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MARCH 2025

France – Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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France - Between a Rock and a Hard Place


Written by Emma Dujardin exclusively for SouthFront

Security is becoming more flexible during the growing process of globalization and regional integration in Europe, it is no longer possible to ignore new challenges to international stability, among which migration can stand out: as a result of the increasing flow of people freely moving around the world, migration is being viewed through the prism of security.

Over the past fifteen years, the link between immigration, public order and national security has become ingrained in French society. France has one of the largest Muslim diasporas in Western Europe; it is becoming increasingly difficult for republican institutions to maintain a healthy and constructive dialogue with this diaspora. In addition, foreign policy and especially active French invasion in regions highly affected by terrorism, in particular in West Africa, caused direct consequences for the country and its national security – an influx of immigrants from African countries and an increasing number of terrorist attacks of ISIS.

1. According to the official data, French immigrants constitute only 10% of the population, but the French themselves are already beginning to feel the trick in these statistics. They talk about the inevitable Africanization and Arabization of Europe, in general, and France, in particular, by the end of 2050. Researchers who share the idea of ​​a so called “new great Migration Period”, reintroduced by the French writer Renault Camus, predicting the replacement of the French (and European) autochthonous population, as well as its civilization, by “others”, mainly issued from the Maghreb and Black African countries, often are “disqualified” in the French Republic as their ideas run counter to the leading “left” opinion.

The integration of the immigrants into the European society is a must, but there are many factors that ruin the process of their integration and lead to the phenomenon called “communitarianism”. The main ones, as researches claim, are schooling, education, employment and housing that are not arranged for a great number of immigrants that the French Republic has been welcoming since 1980s. As the result, immigrants, who should have been integrated completely to the French society, stay outside, welcomed by the officials but unwelcomed by the system. This all results in immigration that becomes wild and unbridled, that cannot adapt by itself to the Western way of life, threatening the country’s security, and leads to the “denationalization” of France. Some researchers even talk about a so called “tribalization” of France, revealing the stronger link between mass immigration and increased crime in the country, noting that official crime statistics have been falsified for many years, and in fact, every 24 hours there are “13,000 thefts, 2,000 attacks and 200 rapes” committed in France.

2. Falsified official statistics are only half the trouble. The worst is the ban on certain types of statistics needed to understand the migration situation in France.

On August 26, 1789, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen affirmed the absolute Equality of all French among themselves, regardless of religious beliefs, ethnicity or race, Freedom reigned in France, extending to every French from the day of his birth, and the French citizenship was believed to contribute to the republican ideal of Brotherhood. France became the Home of Human Rights, and the French nation, La Grande Nation, acquires “universality”, defining itself as a group of fellow citizens without a single reference to the concepts of race, ethnicity, or religion. The purpose of such decisions was to create a space of harmony that unites people, so all those characteristics that could divide French citizens into groups were erased from above.

Thus, there were no more Catholics or Protestants or internal French ethnic groups, and the ethnic and religious statistics has been prohibited. We do not have an exact idea of the number of French citizens of foreign origin or the number of citizens professing a particular religion, although we understand that every year there are more and more such citizens.

France - Between a Rock and a Hard Place


Researchers interested in the most accurate data possible, including representatives of right-wing and extreme right-wing parties, are trying to approach the migration issue from different angles. In particular, right-wing parties have often turned to screening for drepanocytosis, sickle cell anemia, a genetic blood disorder to which, according to numerous studies, people from Sub-Saharan and Maghreb countries are the most susceptible. In France, screening for sickle cell anemia, carried out by the French Association for the Diagnosis and Prevention of Childhood Disability in Newborns (Association Française pour le Dépistage et la Prévention des Handicaps de l’Enfant), is targeted at newborns of Mediterranean, African and Caribbean origins. There were statistics published in the public domain, a screening map for 2016 could be easily found: in the Ile-de-France region, 73.56% of newborns were already at risk of the disease, and generally in the whole country there were 39.39% of newborns at risk. This statistics were used by right-wing to measure the number of non-white newborns and thus to illustrate the Africanization of France. From 2018, disease statistics would no longer be published, as its transition into ethnic statistics is considered to be dangerous. Still, thanks to the latest data we can imagine what regions have largest immigrant communities.

