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MARCH 2025

French Journalists Reached Mariupol To Interview Local Civilians. War Crimes By Azov Confirmed (Video)

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Brother Ma

Yet, will it be on French main legacy news? No.


Of course not, it doesn’t fit the narrative. Who wants to hear the truth, you don’t want people to change their minds about what news they’re being spoon-fed. Alternative and non-EU news outlets aren’t being censored for exactly that reason anyway

Ashok Varma

The racist Anglo-Zionist media lost the narrative when Indian and other “colored” foreign students exposed Ukrainian racism and abuse. It is hard for the west to censor the truth in non-western media as an eyewitness to Ukrainian war crimes told the Hindustan Times:

An ethnic Russian victim “Anna” (identity protected) hasn’t forgotten the atrocities she saw in her home district of Mariupol Oblast as she recalls Azov Nazi crimes against civilians, including rapes, torture, theft and wanton murder. Local authorities concede that a number of convicted hardened criminals were armed by NATO and Kiev regime, adding to the brutality and crimes.

“I can’t explain their cruelty in words, whatever comes into your mind, they have done more than that,” she told Indian media in a recent interview standing in the rubble of her house in Mariupol. She said most of their atrocities were directed at ethnic Russians who were also used as human shields and deprived of even food and water.


I would bet not, can’t let the people get full perspective, they might actually think for themselves then, and they sure as heck don’t want that.

G2 man

Aleksandr Dvornikov: New Russian general described tougher than nails to oversee anti-Nazification Drive in Ukraine

Dubbed the soldier of Russia and the victor of Aleppo and Grozny, Colonel General Dvornikov, was honoured with a Hero of Russia medal in 2016 for his distinguished and illustrious military service to the Motherland.

Affectionately called Sasha by fellow officers, at 60 he has risen to the top of the Red Army by sheer dint of courage and doggedness. The Kremlin on Monday confirmed that Colonel General Dvornikov has been appointed as the supreme commander of Russia’s forces in Ukraine. His remarkable military career dates back to officer school in the Soviet Army in 1982 and a stint as a company commander in Afghanistan and post USSR Dvornikov commanded a Russian motor rifle division that stormed Grozny, the capital of the de-facto independent southern Russian province of Chechnya, in late 1999 and early 2000.

In 2015, President Putin personally put Dvornikov at the helm of Russia’s forces in war-torn Syria.

Dvornikov saved Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s administration from crumbling and took over the battle for Aleppo, a terrorist stronghold.

He seems to have used blunt firepower tactics based on Soviet military doctrine and is known to lead from the front which is typical of most Russian officers, and is personally popular amongst enlisted men and conscripts alike.

Nothing stops him. He sticks to the old Soviet and then Russian approach – if there are forces, they have to be concentrated and used to destroy everything,” fellow general Romanenko commented after being passed over for promotion. Though resentful, even superceded rival officers respect Dvornikov’s fearless drive and tenacity. A retired Soviet general described him as “the right hammer for the job”

Dvornikov rapidly moved to his new headquarters in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, the operation Z active commend post.

Dvornikov still acquired a profound knowledge of Ukraine and was responsible for forming the Eighth Guards Combined Army, a reincarnation of the WWII famous Red Army victorious military force. The reappearance of the ubiquitous Soviet hammer and sickle on Red Army tanks and vehicles is no coincidence, the Russians soldiers seem to showing their respect to their new supreme commander.

Dvornikov is said to have masterminded the 2019 incident in the Sea of Azov, a shallow body of water northeast of annexed Crimea, when Russian ships blocked and seized three Ukrainian navy ships that tried to enter the sea. Moscow captured 24 Ukrainian sailors who were ultimately held in Russia for almost 10 months.

As a result, the European Union blacklisted Dvornikov and seven other Russian generals and officials in 2019. Dvornikov just laughed off the EU blacklist according to his friends, and used typical Russian stoic profanity to describe the cosmetic EU blacklisting.

