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Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

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Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

On July 18, Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in the southern city of Daraa handed over a new batch of heavy weapons to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) as a part of the reconciliation agreement, which was reached last week, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The SANA’s reporter in Daraa said that the new batch of weapons included three up-armored T-55 battle tanks, two BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), four locally-made “Hell canons,” several heavy machine guns and loads of ammunition.

The FSA groups in Daraa began handing over their weapons on July 14. Since then, several armored vehicles, some of which were supplied by the US-led Military Operation Center (MOC), have been recovered by the SAA.

Under the agreement, all the militants who oppose the reconciliation with the Damascus government will be allowed to withdraw towards the northern governorate of Idlib. According to opposition activists, only dozens have opted to withdraw so far.

In the upcoming days, the FSA in Daraa will hand over more weapons including US-supplied anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) to the SAA. A new batch of militants may also to leave the city.

Photos of the weapons, which were recovered by the SAA:

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Free Syrian Army Hands Over More Heavy Weapons In Daraa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

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You can call me Al

The amount of weapons around is absolutely mind boggling. The US, Yids and even my UK, along with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE +++, MUST BE held accountable; either in-law or by force.

Shocking + disgusting.


Oh we, (US-UK) are going to pay. This is the most catastrophic loss the Greater Israel Project and we(see above) have ever had. Syria may become known as the place where empire came to die. The systematic dismantling of the ISIS/Israel/UK/US terrorist network by the Rus/Syrian/Hezbollah/Iran coalition is nothing short of masterful.


I love your phrase “where empire came to die”. Living in the U.S., and being subjected on a daily basis to an incomprehensibly vile propaganda campaign by the government and its media stenographers, has made Syria’s continuing victory (aided by true allies) thrilling to observe.


I agree with you completely.


These are Great times… We are witnessing the Fall of an Empire… and arrived at a Crossroads in Human History… and the Largest part of’m doesn’t have a Clue what is going on right now….


Yes, in the future it will be said that Syria changed everything.

Bill Wilson

All those SFV’s came from captured SAA bases so whomever was in charge of those should be held accountable for not destroying them before retreating or being defeated. That’s what professional soldiers do.

You can call me Al

Bllx. Different models, different Countries of origin in the main. This is not Ukraine.


Bill, I realise that you support the Empire of Chaos but pleeese don’t peddle such inane comments here.

In an ideal world, equipment would be made inoperable but in the real world when bullets are flying and heads are being chopped off its rather different.


The entire recent Pentagon anti-Syria strategy was to locate and weaponize, initially, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria from late 2000’s, with expectation of further Sunni militant factions developing in wake of a mounting armed insurgency. Those initial armed groups were directed by NATO intelligence to attack both Syrian air defense stations and weapons depots – all across the country – in a manner designed to tactically catch the SAA off-guard and unable to prioritize multiple distant locations all at once. The air defense sites were critical to Pentagon – whose basic plans assumed NATO would be bombing Damascus and SAA to facilitate conditions for the pre-arranged militants on the ground, in a repeat of the prior Libyan regime change operation of 2011.


This is of course the reason for all the ‘kicking and screaming’ in the US Coalition of Terror :)

Its akin to the US election, the warmongers cannot accept that they have lost in Syria.


Hezbollah will send them a little Thank You note for all this Beautiful New Equipment…..promised..


In Syria, the great prostitute has been exhibited and undressed at last.

You can call me Al

True,I had forgotten that.


So which country provided the engineering to up armor a T55 with ERA? Or, Are we supposed to believe militants made their own ERA?

Bill Wilson

Who knows? They probably found it at the captured SAA bases along with the tanks and APC’s.


Or is supplied routed from Iraq,Libya and ex Warsaw Pact nations etc.


I don’t see ERA on these tanks. Cages and plates can be easily welded on in any local workshop.

J Ramirez

Now with all these new toys (courtesy of NATO & friends ) they can liberate the Golan Heights :}


All in good time :)

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