.


Actually you are an IDF press release partot.


No just reporting the facts Missy


Butwe all know that “facts” in the hands of a propagandist such as you are painted to fit the picture you want to draw.

Your “facts” are ALL pulled straight out of an IDF press release.


Sorry missy but those are the facts so just deal with it. You’re beginning to sound like someone in clinical denial and you don’t want to come off as someone in need a mental health professional or in need of restraints.

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