Click to see full-size image, By the Official Twitter account of the International Coalition for Operation Inherent Resolve.
France will keep its forces in Syria, despite the U.S. decision to pull its troops out of the war torn country, France’s European Affairs Minister Nathalie Loiseau said on December 20.
“For now, of course we are staying in Syria because the fight against Islamic State is essential,” Hurriyet Daily News quoted the French minister as saying on the CNews TV.
Following Loiseau’s announcement, France’s defense minister said that ISIS has not been defeated yet. The statement appears to be a response to U.S. President Donald Trump, who claimed a day earlier that the terrorist group was defeated.
“ISIS has been weakened more than ever, but it has not been wiped from the map nor has its roots. It is necessary that the last pockets of this terrorist organization be definitively defeated militarily,” defense minister, Florence Parly, said on Twitter.
Paris, which was reportedly surprised by the U.S. decision, will try to “ensure the security” of the Syrian Kurds who fought with the US-led coalition against ISIS, according to Agnes Von der Muhll, a spokesman for France’s Foreign Affairs Ministry.
“The United States must take the protection of the populations of northeastern Syria and the stability of this area into consideration in order to avoid any further humanitarian tragedies and any return by the terrorists,” the Washington Examiner quoted the French diplomat as saying.
The France-Press Agency (AFP) said that two senior commanders of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Riad Darar and Ilham Ahmed, will visit Paris on December 21 and hold talks on the U.S. withdrawal from Syria.
Local observers believe that France is trying to take advantage of the situation and replace U.S. forces in northeastern Syria. A task that Paris will likely fail to achieve on its own due to the complexity of the situation in Syria.
The move by USA to withdraw it’s troops will allow the Syrians to settle the difference and help to negotiate on peaceful ending to the civil war in partnership with Russia.
Assad will not allow no one to control even a m2 in Syria.
Yes, good move France. Go and continue the fight in Syria. It is not like you have any domestic problems at home to worry about. ;-)
France is imploding at home, mired in debt, but the little Jew midget Goldman Sachs shill Macron wants to play the role of an “imperial power”. France is a third rate military that licks Americunt arse from Indo-China to Algeria and has not learnt much. If a few dozen froggies are killed in Syria, there will be a revolution in the streets of Paris. The SAA should shoot down a few French Rafales operating from Dubai and Jordan. The US would like the French to get a bloodly nose as midget Macron is getting too uppity.
France it not implosing at home . They have to refom important parts and some determinat is elected to do. Of course a lot dont like it and some wrong are hur to.
The change has its limits and possibilities. I dont expect France being reformed the next 2-3 year. Its deep.
I expect Makron can take well care of some of them only.
Your crap about french military capasities is low as well as they are in the coalition having many more airplanes and possibilities if and when they agree.
Those also have very good special mforces for heavy support at the ground.
Empereur Emmanuelle Macroni du Rothschild XVI can’t do shit…. Cryin’, Moanin’ & Beggin’….he is Nothing but a Faggot….His French Foreign Legion of Salafists can’t read Maps….
They do. they mainly are leaders and have the troops for Mali, Niger, Upper Volta and like that in the middle of Africa.
Here is and updated estimate for strenght
The French love to subjugate their ex-colonies in Africa with the help of the corrupt local elite. Rwanda didn’t work out so well, did it???
And lose wars, they are basically cowards and bend with the wind, the Vichy Nazi collaborators. They suffered the most humiliating defeat to Viet Minh forces at Dien Bein Phu, despite Americunt air support and weaponry. The battle of Algiers was a classic defeat, despite froggy brutality the FLN kicked their pansy arse. If they stay in Syria, which I doubt, they will come up against a very battle hardened SAA and Hezbollah which will make FLN look like child’s play.
Its one of many possibilities.
No. It’s an overwhelming probability Jens. The French haven’t had a good military day, on their own, since Austerlitz.
the great french army ,,, remember 1871 and 1940 against the prussians / germans … pathetic …
Vichy Vichy. But the Frog eaters can brag about De Gaulle.
and don’t forget the truly “patriotic” Philippe Pétain ,,, he loved listening to prussian glory on the streets of Paris. after all, germany never declared war on france first, but she wins all the time :-)
Remember they was defeat in Haiti also for africans slaves in Napoleon era an also Waterloo…and don’t mention the french revolution…
Russian Air-Defense is well equipped to shoot any French-Frog-Bird out of the Sky…
Again far out. You seemes not even to know, what the airforce of today actually do after years of doing it.
