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MARCH 2025

‘Freedom Of Speech’: Teacher Decapitated In Paris Suburb After Displaying Mohammed Cartoons

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'Freedom Of Speech': Teacher Decapitated In Paris Suburb After Displaying Mohammed Cartoons

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On October 16, a teacher was beheaded by an alleged radical islamist in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a suburb north-west of the French capital Paris, with the attacker shot dead by police after a brief standoff.

The victim was a teacher who is said to have shown caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his students as an example of free speech in France.

A source told Le Parisien: “The victim had recently given a lesson to his students on freedom of expression and had shown the caricatures of Muhammad.”

The incident took place at about 17:00 local time (15:00 GMT) near a school.

'Freedom Of Speech': Teacher Decapitated In Paris Suburb After Displaying Mohammed Cartoons

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According to media reports, a man wielding a large knife attacked the teacher in a street, cutting off his head. Witnesses say they heard the attacker shout “Allah Akbar”.

Then, the attacker ran off, but local police deployed at the scene in the nearby area of Éragny. The attacker was shot dead after a brief standoff with Police. The attacker was allegedly carrying a gun (reportedly an airsoft one) and was thought to be wearing a bomb vest.

Prosecutors said they were treating the incident as “a murder linked to a terrorist organization” and related to a “criminal association with terrorists.”

Local media citing sources in the investigation say that the attacker “is believed to be from a Chechen background.” In other words, he reportedly was a Chechen descent.

MSM reports point out that thousands of Chechen ‘refugees’ entered France in the early 2000s following the Second Chechen War in Russia. What MSM reports do not mention is that most of them were members of illegal armed groups (often indoctrinated by radical Islamist ideology) or persons affiliated with such groups. Multiple similar ‘refugees’ are hiding from the justice not only in France and in many other countries of Europe. The Western propaganda and diplomats like to describe them as ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘supporters of Chechen democracy’. In fact, these are radicals often involved in spreading radical Islamist ideology in Europe, participating in the organized crime and other illegal activities. A notable part of these ‘refugees’ joined ISIS, when the terrorist group’s self-proclaimed Caliphate was on the rise, and then was eliminated in Syria by Russia and its allies.


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That IS a very good example of free speech, the likes of which are promoted by the “democratic opposition” that controls Idlib.

Pave Way IV

To a homicidal Chechen, swinging a blade is a legitimate, deeply-ingrained cultural form of self-expression. The French teacher’s hate crime was to intentionally and shamefully using his neck to interfere with the natural path of the Chechen’s blade. What about the Chechen’s rights here? How sad that the French have resorted to outright repression of their degranged immigrants like this. I think the French should just leave – the immigrants don’t deserve this kind of racist treatment!


For a vulnerable person, victim of white male privilege cultural colonialism, a sword is a legitimate self defence against the systemic racism. The teacher deliberately used his biased disparity in oportunity to threaten a poor refugee chance for integration and endangered the EU’s multicultural enrichment aspiration. Our fact-check conclusion: The far-right teacher is the agressor here. The refugee just tackled racism and bias and is a hero of France. Fixed for you.

Tom Tom

“Far right,” haha.


Far alt right ctrl

Fog of War

You cant be serious ? Can you ?


Dead serious. I’m too young to die!

Pave Way IV

But the Chechen culture’s contribution to France is vastly outweighed by his membership in a newly-created welfare bourgeois class. You know what follows next, right? Power and control over the working class for the benefit of that same welfare bourgeois (WeBos). Exploitation of the workers and theft of their labor value for the WeBo’s benefit.

Why should the workers, once again, be expected to organize into a unified mass movement – a proletarian jihad – to remove the parasites they are enabling today? Why shouldn’t the workers just hire a reliable and trustworthy vanguard now to remove said parasites. Who are you going to hire in France that’s tough and intimidating enough? Didn’t they get rid of the French Foreign Legion? To bad – they used to be pretty bad-ass.

The proletariat may have to hire foreign help for a vanguard. Someone like Wagner Group or those mean-assed Yakuza guys. Didn’t that Blackwater guy create a private army in the UAE? Ah, forget them – the Houthis kicked their ass out of Yemen and they don’t even wear shoes. Too bad the Houthis weren’t available. Maybe a bunch of big Chechens with crowbars and iron pipes. No, wait… they won’t work.

French workers, you are doomed. We will support you (on social media) to the end! You will be remembered. Slava, Frenchie!



