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MARCH 2025

Four US Supply Convoys Attacked In Iraq Following Ain Assad Rocket Strike

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Four US Supply Convoys Attacked In Iraq Following Ain Assad Rocket Strike

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On March 3, four convoys carrying supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition came under attack in central and southern Iraq, according to Sabereen News.

The Telegram channel reported the attacks as it follows:

  • The first convoy was targeted in the district of Abu Ghraib, west of the capital, Baghdad;
  • The second convoy was targeted in the district of Yusufiya, south of Baghdad;
  • The third convoy was targeted in the southern province of al-Diwaniyah;
  • The fourth convoy was targeted in the city of Samawah in the southern province of al- Muthanna.

All four convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices. The attacks didn’t result in any casualties. However, material losses were reported.

The attacks took place a few hours after a rocket strike on Ain Assad Air Base in wester Iraq. An American contractor died during the attack, allegedly from a “heart attack.”

Iranian-allied armed groups were likely behind the recent attacks. Last year, many groups in Iraq vowed to expel US troops from the country after the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, and Iran’s Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.

The US appears to be determined to keep its forces in Iraq. At the same time, Washington and its allies have failed to put an end to the attacks on their troops there, so far.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Biden’s got their backs.

John Wallace

Biden’s response will be to increase troops as there is no way he can now withdraw or be seen as a coward and weak. His balls are in a vice like grip by Israeli dentures that for the pain to go away he will send more Americans to die for the (lost) cause. Those groups need to be supplied with ATGM’s such as the Kornet

Assad must stay

i read on halturnerradioshow.com some senators are trying to remove his war powers, inshallah they are successful and biden cant do shit

John Wallace

Thanks , yes I saw something about that somewhere . Did Bush jr or Obama start that so they could attack ( in defense of course ) rather than wait for Congress approval. I think it was with something about Israel wanting the US to rejoin Iran agreement so they can quietly back away from a war with Iran. No matter , the President does as he is told anyway.

Assad must stay

inshallah the senators succeed in stripping the war powers away


again?…..stop giving yourself up fool……..lol…..do I need to hold your hand?


Insahallah now doc? you have descended to this level now? You so obvious aren’t you?….lol…..stupid parsi man continues to confuse Iran with jihadists. Just smh……

Tommy Jensen

The Trump effect? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/585c9be16b90f81794aafd5995a10d291a3b8e0068306e33ac25199ab77e8d4a.jpg

Blue In Green

They’re very well equipped and armed to teeth as it currently stands, but a strategic decision that needs to be implemented on a tactical level would have to be agreed upon in order to authorize the widespread use of ATGMs against American assets which would be mostly confined to vehicles and guard-posts (rare). A more poignant increase in violence would be the use of MANPADs and heavier ordinances against U.S. assets.

The currently methodology of utilizing IED (of which the ‘improvised’ nature is a little disingenuous) is quite effective for now. Disrupting supply lines and materials will have a negative attrition effect on local American forces.

Blue In Green

Just to expand on my last comment about ‘IEDs’ and that misnomer used in the classification of what is being used by these groups against U.S. assets.

These Explosive Devices are no longer the same ones that were being detonated en masse back when the acronym was first widely used during the occupation of Iraq (2003-2009). Those Improvised Explosive Devices were truly crude and non-sophisticated in nature: usually being comprised of old explosive filler found in larger caliber artillery shell casings, jerry-rigged together to from a IED or an amalgamation of mines and other explosives (professional and recreational in nature, think fertilizer) to make larger bombs.

Juxtaposed to today where these groups have access to professional level hardware and warhead/explosive design that can maximize damage against targets without needed to be these giant clumps of mismatching hazardous explosives. I’m specifically referring to shaped charges and higher-quality explosive filler.

Blue In Green

I’ve always wondered if Iran was working on a newer ‘double’ fire ATGM system or some sort of ATGM battle-network if you will, where in multiple ATGM teams will have local connections via screen sharing from separate monitors which share battlefield visuals between ATGM teams using shared live-feed (imagine if each ATGM were to share, in real time, what it is seeing to others) of the conflict zone.

