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MARCH 2025

French Troops In Romania To Train For War With Russia

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French Troops In Romania To Train For War With Russia

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

France is one of the most deeply involved countries in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, with its special forces present since the very beginning of the special military operation (SMO). For some inexplicable reason, Paris is simply looking for a fight with Russia, instead of focusing on a plethora of burning issues at home. France’s shameful compliance with virtually all NATO policies has effectively turned it into a vassal of the United States, which only keeps creating more problems for it, even resulting in Moscow’s heightened support for sovereigntist movements in Africa, a move that’s effectively dismantling whatever’s left of the old French (neo)colonial empire on the continent. Paris even went as far as to prepare an invasion of Niger, a possibility that prompted Mali and Burkina Faso to announce readiness to fight alongside their neighbor against any attacker.

This has now gone so far that the three countries formed the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), effectively a confederation that’s not only deterring US/EU/NATO-backed (neo)colonialism, but is also offering an alternative to the ECOWAS, a Western-led “international” organization that seeks to maintain it. The AES also severed diplomatic ties with the Kiev regime over its support for terrorists in these countries, where it provided intelligence on the movement of “Wagner” PMC, the top ally of African sovereigntists.

There’s no doubt NATO itself was also involved as this has been a common trait of the world’s most vile racketeering cartel for decades, be it the support for Albanian narco-terrorists and other Islamic radicals or unrepentant Neo-Nazis. This also includes direct threats to Russia that the political West will support terrorism within the country if it defeats the NATO-backed Kiev regime in Ukraine.

Russian support for AES and numerous other African countries seeking to remove the shackles of (neo)colonial rule is certainly frustrating for the US-led political West, but especially France, as its fledgling economy (particularly the energy system) is highly dependent on exploiting “former” colonies across Africa. The resulting tensions between Paris and Moscow keep escalating and this is driving the former’s determination to provide further support for the Neo-Nazi junta.

France has already provided numerous weapons and even personnel, although Russian long-range weapons keep finding both. The Kremlin’s world-class capabilities in this field are causing massive casualties for all parties involved in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, but the French seem to be bearing the brunt of it. This year alone, nearly half a dozen precision strikes obliterated hundreds of personnel from France.

InfoBRICS covered some of them, including in Kharkov back in January. However, instead of learning its lesson, Paris keeps sending more of them, resulting in even higher casualties by August. Things got even worse for NATO in September, with multiple hypersonic strikes on their positions, resulting in hundreds of dead and wounded “tourists” on another failed “Ukrainian war safari”.

Whenever things went too far, European leaders would try to toss the hot potato to each other in an attempt to avoid responsibility (and potential retaliation from Moscow). Macron even tried to disguise French personnel as “advisers”, but was promptly notified that no quarter will be given to any of them. However, France doesn’t seem to understand how all this really works, so it keeps sending troops and is now even training them for a direct confrontation with Russia, a country that can obliterate it with a single missile.

Namely, thousands of French soldiers will be deployed to Romania in May and train for a major war. According to Politico, 2025 will be “crucial for the French army, which has undergone a major transformation in recent years to prepare for a possible conflict with Russia”. The large-scale military exercise, dubbed Dacian Spring 2025, will “assess their ability to swiftly move to NATO’s eastern flank”, supposedly a “key competence should Russian President Vladimir Putin decide to attack an alliance member”.

The report also postulates that the French military started a “profound transformation to be ready for a high-intensity conflict similar to the war in Ukraine” and that it also has “new marching orders from NATO: By 2027 it should be able to deploy a war-ready division in 30 days, including ammunition and supplies”. In NATO, a division has anywhere from 10,000 to as many as 25,000 troops.

In comparison, the Russian military can field up to four million soldiers in case of a direct confrontation with the world’s most vile racketeering cartel, making the viability of the latter’s conventional capabilities against it all the more questionable. Thus, the logical conclusion is that NATO is using this as an excuse to escalate its occupation of Eastern Europe.