In Syria, Dvornikov quickly established good relations with President Assad and the SAA as well as the equally tenacious Iranians and Hezbollah who are providing the bulk of the manpower in earlier days and depended on Russian airpower. In Ukraine, he is expected to use similar tactics and methodically implement long term Russian goals, firstly liberating Don Bas and consolidating Russian achievements. His first move has been to dig in and disperse forces over a large front in several pincers intended too trap the bulk of Ukrainian forces and annihilate them. Early results are promising in Mariupol as the trapped Azov Nazis are begging to be saved as the Russian noose tightens.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Aleppo and Grozny. It should be enough to understand what nightmare the azovisis mongoloids are in. Also, from his biography, he looks a lot like Soleimani, a hardened soldier and not an armchair general.

G2 man

Infact, he is a friend of General Soleimani and they worked together in the Syrian anti terrorist operations. Iran suffered a great loss that must be avenged as well.

Maria S Calef

Democracy in USA, Freedom of speech. USA has the unparallel cynical criticizes Mexico freedom of press??

Brother Ma

Pervert lying f-ing Ukrainians.

G2 man

Based on all independent and verified reports the Ukrainian Nazis have committed horrendous war crimes, rapes and cold blooded murder of Russian soldiers and ethnic Russians. President Putin’s truthful speech on February 24th has been completely vindicated. UAF and Nazis are now mutually inclusive as war criminals as both target civilians and use them as human shields.

The UAF Nazis in Don Bas are even more appalling as they committed with orders of NATO “advisers” and specifically targeted Russian civilians. These horrible crimes have galvanized Russian and global public opinion against the Kiev Jew clown puppet regime. Zelensky being a pervert himself and a known S&M gay sicko takes glee in such debased behavior. In the 20 years of NATO and EU control over Ukraine the whole corrupt fabric of a sick society gas degenerated to a sub-human level. Russia really needs to clean out the Nazi trash.

Florian Geyer

I 100% agree with you. Such mass US/UK backed barbarity has not been seen since the wanton cruelty of the Crusades.

ISIS today is nearly as barbaric, BUT they are honest about it !

G2 man

Most US sponsored terrorist groups from alCIAda to Ukrainian Nazis are sub-human savages. The CIA itself is a totally dehumanized terrorist organization.

Je me souviens

When they have western media watching their backs, why would they act otherwise?

Je me souviens

NATO has sunk to depths that have not been imagined for generations.

Michel LeBlanc

Are you as appalled as i am, at having francophone canadians blindly supporting the ukronazis?

Dont our french brothers and sisters understand that the anglos can outlaw our language and culture at the drop of a hat?

Gang de crisse de caves!!


Nobody pays a lot of attention to how the Franco-Canadien population has been manipulated over the centuries. I believe quite firmly that an attempt was made to weaponize the Quebecois, and that the October Crisis was an aspect of Gladio. I’m not a fan of top-down imposition of culture, but I admire the way unique aspects of French Canadian life evolved. But they are subject to the same psychological warfare processes as any other citizens of the US empire, and likely to have similar reactions as any other subjects of the US empire.


We are what we are and we do what we do.


In my home country the MSM was forced to redact the story where they claimed the Russians killed the women and children in the maternity ward after irrefutable evidence came to light that the Azov pigs were using the place as a base just to get media attention as soon as it got fired at.

G2 man

Even independent human rights organizations now believe that the US and UK psy-ops are making up 99% of fabricated “Russian” war crimes lies. The real war criminals and perverts the UAF Nazis and their NATO masters. In Don Bas the CIA and MI6 are directly involved in war crimes against ethnic Russians and Russian soldiers. These crimes will only stiffen Russian resolve and world revulsion at the sub-human Ukrainian criminals.

Je me souviens

No such requirements for 99% of western media.

Superpower china

Plane crashes in China 200 Chinese dead.Pilot committed suicide because his penis was small.


So, you’re going to off yourself pretty soon too? The topic of small penises is clearly of great interest to you


Mate, SF seems to attracting a lot of Seppo and Europoof trolls.

SF Resident Psychologist

It’s some sort of weird compensation for their shrinking economic clout.

Kalibr a day keeps Azov away

Seems Odessa airports/airstrips need a complete Kalibration ASAP. New Tb2 shipment from Turkey going straight to southern Ukraine. Gayraktar Tb2 ground control vehicle seen on the move in Odessa city area. This would explain why Russian Navy frigate Essen shot down 2 already near western coast of Crimea.

