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MARCH 2025

France, Canada, UK Send Warships To South China Sea To Assist U.S., Not Spread Influence In Former Colonies

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France, Canada, UK Send Warships To South China Sea To Assist U.S., Not Spread Influence In Former Colonies

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On February 22nd, US-state outlet Voice of America reported that “leaders as far away as Canada and Western Europe are sending navy ships to the contested South China Sea.”

This, of course, intends to show that other countries, and not just the US wish to antagonize China’s movements and ambition in the South China Sea.

So far, this list includes Canada and France, and maybe the UK.

French Defense Minister Florence Parly said in early February that France had dispatched an attack submarine to the sea.

French armed forces Minister Florence Parly tweeted on February 9 that the submarine made its voyage to “enrich our knowledge of this area and affirm that international law is the only rule that is valid, regardless of the sea where we sail.”

It further showed “striking proof of the capacity of our French Navy to deploy far away and for a long time in connection with our Australian, American and Japanese strategic partners,” she said.

According to a report, the French Navy said an amphibious assault ship the Tonnere and the frigate Surcouf had left their home port Toulon on February 18th and would travel to the Pacific on a three-month mission.

France, Canada, UK Send Warships To South China Sea To Assist U.S., Not Spread Influence In Former Colonies

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The website Naval News reported that the ships would cross the South China Sea twice and take part in a combined exercise with the Japanese and US militaries in May.

A British defense official said last month the U.K.’s flagship aircraft carrier strike group was ready to enter the area.

A Royal Canadian Navy warship sailed near the sea in January and passed through the Taiwan Strait on its way to join exercises nearby with Australian, Japanese and U.S. navies.

“I think there’s pretty much unanimity in terms of the French, the Dutch, the U.K. and other countries that what we’re seeing from China is an attempt to revise the order so that power, not a rules-based approach to the region, is the way the region will be governed or managed going forward,” said Stephen Nagy, senior associate professor of politics and international studies at International Christian University in Tokyo.

The UK could be forced to enter the area in a fringe situation. It is bound by its 1971 Five Power Defense Arrangements to help defend former protectorate Malaysia.

Malaysia disputes part of the Chinese claim to about 90% of the South China Sea.

Former French colony Vietnam contests China’s maritime claim including the sea’s Paracel Islands. China controls the Paracel chain today. France still maintains “cultural” and “economic” ties with its former Southeast Asian colonies, Nagy said.

Canada, Australia and Western European countries send ships as well to show support for the United States, according to experts.

The US has dispatched destroyers to the sea twice in February 2021 following regular sailings in 2020.

One other version of events is that, taking advantage of the US-China standoff, and constant antagonism and “freedom of navigation exercises”, the Western Countries are attempting to increase influence in their former colonies and protectorates.

Cheaper labor, access to resources and more, especially in the COVID-19 era is one reason why this is valid strategy in their international policy.

Regardless, though, it is veiled behind presumed support for its ally.


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They will “succeed” in forcing China to build up their army, into the tremendous force, which will become very scary for them.

Supreme Blyat

Time is on Chinese side and China doesn’t even need an army to takw iver the world. That’s a mentality of the past.


Comment of the week:Logic prevails.


China does need an army “to take over the world”. For self defense above all. Without Russia China would be nuked long time ago…


Chinese “very scary”. Build “tremendous force”. Soon globalists shit their pants.


Mockery is your last ditch defense, left to you Westerners. Laugh as much as you want but you will not laugh for very long time. Your beloved US is about to collapse while China and Russia grow stronger… Only China has industrial capacity to build one aircraft carrier per year (among other ships) while US falls far behind in ship-building efficiency, capacity and prices


Well you had better believe it,when the Chinese became involved in the Korean war the Americans didn’t know what had hit them,thats because the Americans got too close to the Chinese border.

johnny rotten

China is no longer that of a century ago that could have been torn apart by the same subjects that present themselves today on its shores, for China it is enough to wait a couple of years and those same subjects will present themselves with the alms dish in hand.

Supreme Blyat

We all will bend over in front if them. This was known since the 90s’.

peter mcloughlin

The West continues to sail blindly towards world war with China, with a new American captain at the helm. The pattern of history warns they are travelling into an apocalyptic storm. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


“..a new American captain..”

An old dementia patient installed as president by it’s puppeteer.

Harry Smith

Beijing panics! Comrade Xi is in one step from surrender!