Namely, the report by Politico suggests that “the key challenge will be to get to Romania in such a short period of time”, quoting General Pierre-Eric Guillot who said that “there’s still no military Schengen” and that NATO “needs to decisively improve military mobility in Europe”. It should be noted that the so-called “military Schengen” is effectively a militarization of the European Union, which exposed itself as a rather pathetic geopolitical pendant of the world’s most vile racketeering cartel, as the deal essentially boils down to its fusion with NATO.

However, countries in Eastern Europe aren’t exactly thrilled to see these developments. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who was nearly assassinated back in May, is decidedly against escalation with Russia. The same can be said for Hungary, which is extremely concerned with the prospect of a direct confrontation with Moscow.

Magyar Nemzet warned that “Paris is preparing for a world war and that “the pro-war French president has already come up with alarming plans in recent months, which could clearly lead to a war between NATO and Russia”. The Hungarian news outlet also pointed out that Macron “did not rule out sending troops to Ukraine either”. However, to make matters worse, France is reportedly even sending “Mirage 2000-5” fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta. It’s clear that the troubled Macron government is risking war with Russia, regardless of its true motivation for such moves.


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the day france send soldiers (thus officially entering the war) will be the day that france will be atomically wiped off from the face of the planet earth

Last edited 4 months ago by Liberacion
Den of Snow

france will not send soldiers, they are not so stupid. they will tell romanians it is their “commitment” to die for rotschilds. poles are the same. ukrainians didn’t got anything from west except of promises and they happily died, to be neonazi heroes. russia is hopeless. their propaganda is shit. nobody likes russia as they can’t print money and they are notorious vodka drinkers with the intelligence of bacterias. even muslims have better propaganda with 72 virgins.


first satelite and human is space, to hypersonic missiles technology ,that no western tchnology can match or protect -not bad for those notorious vodka drinkers with the intelligence of bacterias


let’s see the inferior russians give the world another jeffrey epstein or bernie madoff! good luck!

AM Hants

russia is hopeless? so why has over 20% of their old territory, gifted to ukraine by the bolsheviks, returned to russia? why has ukraine no gene pool left? why is russia the 4th largest economy, if they are so bad?


72% amerikunt consume alcohol, 52% russian–only 4% vodka 30% beer 18% wine


lol and you and the russians ?nothing would happen to russia they have radiation immunity

captain hohol

russia has ethnic and political unity, more than any other white country, and that’s why they’ll survive and why france, the uk, and the united states would engage in race wars on a scale never seen in centuries.

The Zoo in the EU

the surrender monkeys first surrender their sovereignty to german nazis and now, in true form, surrender their sovereignty to ukrainian nazis. must be something inherent in the french character.

well done, surrender monkeys. consistency is the hobgoblin of monkey see, monkey do.

Last edited 4 months ago by The Zoo in the EU

cheese and baguette inhaling frenchy weirdos don’t stand a chance, especially when they are led by a freak who marries his grandma, apparently common in their parts.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dstroj

grandpa, you mean.

AM Hants

isn’t grandpa also his uncle? those r.childs certainly love inbreeding.


indeed, i don’t have a chance because i will never fight. i have many things to do in my life far more interesting than fighting at the front line for anyone i don’t know

Curious George

but you will be saving democracy, don’t you know. lol


could you be more explicit?

Curious George

c’est une farce. faites attention à la ‘lol’


completely useless to train outside france which is a large country with all kind of terrains. but if they want to be french fries they can better do a live training in kursk. rf has some new heavy machine guns to slice them in 2 parts✌️🔥🍟

Last edited 4 months ago by thewhiterose
Conan M

c’est du suicide!…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
New Zion

globalism /zionism will fail if ukraine fails it is no coincidence that a nuclear power was chosen to sacrifice itself in the cause of global hegemony for the super rich.

