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MARCH 2025

Newly-Deployed U.S. Troops Are Now In Northern Hasakah, Not Oil Fields Area: SANA

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Newly-Deployed U.S. Troops Are Now In Northern Hasakah, Not Oil Fields Area: SANA

A convoy of US forces armored vehicles drives near the village of Yalanli, on the western outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, on March 5, 2017. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

Fresh U.S. troops, which entered Syria in the morning of October 26, have settled in a base in the northern al-Hasakah countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The state-run agency reported that U.S. troops are now stationed inside the Qasrak base on the Tell Tamr-Qamishli highway.

“U.S. occupation forces’ convoy -consists of 13 military vehicles and dozens of soldier-, which entered Syria today, have settled in Qasrak illegal base on Tell Tamr-Qamishli road,” the SANA’s reporter in al-Hasakah said.

Earlier, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the convoy headed towards key oil fields in the eastern governorate of Deir Ezzor. This was not apparently accurate.

On October 19, U.S. forces “booby-trapped” Qasrak base’s facilities. Despite this, the forces are yet to withdraw from the base.

The Pentagon announced that it will reinforce U.S. troops deployed in northeast Syria’s oil fields only. However, it appears that Washington may be planning to keep other positions located away from these fields.

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Harry Smith

A brief explanation of the situation for Fox TV viewers. https://youtu.be/SGu8qiBUf-4



Rafik Chauhan

they want to stop SAA and Russia to þmove South.

Xoli Xoli

Exactly you are right.

Jens Holm

I seemes so. A strange corner.


What’s that smell, its a danish shit.

Jens Holm

Its both way. I am happy internet cant bring smell from You yeat.


What happened, they got lost? The evil Russians jammed their GPS…..?


They were not welcomed in Iraq then got lost in the desert


Yes, this group now wanders aimlessly around the desert. Waiting for the next change in orders. :)


They are also waiting for their air conditioned tents to be erected and fitted out with fridges and beer etc I think.

Didn’t Moses wander round a desert for a while? That’s the story anyway:)

Jens Holm

We many were called by to Iraq byu the Bagdad Goverment. We all had left. Idddi dot come not.


Get rid of that danish stink.

Jens Holm

Did the Bagdads call in us after we left. Yes they did.


uS military incompetent—#35 in military world games

Jens Holm

I dont see those are incompetent. Trump certainly is.


http://www.sott.net/article/422639 see link referenced in article

Jens Holm

I saw it in Danish TV and at CNN healines. Too many cheaters inthe world. Cleaning China in this running sport is fine but hardly enough.

Tks for the link.


Funny from a tranny danish shit for brains with barely a grasp at writing English.

Jens Holm

My englesi is first class compared to Your poor socalled perfect transplantation from the primitive Turkish arabic language universe group.

Yours is worse then having a car with no seatbelt, airbags, only 21 tires and no modern breaks.


From gangsters they have gone to marauders of the desert. They go around to plunder the caravans. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/806121bf6aa6803386b76b36c2166a91ed7235eb3a7eb462284edf5e97e46911.jpg

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

The US military has nearly become the laughing stock of the world, imo. What a group of jokers!

Jens Holm

I scannot talk for all. But the ones I know about it, are very angry or dont compare about it.

Jens Holm

An unproductive Region runned by lazy ineffective inhabitants stripped by their leaders has nothing worth stealing apart form bankaccounts outsode the country.

Soon You might feed ISIS again,beacuse they not even ask.


For the next ISIS movements you need to ask Rita Katz. I only suggest you good music. Bye, bye, guy. https://youtu.be/TLV4_xaYynY

Jens Holm

Your Region and population seemes to learn nothing.

Maybee You could unite by old Rolling Stones in jumping Jack flash, for thats how it again is in Lebanon as well as Iraq.

After flashing, You are back to ground zero again and uncle suni is back. Only a few horses are paintet to zebras and everuthing of cvourse is made by Jew, americans, western and whatever …


The Jews made and financed the Bolshevik revolution, forced Wilson to declare war on Germany and Bush on Iraq, organized the coup in Ukraine and September 11, invented the ISIS and pay for the invasion of blacks in Europe. According to the Jews, the world is the worst thing one can expect. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d593eefa2aa2ee1eeda9ea1d3ee9dde1999b97049859efd5110ce911f0d417d9.jpg

Jens Holm

Jews as well as westerns and especially the protestant christian sekular part are some over represented, because we from birth learn to ask questians and debate things. We also educate people well and pay well for it and its iniatives.

Thats why.

In Tzar Russia You see them same as for Islam. Most people was kept as stupid and unindependent as possible as well as superstitous cut offf from logic scientific systematic thinking as bove that.

As in Islam, they had a stinking rich upperclass. By that Jews were the oly smaller people, which systematicl educated themselves well and beccause of being few had international contacts for trade and innovative im- and export.