Show me…Show me….I thought these Bloody IDF-Fucktards would have made an S-300 Testrun by Know… but the Cowards are obviously Shittin’ their Pants…tell me when will be the First one?…can’t wait…
Again far out. You seemes not even to know, what the airforce of today actually do after years of doing it..
you have the tendency of talking invented languages and say vulgarities every time someone challenges you technically.
The truth is that France won’t even take the risk of running a Rafale into a flock of birds, and will keep their wheels tightly attached to the concrete of their airbases elsewhere in middle east.
We mainly laugh when You mismanege that word too in a selvcreated nighmare. We also dont cry all the time and fuck our mothers…
Who is WE? Little Schizophrenic Jens?
I found you a nice little Movie what they should do to Childrapists Jens…. https://youtu.be/pbavNPrYH40
You did not answer my Question Dear Jens the Über-Hasbara:
I thought these Bloody IDF-Fucktards would have made an S-300 Testrun by now… but the Cowards are obviously Shittin’ their Pants…tell me when will be the First one?…can’t wait…ask your Hell Aviv HQ….tell’m to wipe their arses and bring it on….
True. France are all over in Africa Operation Enduring Freedom for Peace. https://www.businessinsider.com/frances-military-is-all-over-africa-2015-1?r=US&IR=T&IR=T https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/76ca5760db57d520e406be14c3903a0a16e5efb1635be32b86b4e17617503eab.jpg
Actual performance on the field and in war-games would put Pakistan at #1, then Iran, Chechnya, Hezbollah,The Houthis, Vietnam and the Gurkhas could still wipe most fighters. I’m talking about fighters not fashion models.
Seriously dude, you need to get a brain and a life :)
Baloney. France is too cowardly to strike Syria all on it’s own. The September Israeli strike that caused the Russian loss and the end to Israeli air ops inside Syria included a French cruise missile launched from a warship that took out Latakia’s power by destroying a substation. France, hiding a sucker punch missile hit behind Israeli skirts. Weak. Pathetic.
France already has been there by Rapheels, Artillery and probatly small special forces.
So You keep Your low knowledge level well. You ignore its a coalition. In that we dayli see Iraq covering air and artillery support for SDFs.
Your smokescreen for possibilities is of the usual kind. There is no lack in capasity. Britts has complained to Trump as well. France certainly is not alone.
More useless gibberish…even France just said that the U.S. represents the spine of the coalition. How are they to march on without their spine?
That message goes both ways. France as well as several others understand nothing g and by that appeal USA to change back.
The rest of the job of the voalition stay the same. Fx no withdraw from Iraq.
Syria in military seize for USA and friends are limited. All inclusive its only about 6.000 soldiers. Its possible to make a selective and much small backbone for that.
Jets, missiles, artillery and that easy can be replaced. We all do pay today. Its kind of doesnt matter which nationality.
I dont say its gonna happen. I say its a possibility and Ypou ignore, whats possible.
You even forget, that octopussies and others actually has no spine.
Sorry, my gibberish spouting opponent, I didn’t realize that octopi had any tentacle in this fight.
Well to begin with octopussies do defend themselves and kill others.
You probatly are in the level, where Russian tanks are full of water and swimming tigers.
Good thing Russia has 20,000plus tanks in strategic storage then. Plenty enough to get to Denmark and pop open yet more cans of whoop ass.
Well, thats why we are in Nato. They will be met by our Leopards.
We probatly can build tanks faster then You can bring those museums…
Remember when Finland kicked Russia’s ass?
Until they didn’t. And begged for armistice. Then, a couple years later came back for more. Helped put St. Petersburg under siege. Got hammered. Begged for armistice. Russia remembers and so do the Finns. That’s why they’re still scared to join NATO, the new Reich. Might get hammered for the final time.