He uses only white sheets, during his sleep (so that he can surrender in the middle of the night if need be)

Arch Bungle

Look at these idiots. They still think it’s the Opium Wars and the era of gunboat diplomacy.

Don’t they know Qing Dynasty is dead and gone and Xi Jin Ping can sink all their tin buckets?

Hasbara Hunter

Sinking all their boats would definitely send a clear message…


Tin buckets sent by tin gods.

Ashok Varma

The Anglos are liars, hypocrites and thieves

How Britain stole $45 trillion from India

And lied about it.

New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik – just published by Columbia University Press – deals a crushing blow to this narrative. Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patnaik calculated that Britain drained a total ofnearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.

It’s a staggering sum. For perspective, $45 trillion is 17 timesmore than the total annual gross domestic product of the United Kingdom today. The plunder also cost over 10 million Indian lives as a result of food diversions and famines.

Arch Bungle

When they tell you “Capitalism works”, remind them that the “Capital” to make it work came from colonial exploitation.

Funny how the Communist countries are not the ones with a legacy of colonial imperialism.


ive got an awesome article that explains how the Chinese couldnt sink jack shit. There are 6 steps in destroying a ship. China can barely get passed the first step. Youre a complete moron if u think China stands a chance. It doesnt matter how many ships u make, they are just target practice. Also dont talk to me about advanced chinese weapons. lets see them detect, track and hit a moving target which is also protected by EW and anti air defences, Lets see their own systems survive what Western nations have to offer! China is so far behind its a joke!

Remember its Australia, UK, France, Germany (has a missile destroyer there), Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand and the USA!

And if u dare to assume Russia will join in then u are dumber than u think! Russia Supports India. In fact Russia is building a Naval ship building fascility and leasing a prot in India. They even sold new aircraft to India after the border dispute with China. And if u think russia just “oh so love” when China openly copies their Aircaft, then you guessed it. Youre dumber then u think.

Russia HATES China! China is more of a threat to Russia than any other nation!

Mark my words, If China went to war with the West, Russia will help the West! Thats a FACT! you can lock that in! Russia wants China weak! Because China is a CREATION of Globalists who CIA transferred western tech to China in order for it to catch up! So if u hate the West, then u should hate China more because they were literally setup by the worst western people and their evil intel agencies (which Trump mostly cleaned out)

Mark my words, war with China starts THIS YEAR! This is not a game now its real! China is going to be decapitated! its called a “Hybrid war”! Watch and see!

Arch Bungle

Here’s a response to Justin The Idiot, who posted then hid his post, because he is chicken:

Your post is simply one ignorant, uninformed and simply wrong series of religious pronouncements after another.

Let me do you a favour and debunk each one:

ive got an awesome article that explains how the Chinese couldnt sink jack shit.

I too have a wonderful article that explains how they can, here it is:

The Dong Feng 21D, or DF-21D, is a medium ranged, road mobile, ballistic missile developed by the People’s Republic of China. A variant of the DF-21A, the DF-21D was deemed operational in 2012 and is the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) intended to attack ships at sea.[i] Reaching speeds up to Mach 10 during the terminal phase, the DF-21D is the fastest MRBM to date and can surpass existing U.S. missile defense systems such as the sea-based AEGIS ballistic missile defense (BMD) system.[ii] In 2013, the DF-21D was tested against targets equivalent to U.S. surface ships which proved to be successful.[iii] By using both inertial and radar guidance systems, the ASBM increases speed upon reentering Earth’s atmosphere to avoid missile defense structures and ensure a direct hit on moving sea-based targets.[iv] A variant of the DF-21D is currently in production with intentions of increasing its range and payload.


There are 6 steps in destroying a ship. China can barely get passed the first step.

Doesn’t matter if there are six or one. The fact is that they’ve successfully sunk a ship before, so they’re clearly capable. Pull your head out your arse and see that.

Youre a complete moron if u think China stands a chance.

You’re the complete moron if you think China DOESN’T. Especially since China has already kicked American arse before – the Korean war being a prime example.

They have a history of beating the US. They can repeat the favour.

It doesnt matter how many ships u make, they are just target practice.

Are you a moron? What makes you think China is going to fight this battle with Ships?

Have you heard about submarines?

Are you aware that Chinese submarines are shadowing every US vessel in the SCS?

Do you realise that no American or Western carrier can carry out any effective strikes without being destroyed by combined land, sea and air launched counter strikes from Chinese forces?

