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MARCH 2025

French Volunteer, Outraged By Lies Of Western Media, Revealed Truth About War Crimes In Ukraine

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A French volunteer Adrien Boquet told in an interview with French media about the war crimes committed by the Nazi militants of the Azov regimen in Ukraine. He described the real situation in the war-torn country which is hidden by the Western media.

Adrien Boquet is a former French serviceman, author of the book “Get Up and Walk Through Science”. He described his experience of his three-week humanitarian mission in Ukraine in an interview on Sud Radio France.

“I am fully responsible for what I say. There on the spot I witnessed war crimes. I’ve seen a lot of war crimes. I am talking only about those that I saw myself on the spot, and only those that were committed by the Ukrainian military. But not the Russian military… I do not claim that the Russians did nothing… But I confirm the war crimes committed by the Ukrainian military.” he said.

“Azov fighters are everywhere. With neo-Nazi stripes. It shocks me that Europe supplies weapons to neo-Nazis. The symbols of the SS are embroidered everywhere on their uniforms. They not hide their views. They advertise them. I worked with these people and treated them. They openly say that they are ready to destroy blacks and Jews,” he added.

The French military confirmed the war crimes of Ukrainian militants including against prisoners of war. He confirmed that the AFU militants are using civilians as a “human shield”, hiding ammunition in residential buildings at night, without even informing residents.

“I witnessed how the Ukrainian military shot through the knees of captured Russian soldiers and shot at the head of employees with a rank higher than officer.”

During the interview Boquet confirmed that the Bucha massacre was staged. He added that a lot of reporters from the US are working in Ukraine, filming the staged scenes.

“Butcha was staged. The bodies of the victims were moved from other places and deliberately placed in such a way as to produce a shocking shooting,” he stated.

Adrien Boquet emphasised that he was shocked by the fact that French TV channels invite as experts people who have not been to Ukraine and do not know anything about what is happening there. In conclusion, he assured that he would use his photos and videos taken during the humanitarian mission as evidence of Ukraine’s crimes.


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I’m shocked this isn’t being broadcasted on every news network in Europe. Why are we supporting the nazis?


Because the Jews say it’s OK now.


Because the Jews are funding the nazis like they did Adolf Rothschild


And in their free time they kill some muslim journalist from Al Jazeera!

hunter bidé lab pork !

theres no more jews…..just zio parazites full of digital global nazism !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

news networks are full of ss nazi covid 1984 in the Anus !!! so they are dead suking nazis !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Gestapo News of european digital robots lgtbs !!!!


Because they are useful idiots and expendable cannon fodder. Who else is going to fight for NATO? LGBT libtards? These “Nazis” are good to kill and good to die. Same as ISIS, al Qaeda and other rent-a-jihadists. Modern Nazis are euro-version of these terrorist degenerates. White Mujahidin.


I think it’s offense to compare mujaheeds of Afghanistan with western sponsored insane, sadistic, terrorist faggots who loves swastika under jews’ command. Mujaheed is a fighter for faith. Terrorists have no faith, they love money and torture of people.


You shouldn’t be surprised by now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Oscar

Anything approaching the truth blows apart the entire warmongering narrative and exposes the deep state in all its aspects. The dominant media is utterly subservient to the state. The producers and editors shuffle between media and political or corporate payoff jobs.


Because the UE is the fourth reich?


EU is under USA (+Japan, anglo-saxon countries), this is reich of our days.


I am very sorry my friend (my human brother), I for one am not at all shocked. Disgusted? Without doubt definitely. But Shocked, not at all. Welcome to how so-called mainstream ‘journalism’ in the West has pretty much always worked. Perhaps one of you guys can help me with a name. There was a German journalist who, the past few years, exposed the reality i.e. that ALL the major newspapers and news channels in the west are teeming with inteligence agents (and willing CIA assets) who pose as journalists and print outright lies on a regular basis and, for the most part, the editors of these organisations are fully aware and supportive of it. I just can’t remeber the guy’s name though. I will paraphrase somehting a real journalist (John Pilger) once said. He commented that the media’s real job is to form your opinion and make the unpalatable palatable. You used to get a few decent journalists here and there. But since the late 90s, the powers that be have been clearing them out.