All airfields airstrips airbases or airports that can be identified through satellite imagining in or around Odessa oblast need complete and utter demolition. RuAF strategic bombers and Navy ships need to get to work.

Also, ELINT planes like Il-22pp or AN-12pp or even EW systems like Krasukah-4 and Avtobaza can detect signals from UAV ground control stations at long distances off coast in Black Sea. This way RuAF can annihilate the control stations to :D

More work for RuAF means more UKROP tears

Last edited 2 years ago by Kalibr a day keeps Azov away

I don’t get the Russians sometimes. Why on Earth are the Turkish government or dictatorship, whatever you want to call it, not considered as unfriendly nation by Russia if the Turkey are still sending drones to Ukrops Nazi regime?

Was all that peacemaking deals in Turkey a show by the Turks?


Past and potential weapons market. Look up Grey Wolves, Turkish backed terrorists who murdered Russians in Syria. Turkey supports other terrorists in Syria and all that is tolerated by Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Skeptik

Same reason UK goes on about freedom of speech, democracy, womens rights, and gay rights whilst selling weapons to one of the most repressive regimes on earth, the Saudis. Politics is money.

Ashok Varma

‘Just kill them’: New book reveals shocking details about CIA’s torture program

A new book has come up with shocking details of the top American spy agency’s appalling and shameful government approved torture program in the early years of the US so-called “war on terror”.

Cathy Scott Clark, a British journalist, and author, speaking at a virtual panel hosted by the New America think tank on Monday, introduced her forthcoming book ‘The Forever Prisoner’, which will hit the stands next week.

She revealed details of an undisclosed meeting of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where senior intelligence officials discussed various controversial methods to deal with individuals subjected to illegal rendition, torture, rape, sexual abuse cloaked as “enhanced interrogation techniques”.

While examining several options, including holding them in detention, transferring them to another country, and prosecuting them, one top official was cited as asking: “Why don’t we just kill them?”


99p boy talking rubbish again

The stench of immorality

Hits too close to Azov rubbish, eh?

Yep, I can smell Azov’s stench from here.

Tom Bombastadillo

“Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out.” – Yankistan military credo.

One of History's Mysteries

Strange bedfellows, to say the least.


It’s interesting, but I presume there are reasons to not entirely burn said relations – at least for now, one may be that since TY and NATO relations are still not exactly great, why push them back in that direction atm – may be the thinking at the moment. There are other considerations that range from SY to the straight (when ru decided it’s over from their pov), and other regional long-term issues that may be at play as well for reasons to not burn relations by adding them to unfriendly status yet. idk just some food for thought as annoying as said shipments may seem on the surface atm.

Hell for all we know the turks could even be quietly telling the russians hey we’re making a delivery tomorrow at such and such location… let the transfer happen and so we get paid, and then track and do whatever you want to them. I’m not saying that is happening, but would it shock anyone if it was?


Usa and eu are using shithole countries to arm and fund terrorists. Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and so on. We saw this in Syria and now in jewkraine. We all saw these fancy trucks ISIS had straight from America.


While less then ideal, airstrips may not be required to launch or recover them. A decently flat, and well paved straight section of undivided highway about ~60ft wide and otherwise unobstructed (powerlines, trees, debris etc) can work. no?

Tom Bombastadillo

I think he was referring to the desireability of disabling the Odessa airstrips before the drones get there in the first place by making it impossible to deliver them by aircraft.


Could they not just fly’em to Poland and truck or rail them in? I tend to doubt they’re flying them in directly as it is, given RU warship and radar presence in the black sea.

hunter bidé lab pork !

the Pope is an Azov pedo covid nazi

Tom Bombastadillo

And Satanist, apparently.

Von Tzu

he is not the pope, Benedict is still pope, I am not Catholic but it is pretty obvious Francis is a Globalist/Satanist stooge


“Flirting” is hardly the right word for what these guys do with girls. After all, it’s from ‘fleur’.

kogda mi byli na voinye

christelle neant from donbass insider is a brave french journalist who tell the thruth

Peter Jennings

These Ukrainian’s are killing fellow Ukrainian’s just because they speak the Russian language. Everyone in the Ukrainian forces, the DPR forces, and the LPR forces, know very well that the current situation was a US/nato instigated civil war.

