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MARCH 2025

Four Protesters Killed, Dozens Injured By Israeli Forces In Gaza Strip (Videos)

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On April 6, tens of thousands of Palestinians protested near the so-called security fence around the Gaza Strip to commemorate the Land Day, according to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV.

Palestinian activists said that the protestors burned dozens of tires around the separation fence in an attempt to blind Israeli Army snipers. In return, the Israel Army deployed several fire trucks and large fans to put out the fire and push the smoke away.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, four protestors have been killed by Israeli Army snipers so far. 252 others have been reportedly injured with live bullets or tear gas fired by the Israeli Army.

General Commander of the Palestinian Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip Yahya Sinwar praised the protests and said that the situation in Gaza is about to “explode in the face of the Israeli occupation.”

“Will not abandon the national project, we went out today and we will go out in the upcoming days and we will surprise our people, may they wait for our imminent march,” Sinwar said, according to al-Mayadeen.

12 Palestinians were killed by Israeli Army snipers during March 30 protests in the Gaza Strip. With the Palestinian-Israeli negotiation de-facto collapses, the crisis may trigger more violence in the region. According to some experts, this dangerous situation is a direct result of US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize the city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

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Zionist/Nazi murder machine at work


A small number of jews were killed by the nazis for being jews- but the number is well under ONE MILLION. The six million comes from an early 20th century jewish propagandist who promoted the fgure as the number of jews killed around WW1 (yes really- google it). His propaganda was simply taken out and given a new coat of paint by the no.1 sellers of the WW2 lie- Russia.

The real death camps targeted many types of people, and were in the parts of East Europe reknown for unthinkable inter-tribal atrocities across the centuries. They followed theories of EUGENICS and RACE that the jews had created in the 19th century to justify the slave trade in which they dominated. So it was an irony that many jews fell prey to obscene doctrines jews themselves ahd used to justify atrocities against slavs, ‘blacks’ and asians.

After WW2 ended, jews from France, Britain, Russia and the USA organised the DEATH MARCHES that would murder many millions of ethnic germans, removed from their centuries old homelands across Europe because their ‘tribe’ was blamed for WW2. These ethnic germans that had nothing to do with the nazis made the mistake of putting their ethnic heritage on the census forms in the years before WW2.

The ONLY complaint world jewry has about WW2 is that Hitler didn’t ally with the jews. Across Hitler’s early rise to power, powerful jews had high hopes for Hitler and a Germany he would lead. They hoped to extend the absolute control jews had in Soviet Russia to much of the rest of Europe.

HOWEVER- if WW2 had been put off, even by as little as FIVE years, the war would have gone fully nuclear, as ALL the major powers were on the edge of discovering the means to make nuclear weapons- including Japan and Germany.

Today Israel sees itself as the tip of the spear creating and provoking the needed conditions for WW3. And world jewry doesn’t consider its actions ‘evil’ as they literally have no concept of GOOD. Just actions that help the jewish power cult, and actions that hinder it. This is why jews have no concept of ‘heaven’ or ‘divine judgement’.


This is true. I agree with you.

jerry hamilton

Ok. Something is very wrong here. I agree with you. Are you on Weed?

jerry hamilton

Will the MSM be able to hide this?


If not they will claim the right to defend themselves by using snipers. Where the fuck are the “white Helmets”, now?

jerry hamilton

Probably preparing another chemical attack in Syria.

jerry hamilton

How about that for timing. They have just staged one in Duma


These Palestinians were protesters and not terrorists then why Netanyahu terrorist have killed him? If Israel occupy America from us and then we protest on Netanyahu brotality so then Netanyahu will kill us.

jerry hamilton

We know it is the zionists that are the terrorists but I don’t know how to educate the sheep. I try and they call me a lunatic.


US protects violator of human rights in the world because US himself a big violator of human rights. Israeli violence against Palestinians will never end as a result of UN & US hypocrisy ————————————————————————————————————————–

jerry hamilton

Good post.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taFM1rRDNGk https://israelpalestine.liveuamap.com/pics/2018/01/01/21591791_0.jpg https://i.dawn.com/large/2018/01/5a4a899d63e31.jpg

Israeli terrorists have kidnapped Ahed Tamimi and her parents at midnight by gunpoints. Nobody knows where Israel have kept them hostage. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and small kids from the streets and hold them hostage. Many of them Israel kill in fake combats. The US, UK and France brutal regimes have imposed Israel on Palestinians. They support this Israeli brutality and terrorism in the Middle East. If Vietnam can be freed from American regime army then Palestine can also be freed from Israel. Israel should go back to their countries. ——————————————————————————————————————————-

jerry hamilton

Last I heard, for slapping the soldier that slapped her, she got 8 months. The sickness of Occupied Palestine is reaching fever pitch only for the informed. The jewish media is so powerful, I don’t know how to defeat them.