It was a bit snowy and cold. Much more recent is N Vietnam sending US retreating in shame :)
And that, in a nutshell is your problem, whitey..You equate tactical success with strategic victory. This night is swirling around your head and all you can latch onto is tactical success. Lake Ladoga was shared between Russia and Finland and is now a Russian lake. Syria has taken another major step on the road to reunification and victory in the past two days and you’re mind is trapped in the tactical. The fleeting. The barest of temporal. It’s why your worldview and your $22Trillion in debt superstate is failing.
Russian strategic success = utter defeat of Soviet Union to the US
Most Russians would argue that the USSR was a perversion of the Russian Empire and deserved to go. The Russia that emerged was purged of it’s multinational Imperial excess and could focus more on Russian core areas and technology improvement. Lo and behold, success. But don’t duck the point. Finnish success in the Winter War was impressive for a time as was their part in the Northern siege of St. Petersburg later. But, whoa in the end they paid a terrible price. Including all the Lake Ladoga shoreline, a major city, several smaller towns, and left begging for a deal and cut off from the Arctic shore. And which country had it’s 1940 leader locked up for seven years post Ww2? It wasn’t Russia. Strategic wins decide the fate of nations while tactical wins allow for bragging rights. See Jutland, battle of.
That was not a battle. That was the emergence of a new world.
Yes, but it was very limited.In the rest they lost fast.
Russoians did the most stupid they could and light infantery could defeat many russians.
So my LOL is very limited.
the meth you are smoking doesn’t belong to you.
you are owned.
the sooner you realize, the sooner you’ll find out who put you where you are.
How do you intend to get your Leopard Tanks to Russia?
The cowardly US 6000 nation coalition have massive expertise in bombing desert camels in Syria and their “precision weapons” just manage to keep on “democratically” murdering Syrian civilians. I wonder how long they will take to clear the Sinjin ISIS pocket on the Syria-Iraq border? Perhaps, they should call on the RuAF, the real ISIS hunters???
Usual maccrap only.
The Trump administration is planning to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan, US media say.
Reports,citing unnamed officials, say about 7,000 troops – roughly half the remaining US military presence in the country – could go home within months.
The reports come a day after the president announced the country’s military withdrawal from Syria.
Maybe all my letters about not voting for him again unless he fufilled his campaign promises got through despite the ineptitude of the U.S. Postal Service. Do you think the letters mattered? Me either.
the great french army ,,, remember 1871 and 1940 against the prussians / germans … pathetic would be an understatement …
So, how many French soldiers is Micron prepared to sacrifice for his “Assad must go farts”, now covered up by the “fighting ISIS farts”???
I see it as a possibility and if they did, they are not sacrificers like You letting them be killed as spendables.
And if so other in the coalition will contribute well and add up. Its keeping not taking. Whats to take in Syria apart from dadeds for christmas.
The froggy casualty threshold is about 20 dead and they are gone. That is what happened to them in Chad when Husein Habry was running rings around them in the 1980’s. BTW, that was the first Toyota Landcruiser conflict. The Chadian Tuareg are very good fighters, the Saudi scum tried to recruit them for Yemen, but they told them to fcuk off.
Don’t even have enough players for their soceer team in the world cup…most of their players was africans from diferent countries…
So there is not french police in the streets fighting milions of protesters with gas and violence? And there is no milions of moslim wanting to take over the country?
“but the little Jew midget Goldman Sachs shill Macron wants to play the role of an “imperial power””
France started spiraling toward zionism with the non-cryptojew Sarkozy and his intervention in Lybia.
If France turned back to the rather independent policies of the pre-Sarkozy era, it would be good for all.
Remember when Chirac-Schroeder and Putin jointly declared their opposition to the invasion of Irak by the US in 2003, and the yanks reacted by renaming “french fries” to “freedom fries”.
There were people on the web, back then, sporting signatures in their names like “I boycott french products”.
You all need to read the Dabiq prophecies. By Allah’s (SAW) will a big conflict will begin between the nations of kuffar. Then on the ashes of the rotten civilisation a rightful Islamic State will be established and it will lead all people on the planet to the light. Events are unwinding as excepted.
Fucking salafist wahhabi idiot, once the US scumbags are cleared out of Syria your fellow jihadis will be captured/killed so fast and efficiently they wont know what hit them. Useful idiots for Israel will be annihilated! Enjoy!