The Journalists name – Udo Ulfkotte Name of his book- Gekaufte Journalisten he died 2017 at age 56

Last edited 2 years ago by Reshma
Mordecai Vanunu

Killed by deep state ( all run by FM) for exposing their lies


https://www.amazon.com/Journalists-Hire-How-Buys-News/dp/1944505458 ;;;;; Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor for the German main daily newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), has first hand knowledge of how the CIA and German Intelligence (BND) bribe journalists to write articles free of truth, facts, and with a decidedly pro-Western, pro-NATO bent or, in other words, propaganda


Lies are typically not broadcasted on main channels in the west.

Mordecai Vanunu

GTFOH you lying coward POS


Because it’s true nature of any western state and some asian states like Japan. Such type of states, carnivorous, need to eat others to live, because their domestic production lower than their needs. Remember ancient Rome — robbing crops of Egypt to pacify roman citizens with free daily meal. No free meal for plebs = no Rome.

JT Sales

Because capitalists need them to tackle those who fight against the imperialism they support and finance. Like WWII, Hitler and Mussolini were given power in order to neutralise communism or any other kind of anti-capitalist movements under the flag of “democracy”.


Because that is what they are also?


Fake, was not where he claimed to be, hecan not have been pressent during the events he claims to have seen, there where no Russians on the spot at that momenthe was there, he does not speak Russian or Ukraine and can’t even understand a child let alone fylosophic discussions with nazis. During his time in Bucha there where 20 to 30 French gendarmes researching the Russian terror acts. They do know him, he did not mention them. Russia he is not worthy the money he asks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

He should not do this as a civilian. He will be easy pickings for either ukrainian refuges for defiling the image of their forces or by a western secret service cause he harms their campaign.

It is not worth it this info will never be anywhere else but in low range niche news.


There are still people with courage out there. It is better to die spreading the truth than what it is to live a false life.


Killing would brings light on him. As Sud Radio is not a mainstream media it’s easy to ignore it. Killing a man in a wheelchair could be counterproductive.


In France, 6-7% of adult people did not take the Covid vaccine as the government asked.


But the rest did? That’s the problem: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – But you can fool most of the people most of the time….

a passer by

If his figure’s accurate, apparently “most” means 93-94% which is ridiculously high.


Not that much. I think the figures are about 75-80% which is quite a lot and did not prevent anything anyway. I will forever remember the ferar and hysteria that felt on my country. I knew we were heading to the worst even before but then it became awfull. And the worst is still to come with our gouvernment actions toward Russia. Sud Radio helped a lot btw in thoses difficult times.

Last edited 2 years ago by ovuef

I wrote 6-7 % of adult people, not 6-7% of all people (including under 18).

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The number of people who allow themselves to be deceived is equal to the number who believe in gods and other supernatural beings.


I give the info. I let everyone think.


And as it looks from strokes, heart attacks, hepatitis, France population will drop 93-94% in the next years.

Mordecai Vanunu

Oh it’s going to be worldwide.


i guess covid was a worldwide test to set up the propaganda-machine to be used in the event of the ukraine’ assault to Krime and Donbass


Deliberately shielded war crimes by the West and it’s media. In Canada they, 🇨🇦 Trudeau and Freeland are complicit in the worst of these crimes possible! Freeland is a Banderite? high up in the Canadian government and directly involved in WEF, as a pupil of Klaus Swabb.


Trudeau is Canada’s Tony Blair. And that cunt Blair is my country’s Bill Clinton.