The right resolution Article 51 of the UN charter resolution – 3324 from 29th November 1978 and the General Assembly resolution 3246 from 29th November 1974 reaffirm the legitimacy of the people struggle for the liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means including arm struggle why this is for all body under the sun and not for the Palestinians. Much like resolution 194 every refugee under the sun is allowed to return home but not Palestinians.

jerry hamilton

It could all be fair except for America and Britain. They with France are the obstacle to peace.


US protects violator of human rights in the world because US himself a big violator of human rights. Israeli violence against Palestinians will never end as a result of UN & US hypocrisy ———————————————————————————————————-


The majority of Muslim leaders have ignored Palestine and also the historic Mosque of Aqsa. Is this help to Palestine or to Zionist Israeli terrorists.

I haven’t heard that any Muslim leader have visited Palestine or they have asked about Palestinians that how their time passing under occupation. Either these Muslim leaders are scaring from Israel or they have taken blood money from Washington. Indeed the judgement day is so near on them that they all will answer to God. No leader will leave unpunished. —————————————————————————————————————————–

jerry hamilton

I think visiting Palestine is near impossible. Muslim leaders have to play it cautiously. Do they really want to be invaded by America? I think they have probably taken blood money from Israel. Every other country does.


Unlike Southfront, the MSM have been giving the jewish atrocity a LOT of coverage. It was the major set of headlines on the right-wing US outlet, the Drudge Report, for instance.

There are a lot of individual non-controlled jews in the UK and USA with a significant amount of influence still, and they promote stories about Israeli War Crimes. Russia, on the other hand, is 100% zionist controlled, so Putin’s will to lionise Israel rules there.

What is true about the West is that all significant jewish bodies are zionist.

The ‘good jews’ are seen by the highest zionist leaders as a ‘back up’ plan just incase the world ever turns against zionism for the same reason it turned against nazism.

northerntruthseeker .

Again, this “starlight” sounds like another JIDF/Hasbara agent..

Look you idiot at your glorious and psychotic Talmud before you claim that the problem is only “Zionists”… The problem is and always has been the sickness of Judaism as a whole!

jerry hamilton

You are spot on. Most people here ignore her.

northerntruthseeker .

The so called MSM is complete run by the psychopathic and mentally brain damaged Jews.. Of course they will try their best to hide this from the Goyim sheep!

jerry hamilton

They have been doing it for a very long time. Ask Napoleon and Hitler never stood a cat in hell’s chance.


Note: Israel is a murderist terrorist organization, day and night busy building more sites for producing more and more Biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, short range and long range ICBM missiles, cruise missiles and other different types of thousands of weapons for slaughtering nations in the Middle East states. They have also their own remote sensing satellite to pose threat to the security of Palestine and the surrounding Arab states. That satellite should be downed with all respect.

Washington, UK and EU states have done all things possibe and have dragged Syria, Iraq and Palestine into war with Israeli gang migrated from EU member states. The Israeli relations directly or indirectly are also fragile with Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Hezbollah and so on. Israeli gang have told to Wahabi kingdom to unite other Arab states together against Iran and Hezbollah to invade them if they invade Israel.

Now Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Hezbollah and some other friendly states first of all should do all things possible to take some international action to desmintal Israeli gang’s headquarter and drive out their all members from Palestine back to EU members states from where they have migrated to Middle East and if that is not successful then the military option should be used against Israeli gang to desmintal their headquarter completely and to deport their all gang’s members. ————————————————————————————————————————————–

Roger Snellman

Hamas purging suspected collaborators by sending them to the fence for killing by Israel. The ones Israeli snipers do no kill are suspect. Naturally no Hamas leader will ever get within sniper range only the deplorable expendables lives are taken for propaganda.

northerntruthseeker .

