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MARCH 2025

Four U.S. Service Members Were Killed In Northeastern Syria Attack – Report

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Four U.S. Service Members Were Killed In Northeastern Syria Attack – Report

U.S. Marines with Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment on Sept. 9, 2018, at an undisclosed location in Syria. (Cpl. Gabino Perez/Marine Corps)

On November 8, four U.S. service members were killed in northwestern Syria, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The state-run agency said the service members were killed when their vehicle was hit with an improvised explosive device (IED) near the town of Markadah.

“Four soldiers of the American occupation were killed with an IED that targeted their vehicle in the countryside of the town of Markadah on the al-Hasakah-Deir Ezzor highway,” the SANA’s reporter said, citing local sources.

The U.S.-led coalition and its proxy in northeastern Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces, have not commented on the SANA’s claims, thus far.

On April 24 and July 3, the SANA released similar reports, claiming that U.S. service members were killed in attacks in northeastern Syria. Both reports were denied by the U.S.-led coalition, which said they were “false” and “fake news.”

The U.S. maintains around 500 personnel in northeastern Syria, supposedly to counter ISIS and to “guard” oil fields in the region. The U.S. military presence in the country was not approved by the official government in Damascus, nor by the United Nations.


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Finally, some very good news in this bleak week – I hope those AmeriCunt genocidal War-Criminal/World-Terrorist Scum rott in Hell and suffer for eternity – Only DEAD AmeriCunts are GOOD AmeriCunts, it made the World just a little better and a little safer.

Jens Holm




Jens Holm

Haha. If You feel better, we will send more flags of any kinds:)

Maybee we can let some of Our few unimployed – mainly muslims – make shoes too. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32885870f66c052982d0666863c293c8693c05c364a7acc02159f3fe91d4a061.jpg

If You want t take all, You have drink a lot. All Turks can, they steal the water from Syria and Iraq.

If You hve problems, we will send water and some pedofiles as helpers too.

johnny rotten

The murder of armed thieves in one’s own home is legally and morally legitimate, and out of common sense it is also desirable.

Jens Holm

I partly agrre in that. But its also about raising people, so thats not needed.

Locally here, we has replaced a lot of crime with socialworkers and fx education and getting all a job, which makes sense.

I do prefare that reduction from crime even the cost is only lowered a little.

We ALL also are relative safe in the streets.

cechas vodobenikov

yet your educational performance is among the worst re “so called developed” nations–far inferior to Russia, Finland and 7 Asian nations

Great Khan

fat stoopid AmeriKKKan steal Syria oil and give to ISIS…Great Khan know truth…..

Jens Holm

Why not. They have nothing themself infidel.

Fog of War

Interesting timing dont you think ?


Just to cheer the World a little bit up.

Fog of War

Or prepare a new narrative for a new administration.


Zioterrorist invader scum don’t deserve any less but now that Trumpet’s on the way out he might as well try to do in 2 months what he hasn’t in 4 yrs, maybe another ISIS/al-Qaeda chemical attack’s in the works to justify launching a bunch of missiles against Assad.

In Exile

Don’t worry old Joe will carry on, in fact he may do more if his handler tells him to. I believe their bringing Nixon out for that job.

Jens Holm

Biden will be coordinated much better to the rest of the establishment then Trump.

I have never seen any Leader like TRump horing so many by mistake and the fire them apart from Hitler and his generals. But Aldolf lost. No 1000 years.

In Exile

Biden is senile how can anyone believe he will know what he’s doing. Better his handler take over, Biden is another ass kisser of Israel. One ass kisser being replaced by another except this one is more of a Globalist and sellout.


The evil witch of the west + corrupt/criminal ghoul HRC already risen from her coffin and stated she’s ready for Biden’s shadow admin. What can go wrong? Gods help us all.

Jens Holm

You not even have a context for, whats going on. Parlamentarisme actually is for many more then a President has the duty by free speech to have more fredom and also responsability.

So we have to learn to use it better. Right now its like the too many Mustangs in USA and warmongols in Syria.