Vox Populi

From a secular person, it simply does not make sense to alienate volatile Muslims with needless provocations. It is interesting that the French and EU schools don’t show pictures of Muslims being repressed in Palestine, Kashmir etc. Why insult their prophet for no other reason than spite. We have seen repeated violent reaction by lone wolves to such outright and counter-productive provocations. It would be better to integrate the small minority of radicals than pour fuel on the fire.


Interesting how you made a comment to emphasize the ‘provocation’.

Either you continued my joke to point at brainless muslims or you are one of them.

The teacher did that to show how for some muslims, a homicide commited by one of them will never worth debating as much as an insult made by a non-muslim.


Taking precautions against creating false idols, the reason why Muhammad is not supposed to be depicted, is “backwards”? Killing people for dumb reasons is “backwards”? Because France’s current following of corrupt elites and fighting for their rich-get-richer wars does not sound very “civilised”… French diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville said the exact same thing almost 200 years ago, remember?

“The means which the associations of Europe employ… to act, and not to debate, to fight rather than to persuade, they are naturally led to adopt a form of organization which differs from the ordinary customs of civil bodies, and which assumes the habits and the maxims of military life. They centralize the direction of their resources as much as possible, and they intrust the power of the whole party to a very small number of leaders.” ~ “Democracy in America,” Alexis de Tocqueville, 1831


The subject here is that an islamist behead a citizen of a country that gave him asylum, that’s it. The rest is ISIS propaganda. All islamists should be deported and droned.


That’s some real, Wahhabi-level analysis. Could you dig a little deeper? Like how the French military-industrial complex helped create Wahhbist/Takfiri terrorism in the first place? Like by blowing up Libya…?


Let’s dig for dinosaurs and forget about the islamist terrorism.


Let’s not repeat the same smooth-brained thinking which spawned “islamist terrorism.”


If it is’t islamist terrorism, what is it? Islamist peace?


The smooth-brained thinking I was referring to was how focusing only on Wahhabist/Takfiri Islam means the banker gangsters can keep causing more terrorism.


Why the other religions do not behead civilians in the name of of their god, and why islamists always try to justify their crimes by blaming anyonelse?


The plutocrat religion that much of France follows does not behead many civilians in the name of its money gods; it just blows up civilians, shoots them, starves them, and so on.

Fact is: Islamist terrorism is exactly like corporate and imperial terrorism in that the fault is not solely with the ignorant foot soldiers at the bottom.


Western media carricatures and insults Jesus Christ on daily basis and did so for centuries. Did u ever see insensed Christians screaming Jesus is Lord and beheading people in the streets? Muslims in the West should accept freedom of expression and freedom of religion or return to pakistan, chechnya or wherever they came from before people in Europe raise up and take the law into their hands.


“Christians… beheading people in the streets”? Not so much. But shooting people, enslaving them, blowing them up, etc.? Yeah, all too often. Christians or people calling themselves “Christians” are major enforcers of the banker gangsters’ rich-get-richer wars, and similar to the Al-CIA-da spin-offs who get mostly Muslims killed and steal from them, the banksters’ Christians hypocritically kill many other Christians, too. Just ask all the Christians in Nagasaki…

“Even after a slow revival of Christianity after WWII, membership in Japanese Christian churches still represents a tiny fraction of 1 percent of the general population, and the average attendance at Christian worship services across the nation is reported to be only 30 per Sunday. The decimation of Nagasaki crippled what at one time was a vibrant church.” ~ “Christianity and the Nagasaki Bomb,” Gary G. Kohls


People who call themselves ‘Christians’ can do evil things but do that inspite of the teachings and commandments of Christ because Jesus never commanded them to do such evil in His name… Jesus in fact commanded His followers to pray for their enemies and even love their enemies and turn the other cheek! The same cannot be said about muslim radicals that are murdering and beheading people everywhere because these muslims themselves quote from their scriptures and justify their evil deeds from their scriptures and scream “allahu akbar’ or allah is great before they blow up ‘infidels’ into peaces!