Fuck off to ISISraHell…. go pick up your $hekels in Hell Aviv little Hasbara-Cunt… Mister SatanYahoo is waitin’ for Ya…. better learn to Swim….they’ll wipe you & Your IDF-KidKiller-Bataljon into the Mediterranean pretty soon….Greater Idlibistan is Finished
ISIS are heroes, so dont lie again. You are stupid bot.
ISIS are a bunch of Cocksuckers…Fuck off to ISISraHell…. go pick up your $hekels in Hell Aviv little Hasbara-Cunt… Mister SatanYahoo is waitin’ for Ya…. better learn to Swim….they’ll wipe you & Your IDF-KidKiller-Bataljon into the Mediterranean pretty soon….Greater Idlibistan is Finished..Bliep…Bliep…end of message…
Wrong, ISIS is the only group which said NO to opression of Sunni Muslims, no more unfeclared war on Sunnis in Iraq, no more human traffickers and stupid liars. “ISIS peoples are Not terrorists, Caring brothers: Said Indian nurses” https://youtu.be/OECszL0uIa8 Everything is twisted and you love lies, you love to make somebody look bad while we defend only our own land, the muslim land. Together with Sunni civilians we are the biggest victims of this war, but its too early until you realize that.
And i have clear proof that our God is real, he will punish you and everybody who close his eyes to hide from the truth. Our God is not blind, he is protecting us. You don’t have single proof that you are right, that you know what you are doing you only follow what you believe is right but thats wrong, you will see very soon.
I am the Ant & the Universe…..you little cunt….Your God is Satan….I truly Hate Satan for he’s a filthy Cockroach….and I piss on Devilworshippers like you…as you can hear: My God is a God of Love & Peace… after you Folks have turned into Fertilizer that is….
You are the devil worshipper, the man hungry of money and power. You don’t care about anything but own personal ilusion of success and power, you are so wrong and deluded. You are tool in the hands of evil people, and you will never realize that. You may pretend that you are on the winning side, but in the end and in the eyes of God you are the biggest looser.
Today internet is not safe, no proxy will hide you. There is unique fingerprint which every fucker has thanks to American anti-internet violence program, i will track you and then i want to see you saying the same things. Good luck.
Fcukwit, ISIS is collection of child rapist cowards and could not fight gay kibbutzim from Tel Aviv. The headchopping perverts have fled from every battle. But here is Dabiq newsflash, ISIS is patsy for Jew scum and has never attacked a Zionist target.
Even Better: Mister SatanYahoo treated ISIS-Fucktards in His Hospitals…
Indeed. 90% of the medical supplies, ammo and even food was supplied to the ISIS fcukwits on the Occupied Golan by Zionists. Nutter Yahoo even said that defeat of ISIS is not good for either US or Pisreal.
Again lies.
Well how many Kuffars are there ? Very much are Your own unsolved conflicts, where You vlame us fx for Iran dont like Saudi Arabia as well as Your staes in many matter hardly are states as well as non devellop zones.
Why are you complaining? These are the very same IS head-choppers the US protected when the Syrians, Russians and Iranians were prepared to clear these vermin from Idlib. Well, how does it feel to support the very same ilk that murdered 3000 on 9/11, 50+ in :London and thousands around the world. Well, “Kuffar”, how does it feel to be an Al-Queda/ISIS arselick???
The same as usual. Cant You wait a couple of yers until many here retire and dont feel hard, its timewasting.
You really don’t have any shame, do you, dancing on the dusty graves of 3000 people on 9/11, 50+ in London and thousands of others around the world? At least you are honest, I grant you!
When are you going to meet your 80 virgins, dear, all clones of McCain and Allbright (The Queen of darkness). It is time for you to stop polluting the world of the living.
Harder to be Allah and Gabriel is swetty too.
They make fences and concrite wall, so muslims dont kill each other all the time there too.
Its heard they negosiate with ISIS, so they only selfdetonate themselves, bur ISIS haha no way. Bagdadi is our only God.
It’s 72 virgins and now fuck off, you are too stupid to understand.
You get a bonus for being such a barbaric head-chopper. Now, when are you going to go and stop polluting our planet??? Go, enjoy your McCain virgins!