Jens Holm

Senile or not he is elected by more millions of votes then Trump and You.

As for seniles its very much about having good helpers. I hope for that. I dont know if You do or just will talk down any American president and USA.


Nine out of ten Spanish-American war veterans agree: J.O. Biden for Prez-o-dint!

Jens Holm

Its a strange thing people has to registrate as voters in USA even all can apart from some criminals and handicapped.

We have to give our home address within 14 days or else we hardly exist. We all has to have at least one bankaccount for in- and outcomming as well. Even bankrobbers has too. The bank account can belimited, but in and out has to be there and a very limited creditcard, which never can be minus.

So the Goverment send us all a letter(in the future a mail with acces code.

We can see what the election is about, where it is, when it is open in ay and time. It also say we if we wish or need it can vote before voting day and how it can be done fx a non family can be neutral and help You. It also say, that the election system can make mistakes and if it does – fx 1 :10.000 – You have to have good ID with a picture on You. The most common mistake is You are registrated where You lived not lang time ago but by that cannot vote twice.

Often there is a flyer too telling there are donated or county free transportation and they expect no exact time as well as its a small bus and You can be helped in and out.

When You go for voting, You show Your votong card, they ask only for Your birthday and check You are in the right place for it.

Then You a sometimes very long list divided into political parties and also names lined up inside them. You can vote at the party only. You can vote on one person only.

Where the election is – school, country hall, footballstadion all political parties are represent and look up each other, so there is no cheeating.

It where You vote. Its where they caount votes. Its where they put in the numbers in the big computers. Our rwo biggest TV channels gets all the countings as well. By that all 3 should have same final results.

We also count again if complaints has a good reason fx very close race.

We also has inaccurate voting and try to see if the half cross or their is a cross under the dark candyspot. Its done as well as it goes sometimes with better glases and like that.

BUT I wrote it because many more low incommers vote and by that get more influence, which I think is very much needed in USA.

As written before. They got Biden, but USA – as I see it – need a Sanders much more.

cechas vodobenikov

anyone that has read Elster or Linz or isn’t an idiot is fully aware that Moses as president could not reform USA–but then idiots like you have never read sociology, Tocqueville, Lasch, Bourdieu, etc


Fake ballot votes,Trump won the real deal (verified legit votes) and for the record lamestream seen nothing yet,this could really hurt the pro p00fs est: 21 gender,like real sick fks narrative to depopulate for incestry demands:

Jens Holm

Who is Trump?

cechas vodobenikov

can u think? rigged election…tammy like the peasant amerikans r impressed by a fake dimocrtic “procedural” republic worse than North Korea as Michael Sandel at Harvard demonstrates


Thats why the deep state likes people like Biden,they will just tell him its ok Joe get a mug of hot chocolate and we will take it from here.

Jens Holm

I am sure Biden is for slow sand safe moves. But Im wrong now and then too.

I feel fine about been named as zionist. We and USA are doing fine compared to most others.

For me “zionist” says doing much better then most others in most aspects.


That’s why you Zionist terrorists are no different from ISIS/al-Qaeda and use them for your schemes in Syria and elsewhere.

Jens Holm

I write You see zionists crawling all over. But we are not just because You believe it.

Im not offended. You dont know what You are talking about as well as You insist in being daft priks.

So You often is treated as daft priks. You cant even be used as pets and all the men with the guns not even give milk.


Cowards way of saying,its not about democracy but ones anal cakehole,if you ask me,and no the mustang is far better value than the teslar,particularly reliability and round the racetrack,fossil fuels is good for the enviroment,proven to deliver more packed development per capita than ever any green tape narrative on smack/opoids,and the trend will not go bidens way,for starters it’s gonna have to answer a helluva lotta questions,even then you got the other players far more stronger than trump and its minions whom are developing at record pace and russia being the true controller of oil and gas nowadays,also has nuclear advantages,enough to blow the creepy minions off the planet with sheer infastructured progress,without the bullsht:


To be crushed by the sharp edge of the iron sickle,like it or not,no future in fascism:

cechas vodobenikov

becoming more stupid…or off your meds? USA #1 violent/non violent crime, mental illness, illicit drug use, incarcerated, per capita extreme poverty, poverty, wealth/income disparities per capita, obesity, stupidity per capita amongst developed/developing nations largest foreign debt and like u produces nothing other nations will purchase except an occasional potato or some bad cheese

Lone Ranger



Rott In Pieces ?