France - Between a Rock and a Hard Place


3. In big cities of with a high concentration of French of foreign origin, the phenomenon of communitarianism – the dense residence of immigrants in closed communities, – flourishes, making these immigrant areas “lawless”. During the COVID-19 pandemic, riots broke out across the country in immigrant areas due to an accident on the night of April 20, in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, when a motorcyclist collided with a police car. The victim’s origin is carefully hidden, however, at the same time, the media talk about his numerous crimes (he was convicted 14 times for sexual violence, crimes related to drug trafficking, extortion), about his being under judicial supervision, about repeated violations of the quarantine regime, and about the motorcyclist riding an unregistered motorcycle without a helmet. A whole series of clashes between the “jeunes” and the police unfolded throughout the densely populated disadvantaged areas. In addition, the public became aware of the instructions for the national police of the Calvados department from April 24, which stated that if there was no threat to health or the threat of serious damage to property, there was no need to intervene in areas with a high concentration of the population (immigrant areas) during Ramadan. The extreme right called this instruction the religious immunity provided by the government, a sign of its weakness in front of the Islamist groups operating in the country.

This summer France experienced a new round of the “becoming wild” process, when a wave of violent crimes, including ones against the police, took place in many major cities. Attacks, rapes and murders, of which French immigrants are suspected or already condemned, shook the public, and the image of Emmanuel Macron was especially damaged when he, unwilling to call a spade a spade, classified the crimes as “uncivilized behaviour”.

Despite public outrage at such statements and the fact that the president has ranked minor violations of public order and misconduct with the murder of policemen on a par, the French people start to understand that they cannot make the government hear them so that the political elites living outside of the “real” world, would take measures to counteract mass immigration, since the French “Gauchiste” political system does not allow a free expression of opinions on such delicate topics.

France - Between a Rock and a Hard Place


4. The next elections are set for spring 2022, and for now France has two potential candidates who will fight each other to take the presidency.

Having been elected at the end of the 2017, Emmanuel Macron can present his candidacy in 2022 for a second term according the Article 6 of the French Constitution. However, as he says, the second term is not his priority for the moment, the most important is to launch the reforms, including in the migration sphere, to bring down Marine Le Pen and her Party.

France - Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Emmanuel Macron. Source: REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

Marine Le Pen, on the other hand, can effectively use the difficult situation with immigrants to gain the trust of her electors. Thus, in several communiqué Rassemblement National refers to the French population who feels threatened by the immigrants in their country because of the frequent attacks during this summer – “one of the most deadly summers in the history of France”. Marine Le Pen proclaim the safety of the French people “the priority” of the Party and states: France turns wild and savage, and 70% of the French see and sense it [Ifop], while the government keeps believing that it’s a fantasy. She will definitely place emphasis on the migration problems during her campaign, as they were focused on during the previous presidential race, and the question is if the French are ready to respond positively to the RN measures they have always considered to be extremely severe.

If Marine Le Pen wins the presidential elections, that will definitely help other right wing parties to gain confidence in their countries, for instance, Alternative for Germany that is currently in its’ internal crisis. The situation with German immigration is not much better than with French one: European Medias are full of headlines about immigrants (typically repeat offenders who commit knife attacks, beatings, rapes) attacking German citizens on the streets.

France - Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Marine Le Pen

The problem of the second and third generations does not bypass one of the leading European countries: immigrants who do not have the opportunity or a desire to get a job, learn a language, send their children to school where they would get the opportunity to socialize, living in immigrant areas on unemployment benefits, feel socially isolated and unfairly treated in comparison to native Germans. This feeling of injustice of the society can lead the younger generation to revolt against the system, often resulting in violence. What is more, the terrorist threat comes usually from Europeans of foreign origin who have failed to find their place in society. Researchers, drawing the portrait of a “terroriste maison” right up to the 2015 terrorist attacks in France, suggest that they are mostly young people with immigrant background who have had problems with the law in the past. The overwhelming majority had more or less lengthy sentences due to thefts and other violations of order. Prison gives them the opportunity to root their hatred of a liberal society, which they do not understand because of secular principles that contradict usually their religious beliefs. For a certain period of time, future “terroriste maison” have been influenced by the Islamist gurus most often found on the Internet, where jihadists are very active in recruiting Muslims seeking their path in life. Many young French Islamists travel to Syria and Iraq, some remain in France awaiting their guru’s call for holy war in France and other European countries as it was in 2015-2016.

