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MARCH 2025

From 30 to 40 Ukrainian Children Disappeared Without A Trace In Spain

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From 30 to 40 Ukrainian Children Disappeared Without A Trace In Spain

Illustrative Image: Girl in Mariupol

The Spanish authorities have been searching for a group of 30 to 40 missing Ukrainian children for a week. Refugee children were supposed to be sent from mainland Spain to the Canary Islands, but the group disappeared.

The group of dozens of children accompanied by three adults should take a ferry to reach the Canary Islands. They were expected to leave the continental Spain on Tuesday, March 29th, and disembark on the islands on Friday, April 1.

The Spanish authorities were reportedly aware of the trip of the Ukrainian minor refugees in advance, but it was not agreed with the Spanish authorities. Neither can transfers of children be encouraged without the knowledge of the authorities, nor the Canary Islands, saturated with the arrival by boat of almost 3,000 minors in the last two years, has the capacity to take care of more.

The police and local authorities in the Canary Islands, Madrid and Andalusia have spent almost a week trying to locate the group and prevent the trip. The agents deployed in the operation supervised the ferries on Tuesday, also those on Friday and even on Saturday. But no trace was found.

The promoter of the trip reportedly was a Ukrainian woman living in Fuerteventura, the Canary Islands.

The woman denies her participation in the organization of this trip, but as many as four sources familiar with the case claim that she was the main promoter, and this is already the second trip organized by her. Various sources in the Canary Islands insist that it is she who is behind this mission, although no one knows where the first clue that links her to minors in Huelva comes from.

“I don’t know anything about this subject. Every day, for almost a week, a different person calls me and asks: ‘Are your children in Huelva?’ What children?, What Huelva?’ I don’t know anything about those children,” she replied fed up with the matter. “Being looking for accommodation is another issue, but I don’t know anything about Huelva. At the moment, I’m not expecting any children,” she said.

Another group of Ukrainian minor refugees, who were sent by the same woman successfully reached the Canary Islands.

On March 11, she had brought three guardians and 16 minors from an orphanage near Kiev to La Oliva, in Fuerteventura. That time she organised the trip in close collaboration with the local mayor, but without any coordination with anyone else.

Despite the fact that the first trip was successful, the second one was prohibited. On this second occasion, both the City Council of La Oliva, and the child protection service, disavowed the plan. And the doors the woman knocked on didn’t open. But she, according to the sources consulted, went ahead with her mission.

Police sources confirmed that the group of minor refugees does indeed exist, although no one has seen it. Moving such a large group of minors from one place to another by boat would attract attention.

The abduction of minors, specially migrants and orphans,  for criminal purposes, for use in prostitution and for organ transplantation is a dangerous problem for Spain. The country has been the path of migration from warring and unstable countries for years.

As for the Ukrainian refugees, this is far not the first warning case. Just this week, the National Police arrested at the South bus station in Madrid a Ukrainian man who was posing as a relative of two teenagers aged 15 and 16. The agents were already on notice, but the interrogations and the contents of the luggage of the minors, “clothes not according to the temperatures of this time of year” and many cosmetic products, confirmed the worst suspicions of the police.

Since the Russian offensive began, almost 14,000 minors have been registered in Spain, 40% of the almost 35,000 displaced people who already have their papers in order in Spain. Among them, more than a hundred are minors who arrived in the country without the company of adults.

The military conflict in Yugoslavia was the first on the European continent, which was marked by the facts of mass abduction of children for the purpose of exploitation as sex slaves and material for illegal organ trade. In the first quarter of the 21st century, Western European countries reported successes in the fight against such criminal activities. Nobody paid attention to constant warnings from Serbia about various ethnic criminal groups kidnaping children from unstable regions of Europe, for example, Serbian children from Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In the 2010s, the problem worsened due to the influx of refugees from Africa and the Middle East. Since 2014, Ukraine has become one of the main sources of “human material” for the illegal human market in Europe and the USA. The current military conflict in Ukraine is a gift for human smugglers. The market of human organs and underage prostitution in Western countries is estimated at many billions of dollars. Instability in Eastern Europe contributes to the ugliest faces of criminal activity.


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Shlomo Shekelstein

Ruthless Russian mafia army kidnapped them for black-mailing.Probably will sell them to pedo Russians living in Europe.May god let Usa-China nuke this country asap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shlomo Shekelstein
Shekel licker

No surprise from barbarians.Here catch this sentence from Russian patriot. «Все прекрасно понимают, что если бы это мы убивали в Буче, то мы бы припрятали трупы», Марков, русский патриот.


How much are you getting paid for this bullshit you scum ?

Shlomo Shekelstein

What is love? Oh, baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me, no more What is love?



Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Spain, Poland, UK and Italy are major human trafficking and drug smuggling havens. Ukraine is corrupt to the core and even Zelensky who is a known poofter is involved in child trafficking via NATO pimps.

Porc halal

Same same the actual so called president of Romania, the nazi child traffiker klauSS werner johanniSS … he is a proven Nazi and child traffiker…you will not find this information on MSM , you have to search on independent sources (mostly Romanian)


You can translated , its not so complicated…I can gather more links about this scumbag and his nazi past experience

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal

And USA, EU, China etc…


And Geneva?


