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MARCH 2025

France’s President Says He Wants To Build “New Syria” With U.S.

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On April 22, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said during an interview with Fox News TV that France, the US and their allies should stay in Syria after the defeat of ISIS in order to build what he called “a new Syria.”

“We will have to build the new Syria afterward, and that’s why I think the U.S. hold is very important,” Macron said answering to a question on the US decision to withdraw from Syria.

The French President added that the US and its allies, including France, should also counter the influence of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and Iran. Macron even suggested that Russia and Turkey should play a role in his plans for “a new Syria.”

“The day we will finish this war against ISIS, if we leave, definitely and totally, even from a political point of view, we will leave the floor to the Iranian regime, Bashar al-Assad and his guys … The U.S., France, our allies, all the countries of the region, even Russia and Turkey, will have a very important role to play in order to create this new Syria,” Macron said.

Macron claimed on April 15 that he convinced US President Donald Trump that US troops should stay in the war-torn country a long term. The White House denied Macron’s claims on the same day and said the US is still planning to withdraw its troops from Syria as quickly as possible, just as Trump had promised before.

However, the White House’s statement is far away from the reality because the US military is de-facto bulding new military facilities in the country.

Some Syrian activists veiwed Macron’s plan for “a new Syria” is a replica of what France tried to achieve during its occupation of Syria from 1923 to 1946 and doubted that such an outdated plan could succeed.

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Miguel Redondo

What the hell this guy is smoking?


No need, it’s his Oedipuscomplex towards his former schoolteacher in witch he/ she fell in love, he”s a skirthanger !


American Bullshit I suspect Miguel.


In Europe and in US it is so easy to obtain educatioal degrees. That is why these guys have no leadership capabilities. They can only do corruptions and can create trouble in the world.


If you’re rich and you can pay for them. I think its more a question of inbreeding.


Small correction, if I may: “In Europe and in US it is so easy to obtain educational degrees.” ….. as a pYg with political connections or with father an Oriental Billionaire Satrap ( Burma, Saudis in Oxford) The rest of the students have to work hard for their degrees ;)


Killers as USA , U.K. and France , cant to build new Syria !! These people live on the Mars !


F.UK.US-coalition it is called.

Dušan Mirić

To interpret a Russian official, Lavrov I think: As much as I know he is not a Syrian citizen.


It’s enough if he’s a subject of His Majesty Bibi the First of Israel.



So France want to go to war with Assad and his allies?

SAA will beat it flat , guaranteed


When’s the last time the French have seen hard core combat like the Syrians? Maybe the French should stay home and take care of their own country instead of destroying it by creating more refugees.

jerry hamilton

This confirms it. The west has gone totally mad.


No. Our leaders have gone mad and WE are going to have to clean up their mess. How morons like this get elected into office is beyond me. My guess is massive election fraud.


66.6% of the Votes is what Macroni got…. Voting is Bullshit…Just Like the Puppets you can chose…


Macron didn’t win, the results have been rigged, because Marine Le Pen has won and the ZION- Mafia (the Kosher-Nostra) around the Rothschild-Connection couldn’t afford to lose FRANCE in the hands of a “feminine kind of the Hungarian Viktor Orban”. Now really WHO TF votes a baby-nobody IN FRANCE ?? Maybe the French have other sins, but for sure NOT one of voting hazardous. It was like “Yesterday they had no idea who that small greenhorn..is, never heard of him …. and suddenly 3/4 vote for him” :))

The US “DIEBOLD” voting-machines did their job ( The Diebold -Family is a close FRIEND of the old CIA-scvmbag George-BUSH- SR )


This is happening in all Western So called Democracies…it’s a Big Laugh.. we have been Fooled for at least 70 Years…


You are absolutely right, Merijn!