Ever since the Revolution France, a country of immigration, has been considered a “universal” nation, where Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood of its citizens should not have been threatened by any references to race, ethnicity, or religion. However, the phenomenon of communitarianism, which is nowadays a stable and extremely important issue in French society, contradicts the Ideals of the Republic, because it, in fact, subjects the society to fragmentation according to religious or ethnic criteria. This issue is perceived exclusively from the point of view of insufficient integration of Muslim “jeunes”, and the interpretation of the reasons leading to public disorder does not evoke any socio-economic problems that immigrants who are failed to find their place in the society have to face.

Terrorist attacks are reinforcing the link between immigrants and terrorism in society. For France, the threat of terrorism becomes internal, as it comes from within the state, from its own citizens – “terroristes maison”. The deep social problems, inequality, social marginalization faced by immigrants make them vulnerable to manipulation by fundamental Islamism, which can lead to their radicalization. Strong negative consequences for the country and its people would be a result of building an “internal enemy” and generalization about immigrant areas being full of potential “terroristes maison”.

Instead, all French migration problems must be addressed outside the security field as long-standing and extremely complex socio-economic problems, otherwise, immigrant areas prone to communitarianism could become a cause for greater concern.

Thus, the French migration system ended up in zugzwang: the long-term practice of welcoming and loose integration has opened a window for a massive flow of immigrants, whose cultural identity differs significantly from the cultural identity of the host society. Conservative Muslims, who have traditional views on society, preserve their religious identity and their way of life, experience difficulties in “cohabitation” with the liberal secular identity of France, destroy the ideals and values ​​of the Republic, so fiercely defended by the “native” French, and endanger the cohesion of society.


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Ah France, the garbage can of Europe along with Germany, Sweden and Belgium. Keep it up, more immigrants are needed!


Sent there by rich Jew pigs money!


Western Europe is irreversibly ruined. And Eastern Europe should separate her destiny from Western world as soon as possible !

It is still not too late for Eastern Europe to separate from dying decadent West !

Fog of War

We actually agree on something. I think I’ll play the lottery today, the stars must have aligned perfectly.


Amen. This is the slow and painful suicide of Western Europe that I have been watching all my life unfolding in its inevitably way. Eastern Europe must strongly resist the toxic influence of the West.

Aaron Aarons

The “toxic influence of the West” has been felt for centuries by the peoples of the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania whose lands have been violently invaded and often “cleansed” of their indigenous inhabitants by people from Western Europe.


You should stick to your own subject Palestine (instead of giving lessons to everybody and taking posture of high moral ground) There ate no bigger land thieves than Jews and no bigger apartheid regime than Israel !


The “toxic influence of the West” is that of the West that seeks to redeem itself from its alpha status in the natural order by committing suicide. To die for our own sins. Imagine that. And what could be more unhealthy by any objective standards? Unless of course you include the highest spiritual attainment of the Son of God. My, what a profitable racket that has been, eh? So quit flagellating yourself as though that was some end in itself. Tell us what comes next and what kind of a world it will be when someone else is King of the Jungle? Or can you no longer speak in terms of appeal?

Servet Köseoğlu

excellent… you have perfect pace with immigrants…go on..suffering at the lowest pits of hell…

Sylvain Jeuland

The next decade will be very hard to manage here. We will have to play this situation very well but there are some effective non-violent solutions that I will not detail here.

Fog of War

” effective non-violent solutions that I will not detail here. ” ———————————————— Not if you have ” guests ” that refuse to leave.

Sylvain Jeuland

Besieging the Brittany cities with tractors and cutting food supplies are non-violent.

cechas vodobenikov

agree—however this requires political will and greater consensus than now exists

Sylvain Jeuland

There are two opposite sides in France. The country people against the city people. They elect different persons in general.



If the budget starts to get empty government will augment them where they can, including to the “small businesses” as well. “Besieging”?

Police and the army are created by the government for the government above all and not for the interests of the people.

Sylvain Jeuland

Good answer. But for now, we have a lot of employee people who can pay for all this (45% of their gain). As a consequence, small business owners save more money for themselves (they 25% of their gain) because the others pay more. And they can invest faster in real estate to pay less interest rate to banker.

Besieging: yes it’s not a real idea now, but all has to be considered.

Fog of War

Western Europeans are cucked beyond believe , you seem to be a prime example.