Yeah, your futur will be brilliant, Remember the Hispania… by the way, who begun there the beheadings?
The French guys who invaded our lands.
Usual enemy talk.
Yeah you’re Bloody right…..Usual Enemy Talk….Your side was Obliterated….now go lick your wounds….and shed a little tear….
And you are the mostly incoherent enemy.
Thats right. I try ro cover the whole picture much more then You even seemes able to.
And yes, I do it as a western seeing Your many missaries since I was born hardly being changed since then.
But often I know much more then You about much more having a long background for it as well as being not infected by Your kind of mismanegement.
Yes we know that all ready. But where is your post? LOL
Above and below.
I know some write first and read after. I read first.
But what about comprehension. Can you explain this cloud formation ,was it lunar year of the horse ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c59e96efb72a9d9799302454ad3a795c40026e2d2c6664daff6a4da01a5cd32.jpg
No, I can see the sky well here. I cant remember a beautilfull horse that. If there was, I would have.
I hope its no photoshop.
Gee, I really think that another Vietnam will cure the US Evil Empire’s military expansionism. Pity, Trump seems to be aware of this quagmire in Syria. How did you celebrate your 18th birthday? Gee, the Afghan war will soon be 18!!!
USA have changed way of warfare learning lot by that. Tools for that is relative well develloped for that too.
My first book was “6 days in June”, where I was a boy on the sideline only. I hardly saw most of it propaganda too.
I dont buy books about wars. Internet, radio and TV has replaced it.
18 years, soon! Happy Afghan War birthday! Now the Afghan War can vote, get married, have kid Afghan Wars and drive!!!
I never did support we are there even today as well.
Come now, don’t be so shy, dear! Afghanistan became a US playground when the Soviets got kicked out in the 90s. That’s when the US Evil Empire got addicted to Jihadis. Now go out and play!
Denmark is a free countyry having free speech. I have taked about we should be in Afghanistand since then.
When USA is evil, its often because You are bad.
My friend, exchanging comments with this Danish idiot is a waste of time. His IQ is lower than a lemon danish :) He has never left the council social housing.
You show Your level well. Its a waste, We already know and are not that slow learners.
Of course you are. America demanded and you answered. America is the new Reich and you the compliant servant.
Yes, but “You” was not me.
We dont see us as servants. We are with those we are related with and USA mainly are made by europeans even many others are there too.
In trade we sell more to them, then they sell to us too. GDP for fx 2017 is close to them too. Well paid slaves …
Thank the god of gibberish I’m not you. He took the night off when I was born and worked overtime your birth night, Jens. I’m so sorry for you. But hey, I appreciate all your fellow countrymen willing to be cannon fodder for the wars that American intelligence services dream up. Just be sure that your girls leave their Match.com profiles up when you guys march off to our wars. Many thanks, many times later. Idiots.
I dont thing we feel and are canon food.
We are as very much of the world part of western economics as well as small needing to support as well as being supported to maintain a productive system keeping it as safe as possible.
Our people hardly march. We also are few and relative high tech. Besides that women are equal, so they die in important jobs too.
Denmark fx have 12 policedistricts and 5 topleaders are women because hey are the best available.
We are not like You, but You probatly already has a “war widow” cheep for sales – Only one owner… If the milkers are not first class, we compensate with a goat from Sodoma or Gomorra by own choise.
France already withdrew from Mambij together with US forces, and will leave shortly after the US from all the other areas.
This we hope for, France reported to have 1000 troops in Syria compared to 2000 US. But right now any Turkish move across the border needs to be stalled if possible. Allowing the SDF time to work with Syria and Russia on territory for peace deal.
Nobody fears France or the French military for that matter. Once the JewSA forces are cleared out of Syria the French will follow closely behind them.
I’m just saying place them on the border with turkey as a tripwire, and have them hoist the NATO flag high. This may buy a little time. :)
Well, the S-300, the military police and the spetsnaz may be will be already in place…
South Africa ?
This is the most important thing.
“Allowing the SDF time to work with Syria and Russia on territory for peace deal”
I’m not sure about that. the SDF has been enthusiastically stealing land and resources from Syria, and killing arab civilians to make their areas less arabic and more kurdish.