Even Jews learn their Tora as parrots as You do with simplified kind of first aid by old mens made Sharia Islam, they also – men – learn to debate any kind of “whats written” , You as the Russian Catholisism strictly has forbidden that as well as its a relative new thing, You can show portraits and a lot of other stuff apart from Allah and Muhammed.

Thats the key for influence in Russia Jews being over represented and that goes for the rest of the world. Where people educate themselves helped and paid by the old ones by tax or direct pay, Ypu see infuence and high income.

Wilson wasnt forced to declare war. Germans killed so many ships in the atlantic ocean by their subs and the Americans hesitated going into WW1 because of the Monroe doctrin and thoufght they were protected by Atkantic and Pacific Ocean.

It was almost same thing for WW2. GB as welll as USSR was sold for about 27 and 17 billion cool cash. The american majority didnt have majority for war aprt from maybee the Japanese until Pearl Harbour.

Facts also is, it was Adolf Hitler, which declared war agains USA and not the influencial Jews in United States. You totaly lie about it.

Instead of the photoside, You use, You should use a site with the many times more, which also had great influence in USSR as well as USA.

Most of the rest of Yours is same kind of garbage. Jews never has been as You say here even they in some matters can be quite different from the rest of us. That has declined because we are more and more sekular.

But You have an important point. Most of the ME and Islamic world will remain exact the same even Russians or Chines takes over. The good thing will be, You then will blame them for giving You hardly nothing for nothing instead of Westerns Jews incl.

I actually lives in West and telling Jews dominated os difficult to see because I also remember nazis and Russians and Your crap also blames nazis in Ukraine.


Clearly, as every typical Jew goes from a victimistic attitude to direct insults when the work of the world Jewish lobby is disputed, which exists all right. Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement who, paradoxical as it may seem, agreed with the Nazis that Jews and Germans were distinct nationalities and they must remain. Hitler’s government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-41.The London edition of the DAILY EXPRESS of March 24, 1933 explained how the leaders of Judaism, along with powerful international Jewish interests, had launched a boycott of Germany with the express purpose of bringing the already precarious German economy to its knees in the hope of breaking down the new Hitler regime. It was only at this time that Germany responded accordingly. If we are to tell the truth, it was the international Jewish leadership, and not the Third Reich, that actually fired the first blow in World War II …, the Zionist Association of Germany issued a telegram on March 26, 1933 rejecting many of the statements made against the National Socialists calling them “propaganda”, “lying” and “sensational”. An International Jewish Boycott Conference was held in Amsterdam to coordinate the campaign against Germany. It was held under the auspices of the World Jewish Economic Federation, of which Samuel Untermyer was elected president, who in a speech on the WABC Radio in New York called for the “sacred war” against Germany, reiterating what every racist Jew like you thinks, that Jews are the aristocrats of the world. He concluded the lying and hysterical speech by declaring that with the help of “Christian friends … we will plant the last nail in the coffin of integralism and fanaticism …”. Hitler with the Judenfrei wanted to explode the Jews from Germany. The Evian conference of 1938, convened by Roosevelt, failed, none of the two two participating states wanted to host German Jews, like the European states with Africans today. I could talk to you about the fake Zimmerman telegram (typical Jewish name) that triggered the entry of the US into World War I, of the USS Liberty, of the 9/11 report on New York firefighters, of the Nazi – Ukrainian Jews, of Nuland and Kolomoisky , of the magic number of the 6 million of the Bible that will not see Jerusalem again. I stop here, Jew, your false historical narrative is over and unmasked. You are as different from my way of thinking as an Islamic one, but I’m not racist, I tolerate you democratically.


can’t be easy being trump, having his decisions as the commander in chief countermanded by some pentagon mic/deepstate/fic minder subverting the president for the sake of the eternal war the military industrial complex craves and demands and requires like a blood transfusion to an ailing patient. truly astonishing – and the perpetrators are well known, pompeo and most likely bolton, working from behind the scene and brennan and some other guys that really should be facing the court for treason.


Fuck the orange monkey, he’s a shill.

Jens Holm

So how much do You pay?


Iraq shouldn’t be allowing US forces to use Iraq to be in Syria.

Jens Holm

We take it again for the NON LEARNERS. USA and many others all a reinvited to help handling things and expecially ISIS and rebuilding the Bagdad forces.

Ypu dont see the alternative for Bagdad or ISIS spread out there havig a big territory.

Well of couse not. Your facts er based on believes and misguided faiths only.


Slow learner describes your failure to grasp the English language and disposition to write gibberish.

Xoli Xoli

Mr.Richard please spare your energy and stop responding to none productive communique.Never ever respond back to Rothschild syndrome brainwash USANATO warmongers children or agents.Your opinion matters and are more important for the speechless of our society in human life.

Jens Holm

Very good advise. But if he wrote less crap, I would have time to win the authistic spelling contest.

Your english is poor and primitive acccording to, what english really is. You also have so many tabus.

Jens Holm

I hardly care about spelling as You do. I year ago I have wriiten no english in 50 years and has only spken tourist english.

So replace Your diaper from You behind and over Your fingers or mouth.