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, in an address given to Catherine Graham, publisher of The Washington Post and other media luminaries in attendance in Baden, Germany at the June 1991 annual meeting of the world elite Bilderberg Group. ––June 5, 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton)www.mega.nu/ampp/bilderberg.html. [Main source: Dr. Dennis Cuddy, A Chronological History of the New World Order (source)


Thanks…Bilderberg is a Hotel in Holland where their first Official meeting was 1954…Our Prince Lockheed Martin Bernhard Von Lippe-Biesterfeld was the Chairman…why would that be…?


Macron got about 25% at the first tour of the elections only. He then got about 60% at the 2nd tour because the other one was from the far-right party (Marine Le Pen). Not many people in France support him – me included.

jerry hamilton

I think mainly the zionist media. They always heavily influence the sheeple majority.


“Mainly the Zionist Media”.. Well …that would be 99.99% :))))


“How morons like this get elected…”

It’s called propaganda though the main stream media to the ignorant masses who never were educated in school that there is more than one side to an issue and who never question their government unless it pertains to sex.


I think its more like having to work to death to maybe have enough money to support yourself or your family. After that the only thing you have time for is the CIA sponsored news. School education isn’t necessarily a good thing now its just teaching propaganda to the test. I thought school was bad when I was a kid!


“I think its more like having to work to death to maybe have enough money to support yourself or your family.”

That too. Still, there’s no excuse for not taking 10 minutes to exit the propaganda realm from time to time. Kids just aren’t taught how to think for themselves. When I was in school, I was taught that if you want to find out what’s going on in your own country, you get the news from the other side that your country is busy demonizing. ’twas very good instruction indeed!


You were lucky. The NY times was the propaganda of choice at my high school. And then to NYC on a trip where I found the Village Voice, Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway. The lights turned on. Until you have to justify your existence.


“You were lucky.”

Well that was before they started trying to clean house of any teachers, professors that didn’t tow the Deep State line. In my ’30s, I had a professor that taught that education was it’s own reward and not just for getting a job. Yeah, I guess I’ve been lucky somewhat, but my awakening actually occurred in ‘Nam when the government posted a list of music that I shouldn’t listen to. Curiosity got the better of me, listened to one of them and thought, ‘damn that’s good’. Before too long, I’d enjoyed all of them. So I learned about the US government’s inability to tell the truth long ago. Today, the bought and paid for main (lame) stream media condemns all truth tellers be it journalists, professors, teachers etc. So the simplest way for people to wake up is just like I did, check out one, then the next. The US and it’s vassals provide the solution to their own pollution of the print and air waves.

Not sure what you meant about “..justify your existence.”


Schools are part of the problem because they are completely taken over by ultra liberal globalists!


In the USA the Rockefeller Foundation took care of that since the ’30s. (see youTUBE Aaron RUSSO about Nicolas Rockefeller (10 minutes)

They aren’t “liberal globalists” only .That fake-struggle right-left is in fact an NWO-DONKEYPHANT, or “two wings of the same BIRD” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/why-do-we-have-wars.JPG https://pics.me.me/republicans-foreign-policy-democrats-foreignpolicy-at-least-republicans-are-honest-14066998.png


I would just call it globalists. Liberal today is like using the word bad to mean good.

John Mason

You will have the opportunity to say NO when the government calls on you to go to war. Wonder how many will have the courage to say NO?


“Somebody once said: “Imagine the Elites started a war … and nobody goes there to fight” :))



Imagine The Elites Starting a War…and them is the Ones losing it…


Well … Herman Goering explained how it works, and it’s a scam that functions in EVERY SYSTEM, no matter if Commies, NAZIs, Right/ Left-wing, Kingdom or Republic: https://pics.onsizzle.com/naturally-the-common-people-dont-want-war-but-after-all-8724746.png

John Mason

Won’t work here, we know how to say NO.

PJ London

Sure and flocks of pigs are circling the Capitol as we speak.

A new HuffPost/YouGov survey shows that 51 percent of Americans back Trump’s recent action in Syria, while 32 percent oppose. Another 17 percent said they were uncertain. With 83 percent, an overwhelming majority of Trump supporters agree with the president’s military action, just 11 percent disagree. Of course the UK is different.

