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MARCH 2025

French Police Brace For Fifth Wave Of Yellow Vest Protests

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

France is set to deploy tens of thousands of police and gendarmes across the country on Saturday, including 8,000 in Paris, to deal with a fifth weekend of Yellow Vest protests – just days after three people were killed and 13 injured after a mass shooting in the eastern city of Strasbourg.

French Police Brace For Fifth Wave Of Yellow Vest Protests

Paris police chief Michel Delpuech said authorities are on watch for “violent groups” infiltrating the protests, and that riot officers will protect landmarks such as the Arc de Triomphe and the presidential palace, reports Reuters.

We need to be prepared for worst-case scenarios,” Delpuech told RTL radio, who added that he doesn’t expect businesses in the capital to suffer the same level of disruption as they have over the past three weeks, when major stores and hotels suffered a dramatic drop in business as tourists avoided the area.

French Police Brace For Fifth Wave Of Yellow Vest Protests

This weekend’s Yellow Vest protests, nicknamed “Acte V” – mark the fifth week of anti-government outrage which began over opposition to an announced fuel-tax designed to pay for climate change policies.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said it was time for the Yellow Vests to tone down their protests and acknowledge that they had achieved their goals after French President Emmanuel Macron rolled out a series of economic and tax incentives, including a minimum wage hike, no tax on overtime pay, tax-free year-end bonuses, and a six month delay to the fuel tax.

French Police Brace For Fifth Wave Of Yellow Vest Protests

While most French people polled by Odoxa said they found Macron’s proposal “satisfactory,” 59% of those polled say they were “not convinced” by the measures.

54% of those surveyed said the Yellow Vest protests should continue.

Many of the Yellow Vests have flat-out rejected Macron’s proposals, according to European-Views.

He is trying to do a pirouette to land back on his feet but we can see that he isn’t sincere, that it’s all smoke and mirrors,” said Jean-Marc, a car mechanic as a gathering of some 150 Yellow Vests in the southern town of Le Boulou.

It’s just window dressing, for the media, some trivial measures, it almost seems like a provocation,” said Thierry, 55, a bicycle mechanic.

All this is cinema, it doesn’t tackle the problems of substance. “We’re really wound up, we’re going back to battle,” he told AFP before taking part in blocking the Boulou turnpike on the French-Spanish border.

“Maybe if Macron had made this speech three weeks ago, it would have calmed the movement, but now it’s too late. For us, this speech is nonsense,” said Gaetan, 34, one of the “Rennes Lapins Jaunes” (Yellow Rabbits of Rennes).

One 35-year-old French official said that Macron “is being held hostage so he drops some crumbs.

Meanwhile, over 700 police officers were redeployed to Strasbourg for a manhunt following Tuesday’s mass shooting at a popular Christmas market. The gunman was shot dead in an exchange of gunfire Thursday evening. Castaner said it was time for the yellow vests to give police officers a break.

“I’d rather have the police force doing their real job, chasing criminals and combating the terrorism threat, instead of securing roundabouts where a few thousand people keep a lot of police busy,” said the interior minister.

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Yup, the pack of well pissers and general scums are out again and doing what they know best, deliver bullshit, to divert everything, every god dammed time they crawl out of underneath whatever rock they lie under. They never get it sometimes, this as others didnt start previous month, year, but decades ago, and some even centurys ago, fighting for the same, self determination, control over lcoal resouces, local democrasy, do you morons get it, and anyone whom isnt getting this is an enemy of man, well pissers are the top range in my assh….. list, only beaten by ZioNazis, whom is in this times interwoven and not easy to spot, unless you know more about the themas debated or wrtien about.

Second, this attack, failed, not as an terror act, but the vider implementations whom where to be forced in, failed, even when France is under so called tighten security from before, and even then, they failed, even when they knew, they failed, is it then not natural to question, was it on purpouse or an chanse. Everything this days stinks, the constant barrage of them been far right is also intresting, sudden explosion of another rapid crowing forest of swasticas, nice one. And do notice the attacks coming from the very same scums whom was howling about revolution in various uh…… overthere countrys aka Arabic ones, when this happens the trun istantly, isnt it so, Levy, huh, an top rat, war criminal, and an ZioNazi par excelanse. Aka the scum of this earth. Yeah, where art thu, ICC, have anyone of you seen them, in France and Britain, and the UssA. Me neither.

My humble advice never the less is to continue, leaderless, so what, they know the demands, what do they need an person to face, the people are right out side, that, is what is needed to be hammered into the political sewage rats, whom is throwing our mooney on everything else than France. You have my hart and soul. To compormise is loosing, and of course, they as Ghandi said it, ignores you first, then they riiddicul you, and when that dont help they attack you, and, then You win. Walk em down.



very interesting, good spelling and clear ideas, sir! Please share more wisdom

Tudor Miron

Macron will stay. Yellow vests will gradually calm down. It’s actually an example of ongoing fight between global “elites” and US country level “elites”. “Clintonoids” are trying to reclaim what was their but their resources are limited.


Any protest is made up by globalists because Putin is a pussy that can’t tolerate any protest.

Tudor Miron

What has Putin to do with thousands arrested in Paris. Stick to your ukro reality – rising gas bills require attention.



‘We don’t want events like those in Paris here’: Putin on activist Ponomarev’s arrest

After Putler’s declaration you suggest that yellow vests are Clintonists when in fact they are against the green tax, they even chanted ‘we want Trump’

Tudor Miron

Those on the streets don’t know what they want and definately would not get what the want. Those who send them in the streets want to weaken Macron and a) Get him back in Clintonoids gang or remove him and “elect” another loyal suit. As I said, their resources are limited. Protests will gradualy weaken (last weekend it was less than 100k when at the start there was more than 200k. At the start there were couple hundreds arrested. Last weekend it was over 1700 arrested. Macron has enough stability/resources to withstand.

Tudor Miron

We definately don’t want situation like in Parais in civilized place – Moscow. It’s all about winter holiday selebrations – it’s extremely beautifil all around the sity (Down town, metro stations – all have moltitude of special places setup for celebrations available to everyone. I prefer smell of good shashlik other than smeel of cars burned on the streets. Ukraine tolerated protests (unlike France) and now it’s a failed state under foreign governing. 25% reduction of population in 4 years, deindustrializatiion, sky rocketing costs of electrisity, gas etc. Did they switch on hot water in Kiev yet? Khazarian Kaganate v3.0 That we don’t tolerate while you can keep dreaming about maidan in Russia. It requires massive amount of idiots hating their own country and land – it seems that all of those are amassed in Ukraine with couple hundred thousands in Paris as we can see it.


You didn’t come up with this bs rant before Putler said it. Putler sneezes you get flu. And the rest of butt whipping slaves :)


This all smacks of “colour revolution” to me. I find it deeply suspicious that these riots are so well-covered in the MSM, i.e. they have the endorsement of Rothschild / Soros et al. What are the masterminds plotting for the goyyim? I do understand the hatred for macron (what’s in a name), but the powers-that-be put him there knowing that he was a perverted little prick who married his teacher and that everyone would hate him. I see a hidden hand directing all of this, just like the “Arab Spring” and “Free Syrian Army”


Love the comment from the interior minister – “I’d rather have police doing their real jobs” – and what is that exactly? They don’t even go into islamist suburbs because they’re too scared. Their only role is to protect the moneylenders, not to “solve” crime. Like everywhere.


make a short shrift of macron’s tempering offers, they are an affront to any decent human being and should be disregarded and then they can open up the rotschildean cabal from top to toe. nothing much to worry about – rotschild’s been waiting for this for more about 200 years.

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