Again, this idiot sounds like JIDF…

Look you Jew idiot, Hamas has nothing to do with these peaceful protests.. The Gazan people have been held in a massive open air concentration camp by your buddies in that sickness called Israel and have had enough… They have had peaceful protests well away from the so called “fence” and your buddies were in place and ready to open fire for the slaughter..


Israeli brutal terrorists suppresing Palestinians protests by live bullets and air strikes. Recently since 29th March, 2018 Israeli brutal migrants have martyred 1500 Palestinians. Israel control print and electronic media in each country in the world and that is why no body knows that whats going on in Palestine. Israel have occupied whole land from Palestinians and now Israel slowly killing them all that no heir left of Palestinian land in the world. Israel have occupied lands from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt.


These Israeli snippers were also busy in the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian Gov. Over 100 civilians and policemen were shot in the head by mysterious snippers reported to be Israelis. Some have speculated that the overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian Gov. that had an alliance with Russia was payback by Israel for Russia backing and saving Assad in Syria. This angered Netanyahu and he consequently called on his resources in America (establishment media and lobbies) to push America into spending billions to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine.


This is absolutely true. Browse the websites of Afghanistan 1980 war, Georgia, Armenia wars, Serbia war and so on.

jerry hamilton

Video’s Critical of Israel Blocked by YouTube in 28 Countries.


Yes Netanyahu the murderist and terrorist play their dirty games everywhere in the world. Netanyahu takes US$10 billion dollers from just Washington and then Netanyahu spent that money on this dirty game. Netanyahu also takes money from UK government.

northerntruthseeker .

Canada being one of them… Hard to get the facts out to the sheep here when the freak Jew run Jew spew media continues to lie…


This is one of the most pointless clashes ever. No foreign power will intervene, the PA is only supporting this with rhetoric, and the Israelis aren’t going to change their minds about Gaza. All Hamas is doing is getting street cred opposing the Israelis and defecting Gazan and PA frustrations away from themselves.

Alessio Simonato

calm , sniper it’s only a name…and nothin other…for kill a men it’s not ne.ry a “”” sniper “”” (by fiction), simply you use a 7.62 or 5.56 …belive me.. the real problem …it’s “how to ghet out of this situation??? we need a right intentions to take the right choise…today one or more men are killed by bullets,,,tomorrow …i will can die..at the same mode… we need …more brain , not a fiction. the tactical of israel force are indipendent and no longher stay near the ordinary conflict, that’s a fact. you can you see that by his incrementations of long range missiles, are not smiles or snipers, are the real intetions to deploy on the next years… and we can stop this by a simply “uman rights” we need to open our brain and find a good solutions to everybody. belive me

Alessio Simonato

yo, terrorist or not…but now it’s to late to discuss this, too late. how many peoples have to die…we can stay here on a point …it’s correct to die or not.?..by a sniper ? by infantry? by women , by mans , by guys…but …peoples dies, for what? … for a god? nooo this a fuckin die, for a cup of wather? yes sir for this, only this…peoples die for this… how can i stop this , and put my beautiful friend in the box for a long time?…and keep some money for me and put ass on my car and not on a tank?


ONE SHOT- TWO KILLS… google it. You’ll see a picture of clothing the jewish government of Israel gives to graduates of its sniper schools. It depicts a pregnant ‘sub-Human’ (the words of the jewish leaders) with a jewish sniper crosshair on her belly.

The jews saturate outlets with so called stories of crimes against ‘their’ people – saying “never forget”. But any person who posts the very real images of the millions of jewish crimes against Humanity is called an ‘anti-semite’- that despicable racist term used by jews in place of anti-jewish (ever wonder why jews ban the term ‘anti-jewish’?)

The one-shot, two-kills image created by the Israeli government is so demonic, it literally slaps you in the face with the absolute definition of the agenda of world jewry. Which is why even when so many outraged emails sent to Southfront force it to cover ongoing jewish atrocities (for as short a time as possible), Southfront will avoid all real factual recorded images showing the extent of organised jewish evil.

jerry hamilton

You’re high aren’t you. Second decent post in the last 3 months. On the same night.


I think most people just choose to ignore him. He may be high as a kite today. :)

jerry hamilton

Ha ha. He is a she.


shemale? like prophet mohamed?

Brad Isherwood


Where’s Putin/Lavrov on Israel shoot the un armed Gazans? 

Oh wait …..I know. They are busy cleaning the bird crap off the S 400s  That Never** fire at IAF jets attacking Syria

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