You have responded to me in perfect English you are not who you pretend to be

Jens Holm

Maybee I am a Siamese twin having 2 very good brains(one is too fast and by that a good speller), 4 legs and only one finger for typing.

If less crap was written here, I would have more time to write better, but I do learn.

I do other things too. I just has painted my fence. If You will enter and eat fir free, You might wait a couple of days for it, or else You will become more red then any Communist for a long time.


Are you inviting me over for dinner or threatening to kill me


This website needs bleach in order to clean that danish crap known as Jenny.

Jens Holm

You could save electricity by close down, if Your mommy tels You, where the little dot for it is.

Jens Holm

Hard time for facts. I often dont believe in SANA and adding it with Trump and what the USA acutally do makes it even worse.


Make sense or drink a gallon of bleach there jenny.

Jens Holm

Even the pigs has left You.


These stories don’t add up. The convoy entered through the al-Walid border crossing at Al-Tanf according to the linked article:

“the armored vehicles entered through the al-Walid border crossing”

And then according to this article:

“settled in Qasrak illegal base on Tell Tamr-Qamishli road”

The problem with this scenerio is that both of these areas are controlled by the SAA. Al-Tanf is surrounded. There’s no way to get out of there without running into Syrian military or police. And the Tell Tamr-Qamishli road is a section of the M4 highway also under the control of the Syrian government.

So either these stories are fake news, or the SAA isn’t in control of what the maps show that they’re in control of, or they are in control of these areas and are letting the Americans through without detaining them or turning them back to where they came from.








I know, sounds pretty confusing. And I’m still trying to figure out where Qasrak base is located! LOL There is Al Waleed crossing by Al Tanf, but doubt US is going on a sight seeing tour through Syria. There is also a Al Walid along the border in N Iraq, it is north of highway M4.


Ditto on all of that.

If the SAA has the M4 secured at the Iraq border. That shuts down what up to this point has been the main ingress point for the US. But there’s a dirt road running down the Syrian side of the border 100 feet from the Iraq border. There’s a couple of hundred miles of border in SDF controlled areas that the those awd trucks can just drive across without even any earth moving required. Semis with trailers can probably do the same thing in most areas. So the entire border needs to be secured. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0a0b92122f41ccae2eb6a567c13d52d7869968f5069b990565c3fbfaece417ba.png

Xoli Xoli

This type of infor is very useful for Syrian and Russian intelligence. For them to plan and create counter measures to prevent USA re-entry in Syria.It can also cut of USA supply routes.Thanks keep it up you have useful information according to your geographic knowledge of Syrian territorial layout.

Jens Holm

Same kind of Ground Zero knowlefge level again and again.

Its no new base and it has or had towers for radars and radio trafiic.

Reading this tell You or Assads and Russian intelligence is not intelligent.

Americans has to leave before they can re-entry as well, but that of course dont bother You as well. You keep Your low level well.

No wonder some few Israeliens has been able to knock 3 armies of Yours out at the same time. Ypu are fools gold or zink only.

Jens Holm

Thats right. The last taken hard defended parts of ISIS south east of Hasaka and east of Shadady has several such routes.

More south we still see the old karavan camle routes sometimes not the best for all kinds of cars, but many places are possible for the “technical seize”.

Jens Holm

Aloha-ha slowfox: Qasrak is a mountain ridge 35 km southwest of Hasaka. As ususal western knows nothing.

You are excused, if Wikipedia has censured You away.

Jens Holm

Qasrak is a mountain ridge begining 35 km southwest of Hasaka. Man y kilometers lond.

Xoli Xoli

At least you have spare me from too many questions and worries. More especially on this new developments on USA issue.Either Syrian and Russian forces have created preventative measures as their are patrolling Tamr highways or their neglecting on checking on blind spots.

Jens Holm

The backside of Al Tanf is all Iraq and by that sourrounded by Assads at all. You really dont get it. Tanf is a guard 360 degrees …

Peter Jennings

If reports are coming via SOHR, anything is possible, maybe even an alien invasion from outer space!

Distractions, distractions.

klove and light

lolol Simon said………………….


What did you say Israeli.


The U.S. is resembling more like a giant headless nuclear chicken.

Jens Holm

They have tryed to integrate with You…


If this is accurate. It looks like the Syrians are letting the US through. Because the only way to get to this location is on Syrian government controlled roads. https://twitter.com/BarzanSadiq/status/1188139083220033536

Jens Holm

You dont know Qaismilly as well. You certainly dont know much.

Most of it has been controlled by Kurds even half of the populatiuon are forced to support Assads.

Of course this is accurate. Thiose many civilians has no reasosn to block or fight those troops.

Stinky Man

Idiot move for Trump to fight for Oil. I see the headline, “Trump fights for Oil with American Lives“. That would be a bad talking point for the orange man in 2020. I think Trump knows better and should just get the F out of Syria and let the boys go home and grab some pussy..


It’s all about the Al Bukamal crossing, not oil.

Tommy Jensen

Its because we lead from behind.

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