Lone Ranger

Rest in Peace.* They were soldiers, not CIAisis or wahabimossad. While I dont want them in Syria I pay respect to them. Maintaining the moral highground. Terrorists dont deserve respect, fallen soldiers do, no matter the country. Thats my policy.


They don’t deserve any RESPECT, they are TERRORIST + War-Criminals…they don’t defend ‘Their’ country what so ever – So Fuck Them!!


Your avatard tells me everything I need to know about you.




You go, girl! hashtag sofierce

Altho I agree that the United Stateswitz has no legit reason to occupy the area, I’m afraid I’ll have to deduct points for using a feminimeme to get the point across.


No that’s being a man,seems more like you got the hormone issue dude!


Question remains though,who are the worse teorrists of this century?

Lone Ranger

The CIA. No question about it.

Damien C

Well if it’s true its not really unexpected to any of the regulars on here, the US has continually refused to disengage from Syria is it any surprise that patience has worn thin. Their families back home will be told the usual garbage they died as heroes protecting American freedom instead of the were Government expendable fodder for Israeli expansion and Multinational oil companies

Jens Holm

To campared to what You twat. Many more are killed in Syria and many other places and You ignore or love it.


NorthEast is under SDF, hmmmm interesting

Jens Holm

How comes?? They are only there apart from Al tanf….


“How Comes?” are you middle eastern?:))) Thats why im suprised. What kind of infiltration is it to be hit in friendly territory. And ISIS cells are down south as well, but not in northeast


Well they would still be alive had the US not been illegally there.

Jens Holm

You dont know that. In fact very few americans for very good reasons has not died there.

My solution is best. A wall west of Istanbull might solve a lot. Why waste any money in that part of the world. Even ISIS sell oil to us and probatly also dades for Christmas.

The fokus here is always wrong. The solutions from You is also as arabs invented the 0 but always use it to make minus.

The real and needed change is You from before You are borned are raised to obey any making fear by threats and bajonets wearing silly little flags.

Yu also should decide everýthing by voting into sober parlamenets and also decide local matters Yorself. You deny that Yourself.

Its the same for all Your even more unproductive vomen, which You keep even more stupid then Yourself. You even blame Wahabits about drivinbg cars. This is not about cars.

And when people like me try to tell You, that the only way out for Your selfcreated svamp is education, there is not even a comma as answer.

Even facts from the rest of the world is totally ignored and YOu are raised to we lie all the time – Even Our results too often is MUCH better.

You blame others, but You even insist in going back to good old days, where You seemes to have learned, they actually was good. Only corners were good in those days.

I can compare it with the Greek Democrasy. It was and is a very good idea, but wnen it was inventes – so to speak Athen was a slave state, where vomen hardly decided much.

….So DEmicrasy and Parlamentarisme of today only started there as an idea and we during time has develloped it.

…The same for blaming Jéws by Muhammed. Most likely Muhammed was right that some and maybee many Jews in Mecca was too greedy taking too much in interest, which they should be punished for. But the idea for investments do work very well as we see right here, where I live. 55.000 dollar is not so bad. BUT the idea has been develloped ever since and also in ups and downs. Other systems seemes worse. So the choise to me is finding number one in by adding and subtration.

I see none here give me a single link for somethig better. I do see several here prefare rich – of course always Jews and Zionists – should give money to poor doing absolutly nothing and not only in USA but in great parts of ME and not only Syria and Iran.

I can never accept that. When I educate and work hard its not to give anybody my money for free and even being blamed for not giving them all of them because they are learned they by births are above me.