As of 4.30pm today (Tuesday), 22,300 people had voted in the online poll with 55 percent saying they supported the airstrikes.

2 Million of us marched against Blair in 2003, fat lot of good that did.

John Mason

I am an Australian, big difference. Like comparing chalk to cheese.

PJ London

Never said ‘no’ yet. When UK or US call, off you all run. From Gallipoli to Syria and everything in between, you have never found a war you won’t join up on. So the bloke in the street may not much like it, but the ponces in Canberra will sign up in seconds, and off you will all trundle.

John Mason

It is called an agreement between nations, most likely something that you are not aware of. As for saying ‘NO’, we are good at it that is why we are independent as a people. Your comment seems to apply the the Brits a rather weak and dysfunctional nation. Average bloke in the street going off to war for Queen and Country was once the case, not no more, no one care about the Queen and her parasitic family.

PJ London

Which is why you are bombing the Syrian children. ‘no one care about the Queen and her parasitic family.’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a70bb74aa533cebef67ab77df5ed24385f2911c3f1aaf230b71b0dbea2d2c320.jpg Which is why everyone turned out for Charlie and his Sheila last month. Crikey, even Bindi went to meet him.


Its a hard thing to be a non violent martyr. Ultimately, like all of life, this is a spiritual issue. Like Jesus. To face death and have faith that it is not the end. The final question?

John Mason

It is called making a choice and standing up for what you consider right and prepared to suffer the consequences. Nothing to do with religion or faith, a lot to do with being killed for some one else ambitions and greed,

jerry hamilton

All those who are prepared to go to jail. Like me. There you have it. If you are not prepared to murder…….


No, not a “massive election fraud” but the whole Western society is under the spell of ISIS-ed Hollywood!


… and it’s an AGENDA stretched already over a CENTURY. Just invest 10 minutes and everything comes out of the fog, the Zionist NWO-Maintream-Media uses to blow to cover the p(Y)ggery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuinaIm-kd4


Not gone…., just no longer hiding it.

jerry hamilton

True. I’m not sure when not hiding it became an issue but they don’t even try to hide their evil ways any more. Look at the Clinton’s. They are living proof that corruption works.


“They are living proof that corruption works.”

Congratulations….. You’ve hit on the true meaning of exceptionalism in the US government.


There is no west

jerry hamilton

There most certainly is a West. It is very evil. Avoid it.


I don’t think they are mad: they just obey their evil masters.

Vince Dhimos

This is what Macron can expect if he leaves French troops in Syrian terroritory https://vimeo.com/263728681

Scarooni Recruit

Did someone tell this idiot Macron the colonial days are over.


His Master Rothschild tells him what to do, the dog just barks and bites what the Master says him to bite.


He is SOB, MF slave!


By the US-GOYM.Colony, this is even more evident: http://www.infiniteunknown.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Republicans-Democrats-USA.gif https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaiHtaaUMAAaX7J.jpg


Time to bring back the guilliotine in public?

Alexander van Merwede

Yes you right !!

You can call me Al



Right, they are like puppets of the Rothschilds but not very long. Soon come the changes of the planets and the Rothschilds will be buried in hell for all the evil they have done in this planet.


You might want to clear your bank account, and convert any savings into physical gold?

HighLord Gaz

Micron seems to think that because France helped destroy Syria that they should be involved with rebuilding it. That is a lot like a rapist being involved in the rehabilitation of his victims..

jerry hamilton

France should indeed help rebuilding Syria as should America. Mr. Assad. Please give them the bill.


Do not forget france’s involvment in Libya. A study worth.

mishi mishi

to be fair, every Frenchman thinks the colonial days are still here. I think it comes from having a small penis. They need to exert some sort of power over someone

Zionism = EVIL

Spot on. Macro is a little midget with big delusions.


and who needed to marry a grandma for protection.