Sylvain Jeuland

I would appreciate that you bring an answer as clever as HiaNd. Since you don’t know me, don’t insult me unless you don’t have anything more relevant to write.

Fog of War

Your own statemnet is the biggest insult you could receive as its naive beyond believe.

Sylvain Jeuland

This is a comment section. Statements are made to trigger discussions and debates among sane people. Some are more realistic than other ones. There are people who debate about them and people who insult the writers like you do.

Fog of War

” The main ones, as researches claim, are schooling, education, employment and housing that are not arranged for a great number of immigrants that the French Republic has been welcoming since 1980s. ” This is a BS excuse. The fact is most of these migrants have an intense contempt for the host populations, their customs, religion, and society. Most have no plan on integrating do to differences in religion, culture, world view, and loyalty to their home countries. Many are also there because of the generous ” welfare ” systems which give them more money then they would ever see back home. Ultimately, they want to turn the host nations into something that resembles what they know and are used to. Having said that, I don’t really blame them, as its human nature to revert back to in-group behavior ( i.e. The Khazars ) Mixing cultures, religions, races, and political systems doesn’t work, we are all seeing the results.

Mattias Dahlström

Small groups of high IQ, as it’s also linked to high trait openness integrate well. These are the types our journalists may have met and mingled with in the worlds increasingly interchangeable major cities. To understand migration visit the rank and file, the masses.

Aaron Aarons

“The fact is most of these migrants have an intense contempt for the host populations, their customs, religion, and society. Most have no plan on integrating do to differences in religion, culture, world view, and loyalty to their home countries.”

This could have been written with more certainty about the Europeans who have, since the 1500’s in some places, been invading the Western Hemisphere and large parts of Africa and Asia. The main difference is that the European invaders of those other continents acted with a lot more violence than have non-European migrants into Europe.

Fog of War

One of you always comes out of the wood work with you SJW bullshit. Boo hoo, cry me a river. Where were you when the Mongols rolled though Russia and parts of Europe killing, raping, and pillaging million of European lives ? Where were you when the Ottoman Empire enslaved millions of European women and children and turned them into sex chattel, eunuchs, and worked the men to death ? Where were you when the Barbary pirates enslaved close to a million European men and women.

In fact, where were you when the Aztecs and Mayans sacrificed thousands of people on a regular basis ? Where were you when Africans captured and sold their own ? Where were you when Indians attacked each other’s villages killing raping, scalping, and torturing each other ? Where were you when Jewish Bolsheviks killed millions of European Slavs and other people ? Why dont you ever mention those things in detail ?

Of course you ignore all that historical record because it destroys you PC narative of the evil White man.

Speaking of evil “White ” slavers:


Now GTFO with your worn out tripe Khazar.


“European invaders of those other continents acted with a lot more violence than have non-European migrants into Europe” This is laughable logic. These are completely different circumstances.

They were aloud to enter freely and yet many of them are violent.

Many of European countries were not colonial powers, so why should they accept even single one of those illegal emigrants? They are not suppose to be victims of this conspiracy of replacing the European population. Even in the case of the countries with the colonial past, one injustice can’t correct another injustice.Also many of ex colonial powers have already plenty of African and Asian origin population as it is. So who is to decide when it is “enough”, you maybe?

Worth noting, you are actually confirming that many of those immigrants act as invaders. Logically they should not be welcomed not only because illegal but because many of them have criminal or even terrorist past.


That little bitch Macron is continuing the globalist’s designs for France. Le Pen needs to replace that a-hole asap.


What makes you think she would have different foreign policy from him?! She would have exactly the same foreign policy ( except for illegal emigrants and refugees ). She is even more on the right and against EU but for European Economic Zone (EEZ was before EU) Maybe she is for French sovereignty much more than Macron but all the rest is the same.

Aaron Aarons

French foreign policy has been blatantly imperialist for centuries, as have those of Britain and other Western countries. It is noteworthy that French people, like other Europeans who have moved into non-European lands, have never integrated into the societies that existed before their arrival.


Your comment, has nothing to do with my comment.


Colonialism is gonna catch up. Call it Karma if you will

cechas vodobenikov

the EU has not benefited Western Europe—rather it has created a politically correct porridge ideology where values, culture, sovereignty are sacrificed at the alter of the current holy trinity—diversity, equality, fake science


What ” equality”? What do you mean by “fake science”?


