French President Emmanuel Macron broke a military taboo by agreeing to supply Ukraine with AMX-10 RC wheeled light tanks, the Daily Telegraph reported on January 6.
The Elysée announced the decision to supply Kiev forces with the French-mad light tanks on January 4, following a phone call between Macron and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
The 6×6 AMX-10 RC, which was manufactured in the 1980s, is armed with a 105 mm gun that can fire armor piercing rounds. The French military has more than 240 AMX-10 RC light tanks. It is still unknown how many will be supplied to Kiev forces.

A French AMX-10 RC seen here in Paris after the parade on July 14, 2021. By Wikimedia user (Kevin.B)
Macron’s decision saw him beating his counterparts in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany in supplying armored fighting vehicles to Ukraine.
The Daily Telegraph said Macron’s New Year’s television address, where he vowed to help Ukraine to win against Russia, marked a “sea change” in the president’s language. The newspaper speculated that the French president no longer believes he can negotiate with Moscow.
Despite being capable, the AMX-10 RC can’t be compared to better-armed, heavily-armored main battle tanks like the Soviet-made T-80 in service with both Ukraine and Russia. The French light tank will certainly make up for some Kiev forces mounting losses. However, it will not change the balance of power in the battlefield.
The French decision to supply Ukraine with the AMX-10 RC could open the door for other NATO states to provide real main battle tanks. According to unverified reports, Denmark, Finland and Poland are already considering arming Kiev forces with some of their German-made Leopard-2 tanks.
Pieces of useless ancient French junk, probably fitted with twin white flag launchers!
They’re actually not bad for the sort of fighting in Ukraine, very fast recon with good fire. If they’re quick enough they can play dodge with Russian artillery, but no armor to speak of. The Bradleys on the other hand are slow and heavy and big as a whale, and also no armor to speak of, they’ll be sitting ducks on the contact line.
Ok but how long will Ukraine be sustained?
Western Ukraine will, “just be” after the war, it’s more about what Ukrainians will do with their government after it’s clear they’ve lost the fight for the east.
“How long will Ukraine be sustained?”
Until the last Ukrainian at which point NATO will change tactics and fight to the last Pole.
I think it is about a planned blitz offensive. Look at all the quick armor and mobile artillery vehicles headed their way. Even the Bradley can reach 35mph. Collectively in the news I figure about 10000 soldiers can fast mobile.
These contraptions are surely better than Humvees or other wheeled light armored vehicles (e.g. Kozack), but they are definitely no tanks, just armored personnel carriers with an oversized cannon. I wouldn’t expect too much fighting value. All such would-be tanks are killed off quickly on the battle field. :)
The West has carefully been observing the Ukrainian War and seeing the Piss Poor Performance of the Russian Armed Forces in battle, and how the Russians have not responded to any of their other provocations, I guess France is no longer scared to supply Western made weapons to the Ukrainians!
Because in their assessment which I believe i s correct, the French Government has come to the conclusion that the Russians won’t do a damn thing about it! The Russians are to bat shit scared of responding to the West in Fear of starting a War with NATO and this has only embolden the West like France in this case!
It’s hillarious you indeed think that USA and Europe are fighting Russia in Ukraine. First because THEY ALL are ruled by the same hidden hand, resp. World Jewry from behind. And 2nd because you seem to not have the slidest clue about the real forces and numbers. Let’s say USA alone would indeed get involved. Compare to D-day and the troops USA brought to Europe against Germany. 40.000 !!! US troops where shipped in each single day for weeks and weeks to come !! Now whole Europe has done training of 20.000 Ukrainian soldiers, and now after nearly 7 months they are ready for combat. That’s nothing !!!
To this ad some freelance ex-soldiers of Europe states and foreign legion fighters that’s all. And these few mannekins are enough to stop the might “Russian Army” ??? You indeed believe that ? They are stopping the Russian invasion since Feb 2022 yes ? No !!!
It’s all bullshit ! Both sides are just sending minimum amounts of troops, to sustain and pro-long and slowly escalate the war. The war is the aim, not winning it. Killing those patriotic young men and women, who would likely be able to fight and expell the real enemy of mankind, resp. the jewish (and jewish controlled) rulers of USA, Europe, Russia and China – that’s the aim ! The christian russian, and christian ukrainian soldiers, they are the targets, they are the ones the jews want to see dead !
It is so clear, that I really wonder how you cannot see it. Had USA or Russia want to win this war – that would long have happened – but it hasn t because that is not the plan the jews have !!! That’s the reason !
@Putin is looking like a Fool
Yes indeed he is looking foolish since birth. Anyway…
Yes, and not only that, in a real war scenario, the USA would long have drone-killed the russian-poodle leader in Chechnya, Kadyrov, same as they killed iranian general Soleimani.
USA wouldn’t even need to admit to it, they can easily claim that the Chechen islamists did it, Al Qaeda, ISIS did it, or more easy and plausible: Ukraine did it with one of their drones, or a hacked russian drone.
