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MARCH 2025

French Anti-Aircraft Missiles Spotted In Ukraine For The First Time (Photos)

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French Anti-Aircraft Missiles Spotted In Ukraine For The First Time (Photos)

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The French-made Mistral man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs) has been spotted with Kiev forces for the first time ever.

On May 4, Ukrainian sources shared photos showing a Mistral MANPADs mounted in the trunk of a Fiat Fullback pickup truck of Kiev forces in an unspecified part of Ukraine.

French Anti-Aircraft Missiles Spotted In Ukraine For The First Time (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

The Mistral, which is manufactured by MBDA, has a maximum intercept range of 6-7,5 kilometers. The infrared-guided missile is armed with a 2.95 kg warhead with both laser proximity and impact fuzes. According to MBDA, the missile’s seeker provides resistance to infrared countermeasures and the ability to engage low infrared signature targets.

The MANPADs was designed to engage all types of targets, including drones , high speed and highly maneuvering fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

In April, Norway announced that it will deliver 100 Mistral anti-aircraft missiles, and multiple launchers to Ukraine. Prior to that, Kiev forces received shipments of the MANPADs directly from France, according to several reports.

Western states have reportedly supplied Kiev forces with more than 25,000 anti-aircraft weapons over the last few months. The supply of these weapon began weeks before the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

MANPADs like the Mistral pose a real threat to drones and helicopters. However, they are way less effective against fighter jets.

The West’s military support for Kiev has failed to turn the tides of the war in Ukraine, so far. The Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic are still advancing in the Donbass region.


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MANPADs are effective against choppers and aircraft like SU-25 with significant heat signature, they won’t help Ukraine troops as much.

Richard Hoard



Nah. It’s Happy Times. Z – V – O are now there to deNazifiy Ukrops.

Last edited 2 years ago by GhibliWinds

Putin will live to regret his decision not to close the borders and airspace of Jewkraine….the Russian military will pay the price. Too many wrong military decisions by Russia. When you are dealings with the EVIL EMPIRE head and highest terrorist threat to the world, US, you can’t leave nothing to chance. Maybe the Taliban can instruct Russia military in Jewkraine.


Yet again you failed fundamentals of reasoning,besides Putin is way too clever for you! 66 ruble per dolla,thats just a fraction of the greater overall picture,mr faast shoddy talent! Do you know some of the ukranian barrages are amongst the most difficult to overcome in the history of wars? Or did your dumbassed homosexualised gayto mates told it all! Let me school you more,seens your drug dependant attitudes needs awakening for sure.



Last edited 2 years ago by CHICKEN HAWK VICTORY IN IRAQ.

Geez, my dog is smarter than you and the current leadership in Russia.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Look here a T90M barbecue 🤣


Holms Jen

This is very unlikely a T90M, the tank has burnt out slat armor[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slat_armor] over the full turret length, at least on this image. In reality, T90M has slat armor only on the back 1/4th of the turret, and pure ERA block over the rest of the turret. [https://www.armyrecognition.com/russia_russian_army_tank_heavy_armoured_vehicles_u/t-90m_model_2017_mbt_main_battle_tank_technical_data_sheet.html] Also the front of the hull appears shorter, and has no ERA holders, which all M variants have. More images are required to confirm the type.

Last edited 2 years ago by Holms Jen

And here is a barbecue from t-64: https://t.me/anna_news/30824


I agree, the Russians handle this invasion with kids gloves. They had Kiev surrounded, only to withdraw…


They surrounded Kiev to force part of AFU stay close while the Russian Army occupied East-Ukraine and the area between Crimea and Azovean Sea.


Don’t even bother. If that guy doesn’t understand by now he never will.


Take the L. It’s over, Ukraine will be untied again.


Wouldn’t you think it would have been safer just to keep them on the border just to antagonize Ukraine? They invaded because they thought they would be able to occupy Kiev, they stalled and pulled backed. Now they have Ukraine armed to the teeth heading for the eastern Ukraine

Michigan Man

That’s the exact situation, and therefore Russia has just two option left, eighter to withdraw or to go all in which means .. nah you may ask Mr. Irlmaier what that means. Anyway WW3 is already looming, escalating it, is therefore anyway merely a matter of time, because on both sides the rulers are satanic psychopathic jews hellbend on pushing the whole world into armageddon, so…

The maharaja

yes they continue to handicap themselves! It is an odd thing to see for sure.