American carriers in the SCS are all for show, so are those of it’s allies – any action on their part will result in a lethal retaliation from multiple sources concurrently.

Also dont talk to me about advanced chinese weapons. lets see them detect, track and hit a moving target which is also protected by EW and anti air defences,

Pull your head out of your arse.

Advanced Chinese weapons exist and have been proven effective.

• That the DF-21D is effected is a fact. It has been tested.

• That China has ASAT weapons is a FACT and it has been tested.

• That China has mobile nuclear missiles embedded in the himalayas is a FACT.

Lets see their own systems survive what Western nations have to offer!

The Chinese have hundreds of years of surviving “what the West has to offer”, from the Opium Wars to the Korean war and Hainan Island Incident, they’ve done quite well at handling everything the West could throw at them and they have THRIVED despite it.

China is so far behind its a joke!

Pull your head out of your arse and see reality:

• China possess the fastest and best telecommunications networks in the world capable of 5 – 6g – unlike the backward US • China possesses the world’s most advanced Quantum Encrypted communications network • China lands robots on the far side of the moon. • China is in process of placing a robot on mars. • China launches the highest number of space rockets and satellite deliveries per year • China files and obtains the highest number of patents and academic publications of any nation including the US • Chinese mathematics and STEM score outstrip the USA and it’s Western allies

If you think this “far behind” then you are an imbecile.

Remember its Australia, UK, France, Germany (has a missile destroyer there), Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand and the USA!

And if u dare to assume Russia will join in then u are dumber than u think!

You’re just proving what a complete low-iq moron you are.

Who do you think fought on China’s side during the Korean War against the US and it’s western allies? Who do you think assisted China during the 2nd World War? Who do you think sent educators to create China’s system of government after WW2? Who do you think sent aid to build China up after WW2 while The West was starving the Chinese?

It was Russia, you complete and utter moron!

So what makes you think they will not do it AGAIN!!!???

Russia Supports India. In fact Russia is building a Naval ship building fascility and leasing a prot in India.

What a clown you are.

There are NO NAVAL ship building facilities under construction in India by Russia!

There are talks, about plans, to work on CIVILIAN shipbuilding projects and that is all!

Again, pull your head out of your arse and look around you.

There is also no port being leased by Russia from India, you complete and utter moron.

Where do you get your information from? The Sun?

They even sold new aircraft to India after the border d ispute with China.

Pull your head out of your arse, dumbass.

Russia sells fighters to BOTH CHINA AND INDIA ALL THE TIME:


Russia has offered China a second batch of Sukhoi Su-35S (NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) multirole fighter aircraft destined for service in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS)

And if u think russia just “oh so love” when China openly copies their Aircaft, then you guessed it. Youre dumber then u think.

You’re an imbecile.

Let me explain why:

Russia is quite aware of Chinese copying. It’s expected, because that’s what everyone does.

Yet, they still sell technology to China because they are confident they can stay a step ahead:

Russia has completed the delivery of 24 Sukhoi Su-35S (NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) multirole fighter aircraft destined for service in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) told local media on April 16.

You’re a DOUBLE imbecile because you miss that China LICENSES Russian military technology as well:

Russian arms sales to China, including the transfer of major weapons systems and defense technology as well as licensing agreements, have yielded benefits for both sides.43 According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIP-RI), China has procured defense equipment worth 35.3 billion USD since 1990, which was 77.8 percent of its total imports for the same period.44 In recent years, China has acquired Russian engines for its newest fighters and bombers, which are more reliable and perform better than its own versions. Russian engines are used on all three of China’s indigenous fourth-generation fighter lines. China also seems interested in outfitting its prototype fifth-generation J-31 fighters with next-generation Russian engines45.

(Source: https://merics.org/en/report/learning-russia-how-china-used-russian-models-and-experiences-modernize-pla )

Russia HATES China! China is more of a threat to Russia than any other nation!

Pull your head out of your arse, clown.

China is Russia’s best bet of surviving the West’s daily attack’s on it’s sovereignty.

Do you know that the US, NATO and Western nations have Russia surrounded with nuclear weapons pointed at it?

DO YOU? You complete moron?

Do you know that Russia’s BIGGEST TRADING PARTNER IS CHINA?!

Bilateral trade between Russia and China increased 3.4% in 2019, amounting to US$110.79 billion, according to the Chinese Administration of Customs. Trade was well balanced, with Chinese exports to Russia increasing to 3.6 per cent and US$49.7 billion, while imports from Russia increased 3.2 percent to total US$61.05 billion.