This would lead to whole Caucasus (Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Georgia; ossetia etc.) going up into flames, and erupting into a full-blow even more deadly second front for the Russian army, and make way free for USA and Turkey to finaish off Syria. But all this is not done, because it’s is not part of the jewish NWO-JWO plan. At least not for now, it seems.
Same goes for the prisons – it would be easy for Europe and USA to send hundred of thousands of prison inmates, train them a bit in military tactics and send them over as fighters for Ukraine, instead of official (ex)US soldiers. But also that is not done. Not even under the cover of Blackwater.
Russia is doing it already, at least partly, by using inmates in PMC Wagner. One of the most shocking recently surfaced examples is this guy:
Jew Prigozhin granted freedom to Dmitry Karyagin, sentenced to 14.5 years
This character is known for the fact that he forced his grandmother to sell her apartment, took her to the garage and beat her to death with a hammer. She was a veteran of World War II. The murderer told the relatives that she had moved to Ukraine, and the murder became known only an hour later.
In 2016, he was sentenced to 14.5 years of rigorous imprisonment. During the full-scale war against Ukraine, he was recruited into Wagner PMC from the colony, and now Prigozhin reported that Karyagin “worked out the contract” and may be free
So we can see that USA and Europe are far away from really getting involved into the conflict, but they of course make sure that it’s going to be a eternal quagmire to the russians, and the jewish plan is to expand this into World War 3, in order to hide the hundreds of millions of Covid-death-jab victims killed by the jewish produced ratpoison, and of course in order to install globally their NWO-JWO Jewish World Order One-World dictatorship (hidden behind the picture of a Multipolar-World – which is nothing as switching the label from USA to Russia and China, when in fact the rulers are still the same -> JEWS !)
Put France in Asia and it will instantly becomes Malaysia or Thailand.
Agreed. Second hand and obsolete.
The West has carefully been observing the Ukrainian War and seeing the Piss Poor Performance of the Russian Armed Forces in battle, and how the Russians have not responded to any of their other provocations, I guess France is no longer scared to supply Western made weapons to the Ukrainians!
Because in their assessment which I believe i s correct, the French Government has come to the conclusion that the Russians won’t do a damn thing about it! The Russians are to bat shit scared of responding to the West in Fear of starting a War with NATO and this has only embolden the West like France in this case!
An act of bad faith. Time to break out the nukes.
Stupid French. If NATO tries to betray Russia with more weapon supply they only can hope to winneith Ukraine. If they don’t they have to fear the revange…
As many as 1000 nazis are being exterminated every day and there won’t be many nazis left to man that thing. So far about half million nazis are gone and no cannon fodders to mobilize. At this rate, another half million will be gone in next 10 months.
Nazis are like al quaida they exist as much and as long as the rich need them.
Ukraine has about 40 million people. The half are men. So Ukraine can conscript at least 10 million men. And there although women who want to fight. With my very low assumptions and a minus of 1000 a day you need 1000 days to kill a million so the war would take 10.000 days to kill the number of possible conscripts this are with 300 days a year 300 years… This simple calculation show you the problem. Even it my figure are a bad approximation you should recognize that it is impossible to kill all soldiers.
How much of the Ukraine gene pool is left, since 2014? Back in 2016, Oleg Tsarov stated Ukraine had lost around 100,000 in the civil war, with 9 times left disabled (makes a million) and a couple of million displaced citizens, who left as refugees. That was back in 2014, so what are the figures now? The UN using a different set of data, excluding various sectors of society stated 14,000 lost lives from Eastern Ukraine. What were the Rand Instructions given to Poroshenko, when he first came to power? Was it 1.5 million losses (humans) they demanded he dispose of?
I wonder how many NATO Forces, especially Special Forces, posing as mercenaries have also ended up as compost in Ukraine?
The de-militarisation of Western Europe begins, next up for Europe will be de-nazification. Whoopee
You are right if Russia is winning quickly in Ukraine.. But at the moment there is no chance to fight against all NATO countries and Ukraine.
Not all NATO countries, but, they are fighting the ones with the most powerful reputations and trouncing them. How many NATO special forces, posing as mercenaries have Russia taken out, along with the majority of Ukraine military?
Nothing NATO has got comes anywhere close to the tools in the Russian toy box and then look at those 30 odd members of NATO. US has the largest and most expensive military, but, not the most powerful, that trophy belongs to Russia.
Part 2.
The US is the only nuclear triad nation that is a member of NATO. Russia, a nuclear triad nation, has the second largest, but, most powerful military, not forgetting they have more nuclear warheads than all of NATO combined, including the US. Together with having hypersonics, in active service, unlike any NATO member. They are then followed by China (a member of BRICS) and they are also a nuclear triad nation, or on the verge of having nuclear capability in three spheres. India, another BRICS member comes in at number 4, followed by the UK, who owing to defence cutbacks, have seriously cut back there military and only have enough serving military personnel to just about defend their bases, but, not the UK cannot even defend herself from Dinghy Tourists. The next NATO member, France, comes in at number 9. Pakistan ranks higher, and Pakistan, together with Russia, China and India are also members of the SCO.