The US and its nato poodles intend to defend Ukraine down to the very last Ukrainian, and occasional western idiot.


If the resurgence of Nazism is a theme that is, today, present in many articles and commentaries, it is because the same causes produce the same effects. It is no paradox that Nazism always seems to flourish in an environment where “Jews” dominate. In his time, the German Zelinsky, Adolf Hitler, was financed by “Jewish” Wall Street bankers and worked closely with the Zionists to help populate Palestine, newly acquired by the same bankers through the previous world war, that they also fomented. Since the “Jewish” coup of 2014, Ukraine has been put entirely under “Jewish” control and Nazism could thrive there completely unhindered. The apparent contradiction results only from the name “Jew”, which has been usurped and exploited in a Machiavellian way by the globalist oligarchy, composed essentially of so-called “atheist Jews”, such as Soros or Schwab. These are, in fact, fake Jews of Sabbateo-Frankist belonging, a Kabbalistic and Satanist sect, which respects neither Torah nor Talmud, seeks the destruction of all religions, including Judaism, and is at the origin of all the evils of our civilisation. They have created and fostered anti-Semitism as the ultimate protection and safe-conduct, allowing them to penetrate and take control of governments, religions and institutions. Today, “orthodox” Judaism is entirely into their hands, as is the Roman Catholic Church and Islam in its two main components, both Sunni and Shiite. Operation Covid-19 is the obvious proof of it: all governments, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, have obediently followed the same directives and criminally oppressed their populations in the same way, in order to pave the way towards the “Great Reset” willed by their Satanic masters. “Nazis have been put in power in Ukraine in 2014 By Obama and Soros:” https://larouchepub.com/pr/2017/Xproof%20Nazis%20in%20Ukraine.pdf

hans raus

said russian paid propagandist. Russian propaganda is very cheap and most of people will not believe in their shit narrative. Russian kill civilian and rape kids in bucha then they say ,,no,no,no its nazi demonic azov” Russian kill 50 people in krematorsk then they say that again its nazi demonic azov Russian destroy 80% of marioupol then they say ,,its not our job, its demonic nazi azov”

Russian propagandists create their narrative for typical crackheads.I dont think that any sober person take russian propaganda seriously ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Où sont les preuves (de journalistes indépendants on s’entend, pas des msm contrôlés) de ce que vous avancez?

James Brown

Let me guess… US MSM: The Russians bombed the last maternity hospital in…Syria, err no…Ukraine, today”.

Stop me if you’ve this one before!!!

I think we have all learnt in last decade, that NATO hybrid civil war tactic 101 is put munitions and firing points in deserted schools and hospitals – after the militants/ nationalists have looted the sites contents – and when the ow militarized sites inevitably get struck, immediately claim the sites are “atrocity/victim/civilian sites”.

NATO = the little boy who cried wolf too many times on this now transparent manipulation/PR/media stunt based tactic.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown

These bastards make my blood boil. And I am a westerner. I can only imagine how someone from the middle east must feel about these satanist bastards.

Last edited 2 years ago by rex

Asov Battalions are clearly the praetorian ideological extremists of the US controlled Ukrainian regime. Who will do any provocation their NATO handler’s request, and also come up with their own idiotic schemes, to try and create provocations, both to hurt Russian interests and to try for false flag atrocity headlines. But it won’t end well for them, as they and their on-the-ground NATO handlers are trapped.


People say Stalin sent Ukros to goulag, etc… Well, clearly NOT enough. All the nazis left have spawned these new generations of degenerates that I hope get cleansed for good this time.


The French journalist is a Russian spy. Paid by Putin.


You need professional help for that Cognitive Dissonance


Yeah, yeah.. we know.. Anyone with point of view different than CNN fakenews is a Russian spy paid by Putin – starting with Trump..


Did you forget the /sarc tag?

Maria S Calef

“Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive. ” I couldn’t post this article because facebook considered ” harmful” So everything that shows Azov crimes is ” harmful” according to Facebook.

Maria S Calef

Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.


They don’t call it facistbook for no reason.


Dont understand this guy. Who are THEY?

Nicole Louis

Thank you for your work. Am sharing. My backround is trained in journalism, worked in alternative media for some years and am furious at MSM, actually breaks my heart since I know how to investigate!

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