Holms Jen

Putin will live to regret the decision of attacking Ukraine in the first place. Not to mention his delusional disorder called: this is just an operation. It is a full scale war. Russian forces are outnumbered and outgunned in all battles. There is no close air support, and people operating air defense systems are sleeping on the radars. This is why so many tanks, vehicles and navy was destroyed using MANPADs and DIY turkish drones. This was was lost from the start, not to mention that Putin really believed that Russian forces can just parade in and that Ukraine military will stand with them against govt…

Michigan Man

Dont worry. It is all a constructed war. No man with a functioning brain would have attacked a foreign country like Ukraine after 8 years of being bombed. No. Logic demanded to eighter immediately in 2014 and after Maidan to intervene and roll back the US take-over of Ukraine, or give up, run and let things happen. But now ? After 8 years ? No. That’s less than reasonable. So it is clear. Putin acted on orders of the jews.It is their war, they pressed for it. They were in an emergency situation. Their mRNA-world-wide-genocide program was going to blow up directly into their face, so they ordered their poodle Putin to start a stupid war right now, and immediately. And he did. So in fact he already won, as his only duty was to start that war in order to deflect world-attention away from the global genocide perpetrators, resp. that jewish initiated covid mRNA massacre commited against whole mankind by the dispictable hook-nosed smelly little parasitic worms, called Jews.

Russia, EU, USA and China are all controlled by the jewish world bankers and aligned satanist sects and organisations like the Rockefeler Foundation, Bill Gates, Bnai Brith, AIPAC, UN, WEF, WTO, WHO, CFR, Blackrock, Vanguard, Chabad Lubawitch etc.

They are kicking loose World War 3 now intentionally, to get their Great Reset and behind it their JWO/NWO going and completely installed.

Within the next 6 months (likely even less) the war will spillover to all of Europe, and also in Middle-East more wars will occur. WW3 goes now into its ‘hot-phase’. Btw. real war is between Good vs. Evil resp. god-fearing humans vs. godless demons resp. jews and collaborateurs. But that real war will start beginning the very moment mankind wake’s up to it s real enemy, which is THE JEWS. Then god-fearing christians will fight side by side with god-fearing muslims (mujahedeen) against the jewish worldpest, which is the arc-enemy of god and mankind in a whole.

That will be the true holy war – and it is for the survival of the human race. Eighter god and the children of god (christians & muslims and maybe some buddists) win or Shaitan/Satan and the children of the devil, resp. jews and atheists will win. If SATAN WINS THEN THE HUMAN RACE WILL CEASE TO EXIST AND BE VASTLY ANNIHILATED WITH THE REST BEING TRANSFORMED into transhumanoid slaves, genetically down-graded and degenerated, and damned to be extinguished.

If God wins Earth will become a Paradise, with freedom, wisdom and prosperity and health rising everywhere, and happiness for all people on earth for at least 1000 years. It will be the golden age, but sadly just for 1000 years, then the devil will rise again but.. that is long time so… let’s do everything to make God and his children win the real war which is to come likely sooner than later.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

The Chinese and Russian friendship is stronger than diamond and sweeter than the expectation of the NATO member states because a friend in need is a friend indeed. Of course, China will supply all necessary military hardware to Russia.


The cowardly opportunist China isn’t anybody’s friend. They can’t even stand up for themselves.

Michigan Man

Absolutely true ! China is a Rockefeller asset (Rockefeller Foundation), Mao Tse Tung was one of their agents. He was clandistinely educated and supported by Yale University (later establish Yale-China) already before his rise. And also China has a Rothschild central bank. That’s a bit too much of a coincidence, but the Putin fanboys here don t think about that. Because they are so ideologically blinded, that Putin could shit directly into their faces, and they would still applaud him, and demand more scat to come. It’s a mad world we live in.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

China won’t do shit. How can you all forgot about Tianjin incident which happened right after Xi announced that China will move to gold backed Yuan. And China haven’t talked about the move since. Also how China’s plan of unification with Taiwan goes? China won’t do shit because they don’t have to balls to do anything. As long as they can avoid costly war and raking in the dough, they don’t care evil triumph or the whole world is on fire.