I don’t think that Syria would accept anything less than full reabsorption into the country and complete disarmement from such people.
Besides, for all we know, there could already be an agreement with Turkey, which would drive zionist serving scum from the area and then give it back to Syria (they have announced to have no interest in staying).
Driving true or imaginary YPG/PKK terrorists fromm Turkish borders will allow Erdogan to present Turkish people with a victory. They’ll say that they didn’t want to remove Assad, but just neutralize a terrorist threat.
That way, is gonna be a win for everybody involved, besides the zio-scum, which will result as the losers of it all (saudia included).
They’ll vow eternal revenge and then go back at their activities, while hopefully the Syrian people will recover from this aggression, under the protection of their country and their allies.
Bwahahahaha!!! French Frogs can’t read Maps….they don’t know whether they have landed in Turkey, Iraq, Syria or Bhutan….Buzz of with you French Foreign Legion of Jihadis Empereur Emmanuelle Macroni du Rothschild XVI….you can’t do shit you little prick…
Trump is getting rid of Mattis over policy disagreements. Bolton and other chicken hawks will follow in the near future.
Is he? Do you think so or is there some information on this matter?
It’s news in the US about Mattis. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/20/us/politics/jim-mattis-defense-secretary-trump.htmli
You are welcome.
This is huge. Do you think that Trump is strong enough at this point to throw out Bolton and alike and stay in power?
Bolton is addicted to power, like many small men. He will stay as long as he can boss his underlings around.
Bolton might be figured out who’s going to win and that’s why him and not Pmpeo was visiting Moscow and talking to Putin :) Nothing personal old friends – pure business.
Don’t these fat-cats work for the people? Am I missing something?
Yeah, they very much do – if they shoot themselves.
That is the theory. But No they seldom did. Every Capitalist State is little more than a management committee for the capitalist elite.
God willing.
Think, Trump is posturing, however, if he has all his ducks lined up more neo cons will be launched. If on the other hand he has failed to cross a “t” or missed a dot on an “i”. We might well see Donald as a dead duck in the new year. If he has managed to outmanouver the Jews and their Yanki lapdogs. Fair fukin play to him.
Problem is that Jews are on both sides of this little fight.
Jewish gambler, when in doubt back both sides. France and Britain (The Waterloo Campaign) House of Rothchild supplied finance to both and made a killing on the outcome on the London Exchange. French, German war of 1871 same trick. WW1 was a much bigger puzzle. However James Corbett of the “Corbett Report”, has made a wonderful documentary which reveals similar shenanigans. WW11 the Jew Bankers were again supporting both sides financially. ‘Tis their stock in trade.
Go to google news. usa. it’s there.
Reading now. It’s huge.
No. Wrong. Mattis is resigning in a huff in protest of Trump’s Syria pullout and an upcoming decision regarding a drawdown in U.S. forces Afghanistan. Mattis says as much in his letter: “…the President deserves to have a Secretary of Defense more aligned with his views.”
Also Afghan semi-pullout as Trump just tweeted that he wants to remove 7,000 US losers out of a total Americunt force of 15,000 in Afghanistan.
Very strange they keep him.
Hilarious, these guys have no sense of the ridiculous. Poor french people.
Obviously, the French surrender monkeys never learn from Dien Bein Phu to Algiers.
Ridiculous! They should sent Mr. Macron in a yellow jacket, to follow up the stealing of Syrian gas and oil resources with his miscreants, whatever their names are. Do not believe his own citizens would enjoy in the advantages of the cheap stolen fuel for their cars, … Once slave, always slaves !!!
French will run from Turks (FSA) that is for sure. They would not help the Kurds even if those promise them thick and thin. I prefer to wait and see if Americans really withdraw and than we can see what is going on. We can’t know for sure what is on Erdogans minds. We don’t know if US is really pulling out. But Franse along is a non factor – that’s not about hot cuture :)
I hope Mr Putin and Assad don’t allow this to happen.
Well that’s pretty funny…I wonder what Erdogan is thinking right now about little Napoleon wannabe micron…I’m sure the 20,000 FSA headchoppers will be duly impressed by the French ‘military’ presence…maybe they can strike up ‘Le Marseillaise as the headchoppers pound them into the desert dust…
The muslims in France don’t fear the French police/military but we’re suppose to think a small mercenary force of frogs are going to deter the Jihadis backed by Turkish army from slaughtering the kurds like common rats?