Below a CCTV footage shows a Sri Lanka suicide bomber jihadist entering a church, blowing up hundreds of innocent worshippers on Easter day last year…In his mind, this homicidal terrorist was sure he will go to the Islamic paradise immediately after he dies and that he would immediatley claim his 72 virgins! Watch:



“Whoever kills an innocent… it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” ~ Qur’an, 5 v.32

“Allah forbids you not ­ with regard to those who fight you not for your faith nor drive you out of your homes – from dealing kindly and justly with them for Allah loves those who are just. Allah only forbids you – with regard to those who fight you for your faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support others in driving you out – from turning to them for friendship and protection.” ~ Qur’an 60 v.8-9

So no, CB, Wahhabists, Al-CIA-da affiliates, and other bankster pawns calling themselves Muslims are acting in spite of scripture, too.

If that were false, why do “The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World” exist? Why was Maaloula, that ancient Christian town in Syria, sitting in the middle of a predominantly Muslim country for centuries? Why was the only thing stopping Christians in East Aleppo from having Christmas celebrations the occupation of the “moderate” extremists?

In fact, the predominantly Sunni Muslim, Syrian Army, led by a democratically elected, Shiite Muslim president kicked the terrorists out of Maaloula and Aleppo without harassing the Christians there.

Icarus Tanović

This is so true. Great comment, man.


Good points you made, bro! I was getting at the Wahabis who actaually kill more muslims than anyone else! Shiites, such as the Syrian government people, Hezbollah, Iraqi Shiites and the great Iranian people are all muslims and they never do terrorism like blowing themselves up in a church, or beheading pple etc…They actually fight the Wahabi terrorists!


Ahh, I see. Admittedly, Shiite Muslims are more geopolitically active in challenging the banker gangsters and similar corruption than Sunni Muslims, especially considering the Wahhabis and Takfiris, as you said, but again, CB, Syria is mostly Sunni. Yes, some did sell out, but many did not, hence why not even the American election monitors could provide evidence that Assad winning the Sunni vote was illegitimate.


Good point! Respect to Syrian Sunnis who stood by the side of the government over the terrorists and their Western/Israeli allies! I hope and pray it stays that way and Syria is eventually completely liberated from the terrorists and their allies! Great respect also for the great Iranian nation and Hezbollah and the Iraqi Shiite Resistance and the other Muslim sunnis that oppose the Takfiris like the Sufis and others! I keep praying for The Resistance daily to be victorious over the Evil Empire led by the satanic US and its allies! Have a great day, bro!


Same to you, sir. Good luck and Godspeed! ^_^

Joao Alfaiate

Some religions are more equal than others in France:



“The means which the associations of Europe employ… to act, and not to debate, to fight rather than to persuade, they are naturally led to adopt a form of organization which differs from the ordinary customs of civil bodies, and which assumes the habits and the maxims of military life. They centralize the direction of their resources as much as possible, and they intrust the power of the whole party to a very small number of leaders.” ~ “Democracy in America,” Alexis de Tocqueville, 1831

Basically, the same corrupt, warmongering oligarchies that De Tocqueville warned us about are still running France, among other places.

Great Khan

Great Khan like truth!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??



Don’t forget like other Western countries, the French spend billions in supporting these terroristic Wahhabi head-choppers in places like Libya, Yemen and Syria! In a sound world, the French should have been sending these terrorists and their families back to whereever they came from so they could brutalize one another there like they did for centuries!


The billionaires greed bring all that human garbage in Western countries to lower the wages, the same reason for they produce goods in China.

Vox Populi

Don’t bother to mention French colonialism, racism and brutality throughout Africa, Indochina and Middle East. Just last month Macron was openly interfering in Lebanon. The neo-colonialism will obviously have repercussions. Russia also killed thousands of Chechen and Dagistanis along with other Muslim minorities and now with Turkey ascendant in the region, Russia faces a serious challenge which is it not geared up to face in view of changing demographics. This radicalized young man was a Chechen and that gives a glimpse of Muslim alienation in France, which has over 10 million Muslims now even by objective PEW center demographics.


The only mistake that the clueless French state did was to import millions of Wahhabi muslims into their country. Muslims have been behaving this way for centuries beheading and stonning each other and anyone who is different from them. The whole middle east, asia minor and north africa was Christian before Islam came to the scene on the seventh century and rest is history and if Europe does not wake up and smell the coffee now the same fate awaits them a few decades along the road!

Icarus Tanović

Yes, they have imported Wahhabis, and as we can see supporting them on theirs rampage. Anyways Indochina wasn’t christian at all.




Chechen Lives Matter!

Icarus Tanović

Absolutely and indeed my friend.