Mark my words, If China went to war with the West, Russia will help the West! Thats a FACT! you can lock that in!


Who surrounds Russia with nuclear weapons? China? Who places sanctions on Russia daily? China? Who tried to sabotage Nordstream 2 ? China? Who was responsible for the fall of the USSR? China?

You’re a complete asshat, multiple times over.

Russia wants China weak! Because China is a CREATION of Globalists who CIA transferred western tech to China in order for it to catch up!


Modern China is a creation of RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS and the USSR! Not Western Globalists, you fool.

In the summer of 1919, the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) decided to assist people of the Far East.[21] In April 1920, the Foreign Affairs Division of its Vladivostok Branch sent Voitinsky to develop Marxism in China, Korea and Japan. Voitinsky met Li, and then successfully turned Chen into a communist.[30] Voitinsky found the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Communist International (Comintern) at Shanghai. On 5 July, he attended a meeting of Russian communists in China to promote the establishment of the CCP. He helped Chen found the Shanghai Revolutionary Bureau, also known as the Shanghai Communist Group. Stojanovic went to Guangzhou, Mamaev went to Wuhan, and Broway went to Beijing to help Chinese establish communist groups. Voitinsky provided these groups with promotional, conference and study abroad expenses.[21][31] The founding National Congress of the CCP was held on 23–31 July 1921.[32] With only 50 members in the beginning of 1921, the CCP organization and authorities grew tremendously.[33] While it was originally held in a house in the Shanghai French Concession, French police interrupted the meeting on 30 July[34] and the congress was moved to a tourist boat on South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province.[34] A dozen delegates attended the congress, with neither Li nor Chen being able to attend,[34] the latter sending a personal representative in his stead.[34] The resolutions of the congress called for the establishment of a communist party (as a branch of the Communist International) and elected Chen as its leader. Chen then served as the first general secretary of the Communist Party[34] and was referred to as “China’s Lenin”.[35]

So if u hate the West, then u should hate China more because they were literally setup by the worst western people and their evil intel agencies

Like I proved above, you are talking bullshite.

It’s historical fact that Modern China was shaped by Russian education, training, military and financial assistance, technology.

All the West ever really did was try to turn china into a nation of Opium addicts. They failed.

(which Trump mostly cleaned out) Mark my words, war with China starts THIS YEAR!

LOL! Trump has been cleaned out, and the Jews are running the show now, with that zombie corpse biden in the lead.

Trump got Trumped.

War has been going on with China since the Korean war and before. Highlights have been the Vietnam war, battle of the paracel islands and the Hainan Island incident, which the West lost on both counts.

This is not a game now its real! China is going to be decapitated! its called a “Hybrid war”! Watch and see!

Watch and see how China teaches the West the real meaning of the term “Hybrid War”.

Now, go and get yourself a proper education, moron, since American public school has clearly handicapped you.

Bobby Twoshoes

I had so much hope when Rudd was elected, we were going to be part of the new power bloc on good terms with our neighbours and trade partners who don’t need a pound of flesh just to make a deal. Then the CIA did what they do and we haven’t had a real leader for over a decade, now we’re about to pour all the money China gave us into junk yank weapons to use against them. The shame for our betrayal will be overwhelmed eventually with the pain of seeing my countrymen die in a stupid suicidal gesture of futility trying to save face for a terminally sick empire. We could have learnt Chinese to get rich but I fear we’ll end up having to do so because we were defeated.


Rudd is a war criminal,2007-2013 sas murders were controlled by cia/it! it,abbott,turncoat all 3 were sacked because they failed to respect internation laws! To date the present government is more aligned with ww2 Commonwealth protocol,not perfect however compared to nazi/cia/nwo +greeny eu-epp/nazi nation destructions,night of day difference,in a realistic world no such thing as the purist,like dementy trolls who assume perfection is easy,you got to vy for the lesser of evils,they the usa/cia are irrelevant so they try anything to try to subvert or utilise as many ex allieds and allieds possible because they are finished as hegemon,the sooner it it realised they are done with ,over and out,no nation even with a fraction of decency will go along the (unconstituate fake elect criminal regimes) Hence voc=stinktanks very desperate now,good riddance to their baloney,fekn cia censors!