Le Ruse

Not any Frenchmen, very few Frenchmen & most of them,are frenchmen like Soros is Hungarian, Berezovsky was Russian, ect,. ect.. & this piece of crap sitting at the Elysee Palace is a hasbara gopher for the Dung Beetle Bloodline …

Zionism = EVIL

This little Goldman Sachs mouse Macron is delusional. As if tiny France that even failed to launch dud missiles can influence events on the ground in Syria and as if Syrians, Iranians, Hezbollah and Russia will allow such a pipe dream.


Don’t forget, he got the French Legionaires. He can send wherever he likes, like Napoleon. Macron will find his nemesis, just be patience. His french napoleaonetic arrogance will speed up his downfall.

He got his first reprimand from Russia.


Its time Russia and Iran built a new France


LOL ! ( WOW! That was hard! :))))


I agree!!!!!!!


Unfortunately there is still one colonial country and , unfortunately again, the most influential country in the world: the zionist regime.


Except they are far from over m8.

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia . ———— “That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks. ————-


“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.


I thought exactly like this too.


Nobody asked his opinion, nobody in France except the CRIF the equivalent group of AIPAC in the US is supporting his weird thinking !


We have saying: What granny want, granny dreamed of.

Ciccio Serry

No, Macron is building the western’s autodestruction. Our politicians are so foolish…

Panthera Pardus

To put the toyboy in context – he appeared recently in the European parliament decorating about the future EU with unified budget etc… basically the guy loves to listen to himself talking. The real question is – knowing his tendency with woman – Will he fall in love with fat ass merkel ?


Is Macron asking for More Terror Attacks in France? or is just me? and When I think he means of Building a “New Syria”. I think he’s referring to the US-Coalition held areas in eastern Syria. and still believes that Assad will one day go. But we all know in Reality that the Syrian President will stay and has majority of the syrian people behind him regardless if he is a dictator or not. And why Focus on Syria when France is going through a political divide and the Immigrants that Hollande bought in are beginning to Turn France into Syria itself. If France wants to make a positive difference in Syria. All they have to do is Withdraw all their Troops send them home and help rebuild the country from the ashes. He’s lucky that he’s even president because Le Pen’s National Front was growing and I believe that the next time they have elections. The National Front might finally prevail because his approval ratings are declining and the French People will finally grow out of Patience for This Man.

Macron, May or maybe Trump might become the Next Victim of the Assad must go Curse.

Floyd Hazzard

The plan was never for Assad to go, that was the diversion. The plan was to carve out a Kurdistan/Kurdish State from portions of Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran, and Russia is supporting it despite all the make-believe and fake shadow boxing.


3/4 (Iraq,Turkey and Iran have so far Failed). and I think Syria might fail itself due to Turkey’s Resistance to its plan and its only a matter of time before the arabs in SDF areas resist themselves.

Floyd Hazzard

Nope, Syria had been the success because Russia allowed them to occupy the whole rastern bank. Now who’s going to move them? From there they will fund and train insurgencies on all those countries and occupy sections just as they did in Syria. The main thing was denying then the foothold.

viktor ziv

I suppose 7 years is enough for SAA to turn into elite soldiers to kick Macrons ass. Vietcong (Dien Pien Phu) took lees experience to do the same.


Sorry in Syria it isn’t a BUSH-FIGHT. It’s open-range, the perfect “battlefield” for a technological superior army, with air-force and satellite -surveillance like the USA have. There’s no place to hide, if you don’t have an EARLY Warn System , a reliable SAM-net ( S-300 seem to be too old already and S-400 gets… SAUDI-ARABIA, instead of Syria and IRAN .. (?????!!) or/and your own “hunters” to take them down.. IF PUTIN doesn’t do it, the SAA cannot.

viktor ziv

Agree with You regarding EWS. Detection&tracking comes first, missile old or new will do the trick after. Kindly remember S-125 shooting down F-117 in 1999 over ex-Yugoslavia. Without foot on the ground no army can win, and SAA has veteran boots now. If we take a look at SAA fighting six years ago and today, we can see immense improvement. I hope Russians will continue providing detection&tracking to SAA.