Vox Populi

The conflict in the Caucasus is having a profound impact on Russian Muslim population as this 18 year old Sunni beheader was born in Moscow. It also shows the growing radicalization and Wahhabist extremism that Turkey along with Saudis and Pakistan is export to regions outside of the Arab world, which were previously immune to such violence.


Not only Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Arab world supports this Wahhabi extremism the West, inluding the French spend billions in supporting such violent Islamist jihadists and they did in places like Afghanistan, Chechnya, Libya, Yemen, Kosovo, Bosnia and now Syria! Hundreds of Serbian Orthodox Churches and monasteries were destroyed and desecrated by the U$?Nato-backed KLA jihadists in Kosovo alone. See it below:



Sad… shame on you Europe. Today they do this in Kosovo/Serbia, tomorrow they’ll do this in Notre Dame.


Well-said, like all other Western countries, France spends billions in supporting these same Wahhabi head-chopers in places like Libya, Chechnya and Syria! I won’t shed tears for them!


This is the Naiveness of Western culture.

On one hand, West has the naive view of the open society. They want to take in the refugees and the people they want to save.

One the other hand, West does not want to understand the cultures of other people and other countries.

With the above two combined, West just took in their own enemies. Then they have the enemies from inside. This is complete foolishness.


“Took in their own enemies”? Much of the West (and East) is controlled by its own enemies, and I don’t mean Al-CIA-da…

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson — and I am not wholly excepting the Administration of W.W. (Woodrow Wilson).” ~ President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933

Fog of War

You mean these folks ?



Kind of, FoW. Please remember that in spite of any narratives Zionists or bankster ideologues, in general, level against White people or White people who reject the banksters like many Americans and Germans once did, or many Russians are doing now, White people still compose the banksters’ most valuable enforcers.

The rise of modern, private central banks began in Europe, right? And while its corrupt oligarchy policies spread to places other than Europe, what would happen to establishing those policies, namely the rich-get-richer wars, without White people?

Fog of War

” White people still compose the banksters’ most valuable enforcers. ”

Useful idiots who, the creator willing, will be dealt with harshly.


Is there a better word than “harshly”? Why not “appropriately”? The last thing we the people need is to look, think, or act as harshly as the banksters. This not only meshes with the Christian and objectively moral principles the banksters reject, but also with Sun Tzu’s teaching that “supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

Fog of War

The naiveness of Western culture ? I think you need to readjust your premise. Let me help.


Ivan Freely

Gen. Clark’s (Ret.) father’s family is Jewish but don’t you lose that connection once you marry a non-Jewish woman? AFAIK, Clark is still Baptist.

Fog of War

Maybe, the ” true ” lineage is through the mother, however, where do Clark’s loyalties lie ? Does he have any attachment to his Father’s religion ? Is he a Zionist at heart as the Jews have many ” useful idiots “. Additionally, history has many instances of crypto-Jews. Always judge someone by their deeds, and in Clark’s case, his words.

Ivan Freely

Well, Clark did warn us of the 7 countries in 5 years plan. IMO, he’s more of a useful idiot than a Zionist.

Fog of War

Look up ” predictive programming ” its done all the time. There are many theories as to why ?

Ivan Freely

It’s all pseudo science to me. IMHO, it’s either about clearing his conscience for his past behavior or he’s trying to cover his ass for possible future indictments (i.e. ICC).

Fog of War

Pseudo science with numerous examples to back it up ?

Ivan Freely

Such as?

Fog of War

The internet is your friend.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??


Servet Köseoğlu

Freedom of speech..never heard of it..Looks like France is already transformed into Uganda… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cb04a90b42e458bd17f1bd085b62c73e448c10a555b073839e8a0fb36c0a6f5c.png

Vox Populi

France today, along with UK is a total police state.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

Silivri is cold in Winter

Black Waters

I can’t even comment in SF apparently, censorship has come here too it seems.


You just made 6 comments in a row Dark Waters. Sometimes there are issues with Discus, maintenance mode or a server hiccup ?

Black Waters

i’ll be aware of it, but i dont say this without a reason, i remember when the U.S bombed the SAA instead of their proxies ( idon’t remember exactly, i think i was a highway or something like that) , everybody was speaking about it, and i made a comment about how the U.S government had a hand inside every mayor company and how they send extremists to Europe to train them and give the asylum and that europeans where (still are) a bunch of cucks that allowed the U.S to do such things, and that comment was deleted 4 FUCKING TIMES!!!, i don’t forget. Never.