The ‘double’ fire ATGM system would be able to enact an engagement methodology that greatly increases overall lethality by introducing multi-vector strike capabilities. A single ATGM crew would be utilizing a new ATGM design which sees 2 or 3 ATGM missiles per launcher instead of the standard one. And there would be multiple different firing modes, like single-fire or multifire, which would allow for 2 ATGMs to be launched simultaneously with onboard computation (the missile and launcher) providing data to both missiles and the system over in how to attack the designated target from two separate vectors. Whether it’d be top-attack and side, frontal and side, or side-and-side.

Biggest issues would be cost, weight and production, as I don’t think the technological side of is too much of a problem. The on-field practically of such a system would lend itself more to a special operation type of engagement rather than widespread use since I imagine this system would cost a considerably larger amount per unit in contrast with legacy ONE missile ATGM systems. But their use would be accompanied with the ONE missile ATGM to tackle particularly difficult targets on the field.

Another suggestion I made to counter AP (Active Protection) that newer more advanced tanks would will be utilizing is a


Frankly, the quad Pirooz Dehalevieh system is already deployed by Iran and Hezbollah. The Iraqi resistance also has them. They can be launched single fire or in multiple launches on different laser guided targets. In Syria near Idlib they took out 4 T-55 headchopper tanks and terrorist vehicles in one hit.


Blue In Green

Thank you Frank!!!

I think they could possibly downsize this technology to allow it to be carried on foot with ATGM teams in the future since the only thing i see that would require downsizing is the gimbaled SENSOR array. More advanced semiconductors and manufacturing PCB processes would allow for the miniaturization of the components we see on the PIROOZ AAHS, so that smaller groups of 4-6 can carry them around without the need of it being installed on the back of a technical-vehicle which increased the footprint of the strike team itself.

Moreover I don’t know if the Pirooz (which is using Dehalevieh) has a top-down attack capability like the Spike NLOS and Javalin missiles systems do. When Iran inevitability releases their own Spike/Javelin versions, I hope they implement some sort of multi-vector attack capability.

I guess my concern is more forward thinking. I’m worried about the possible widespread use of AP on different vehicles, not just top of the line tanks.

What are you thoughts?


The Spike has already been super cloned along with US Hellfire. Iran has the largest attack helicopter fleet in the region numbering over 400 choppers including the latest Super Cobra Toophan all armed with Heider. Hezbollah has more mobile Dehalveiah Twins on quad bikes as well.





The upgraded latest Iranian Spike a dozen of which were captured intact on the Golan and Azerbaijan have been cloned as Alamas and now deployed with Sepah and Hezbollah. They are making them in Syria.



Well done Frank. I’m very impressed by your posts on this page. Thank you.

Arch Bungle

Another suggestion I made to counter AP (Active Protection) that newer more advanced tanks would will be utilizing a newer warhead design on the missile itself.

I think its easy to counter AP if you can commit to 3 strikes in succession, the first 1 to detonate the AP, second one to distract the active anti-rocket defense and the last one to blow the tank sky high.

Blue In Green

Through the use of multiple different ATGM teams spread out throughout the immediate battle-field targeting the same assets simultaneously?

This is where the use of a shared battle-net amongst ATGM crews would be crucial since the data transfer and sharing of tactical information would be immediate.


To Blue In Green your posts are being deleted for some reason and can not be replied to. So I will respond in Arch post.

Yes. The Dehalveih is cheap to produce and easy to operate. Both Hezbollah and Ansarallah have the lighter mobile versions. Iranian drones and UAV are being armed with Alamas (Super Spike).


Blue In Green

I have no reason why Disqus does this to me from time-to-time. I think it has something to do with how their algorithm picks up on potential spam.


Forget Disqus support, they’ll send you after Nokhod Siyah. Write an email to SF (info@southfront.org) and explain the issue. I had the same problem 3 years ago and it was solved after I sent the email and didn’t have it so far. Local mods have some degree of freedom in this matters.


Trophy can fire one APS round per second, it is within this second where a dummy rocket can ride on the same beam with the ATGM round, the dummy rocket activating the APS followed by the main ATGM within .3-.7 seconds later.

