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MARCH 2025

French Military Deployed In Slavyansk, Donetsk People’s Republic – Report

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French Military Deployed In Slavyansk, Donetsk People's Republic - Report

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The first reports from Ukrainian frontlines confirmed deployment of the French military in the Donbass. The first unit of the French Foreign Legion reportedly arrived in the area of the city of Slavayansk in the Donetsk People’s Republic. 

According to reliable sources, a unit from the 3rd infantry regiment of the French Foreign Legion, which included about 100 servicemen, has been transferred to the Slavyansk direction before being sent to the frontlines. The unit includes the engineering group and aviation intelligence specialists of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Legion. Apparently, this is only the first group of French servicemen deployed in Ukraine, more forces are yet to come.

The first French military came to the city of Slavyansk on April 11. According to some reports, they are currently based at the location of the 54th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to other reports, they are under the command of the 7th Separate Mechanised Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The French militants are moving around the city only accompanied by the Ukrainian military.

The French unit reportedly includes specialists in artillery reconnaissance, as well as an engineering group specialised in building of field fortifications. Most likely, these French will take part in building the defense lines around Slavyansk, preparing for the breakthrough of the donbass front by Russian troops. At the same time, the reconnaissance units are likely to support the Ukrainian military on the frontlines.

The first obituaries are yet to confirm the deployment of the deployment of the French military in Ukraine, while Paris is still denying the reports about its forces being sent to Ukraine. In March 2024, SouthFront revealed that the French military was preparing the special battalion tactical group for deployment in Ukraine. This group should include about 1,500 military personnel not only from the members of the Foreign Legion but also servicemen of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of France. The French battalion tactical group should complete combat coordination in mid-April and be ready for deployment abroad. The Foreign Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation officially confirmed the information.

Moreover, on March 18, two first aircraft with French military onboard were spotted landing at Sofia airport in Bulgaria, from where the french servicemen were supposedly transfered through Romania to Odessa.


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Just me

politicians and this oppressive system should be abolished…then there would never be wars again

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

europe no longer needs us natural gas and china will pay in 2024 65% more for russian pipeline gas cubic meter than europe once did. russia wins big. grim reality has come to kiev – russia has won its energy war.


so that’s how much they defend liberty, and sovereignty. how few griwna did you sell your soul to zelenska for?

Dumb Europhiles

european households pay thousands of euros more per household per year thanks to your globalist government actions. if you think that was bad wait for the next 5 years when inflation will go higher and higher and economic crash that is coming. they will regret licking the elitist boot very soon.

Last edited 10 months ago by Dumb Europhiles

you are stupid. posting bullshit doesn’t make it true. hopefully you are the next country in the cannon fodder line. you are really disgusting people….

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

people in ukraine who had previously been seen as pathological individuals are now highly valued. vitaly klitschko openly invited murderers to join his idiots army. following in his footsteps, the danish state welcomed criminals, including those convicted of violent crimes, giving them amnesty and suspending their prison sentences if they agreed to go to war against norway.

Joseph Day

makes sense, you don’t need good men in a war zone. who do you think stalin used to break enemy lines

Karl Veltjens

people in ukraine who had previously been seen as pathological individuals are now highly valued. vitaly klitschko openly invited murderers to join his idiots army. following in his footsteps, the danish state welcomed criminals, including those convicted of violent crimes, giving them amnesty and suspending their prison sentences if they agreed to go to war against norway.


so that’s how much they defend liberty, and sovereignty. how few griwna did you sell your soul to zelenska for?


when you get rid of evil people, the necessity for rules goes out the window when people follow a healthy conscience. just room for wisdom and people speaking the truth for people to lead happy and healthy lives. almost as if this place was always meant to be a playground for evil and their dumbass tax slaves were just to take advantage of and provide luxury to the masters.