Sometimes Disqus auto-flags some comments as ‘spam’ for whatever reason. But then Disqus at least allow moderation per site, while Youtube, Facebook, Twitter are all heavily censored these days, they censor and ban you instantly.

Black Waters

Jesus christ, i dont know if it’s SF or the mediator: Discus. But i can’t comment, they are deleting my comment. Well either way, the U.S needs a revolution, and Europe needs to grow up some balls, traitors in power are cultivating extremists inside the EU to send them to foreign countries as cattle for war.

Black Waters

Specifically NAZITO, building up manpower (formed by extremists) inside the EU, ordered by the U.S big brother.

Black Waters

Also: FUCK you DISCUS.

Indian Army & Israel

India is well tackling Radical islamic terrorism and chinese communism at d same time…

Vox Populi

India is promoting Hindu extremism which has already killed one of its PM Rajiv Gandhi at the hands of Tamil suicide bombers. India’s unrealistic obsession with China is quite amusing.

Indian Army & Israel

Rajiv gandhi and his party banned RSS several times which is infamous for hindu extremism..moreover his assasination happened due to strategic blunders he committed in tamil matter and it has nothing to do with Hindu nationalism


Hindu majority in India have the right to protect what is theirs from those who wish their subjugation. Hindus in India have sufferen the biggest holocaust in human history under Islam. See it below:


Great Khan

You stupid Hindu change name from Paul…hahahhaa


Hindus are peacefull people, they kill and violate no body. Muslim extremists like the pakis are violent and inhuman indeed. Just a few days ago, a sickly Hindu kid was beaten to death in the street by a muslim mob for befriending a muslim girl. See it below:


Great Khan

Chinese very STRONK, Indian very weak look like mamtu hahahhahaha


Indian Army & Israel

Remember 1971…wen we *ucked Pakistan and created pakistan and took a record 93,000 prisoners


Why did you allow the division of India on 1947? Was Gandhi a liberal traitior?


China is not threat to India, that is the US/Nato “deep state” propaganda, don’t believe it! However, radical islamism is a huge threat to India!

Indian Army & Israel

Absolutely mate…radical islamism is a threat to d world..but yes India is bearing most of d brunt of it…we have a strong right wing anti sunni sslamic govt at d centre and dey hav solidified their position to rule for a long period….. Rajiv gandhi and d whole congress party is pseudo liberal and made strategic blunders..but yeah it was good to divide pakistan bcos we didnt wanted so many zombies living between us..but d problem was dat dey allowed many muslims to saty back here and now dey breed like pigs and dey r 200 million strong here ….now we r pushing dem back ideologically so dat dey give it up and become saner in dis modern world …. We r correcting all d previous wrongs done by pseudo liberal morons….

Great Khan

Discus?????????? Great Khan say please explain???????????????


Paki wahhabists are indeed a danger to everybody!

Indian Army & Israel

We have prepared a long plan for d pakis…to divide d country..take dem by bits and pieces….and bring dem out of islam by fighting an ideological battle and neutralising d radicals…now it doesnt matter wat dey choose to be….Atheist,Christian or buddhists anything dey like till d point dey become headchoppers….dey must not remain insane





Black Waters

DISCUS= Pi3Ce of Shit.

Black Waters

Remember that Discus is a company operating inside the U.S, be aware of IT.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.


France – the toilet of Europe.

Icarus Tanović

Israel – toilet of middle east.


Icarus – the toilet of Serbia (P.S, nothing against Serbs they are great, only you).

Icarus Tanović

I’m not sure if you have find right person to reply. Serbia? Not sure what are you mumbling about. Iron zion- the toilet of Lebanon.


Let me correct myself then, Icarus – the bitch of the Balkans.


Rusty_Iron The wanabe warrior in Palestine. :)


I wanna be alot of things, but that is something I already am. And what is Palestine? is it a state I don’t know?

Icarus Tanović

It is a state, you know? What is Israel then? Occupied colonial dump hole.


Israel is a state according to the UN, Palestine is not even recognized as a state. Failed much?

Icarus Tanović

Palestine is also recognized by UN, you idiot.


So how come I don’t see a state like that? funny. Their currency – Israeli shekel. Their electricity and water? from Israel. Their work? over 70% in Israel. Such a great state Palestine is, don’t you want to live there?

Icarus Tanović

Palestine is recognized, so bark other stuff. Because you are a colony.