They and You are not. But I will help them by what I can to be productive citicens and pay tax for it for education and makig busines creating well paid jobs.

Why dont You mention those many 100.000 still alive and also several 100.000 being crioppled in bodies and sould by Assads and semilars.

I see it well. Thats an excuse, because Your systems has been Outdated for so many years and centuries. It in another time was a good system but things has happend since Muhammed was the only Muslim in the world.

Jesus warned for greedy grocery stores ans well as priests at the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and throw them ourt long tiome before Muhammed was born.

Great Khan

You very stoopid mamtu hahahhhaa

Jens Holm

Comming from You, I see it as a plus. thank You.

Icarus Tanović

Great khan very smart, chumba chamba dumba. I liiike.

Black Waters

Wtf hahaha

Servet Köseoğlu

This is the dumbest comment ı have ever read in south-front just like your country Denmark to cull up to 17 million mink amid coronavirus fears….

Vox Populi

Denmark is not the smartest country in the Nordic region, they also produce the most skin heads, drug addicts, pedophiles and well known for its Nazi past and present.

Concrete Mike

quiet turk dog, you are no better, al nusrah breeder. Silly goat fucker your supoorting isis right now !!

Icarus Tanović

He ain’t.

cechas vodobenikov

for amerikan puppets like u morality is “outdated”—your racism is despicable….prior to amerikan invasions aided by its colonies, UK, France dinkmark, Libya, Syria, Iraq had superior cultures and vast numbers of female professionals, artists, academics

Great Khan

Great Khan also ask same question, why stooopid fat mamtu Amerikan die in Syria? hahahhaa

Jens Holm

Its written and people in USA and the rest of the world actually can read it not being in Old Arabics.

I still wonder why so many musims has their behinds uo 5 times a day and what their skirts are hiding. Is there a price tag or a black hole?

John Wallace

I thought you were upto your balls in Mink Jens. Frank reckoned it was your old nanny but no matter. Was it your job to infect Mink with corona virus to create a new strain that was stronger and more evil. How did you do that Jens. Impale the poor Mink on your member and inject corona..


Don’t worry.. Jenna is gay… She is looking for new men..

Jens Holm

If You play card with an Orangutang, You will win no bananas.

Gays are the best in the whole world here. They are good taxpayers and make no children.

Jens Holm

At least they dont kill us.

Some animals can get most if, what we get and the other way too. Mink is such one.

And yes, the virus has mutated, so a specific virus, which many in the whole world try their best to make, only will work some at that version.

Normal influence is chosen as a specific one working very well – or – wide working but not as well.

I kiss many, when they are very young https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d966f7624b5647c203076e1a4cf2fa992ba94358f2d190a370d4491414e58301.jpg . Some has a hard time, because they are not domesticised as the FRITTE is. So i feel pity and give them at least some love.

cechas vodobenikov

your insecure feminized racism is tedious

Jens Holm

Thank You. It works for me and most us here.

We are not insecure. We think before we act.

Traiano Welcome

wtf are you even talking about ?

Jens Holm


Our rights and responsabilities are written in Our Constitutions, which almost all can read because its written.

Arrivig muslims always start their prayers with “Its written”. How can they know, when so many cant even read and certainly not arabic, which even is not allied to be translated.

Often all the Ilsam they know some few pages in short version and a 110 yers old Sharia

But Danish muslims actually can read the Choran because we dont care about what some muslim says about translation as well a drawing and photos.

Free debate and speak added pictures are vitals for Our systems – How can You parle, when Islam is like talking to Your TV ?????

So because of that we learn incommers to read, write and understand in Danish – AND – we have tranlated the Holy Choran as well as we can into a traditonel and a modern version.

Muslim women by that at least get their rights as second class citicens.

Vox Populi

US has illegally occupied a substantial part of Syria, is daily stealing its oil and supporting ISIS and other proxy terror groups and is contribution to a continuation of a murderous conflict, already having killed a million civilians in Iraq since 1991. With US beset by a plethora of domestic problems one would have thought that even a country with a few brain cells left would end these sapping wars.