” … because Russia allowed them to occupy the whole eastern bank.”

Looks like by ALEPPO – 2016, that stops & goes, more a kind of TRADE like the KGBist did in Eastern-Germany, as he bought and sold spies. “Give Assad for Ukraine fifty/fifty, Crimea recognized as mine, no NATO in the Baltics”.. John Kerry either didn’t understand OR he had no “green-light” from his Masters ( The REAL Owners of the NWO-pigsty)

Kremlin seems very “British”: ” Russia has no friends, has no enemies, Russia has only interests”.

And BTW, Putin is FLIRTING a lot with the Zion-Pack. Israel may bomb what it wants in Syria and it’s never mentioned as aggressor there.

And ALL that UK-France-USA-“TROIKA” is in fact a bunch of “hit-men” for ISRAEL. All they do is for Bibiland.. But PUTIN swims in that twilight-zone between being a Nationalist-Russian and Rothschilds’ asset. A lot of his “Entourage” are Russki-J€ws with double-citizenship that aren’t better than Yeltsin’s Oligarchs.

A dangerous play..


MOSSAD’s Kurds. BARZANI is Israel#s lapdog there.

Joe Dirt

Sykes–Picot Agreement


The Plan was actually to take the whole World…Country by Country…Rape & Pillage, send in the Contractors to Rebuild create Debt and install their Puppet Regimes… implement the World Bank..Rule as an Emperor over the Whole World…


All the Terror Attacks in Paris, London, U.S. Germany & some other Countries were nothing more then Operation Gladio…to get the Crowds Cheering for War against the Middle East


Insolent Vichy bastard.


Mascaron boy, just keep s..ing the Rotschild’s old impotent d..k you are just talking too much and Rotschild grandee is not happy.


I guess US and France are already done building the “NEW LYBIA” ?


Yeah… Looks great, doesn’t it? ;).. (SIC!)


And freedom for all!


‘A New Syria” for Macron is a Syria without Assad, where he will act freely for his own interests, Teresa’s May and Tramp’s interests. He is a neo-luminous political carnival, striking with missiles and then he declares cooperation with a new president who he does not know.

Rakean Jaya

He should help a destroyed Libya first, as for Syria, no body invite or asking him.

Joe Dirt

Sykes–Picot Agreement – the spoils of war.

Thomas Steffen

somehow cute

Floyd Hazzard

People should see Macron, Trudeau, Merkel etc for the George Soros backed globalists that they are. These people want to destroy borders and hand the planet to the 1% to rule as a global government as the unelected European hierachy and the US deep state so that they can oppress and enslave all of humanity and choose who gets to live and who gets to be determined as human seeds to be weeded out in the mould of Hillary Clinton and get idol, while consolidating all the resources of earth unto themselves. They are evil to the very core and as such are enemies of humanity and humans.




The only contribution he could make for Syria now is to die asap and have his corpse used as a fertilizer for some liberated Syrian farm. If he did that, that’d be great (oh and bring as much of his friends as possible too, ty). Instead the french whore soldiers/mercenaries he sends to Syria will have to fill that role.


The only question I want to ask him is: “Who gave you the permission?”


Its easy to destroy France, Simply Dump Cement into the Sewers, the Poor Blacks and Muslims will flood the streets of the Rich.

France wants to Partition Syria? What goes around comes around.

leon mc pilibin

Just like they helped build Iraq,Afghanistan Libya,Yemen etc etc,Who do this idiot think he is,Napoleon?


Let’s talk about France:

1. Give back Lorraine Alsace to Germany. Where it belongs to. 2. Give the Bretons atonomy. 3. Give the Corsicans atonomy. Better, their own state. 4. Give the Provencals atonomy.

Then we can talk about Syria.


and atone …?


Cochon Macron who the hell do you think you are? Get rid of your god-complex.

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