Bobby Twoshoes

Always good to read your input Jimi, one of the reasons we don’t belong with the Yanks is that us Aussies can disagree and still be on the same team. I think Rudd was deposed by fire-crotch precisely because he was actively trying to reverse Howard’s globalist policies, Afghanistan started in 2001 remember, but I do realise that debate is complex and largely subjective so I won’t try and begrudge you your interpretation. I also agree that nobody is perfect and we should always remain sceptical of everyone’s motives. You’ll never get me to talk positively about ScoMo though ;)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Seems a complete waste of time to me, but I’m sure it allows the USN/UK/French Admirals to pretend they have some relevance still.


The South China Sea will soon be target rich.

cechas vodobenikov

US must pay France, UK, Canada to escort US rowboats–pre-electric society being taught electricity in Texas


The Falkland Islands and Cuba are in need of a visit from the Chinese, Russian and Iranian navies; all in the spirit of freedom of navigation and enrichment in the knowledge of the area and confirming that International law is the only valid rule. Maybe even a trip down the English Channel! Time for China, Russia and Iran to flex some muscle.

Ricky Miller

The tempo of all of this is trying to be provocative, to force a confrontation before China is ready. China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy has seven Type 055 large destroyers in fitting out or sea trials as well as ten more Type 052D destroyers on the way. The Type 076 escort carrier and the Type 003 supercarrier are well advanced in construction in the barn and J-20’s with a thrust vectored engine are now being produced at 4 per month. China should stay calm and send ships and planes to observe these movements. Nothing the Western powers do can change the fact that China holds the Xisha Islands and many of the best islands farther South are also in Chinese hands. They can’t take them from the PLA and nor do they have the combat power to stop China from navigating to their own holdings. The West is running out of cohesion,energy, even money. Once China is all armed up and still growing economically the West will simply sail away to not be seen in SCS parts again.


I like the Type 055 destroyer/ cruiser, it is deadly with its armament of +110 cells, SCS is a network of bases, the islands serving as unsinkable carriers or missile platforms, augmented soon by several real carriers. Another plus for the Chinese navy is they are close to logistical bases, and under the DF series of ballistic anti ship missiles umbrella, while US and allies are far away from their logistical lines. If there is a hot war for some duration in SCS this mismatch would lead to defeat of the western navies.

Ricky Miller

Yes. Another big part of the story was revealed by H.I. Sutton just the other day. The inland shipyard in Wuhan that builds the Type 039 submarines (A’s and now B’s) has been expanded. Now part of that expansion is for building export models for Thailand and Pakistan but some half dozen Type 039’s at any one time are for the PLAN. If they are adding 3 or 4 Type 039B’s each year to the twenty or so 039’s they already have commissioned than any SCS war is going to end quickly. Forty or fifty of these units waiting in the SCS or around Taiwan, operating as ambush predators are going to seriously undermine any Western war plan.


These diesel/AIP subs can be very quiet, if their number reaches 40-50 units they can outnumber the western powered powered subs, and give them a run for the money in ASW warfare, as illustrated by the encounter of a Kilo 636 sub against a British nuclear sub off the coast of Syria.


“affirm that international law is the only rule that is valid”…I’m still laughing. The only law the west knows is the law of piracy. I remember when Russia sent a sub into the gulf of Mexico…the chickenhawks squawked for a week. But 800 US bases around Russia is OK, so are war games off the N Korean coast, blockades around Venezuela, Yemen and confiscating ships on the high seas. International law? Whose?


US does not seem to have the confidence of facing the Chinese navy alone, even with their poodle naval presence, their obvious weakness in their anti shipping capabilities remain.


They are just prostitutes of the US Reich Pimp,one day it will blow up in their faces,and it could be the Chinese who set off the explosion,it won’t be pretty.


for what purpose – to start a war or to frighten China to back down , the thought of either or is entirely ludicrous fitting the vacuous minds of the european leaders. in fact so friggin ludicrous that they would be better placed in the nearest asylum for the mentally insane. playing with the lives of their subjects should be prohibited.


VOC=FAKE NEWS! See.logic the adult chess player makes the move to win,it dont act like spoilt brat voc whom expect The Commonwealth to buckle under cia/nwo/eu-epp/lgbtq rule,nuff said! Of course the cia trolls will take voc as gospel.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have emphasized! We are maintaining International law of free usury navigation as the only rule valid, regardless of any sea where we sail. US and our Allies in a show of force out from a position of strength send their nuclear attack submarines and attack warships to the South US-China Sea to defend free waterways for the sake of peace against China’s global power aggression.