Arch Bungle

Think laterally, like a guerrilla subversive: All that is needed is to harass the Trophy system so frequently with bothersome attacks and IEDs that it breaks down.

When it breaks down, smash it to pieces.

John Wallace

Very good .. As long as it blows the truck to smithereens and incinerates the driver/occupants at the same time. Got to give the other surviving drivers something to dream about when they go to sleep and then wake up a jibbering mess.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6c44a2e92d5c039eb2c21db6d820e75eac758bc1735bb178d53affe54c1c548.jpg Iran deploying Pirooz quad ATGM in Syria with deadly effect. South Front covered it a few months ago.

In Exile

Bibi is tightening that vice but the silly thing is Biden has no use for his dried out sac anymore.

Just Me

A large mural of General Soleimani and Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Front deputy leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis to greet the Pope at Baghdad airport. The PMU are providing protection to the Pope so all is expected to go well at his meeting with Ayatollah Sistani.


Tommy Jensen

What is the Pope doing there? Including Shia into One World Religion??

Arch Bungle

He has come with a message:

“So, can you see we have finally been victorious in our Christian Crusade? Now, will you bend the knee to me, God’s regent on earth?”

Arch Bungle

How many ISIS terrorists did the pope wipe out?


Frankly, this simple statement from the Iraqi parliamentarians sums up the US dilemma.

“The presence of American occupation forces grants popular resistance forces the legal right to confront their plots,” Muhammadawi a PMU affiliated Iraqi lawmaker said.

Just Me

Iraqi Shia Militias at the Center of U.S.-Iran Tensions to Protect Pope Francis, gives a glimpse of their power and influence in Iraq. US committed a very grievous error in bombing their sites as they will redouble their resistance as US power wanes.


Hey John. They already have ATGMs and have used it at least once. The new rocket attack at the air base showcased a whole new level of weapons tech, that the west really has nothing to counter it with. I don´t think that necessarily putting more troops in Iraq makes sense either. They tried this before and it was a disaster. Yeah they are going to double down but, it is not going to work out. They were asked to leave and have refused so, here comes the non-stop pain. If one looks back only a year ago in comparison, the tempo of these attacks has escallated geometrically and they are killing people more and more now. Simply, time is up.


good good and then some once apple-cheeked numbnuts from the fly over states in body bags so the yankee-twats get the message – you’re not welcome so please f”ck off!


I’d much rather see the blood thirsty pricks from Washington fill those bags instead. Get a taste of their own medicine for once.


so would I naturally but whenever they show their faces outsie of washington they are triple protected by security (but they should be able to get netanyahu sooner or later).


the arrogance of these yankees is incredible these fools still think they can order iran around and set the rules when it will be iran forcing lawless america to keep to rules and not constantly violate them and causing anarchy in the world like they do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk9pXiJ3o-o


you are hendi parsi……not Iranian. Get real.


Maybe Grenada Island can be invaded again and Cuban Construction workers eliminated to solve the problem!


LOL!! good point.

Jaime Galarza

This may be necessary to restore the credibilty of the “finest” army of all time.

Assad must stay



don’t let me bust you with jihadi paraphernalia online……Iranians have a knack for picking little jihadi nuances like that. You learning, or do I get my stick out now?



erwin vercauteren

Star Wars is coming to get you kebab and MacDonald warriors wet their pants hearing the screams of Russia’s flying war dragons boo boo

Tommy Jensen


cechas vodobenikov

amerikans training their lowest most incompetent immoral uneducated so they can return to usa and kill each other in LGBT/KKK/BLM militias 22 US veterans suicide each day per US govt—population control if DEAGLE.COM is correct USA depopulated to 100 million by 2025 fake empire already decayed


half the US is full of lower caste……nobody cares if they live or die. We got a good measure of this fact during the ongoing covid deaths.

Assad must stay

into the dustbin of history LOL

Tommy Jensen

What amaze me is how detailed this decade long plan is carried out. “Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care”. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8473e86751ebd831d2cb77f5ba8abff02faf1a47f4ab2ba72a84dff708ce9ad.jpg

Blue In Green

They’ve stepped up the pace like many here have predicted they would.