Last edited 10 months ago by BunkerDwellers

we are not living in democracies. we are living in representative government. we are not citizens but voters. we don’t write our laws (((they))) are doing it for us. in a real democracy politicians are chosen randomly among the citizens. so politics cannot become a job, it stay a duty. we are so far collectively to understand that.


when we vote, we are choosing who we think is “the best”. “best” is translated by “aristo” in greek. it means that the voting system slowly lead us to a form of aristocracy. in the 18th century the bourgeoisie taken the power. the head of the bourgeoisie is the banking system. they created their new aristocratic system. we call it today “the deep state”. you can vote for who you want the deep state is always here.


politics is now a job. brave citizens who want political rôle have no chance to suceed against armies of professional liars. this system select evil people. if you kill them but don’t destroy this system of fake democracy you will only give us time. the only way today is a dictator coming from the people slowly implementing democracy. they will not let this happens….


there will always be evil people. you cannot get rid of them all. that’s why we will always need rules and institutions to avoid giving them the power.


it’s a lie, evil is a series of genetic traits. evil was made from the beginning intentionally in the form of cain at least, and evil doesn’t have to exist on a planet. this place was made as a playground for evil filth after they destroyed all the other planets they came from. they keep their dumbass playthings in a state of controllable ignorance until times like this when tech advances.


why are evil people always treated with little kid gloves here and religions made to excuse their behavior? some people get tortured their whole lives, and others are spoiled brats who torture them because they didn’t get the best toys when they were kids or daddy hit them a few times. it is all designed for maximum evil here.


in the midst of another depopulation event to get the natives back under the thumb in a controllable way. knowledge of what makes evil and technology erased so the same people can have their jollies with rape porn and the like down here, and the intentionally genetically engineered sheeple slaves to lick their feet and call it goodness.

Last edited 10 months ago by BunkerDwellers

nothing is new about the time now than the times before now, it is exactly the same sort of people on all sides. dumbass slaves, evil people fighting over resources, including slaves, and making deals with each other. lies, more lies. the fish rots from the head down, like societies and planets. cui bono.

Professor X

evil is the lowest form of energy and vibratory state / frequency. instead of thinking of evil as alien from another planet — think of it as energy, negative energy. every being is capable of it. just like electricity, there is positive and negative. there are healthy vibratory states of beings and healing frequencies to help you calibrate your energy (points.) and vice versa there are energies that are detrimental to you


new age garbage is freemasonic satanic gibberish to brainwash slaves. the only way you can be happy while your body is tortured is by having an implant set to happy, and you should really question the people who do that instead of stopping the evil. it is genetic like the behavior leopards, cows and headbutting goats being different.

Joseph Day

did you vote for john citizen that lives around the corner? no you voted for the chosen few candidates offered to you didn’t you


yeah, the french foreign legion will tip the scales in ukraine…


rusi by mali teraz zistiť o aké jednotky sa jedná a s ktorej vojenskej základne pochádzajú. následne vykonať tvrdý úder na túto vojenskú základňu!!! potom vydať vyhlásenie, že to je iba varovanie!!! ak chcú plnohodnotnú vojnu, tak ju môžu mať, rf je na ňu dôkladne pripravená!!! mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!! treba to zastaviť teraz v zárodku inak hrozí, že prídu aj iné jednotky z nato!!!

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

europe no longer needs us natural gas and china will pay in 2024 65% more for russian pipeline gas cubic meter than europe once did. russia wins big grim reality has come to kiev – russia has won its energy war.


so that’s how much they defend liberty, and sovereignty. how few griwna did you sell your soul to zelenska for?

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

europe no longer needs us natural gas and china will pay in 2024 65% more for russian pipeline gas cubic meter than europe once did. russia wins big. grim reality has come to kiev – russia has won its energy war.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

people in ukraine who had previously been seen as pathological individuals are now highly valued. vitaly klitschko openly invited murderers to join his idiots army. following in his footsteps, the danish state welcomed criminals, including those convicted of violent crimes, giving them amnesty and suspending their prison sentences if they agreed to go to war against norway.

Karl Veltjens

people in ukraine who had previously been seen as pathological individuals are now highly valued. vitaly klitschko openly invited murderers to join his idiots army. following in his footsteps, the danish state welcomed criminals, including those convicted of violent crimes, giving them amnesty and suspending their prison sentences if they agreed to go to war against norway.