According to a recent report at least 37 million people have been displaced and turned into refugees worldwide by America’s so called “war on terror” in which France and other european countries have played a major role, France under sarkozy was the first to launch the air war against Gadaffi’s Libya which turned a once prosperous African country into a jihadist hell hole and opened the floodgates of refugees into europe and now the europeans are crying about being inundated with refugees, pathetic. To all the morons posting on here complaining about refugees suck it up, what goes around will always come around and Karma is a b*tch, f*ck you.


Israel is the only country (with US) that has played major role on “War on terror” and Israel is the main beneficiary of that “war”. Whose only objective was to denigrate Islam and Muslim population as “terrorists” in general. And puts Israel in position of the strength in the region. Not as an aggressor living on Palestinian land, which they really are, but as country which fights “terrorists”.

“War on terror” is Israeli brain child, American neocons were too stupid to come with similar idea. 9/11 has Israeli fingers mingled in it, to obtain US invasion of Iraq and confirm Muslims as “terrorists”.

Israel is direct instigator of invasion on Iraq that has costed US 2 trillion dollars.

And costed 1 million of Iraqi lives (on top of 500 000 children due to the US sanctions )

Israeli Mossad is main creator of ISIS (together with CIA). Israel gave direct support for creation of “Caliphate” and destruction of Syria and Iraq needed for further territorial expansion of Israel. It was Israeli idea to turn Sunni against Shia (so that they keep killing each other) not of the idea of ignorant Americans. That’s how regular (Sunni majority) Iraqi army was dismantlement and some elements were used in creation of ISIS by Mossad and CIA.

All that was started so tiny Israel can enlarge their territory on even more Arab land in Syria and elsewhere.

From ending of your comment it is obvious that not only Karma is bitch …


Sure of course y’all european scumbags are all innocent right?, it was all america and israel’s fault and you all had no part to play in setting half the world alight, you are PATHETIC but like I wrote in my comment above Karma is a bi*ch and its knocking on your door and you aint seen nothing yet. You, your countries and your precious so called “culture” are FINISHED, so cry as much as you want about being flooded by refugees this is just the begining and the day will come too when YOU and your families are also going to become refugees, what goes round will always come around and in the meantime have fun with your unwanted guests. Enjoy, dic*head.


You are just being hysteric. And not being intelligent and informed enough to recognize facts I have stated. You greatly exaggerate French or even EU influence or importance. It is clear sign of ignorance or worse, absence of cognitive capability.

Yes, Western European demography is irreversibly changed and they will continue their existence like US does. As mixed societies and cultures, religions. Your “revenge” is triumph of stupidity… Because you don’t realize that all those young emigrants or even their children might be part of the invading West European army that will invade parts of Asia or Africa again because West Europeans have huge tech advance to those parts of the world.


You just dont get it do you?, I wasnt talking about europes colonial past which by the way never really ended ss they just carried on the exploitation of the global south by other means is all. Look all around you, western global hegemony which has prevailed for the past 500 years or more is now at an end and the influx of masses of refugees is just one sign of it. You are all divided and agsinst each other, the brits with their brexit and the americans sanctioning everybody including their so called “allies”. A house divided against itself is going to fall and the same chaos and instability your countries have fomented and instigated the world over will be brought home to you as is already happening in america. You think I was being “hysterical” when I said the day will come when you and your families too will become refugees?, not at all because war is on your horizon and that war will be brought home to you by your psychopathic “leaders”, like I said your Karma is knocking on tge doir and you will not escape what is coming to you, the problem of the refugees you are experiencing now is just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. Enjoy.


“influx of masses of refugees is just one sign of it” No it isn’t ! Refugees are here not because of destruction of Libya (Turkey is not destroyed yet they send as many if not much more emigrants) Arrival of illegal “refugees” has everything to do with Angela Merkel EU open borders invitation to the paperless would be “refugees” from Syria to come to Germany (and the rest of EU since there were no borders ! ) Her invitation is product of obeying orders of German – EU industrial elites for getting as many cheap labor force as she can to lower the cost of work in EU. On the other side of that totally illegal activity are rich JEW bankers represented by George Soros who openly bragged that he is funding arrival of refugees to Europe ! No illegal emigrant specially from Pakistan or Afghanistan has that much money to arrive to Western Europe! That trip and illegal crossing borders can cost 10+ of thousands of euros

( with payment to traffickers who take them over the borders and travel expenses ) Those people don’t have that kind of money.