Part 3
Look at many members of NATO, who cannot even raise the 2% GDP contractual fees, and how little defence they actually have? Can NATO rely on Luxemburg in an emergency, for instance?
The de-militarisation of Western Europe begins. Next up for Western Europe, de-nastiness, to clear away the filth.
I watched the video on telegram yesterday .. some leopard tanks were crossing the Polish border which will be sended to ukraine later
In the meantime, Russia is upping the ante and has those tanks in sight. I wonder how many will enter Ukraine, and not be sold on the black market and how many will be taken out?
I do not understand the dynamics of this war.
It is a taboo to supply apc? When nato special forces command the entire ukrainian army and guide all those missiles that hit russians within russian borders (those even nato accepts as russian nut just crimea and donbas).
I would consider the highmars systems and the electronics to upgrade the sowjet era cruise missiles that hit russian cities a bigger tabo then tanks or apc’s. But whatever.
After the pilgrimage to Kiev and audience with Zelensky, Macron and his cohort no doubt were gifted “signed AND WORN” green shirts and briefs — to entertain themselves with when they were no longer in his glorious and virile presence.
That is what passes for European “manhood” these days. Look at those ball-less wonders.
I wonder how things will go after the Davos summit, later this month? What will the next set of instructions be? When Ukraine goes, so does the NWO, as stated by Nathan R.schild.
all i have to say is good let foreign mercs die in Nato dwindling military hardware reserves. US n co had lost the production war.
The less equipment that Nato has the stronger Russia position will be.
regardless of that yankee tronto thinks
Russia loses men and stuff, too. It seems like NATO scum will overwhelm Russia with canon fodder and Cold War era stuff… Will Russia build enough bombs to vaporise all the scum and scourge of the West and their colonies?
Looking at your replies, you can see the BOTS are out. Funny, I wonder why they judge Russia on the actions of NATO? The difference, NATO goes for carpet bombing and taking out wedding and funeral parties. Russia, respects life and has taken her time, trying to protect the civilians. How many did Russia lose at the beginning and how many is she losing now. Just when she is getting ready to get started? How many have NATO and Ukraine lost and how much ammunition have they got left between them, in working condition and not over 50 years old, that can take on the might of Russia? Bearing in mind, Russia is just warming up and has given Ukraine chance after chance to come to her senses.
This French shit is not a main battle tank and should not be compared to that.
They will send THOUSANDS of IFV, tank support vehicles, APCs and MRAPs, hundreds of main battle tanks and self propelled guns and countless antiaircraft batteries… Maybe even aircraft. All manned by NATO veterans and “volunteers”. NATO will escalate this until Romania and Poland wll become battlegrounds if allowed.
Russia is really good at destroying stuff so ship more ground targets lol
“French-mad light tanks”! I very much appreciate fine humor like that! :)
That’s right you gutless freaks, drag the war out for another few weeks, kill as many Ukrainians as you can, make your American Masters proud. What a shameful disgusting lot you are, you’re all going to Hell and no one will miss any of you.
The West is making the same mistake Catherine, Napoleon and Hitler made. Pretty strange shit.
All the no-marks ganging up on their gift horse. Maybe macron will send some flying monkeys? They were all the rage on Bastille day.
The people are europe are patiently waiting for these clowns to shoot themselves in the foot.
Why is it that every time i see a picture of zelensky i immediately imagine him to be wearing handcuffs? Wishful thinking or maybe it’s the teashirt?
Weird white French guy. His country is getting overrun by Africans, Towels, Chinese, Indians and whatever. He responds by not having kids and sending arms to kill more white Europeans…….. interesting.
Idk about their tanks but the French seem to make cars with that get very good miles per gallon. They might brake down a lot though.
You wonder why is Russia unable to destroy these weapons before they are used in Ukraine? Their main entry point is from Poland to west Ukraine
Because it’s a trap, think about it!
It’s not fair, why do the hohols get all the cool stuff while we die by the hundreds everyday?
These tanks will be a game changer, yup, the nazis can retreat faster than ever before…
Come back in a month begging for more tanks this new batch will be scrap metal by then.
I suspect a Russian drone will work quite well destroying these used cannons on wheels donating by that pathetic big nosed tranny Macron trying to be macho by being the first European nation to send tanks. Too bad they are toy tanks but they do have a wine compartment and two forward gears and four reverse. Hopefully they will be full of NATO mercenaries when Russia blows them up. Onward to the victory, Z.
It’s inappropriate and won’t make any difference, anything given away is half thrown away…..
For each killed Russian, 150 western soldiers are killed. Russia has the best military in the world!