Karl Veltjens

people in ukraine who had previously been seen as pathological individuals are now highly valued. vitaly klitschko openly invited murderers to join his idiots army. following in his footsteps, the danish state welcomed criminals, including those convicted of violent crimes, giving them amnesty and suspending their prison sentences if they agreed to go to war against norway.

Karl Veltjens

people in ukraine who had previously been seen as pathological individuals are now highly valued. vitaly klitschko openly invited murderers to join his idiots army. following in his footsteps, the danish state welcomed criminals, including those convicted of violent crimes, giving them amnesty and suspending their prison sentences if they agreed to go to war against norway.


so that’s how much they defend liberty, and sovereignty. how few griwna did you sell your soul to zelenska for?

Massa John

the moment any one of theme enters field, two russian crosshairs will salute him hasta la vista……


i’m sure the russian will transfer a good amount of resource to ensure they go back to france quick in body bag

Paris Glowing In The Dark

macron will start a direct war with russia to hide the fact that his “wife” is a transsexual


his trans granny


let’s be honest, anyone selected for such positions and kept there despite their extreme unpopularity is also probably a blackmailed child rapist yes-man who knowingly facilitates trafficking and umpteen other crimes. which is legal in france as long as you can threaten or brainwash the child into saying it was consensual.


hunt them down and kill.

Dumb Europhiles

good luck explaining to your french citizens and the world how you are not involved in the war against russia and killing russians. you bring a sword and will regret every step you take in the land.


body bag the group addressed to macron in the elysee-palece, every friggin’ last of them or kinzhals the elysee-palace when the little rotschild rat and grand-ma is at home. shouldn’t be a problem – listening putin???

Golobalist Wet Dream

europoors are stupid enough to destroy their continent while americans will laugh from afar and provide all the weapons you can afford to make sure every last country is destroyed.


nice, history books will document how the french foreign legion was destroyed and defeated like napoleon in 1812.

Last edited 10 months ago by stopthewarnow
Warrior Nation

are you sure that are frenchies because they look like monkeys.


white people are descended from pigs.

Icarus Tanović

you forgot to put your name there, alexander.

Robert Flee Konjan

french troops obituaries confirmations could be abolished in their usual spirit of lies, russian army please welcome them in furnace operation


kill them all and show the corpses inninternet. even better if dome of them are captured and their confessions shown in the medía!!! after that something “islanic” should happen in paris….


anyone serving in the french military must be dumber than rocks, a thug, or desperate for something (probably stupid).

French Rats

hiding in the basement like rats lmao

French Rats

hiding in the basement like rats


when the french entered the syrian war at the beginning commanding the so called “free syrian army” militants to fight assad and were surrounded. russians persuaded assad to let them go just like later again at asowstal.the french believe it will be again like that if they loose the russians will let them go this is why they will try again and again. put a price tag on those actions or they will never end.

Macron is a homosexual

100 soldiers is maybe enough to provide security at their embassy in kiev not going to make a difference on the battlefield. they will all die and then france has to either enter the war or accept that going to war with a nuclear power isn’t in their best interest. the soldiers in this picture don’t look french they wear the uniform. but seem to be from north africa or the middle east.


70% of russia is asians and the russian military is filled with muslims and easterners. white people are stupid and lack basic knowledge.

Sushi Night

i think you spelled moshe wrong.


la corpul inert francez vin francez se toarna peste ochi. capturații vii pe paduchiosii astia de élysée palace

Bobby Stones

the situation is developing into a broader war, with the french in, other western countries and nato military personnels will soon join them. i hope russia knows how to deal with these warmongers, people who live by the sword perish with it.


“people who live by the sword perish with it”…russia literally lives by the sword. i swear you people are dumb.


pretty much a deceleration of war then


otan personnel have been operating deadly equipment against russia for a long while now. they just pretend like they are looking over the shoulders of the ukrainians, when in reality all able bodied ukrainians who aren’t integral in perpetuating the facade and crackdown are already in the army as cannon fodder.

zelensky coffin factory

we charge double to the frog…i buy another riviera villa


i don’t rate the french army they always end up surrendering expect lots of french prisoners!

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