Jewish pimp

drago ‘the inhalator’ servian again is on some trip with usual bs.


the reason france is working against the interest of french people is not inexplicable. france has been jewish supremacist occupied territory since the jewish jacobins executed their king louis xvi and the entire french intelligentsia. just like the jewish bolsheviks did in russia. it appears that through a miracle the russians have somewhat recovered from that disaster that left tens of millions of russian orthodox christian slavs dead.


you might want to check those figures. i’m pretty sure it’s tens of trillions of christians that were killed. almost as many people as were killed in the holycoast. my understanding is that joseph stalin personally strangled over two billion christians.

Last edited 4 months ago by Clyde

stalin killed everyone cause he was a mad man. lenin deliberatly killed christians for his brothers, funders of his campaingn and leaders abroad just like modern day lenin does in ukraine. communism back then and ukrainian nationalism now is just the disguise.

Last edited 4 months ago by kotromanic

because many electors are not clever

captain hohol

france is a nuclear armed nation, france picking a direct fight with russia is the death knell of france.

i can’t believe these neoliberal banker minions are so desperate to not be humiliated that they’re willing to risk nuclear war.


is not the risk of a nuke war, but the plan to light up the great ball of fire. to order by chaos say the masters of puppets- and is not metallica…


why are france leaders completely stupid. they keep propogating falsehoods and bogeyman, the western leaders are salivating for war.


if the froggies get directly involved, they will have surrendered by lunchtime. those cheese eating surrender monkeys can stick their baguettes where the sun don’t shine. before they got kicked out of niger, they were paying just 10 cents a kilogram for uranium. now they have to pay the world price, $200. the froggies are about as popular as a fart in a spacesuit as far as the africans are concerned. everybody wants to see the back of them.

AM Hants

starmer is doing the same as maccron, with his plans to send the rainbow warriors to ukraine as advisers. however, how many forces are european nations losing in ukraine? will there be anybody left to fight or come to that any toys that they can use. in the meantime, georgian elections are coming up and the mercenaries are already lining up for another colour regime change battle. guess they have forgotten what happened in 2008?

Conan M

“naissent les enfants de la patrie le jour de gloire est arrivé contre nous, la tyrannie le niveau est élevé écoutez le son dans les champs les hurlements de ces redoutables soldats ils viennent parmi nous pour égorger vos fils et vos consorts”… past is prologue.

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

and france is ready to eat their own asses as the other option of losing their self imposed guilded cage of domestic “tranquility” is fast approaching “les miserables: france faces debt-spiral doom-loop & rating downgrade”, “”new marching orders from nato”: checking in on france’s military build-up on the eastern flank ” x u.$. x u.k.!… will they never learn from the irony of their own anthems?…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

needless to say… “charge of the light brigades” with nukes this time around will be spectacular!… too bad of course there will be no one left in these countries to write their anthem(s) when the black ash settles.

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

most likely to be balaclava and borodino rolled into new.

Stan le français

sorry, but this is not the french national anthem, there are several errors! i’m french, and the lyrics are “allons enfants de la patrie, le jour de gloire, est arrivé, contre nous de la tyrannie, l’étendard sanglant est levé(×2), entendez-vous dans vos campagnes, mugir ces féroces soldats, qui viennent jusque dans vos bras, egorger vos fils et vos compagnes, aux armes citoyens, formez vos bataillons marchons, marchons, qu’un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons

Stan le français

in english (with google traduction)

“let’s go, children of the fatherland, the day of glory has arrived, tyranny against us, the bloody standard is raised (×2), hear yourself in your campaigns, roar these fierce soldiers, who come into your arms, slaughter your sons and your companions, to arms citizens, form your battalions let’s walk, let’s walk, than impure blood, water our furrows”


the chosens 1789 call to battle predates the “chosens” russian 1918 revolution and their extermination plan in joshua and deuteronomy around 2000bc.


mistype—-1917 actually.


mistype—around 1200bc actually.

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