Mordecai Vanunu

and they’re all freemason servants


With us is Adrien Boke, author of the book “Get Up and Walk — thanks to Science”, published by Max Milo House. We listened to your story about bravery and war — but you were a humanitarian worker and, in fact, were engaged in the supply of medicines and medical equipment to Ukraine just a few days ago, you spent two weeks there. What did you see there? After all, there were things that we talked about off the air, and which, according to you, you witnessed — and here, of course, it is important to speak carefully, and you take full responsibility for what you say — but you saw very scary things.

ADRIEN BOKE: Exactly. And I am ready to subscribe to my words. While I was on the scene, I witnessed war crimes. I’ve seen a lot of war crimes there. And during those days while I was there, I saw war crimes only on the part of the Ukrainian military, not the Russian ones.

But that doesn’t mean…

ADRIEN BOKE: That’s right, this does not mean — I just wanted to repeat — that there were no war crimes on the part of the Russians, but they were also on the part of the Ukrainians.

You have become a witness…

ADRIEN BOKE: And we don’t talk about it, and that’s what I want to convey. When I returned to France, I was extremely amazed that of the people who are invited to our TV platforms — both left and right — 80 percent were not during the hostilities in Ukraine, but at the same time they allow themselves to talk and everything else. It disgusts me, because there is just a gap between what I see on television and what I saw there. I think it’s disgusting.

I will tell you about the Azov fighters who were at our base.

Where have you seen them? In Kiev? Or were they everywhere?

ADRIEN BOKE: They’re everywhere there.

That is, not only at Azovstal and so on…


I wanted to post all the interviews, but they are not sent to the site. Link to the Russian-speaking Russia Today here is the text of the interview. https://russian.rt.com/inotv/2022-05-12/Bivshij-francuzskij-voennij-ya-videl

Last edited 2 years ago by Victor

…..would be much better with subtitles…..je ne parle pas Francais…..


Not one of the Western major media outlets will broadcast the truth about what is and has been happening in Ukraine since 2014. They will lie to the public and spin every even or outrage to suit the Western governments narrative everything. Criminal media BBC CNN Sky news CBC Ns Australia TV networks all are bare faced lies they know the truth and hide it


LOL! Any of you believe a word of that?


wait no more pls,

in kviv, use nuclear bombs when ukraine leader make appearance via social media

Peter Jennings

Let’s hope the ICC take note, but let’s not bank on it either. They have proved to be quite incompetent up to now. Most at the ICC are friends of the Swab, so maybe we expect too much from them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Jennings
Your mama

As an American i have no doubt that these scenes ate being staged . We here in USA do not trust anything from any news irganization. It is all lies and propaganda to prop up the demented clown who keeps sending OUR hard earmed money to a country we have zero interest in. But the clown president seems to have a whole lot interest in ukraine

David A Howard

Coming soon: Dr. Phil reveals polygraph results for E. Jean Carroll.


They are not Nazis, they are jews hiding their crimes and calling themselves Naziz so people do not know they are jews. All wars a criminal. War is a crime against humanity and life itself. Only jews can do the evil repugnant things they do, because they have no souls. They are the serpent’s seed. They are known for the ability to do evil crimes no one else could do. They use the term NAZI as a scapegoat for their evil. They are liars and con artists. The whole war with Russia is a sham. If Russia wanted to win that war, they would have done it already, they have the power to take Ukraine down in one day. It is a sham and a con to con the west into weakening themselves by giving all their money and weapons to Ukraine, before Russia, China and their owners, israel attack NATO and the USA, in a real ww3. They will weaken them and then take them down quickly. WW3 will last 3 weeks and Israel, China and Russia win. They want to make the whole world slaves under Jewish communism.


Anglo saxon sphere wouldn’t hesitate to use and support the demons and Satans of hell to push its diabolical mission to spread horror and terror that would degrade humanity just to keep the seat of hegemony. However, someone has to challenge such threat to human survival to bring sunlight in order to defeat the forces from the dark.

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