You’re such a drama queen.

Icarus Tanović

Palestine is recognized, and you are Lebanese glory hole.


I can hear the crying till here man.

Icarus Tanović

I can hear only your bitching. I got IDF chicks down on the sea side like a free cheese.


No you don’t, IDF girls don’t spit towards you.

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes, they do. They very do.They like guys like me. Do you want names?


Names mean nothing, and our girls are too hot to look at shits like you.

Icarus Tanović

Yes they are very hot and horny. Tight ones. The best in m.e.


You wish you had one.

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes, I have had. Nice, sweetie.


Take a look and be jealous, what you can never have. https://www.instagram.com/girlsdefense/

Icarus Tanović

I have had, can’t you get it? Sweet ones. Do you want the names? They all are from IDF, and proudly says so.

Icarus Tanović

What is it honeybee? Where is that courage? Calm down.

Fog of War

Show us the Israehelli constitution.

Peter Jennings

All forced on them by……the isreali apartheid regime who take their property and sell it back to them. Soros used to do the same when he worked for nazis.

Rafik Chauhan

What happen to your mama boy tey are still sleeping in lapse . By the way i heard that your coward IDF fought with each other and got admitted in hospital bcuz of one women.. are they treating themselve in hospital to check the rod is still alive.


Just a minor incident over ego, it can happen and only 2 needed treatment. All good buddy.


Palestine is a member of the UN, Doofus https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e20dd03b277db072a8705447696e580fb0c3c1bb1e9b2fc8dbd65b01c7793b0e.jpg

Icarus Tanović

That’s right my man, tell the moron to educate him self.


Sorry, I don’t know this flag.

Icarus Tanović

How does Israeli looks like anyways?

Peter Jennings

Who do nothing to help the Palestinian cause apart from persuading Palestinians to turn the other check……so an isreali regime robot can take a good swing.

Great Khan

Little Jew boy, big mouth, want to become soldier hahahhahahaa

Icarus Tanović

Balkans? Far away from my place. Tell us, how is it to be Lebanese whore?


You know what’s funny? you’re even scared to tell your real place.

Icarus Tanović

Scared, no you are shit scared to face me, fist fight.


Anytime just come here, and tell us all your real place.

Icarus Tanović

Only when you tell us your real name. And pick up some neutral ground.


What is neutral for you? do you even live in Europe?

Icarus Tanović

Tell us your real name, so we can talk. Neutral? You name it, everyone but Israel.


Ofcourse I won’t tell you my real name, don’t be stupid. You’re more than welcomed to join Hamas or Hezbollah in the next operation and try to kill Israelis you brave hero, goodluck I’ll be there.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t be scared, I invite you to just a fight.


What’s in it for me? if i’m going to fight someone, it needs to be worthy. Fighting a scum who wants to kill Israelis? more than a worthy for me, but you have to come to my land.

Icarus Tanović

I don’t want Israelis, I just want you.


So come for me, bitch.

Icarus Tanović

Anytime, when you choose neutral ground, and gell us your real name.

Indian Army & Israel

France is d country who r taking on radical islamic terrorism headon out of all european countries


They are also the country with the highest Muslim immigrants.

Indian Army & Israel

Now dey r realising wat happens wen u rear Zombies in ur backyard…bloody evil snakes dese sunni mussies are


Yup, Namaste.

Indian Army & Israel


Traiano Welcome

Iron_Zion – The Toilet.

Icarus Tanović

Something is not okay here. Well, why didn’t they used teaser and unarmed him, and after all interrogate that as clear as a clear day not Islamist radical, but sure as it gets, a Wahhabi. Zionists gave him order, so they cover the whole thing up. Not for so long, you evil butcher, Macron. Le Pen will prevail.


Well, Le Pen has her problems actually addressing the root of banker gangster policies, too.

“[Le Pen] doesn’t seem to understand that France or any country in Europe wouldn’t have a major refugee crisis if much of the West stopped destroying Middle East countries long ago. In that sense, le Pen and others are playing into the hands of their oppressors. What she needs to do is, as Menuhin would have put it, ‘tell the truth and shame the devil.’” ~ “Three Perennial Lies in the World,” Jonas E. Alexis

Lazy Gamer

I say double down on this. Plaster the whole thing on billboards. If people cant respect the opinion of others then they have no business in France. Or has the light of liberty there already fallen?