Hasbara Hunter

In case you didn’t notice we are living in the 21st century at the moment…boats became pretty obsolete…Sitting Ducks waiting to become Submersibles…

John Brown

The USSA navy are pirate slaves of the Zio empire and are totally against maintaining International law of free usury navigation as show by their seizing of ships of countries they don’t like such as Iran an Venezueia.

As China is now the number 1 economy in the world the empire has lost its sanctions power. Soon the chine economy will be more then 3 times the size of the rapidly declining USSA. China has now displaced the USSA as the top trade partner of the EU and most other countries nullifying the Zio sanction threat China is also now number 1 in foreign direct investment replacing the faltering USSA .

Oh and in China anyone can freely trade stocks in the stock markets, which is now openly banned in the Soviet Zio USSA, if it costs their Jewish slave masters money. Racist supremacist Jews are now openly gurainteed to make money on trade their trades in the Zio USSA market at the expense of their slave goyims.

Trap Is Not Gay

Jewish Zionists are desperate to take the focus away from them.

AM Hants

Same crowd who fund the White Helmets and cannot get enough of war.

By the way, has anybody noticed, how Biden keeps changing? Check out his ears in various shots or even his nose and then the latest video of him trying to insult Donald Trump and Corona Cures. He seriously looks different, in so many ways.


Biden Projecting at CNN Presentation… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2ednzL_RwI

Joe Biden, getting his figures muddled up. Did anybody know that the US lost more to Corona than WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War combined? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_j5Qs80ECE

Joe Biden Mask Malfunction… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGRTRa8ApU4

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

His eyes look weird at times, too. President Cardboard Cutout.

AM Hants

The latest image of him, today, looks nothing like him. Have you noticed when they give you part of a photo of him using Air Force One, the stairs have a red carpet when he goes up with just a Chinese guy for security, and there is no red carpet when he lands and goes down the steps? Something seriously not right about any of it, including Amazon, Castle Rock Studio Shots. Oval Office, never used to look out over a car park? Till Grandpa Joe took residence.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

I don’t trust ANYTHING I’ve seen for the last 20 years from mainstream corporate media, regardless of subject.

AM Hants

I finally woke up in 2014, following events in Ukraine. Then what sealed the deal, was finding that the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour, which was created back in 1913, when so much was going on, in order for mind control of the masses. Besides Rockerfeller, creating it with a couple of Irish brothers, who ran the UK media, one working for the voice of the left and the other for the voice of the right. The brothers Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothermere and believe the Royal Family were also involved. The first exercise was to soften up the citizens of the UK and US, to go from anti-war, to war friendly nations.

1913, and the same year the Fed Reserve was set up. Just before the Balfour Declaration, which later led to the creation of Israel and placing it in the Middle East, which was abundant with natural resources. 1917, the fall of the Russian Empire, courtesy the City of London, Washington DC and Vatican created Bolsheviks. The same year the IRA were launched (coincidence or what and no doubt created by the same team) and also when WWI was up and running, which led to the demise of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires. How that crowd love a war and where would they be without their largest weapon, the media and not forgetting Hollywood, which also came into its own, around the same time.

How we have all been played, specifically by the media, and he 6 corporations that control it all.

WWI – League of Nations WWII – United Nations WWIII – Full Spectrum Domination – NWO

Hope enough of us are awake to prevent the finale of WWIII ending they way they demand and do believe we are in the middle of it all.

Take care and look after yourself.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)


William D

Nothing wrong with the rehearsing for the defense of Taiwan. Muslims survive in the USA. They are raped, muzzled, castrated, brainwashed in China. At least the USA tells you to your face when we have a President that doesn’t respect you.

John Brown

In the USSA dictatorship citizens are raped, muzzled, castrated and brainwashed. At least the USA finally they have puppets like Biden and Killary who tell Americans to their face openly, they don’t respect, have contempt for and hate Americans whom they call deplorables and and much worse and are going to openly unleash a war of terror against their own population.Not even Soviet Zio Jews would say such things (as Zio Jews who rule American now) openly before they exterminated the 66 million Goyims in the Soviet Union.

William D

You have greatly exaggerated and misunderstood our circumstances. Do so at your peril

John Brown

USSA has more people in jail then the rest of the world combined.

The sitting president in the USSA had no freedom of speech. If the president doesnèt have it no one does in the USSA.

Assad must stay

why is china not mining the shit out of the waters they sail in?

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