But JEW Soros is happy to pay.

Of course you are hysterical because I have told you that I am from Eastern Europe and I couldn’t car less about future of Western Europe. Yet you keep talking to me as if I am Western European defending them!

The problem is that this catastrophic policy of Western elites and Jew globalists will affect Eastern Europe as well and that is unacceptable for us East Europeans. Nobody from EU will become “refugee” but many middle class citizens can change countries because of the situation. Lower your drama. Even if riots start in some EU countries that will influence lot politicians=prostitutes to change their policy over the emigration. At the end all the troubles will be paid by working class and ordinary people as usual.


You eastern europeans are even worse than western europeans in many instances because you are led by immoral sycophants who kow tow to everything the americans want including basing their weapons pointing at Russia there with their military bases and their traditional hatred of Russia, look at the Baltics and what is currently happening now in Belarus where they are attempting a repeat of Ukraine. This is all not going to end well for europe whether east or west but have it your way in your delusions and by the way colonel Gadaffi warned the west against destabilising Libya he told them exactly what would happen with regards to the refugees should they destroy Libya but in their greed to lay their hands on Libyan gold and oil they ignored him and you are all now paying the price for it with much more to come.


You are first being hysterical and now boring the s*it out of me! I can’t even read that and your incessant accusation based on nothing! I am an Orthodox and pro Russian to the bone and even have some Russian ancestry. So spare me from your speech. I have lost appetite to read your comments completely… I am sorry and good bye!


Oh dear me sounds like I touched a nerve cant handle the truth can you ??, but I never asked you to reply to my post in the first place and it wasnt me crying like a baby about being “replaced” by refugees and what the hell has it got to do with anything whether you are Orthodox or pro Russia or not?, last time I looked you are not the one running the government of whatever country you are living in or the one making the policies shows just how thick you are. Like I said Karma is knocking on your door and yiu will not escape that Karma, you europeans have a lot to answer for in this world and you will answer for it whether you like it or not. Enjoy what little time you have left and enjoy your refugees.


>You didn’t touch anything, you are boring as hell. Go away or I’ll simply block you, I will not be harassed by mentally deficient people. I do not read your crap comments anyways so GO AWAY !


???? ENJOY!!!


Muslims are not compatible with the western value’s, rights and norms hat is the reason why they ; Are, tribleized, wild and unbridled, cannot and are not allowed by their religion to adapt to the Western norms, value’s and law’s , are threatening the country’s security, and leads to the “denationalization” of France. And is not because they are not supported in Europe on the contrary they are far to much pampered and should be forced to comply, they become far more support then any national person. AND FACE IT; IT CAN BE BETER, SAFER, AND EASIER LOOK AT HUNGARY. THEY REJECT MUSLIMS AND TAKE ONLY NON MUSLIMS AS REFUGEE AND THEY HAVE NON OF THIS PROBLEMS. SO CLOSE YOUR BORDER AND SELECT. the values of the french revolution, the law on refugees , the human rights where build on people who all accepted the christian, Greek, humanist value’s. These migrants even reject the Basic rules of ; men and women to have equal value’s, the right to speak, the separation of religion and government, the importance of rationality and reason, etc…


A good thing; right politic is winning every where in Europe and as a result even “liberals” are talking to sent back most migrants and illegals and refugees after the problems faded in their home land. So give it some more years and if not realised then we Responsible Right will do it.


They predict with global warming and population growth there will not be enough inhabitable land in the already hot areas to sustain life so there will be a huge wave of migration coming to the more temperate climates. That means Europe, North America, North Asia.

This is just a trickle before the real onslaught. Those already here will vote for more, they will campaign against the ‘racists’ who do not want to be replaced.

We all need to make a stand now, and even then it is late in the day. No ‘asylum seekers’ [read economic migrants], no illegal immigrants, legal migration to be kept low and only for very talented people, no ‘family reunion’ [read passports sellers].

Start cleaning the house. Fast track all of these people back to where they came from. If they won’t say which country dump them back on the beaches of Libya and they can walk home from there. Have immigration ‘bounty hunters’ who get paid per illegal they find. Enforce OUR culture and if they don’t like it please feel free to piss off. Come down hard on criminality including revocation of citizenship.

Aaron Aarons

Thanks for convincing me, by publishing this article, not to donate any money to Southfront.


Why don’t you do us a favor than and simply go away?

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