Concrete Mike

Usa has been working hand in hand with you turkish dogs from day 1.

GTFO with your crocodile tears you peice of shit. You support the al nusrah crazies as mUch as US. You fucking hypocrite!!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Expensive oil.

Jens Holm

Americans dont make their soldiers into oil.


Did you notice that the article said the Americans denied their servicemen were killed?

Whale oil sells for $35 / gal. which puts the average US gravy seal’s value at a cool $1800 while a trip home in a body bag costs $1500. That’s like beer and pizza for the whole platoon with ice cream for desert!!


Traiano Welcome

You’ve been asleep. Of course they do. American blood goes into one side of the oil machine, oil comes out the other side (sometimes).

Svincius Savickas

The killed are Special Forces Green Barrettes from 7 group as far as I know.


Sas (2012-2013) are going to do serious time,investigations are progressing in nsw,see this way bypasses nwo influence to justify unsolicited barave murders of unarmed afhan farmers. Way to go nsw,turnbull is a sick p00f anyway,economy shan’t go as it says,simply too dumb:

Harry Smith

If it’s true, maybe it was away from common roads.

Tommy Jensen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70eQZCdcPFY They never hurt me in any way.

cechas vodobenikov

“amerikans live in a thicket of illusions; amerikans demand illusions about themselves” Daniel Boorstin feminized death fearing amerikan LGBT’s lose all wars….tiresome tammy

Icarus Tanović

How many wounded? Any info on that? Couple of Apaches down too.


They ought create central republic and western and eastern province,trump,biden and harris lead then call it the unified union of americas,(rings the bell) interesting how nwo fascists do to usa what they did to yugoslavia,blockade all coastines but bermuda,missiles go the other way there see.

The Objective

If this news is true, then Assad and the Russians are behind it. I wonder what message they are trying to send America. Are they suspecting that Biden may dial up the heat in Syria, and are signaling to him that they are ready for anything? Probably. But no doubt, Assad and Russia would be behind such attacks.

Traiano Welcome

“If this news is true, then Assad and the Russians are behind it”

Utter, unfounded bullshit. Any clown can speculate, but those who know the truth put forward evidence.

The Objective

ISIS is America’s asset. So too are the SDF. Both are under total control of the USA. I can’t see anywhere that ISIS took credit for the attack. They normally do this within hours of any operation. So far haven’t heard anything yet. Russia and Syria are behind this. They most likely used some locals who also don’t want the US occupation. They’ve done that before with less sophisticated attacks. Where will the locals get such IEDs, because from the descriptions of the scenario, it appear to be a sophisticated IED. My first guess for the origin of that IED is Iran.

cechas vodobenikov

and u r paid by CIA or too stupid to be paid for lies

The Objective

It’s you parents who’re too stupid not me. Don’t try to insult me unless you want to have a bad day. Disagree honorably.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin “the men amerikans most admire tell them the most extravagant lies; the men amerikans most despise try to tell them the truth”. HL Menkhen “obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon “no people are more entertained and less informed than amerikans”. Neil Postman after examining the media and curriculum in Soviet schools, Geoffrey Gorer described the censorship in US media/schools as “ludicrous” “amerikan academia is far more effectively censored than was Soviet academia”. Georgi Derlugian “censorship reflects a society that has no confidence in itself”. Potter Stewart

Traiano Welcome

I predicted this last year: Syria would begin to make use of low tech solutions to ensure plausible deniability and launch a concealed guerrilla style insurgency against the US occupation.


Good start to 2nd week in November


them stupid yankee-twats are in syria tp deprive the syrian government of the income from the oil so that the jews in palestine can continue its march eastward and engage in its hitleristic lebensraum program. so it’s all at the behest of the jews in palestine, who need to be eviscerated to the bone in order for a peaceful middle east.


Cool I would love more kills, PLZ more IDEs…


If US Denies news = TRUTH!! Good to see such amazing rare news!

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