To be fair, isn’t it France’s policy to not respect the opinions of countries who disagree with the banker gangsters, not respect the opinions of Yellow Vest protesters who disagree with the banker gangsters, etc.?

Tom Tom

The secular-humanist atheist gets beheaded and the jihadi gets shot. A win-win!


The good christian had spoken


I don’t know but if a person is decapitated shouldn’t be a lot of blood all around the body?

Pave Way IV

I didn’t want press the issue, the poor guy is dead. But doesn’t he still have his head? It kind of looks like but I really can’t tell from the picture.

John Wallace

Correct . His head does appear to be still attached and no blood. Looks like someone lying in the street. Perhaps it is the terrorist and not the victim who was shot .

Alex Cabrera



France should start expelling muslims

Pave Way IV

France would be much better served by expelling its politicians. You would be amazed how eager immigrants are to integrate (or leave, as the case may be) when the little people of the host country well-armed and have not ceded their right of self-defense to a politicized police force. And such insane measures are rarely needed when the host city/neighborhood/building/people determine how many immigrants they can reasonably take in and assimilate – if any. If the local, native residents are already burdened with broken public services, then they shouldn’t allow immigrant settlement.

It’s a moral abomination to attempt to right the world’s problems by relocating foreigners into communities where the people are bound to resent them and where any significant portion of the immigrants have little chance of succeeding. Feel-good federal immigration policies are little more than state-sponsored human trafficking.

MeMad Max

Hows that multiculturalism workin out for ya?

I know at least one person that says its NOT…


Porc Halal

“Prosecutors said they were treating the incident as “a murder linked to a terrorist organization” and related to a “criminal association with terrorists.”…since the muslim ape shouted “allahu (sn)ackbar” the only logical and simple answer to “who this terrorist organization might be?” will be : islam as a criminal organization and momo followers as terrorists…

Samuel Vanguard

well this is just but the beginning of the war against Muslims,this is to paint Muslims as radicals who want to murder french people,this will result in demonisation of Arabs and other people of color in France who adhere to Muslim doctrines,thus majority of westerners will perceive muslims as rabid blood loving killers.PROBLEM=REACTION=SOLUTION that has always worked for the rulers of this world to divide and conquer the people.

Potato Man

“this is to paint Muslims as radicals who want to murder french people” You sure don’t know much about Muslims and EU bud, there are three main groups in Islam, (Sunnis, Shia & Wahhabi). Wahhabi = Far right Sunnis (If you didn’t know Iran didn’t had much of problems with Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Daesh) they are Shia muslims. But the irony is “western” countries should like Iran and Shia more…right…NO. You suck Wahhabis Sunnis and obey them…your leaders follow money before they even think of their people. Thanks to oil power and money of Wahhabi. You are a fuking capitalist Money > people

“PROBLEM=REACTION=SOLUTION that has always worked for the rulers of this world to divide and conquer the people.” Yes, that is what Zion were doing in EU and ME. ME countries enjoy peace for fuking years before with real jews before Western and Western Zion came in ME. Moronic of you to speak like that, no you just want to blame others.

BTW how give a fuk huh? You forgot about 9-11 buddy 15/19 were Wahhabi from KSA…you leaders band over and got fuked by Wahhbi sunnis. Good fuking luck, money is the only thing west follow.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Another occasion where the police fail to disarm and arrest to prosecute but simply execute a kill of the alleged perpetrator of an alleged incident.

Still I’m sure the French govt and presidency will be more than happy with a high-profile media diversion from other matters that are simply failing.

Luke Hemmming

Was he an ex-ISIS recruit that snuck into Europe through the network of people that smuggle in radicalized ISIS members shipped out of Syria and other hot spots on behalf of their intelligence handlers. Then they are told to commit crimes in these countries to garner hatred against ALL muslims (because most Westerners are too dumb to distinguish the difference between the Muslim collective, ie Shia, Sunni, Salafist, Whabbism etc) and to persuade the voting public and dumbed down public servants to push the government to create more legislation in parliment that takes away more rights and freedoms from it’s citizens all in the name of “protecting us from terrorists”.

Peter Jennings

One problem with this image…..no blood. Ask a suadi or any terrorist, if you’re confused.

Potato Man

EU and NATO can’t hide their love for Wahhabism, you get what you fuking deserve.

James Adams

Islam is a cancer to the world !!!

Traiano Welcome

The lesson here, children, is that there’s no free speech without a head on your shoulders.

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