Democrasy is to not fear police, courts, jails and militaries. And WHY. They work for the Goverment, and the Goverment has the Parlament as base, ehich we vore for.
You belowed muslims not even know which country they are in and as in mosty muslim countries systemacticly keep themselves as stupid as possible even isolating most of half of the populations dressing them in tents protecting them against men of muslim origin.
A great part of the muslims in France are like that handcuffed by religion and culture even blaming the normal ones there for it.
We saw exact the same under and after the USSR collapse. The police and the militaries were enemies.
There are no reason for muslims to that fear. Its much more those muslims are so used to be treated bas in their own and their homelands, so the y cant handle being treated relative nice.
yes, after all Syria is their former colony
Either way, France will not be in northern Syria for much longer. They will either retreat before the fighting gets heavy or they will surrender to the Turks. This will be another humiliating blow to the Macron regime.
i guess the frogs need another dien bien phu in middle east
The French are like the British, they still think they are a power. They simply cannot accept that they are has been’s.
Leave the British out of this; we run the World.
The French are so pathetic.They will have to be shown to the door.
The door to their coffins ?.
French are not on their own. Even most americans think its total madness doing like that angainst facts and agreements.
Another minister replaced. How mad can it be before they replace Trump ?
Actually not most Americans. In 2013 a Congressional authorization of force bill for Syria had to be pulled from consideration in the face of public disapproval. Polls are all over the place now but it’s probably about 50/50. But the 50% support is shallow and would reverse quickly in the case of losses or hardship. And most of the Presidents supporters who voted for him in swing states are against these endless involvements now. He needs them if he wants any chance of re-election.
Things were very different in 2013. Whatever they support now Syria was not as 5 years ago as well.
The elections in USA in all levels seldom is about foreign politics at all. When You write what swingstates are. its internal, which hardly cares a lot for anything in Syria as long as there are not many coffins.
But they do know Al Qaida, where Twin Towers made USA beserk. Even many muslim see thoings like that as a Victory, many muslims feel the payback by less hesitation.
The same goes for ISIS. Even few left compared to maximum easy can change Your polls.
I see big problems especially for the Republicans but dont see them as You. Democrates seemes a little more “clean”, but seemes to remain to much establishment.
If the French send over some yellow vest folks, they might be allowed to leave with some dignity. But on their own they are small potatoes and so will get and deserve a pounding.
Just like the good old Sykes-Picot times! France, UK and Imperial Germany plan to complete the partition of Syria under the pretext of fighting ISIS and make good on their “Assad must go farts”. I wonder how many millions of Indians, Pakistanis, Nigerians, South Africans and Namibians are prepared to die in Syria for their ex-imperial masters???
France are former colonizers of Syria..guess they want back in
Hope they are targeted & chased out.
It would be a big improvement, if France took over again. Their main mistake was to divide Kurds in 4.
And off course You as Ottomans were no colonies of Konstantinople.
France is NATO’s biggest puppet country.Saddam,Gaddafi and Assad were having big houses and were friends of British but were stab in the back.Attack on this countries are always spearheaded by France and Britain.After Khashoggi death Both France and Britain speed up sanctions and try to turn Trump against its Friend Saudi Arabia.
France is against the re-emergence of the power of turkey and Iran in the region. But is there any time soon France isn’t economy fiable to sustain a presence without other European colonial powere. I will be if assad let few weeks for the turks to erase them.
France like the other FUKUS powers are in it for the money. They send their young men to die so people like George Soros can grow even richer.
Gee is anybody really surprised, it’s not like they haven’t given us enough hints already. The French inspected the OB posts and found them well made and very acceptable, they’ll have no problems moving straight in. With no France there’s no future no fly zone here, with France here there will be, you need a no fly zone to stop Turkey, stop moaning about good things people.
France versus Turkey. That’ll be a good show.
Who will eat French Fries – Turks or Syrians – that is the question?
Macron can now send “Yellow Vests” to Syria to be killed, and then import more Arabs to replace them in France. The rest of the EU watch and learn how to resolve your domestic problems. Ingenious.