You don’t just drink the Kool-Aid, you must have an IV drip hooked up. When the US/NATO bring a proxy war to China’s doorstep they flood the conflict with millions of Chinese troops and logistics staff to kill Americans and imperialists, not many others can say the same of themselves. China prefers a diplomatic solution to Taiwan as Russia hoped for one to Donbas, the difference being that the Fourth Reich started bombing and committing genocide on the civilians of Donbas. Combat and war are terrible things, not that you would understand that, and civilized nations only carry through with them when real red lines are crossed. It’s okay if you don’t understand that, you probably have imperialism, colonialism, and genocide hard-coded into your DNA. If the US keeps meddling in Taiwan it’s quite probable conflict will break out, but to blame it on China would be the same as blaming Russia for Donbas. You need to listen to some of the more intelligent stooges they bring on the corporate rags, China is number one threat to US/EU. US trade deficit jumped 22% in March, Asia is giggling. Putin had two questions when he visited Xi before the operation – can you buy everything they ban and can you supply everything they sanction. The answer was yes with a firm handshake and China continued to play the part she has always played to those that have come under the sanction schemes of the West.

Muhammad your Prophet

And you can’t forget either that those MANPADs just made the shitty Russian tanks completely obsolete. Putin the moronic cockroach would’ve known that if he had paid attention when Erdogan the Turkish sultan had to overhaul Turkey’s entire tank fleet. But it’s too late for that now. The shitty Russian tanks are now stuck playing hide and seek inside Ukraine.


You probably wanted to say Ukrainian tanks: https://t.me/anna_news/30824

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Look here the “Best” russian tank T90M with a new barbecue multi role 🤣



And you think he was shot down with MANPADS? Do you think he flew?

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Where did I talk about MANPADS?


Your friend spoke. What can you say about his mental state?


Actually, the best Russian tank is the Armata.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Where is it though? Best on paper does not count… Is it guarding the Kremlin?


It has not been on paper for a long time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8-Br7PtVuM

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

lol what s that Monte Carlo Rally? Tanks are made for fighting, there is fighting going on, where is it? If its only for parades its a paper tank, simple as that


Paper brains, wait for them soon: Serial deliveries of T-14 Armata main battle tanks to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will begin in 2022. This was announced to journalists at the international arms exhibition IDEX-2021 by the General Director – Chief Designer of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (UKBTM, part of the Uralvagonzavod concern (UVZ) of the Rostec State Corporation) Andrey Terlikov.


In addition, the T-90 was without the active protection complex “Arena”.

Holms Jen

Sure. So are Russian tanks. See the problem? Russians are losing their best tech pieces in a very humiliating way, like helicopters being shot down by ATGMs, and air defenses failing to intercept DIY drones from turkey. I have a few explanations as to why is Russian military so incompetent, but neither explanation is good for Russia.


A helicopter at low altitude can be shot down from an ATGM, there is nothing humiliating here.


What kind of DIY Turkish drones? There are photos of downed bayraktars.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey
Orcrainians are white ISIS

Goat fucker , MANPADS are not anti tank weapons

Muhammad your Prophet

Really? And who’s providing air support for those tanks? You fucking moron.


Ukronazi no fly zone with manpads. xD


China and Russia together have the upper hand on the whole world.

China should liberate Taiwan immediately from NAZIs and should not wait for NATO permission. This would be a new stroke to NATO member states. Very bad days for NATO.


Huh what? China has been waiting for NATO permission on reunification with Taiwan? Fucking stupid China scum. Don’t they already know that the answer will always be a big NO?




Stop yelling dumb ass. Arming and organizing a military faction takes years. The problem is now and you idiot don’t have a solution beside copying what they’ve been doing for decades.