Nothing much more to add.


If the US withdraws, then sanctions are definitely coming for Baghdad…….however, I bet the clergy has contingency planning in place for this. They can’t take both Iraqi and Iranian oil off the market concurrently.

In Exile

What does Dr Assad and DR Mengele have in common? They are both here there and everywhere carrying out genocide and torture.


Shut up doc……you can’t stop Iran……too late.

Arch Bungle

LOL! You’re funny!

Lone Ranger

What does the CIA and DR Mengele have in common? They are both here there and everywhere carrying out genocide and torture Fixed*

In Exile

Only unlike the CIA Doctor Mengele was innocent, the evidence against Mengele was heresay at best, at worst outright lies.


So you compare Mengele with Assad because they are both ” innocent”, the evidence against Assad also was “heresay at best, at worst outright lies” – right?

In Exile

More than likely, what ever crimes Assad is accused of they pale in comparison to what the Jews do in Palestine and what our Governments do in the Middle East. Or you are going to say the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it, like Madam Albright?


Wrong, Dr Mengele was experimenting on JewRats while Dr Assad is a Joo Killer

In Exile

You believe the lies about Mengele he was a Doctor and nothing more. What evidence exists, the lies of his associate the Jewish Doctor and a few bullshit survivor stories about removing tattoos, changing eye color, grafting midgets onto Jew’s backs and other nonsense. Until the 1970’s Mengele was not even mentioned the Jews trot out an evil Nazi every few years to keep the holocaust lie going, now they are down to arresting 90 year old ex tea ladies and office clerks. What is next I ask what, give me information on who will be next?

Tommy Jensen

You have a point.

Arch Bungle

You really suck at sarcasm. Leave it to pros.

In Exile

You mean leave it to the Jews, don’t beat around the bush champ.

Arch Bungle

You are a liar.

Assad has carried out no genocide.

Neither has he carried out torture.

In Exile

Yes just like Mengele or you are going to say Doctor mengele was a killer? If so, up yoor’s pal, Mengele was a Doctor nothing more.

Arch Bungle

Sarcasm again?

In Exile

You fool I am being sarcastic, of course Assad is innocent just like Doctor Mengele, 2 hard working Doctors both slandered by the same suspects.

Arch Bungle



A baziger is someone who’s grown up on the street. You admire this man? Obviously you ain’t Iranian……

Arch Bungle

I’m not Iranian.

I admire this man’s music.

What’s your issue with him?


His music was totally commercial, lower middle class mainstream, Just cheesy.

Arch Bungle

Sometimes we want hamburghers.

Not everyday do we want to eat caviar.

Clarence Spangle

You like the gays.

Arch Bungle

“Clarence” is a gay name.


Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’

Shia proxies aiding Iran are going to feel the Wrath of America …

Turn your head away if you’ve got a weak constitution … eh?


Once again – Zio Monkey Tzatz trips over his score 10 IQ. It is the US who is feeling the wrath of the PMU’s. Every US attack brings 4 more PMU attacks. PMUs attack at will, anytime, anywhere.


Only 4 ? lol

A dead Shia is what it will beget … more dead Shias … but you’re the slugs who LOVE death … right?

Rodney Loder

Biden is mind controlled by disciples of the homosexual Sid Loder, the reason I always call him that is because for nearly 70 years the Freemason turned turned Trotskyist turned Evangelical, turned Jew and consequently culminating in Biden’s lethargy (supposedly time is on US side) have used my identity of Jesus Christ by torturing and continually humiliating me to promote Homosexual Globalist Culture.

They’ve been at it for 70 years almost, fortunately everyone knows what they want to forget, which is the intention of God (swt) using the Holy Ghost in order to catch them out.

The Holy Ghost is a replica of the beginning of Creation when a rhetorical question got the ball rolling, I remember that question well.

Freemasons murdered my mother because she objected to my being tortured and used by these pernicious Jewish maggots.

Assad must stay

whenever this happens it reminds me of that scene in the first terminator movie when arnie is driving the 18 wheeler and the pipe bomb kyle reese puts in it explodes and the whole truck goes up in flames lol

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