The Achilles Heel of the Mistral is the IFF (interrogation friend or foe) System that can be fooled by EW (electronic warfare), something at which Russia excels. The USA GPS system, as an example, is blocked over Ukraine to counter any smart munitions of any type, provided by Occident to Banderistan.


How? Didn’t Russian Army cut off the supply lines?

The Manly man

Weapons on a civilian pick up truck…Have you noticed all the latest videos Ukrainians have are on civilian vehicles and even using school buses to get to the frontline. So many videos on Telegram and Twitter. One Ukrainian army battalion group even when interviewed said they walked 15 kilometres while retreating because they didn’t have armoured vehicles.


The morons in Kremlin clearly don’t have any objective in this operation. Even if they do have one, they’re just giving half-assed effort to achieve it. This will turn around and bite them in the ass. Meanwhile on RT, Putin is begging Macron stop supplying Kiev weapons. Talk about low self esteem and stupidity, Russia takes the cake.


Meanwhile……The Russians are Winning the Ukrainian War and made Occident Self-Destroy Economically. Your comment is of a High Degree of Stupidity. Macron is paying in Rubbles and actually begging for Putin to Stop. You truly surpassed the level of Shit Head and now are a Full Retard.



Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

Dear Russia, you need to send missiles into France, the UK and the US. PLUS Poland. Take out the internet and the BIG banks, PORTS airports and military bases. Do it in the daytime. They all need to go off at once.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

It needs repeating:

Orcrainians are white ISIS.

Except the Toyota Hilux are better vehicles than these fiats.


None of these NATO weapons will change the outcome of this operation. Russia is making steady gains and sustaining minimal casualties. It seems that the longer this conflict lasts, the more people are switching over to a pro-Russia stance in Ukraine. Odessa which is Russian speaking will welcome the Russians as liberators.


Merci la France, les payement will folow !!!


From working people taxation.


The UK government are putting fluoride into our water to poison us. Did we beg them to put the fluoride or or beg them to keep it out? It is our governments and those who control them and the bankster system which are DRIVING wars and it is satanists doing all of these things.

Peter The Ungrateful

Another nutjob. m(


Hint: Fluoride is hardening your teeth, just look at the ingredients list of your toothpaste. You do brush your teeth, don’t you?


LMAO, Fluoride protects your teeth. People who drank that water for their whole lives don’t get any cavities…


Hey look armed pickups now you just need to yell Bandera u akbar and shoot in the air and the different tools in the cia toolbox even look alike just like they behave alike.

But toyota seems to have missed out on the deal this time.

Peter The Ungrateful

Way to paint a target on your back, putting a camouflage net on a *white* pickup truck. What a bunch of morons. m(


Huge amount wapens found in Ukraine by the Russian



Putin says thanks for more free shit.


This particular missile collaborates halfway to the target and drops to the ground; all French weapons are rubber coated due to the number of times they are dropped during surrender.

WT Baker

I wonder how many of these weapons, if not destroyed by Russian Aerospace forces, will likely end up in hands of the same terrorists the west has been arming for decades. Afghanistan weapons given to the “Mujadaheen” ended up with “Al Queda?” Look at all the weapons given to Saddam Hussein wound up in the hands of insurgents. What about the arming of Libyan fighters then showing up at the CIA annex in Benghazi to be distributed to ISIS? The west is up to it’s old imperial tricks in Ukraine.


So the cowardly French have decided to get even more involved in the war. Why do they even bother, for they were cowards in the Second World War, and just let the Germans to whatever they pleased with them. And now, 77 years later they don’t even have one quarter of the courage of their cowardly ancestors, being totally mind controlled and beyond help.


Russia needs to provide these captured weapons to Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria so that they might use the fahclst’s own weaponry against them in those countries.


NATO keeps flooding Ukraine with MANPADS – this same exercise did not end well last time they did exact same thing against Soviets in Afghanistan in 1980’s – the CIA had to spend years and multi-millions buying them all back from Pakistani arms dealers in early-mid 1990’s.


Ru, Ukr, Us, China, Uk etc. etc. The enemy are not others. The enemy is YOUR “government’ The rest….diversion….sideshow. Dont get distracted.

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