Omg, I’m American and sadly know exactly what happened to them. But that’s OK so does zelenski who received payment for them, and probably a commission for Spain.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

NATO pedos are preying on the dumb Ukie hoholassholes who would be been far better off in the Rusian Federation. There are daily reports of fat repulsive Americunts and British pimps preying on Ukie losers.


More like CIAisis.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

They have been taken to Israel. There it is common to have sex with small children. Jews prefer European children over Arabs who smell bad.

We are entering hell.

Trond Larson

Gaslighter in true american fashion.


dis Shlomo, tu factures en Shekels?

Jackie Owl

Ukrainian operative running a reverse propaganda scam. Everything coming from your two bit corrupt government is a lie. Give it up and go away.


One of the reasons that the globohomo elite destabilizes a country is to get easy access to the children. Usually they pay criminal networks to move the kids or they use NGOs and Charities. People from the Clinton machine were caught smuggling children out of Haiti:


Any reports from civilians who were living under the control of insane nazi militias must be taken seriously and investigated no matter how bizarre they may sound. The CIA sets up groups like Azov as mind control cults and extreme violence, sexual degeneracy and torture is part of that program.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Cool story bro.


Ok, groomer…

Elohim Kosher Bar

The network of Pedogate, organ / adrenochrome harvesting, and / or human sacrifice by Clan Circumcision. This is just one of many reasons why jews were evicted by many countries in the past.

Thomas Turk

King Edward I booted the Jews out of England. A shrine to St. Hugh of Lincoln — a 9-year-old English boy tortured and bled to death in a Jewish ritual slaughter in 1255. He was then dumped in a well.


1066, and all that.


The sons of Amalek, clan cannibal, the ultimate evolution.


You think like you look.


Azov flourished in response to degenerate anti nationalist sentimate, as does every reactionary movement you absolute retard.


Fostered by the hidden hand with immunity. Nothing to talk about.


Ukraine has been the hub for a lot of child pron in the past.


Sounds like Dyncorp is up and running in the failed Ukrainian CIA project. Easier pickings than in Yugoslavia.


Bingo. They sold little girls there for a burger. Satanism pure.

Jewbollini Tortellini

Sent straight to the sex dungeon of European Jewry underneath Davos and the EU pariamentary buuilding

Edgar Zetar

Shame on Spain Goverment. What you can expect from a country who robes even supermarket karts. Recover those kids before they go to traffic or even organ traffic rings. A Goverment who dont takes care of their childrens is a death land and goverment.

the end

Death penalty for human trafficers in EU should be introduced. I guess half of EU parliamentaries are on it too, just se what damage are they intentionally doing to EU economy…

Jewbollini Tortellini

So you’re basically calling for the extinction of the EU populace?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jewbollini Tortellini

In western countries??? Yep, ok. Would never happen in eastern countries.


Indeed. It wouldn’t.


Just another example that southfront, r.t. and sputnik are all propaganda outlets just like ABC, Fox, and CNN.

And most people reading are retards.


according to US govt 800,000 children go missing each year—in pederast nation hillbilly packuda in alabamy rape 8 year old boys ‘amerika is gigantic–a gigantic mistake”Freud Stendhal described amerikans as “a different and inferior species”


I know it are pearls for the swines ( yuries) but the US does not equals the world! I know for you it must be hell to understand but take it for granted; it is something like 1 does not equals 197. Have an other useless day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

Your shitstain of a country is leading in cp production worldwide, faggot. Without natural gas you’d have the same economy as Nigeria. Go down some vodka and catch aids


Before the war Freud cast fair haired Europeans as ‘will o the wisps’. This is the genocide.


The fact that anyone believes that number just goes to show how stupid people are.




Sounds like a sex trafficking operation.


… because Commies invaded Syria and Ukraine…


According to Disney news network.


Ah so that’s where some of that money went. Sorry Biden is a pedophile, probably not the one you want making deals.


As much as I’d like to pray the children are found safe, I know all too well what has happened to them and how big trafficking is. It’s just a never-ending cycle perpetuated by those at the Top.


Since the move wasn’t sanctioned maybe, they was moved anyway to avoid everything you guys are thinking off.

I mean, yeah, it’s wishful thinking but since the 1st group DID arrive safely, and the second group didn’t get the green light maybe she moved them anyways, in secrecy to save life’s.

Or! The 1st group was just for a clean record as evidence.

Since the 1st group was not as large and had guardians it seems probable it was done for defence in the future. The 2nd group is pure children.

The longer I live the more I realise, this world sees us as meat, to be used and discarded. Luckily the majority of uses for us is either economic/work and military, but looking at each other with a sense of uniqueness means we will never beat our enemy, who sees us as a simple number.

Where are gunth3r and his super nazis? Where are his (not so) awesome hate speech posts that support white supremacy yet the reason the above is happening is due to nazis and just plain old awe full ukro scum.

The longer the operation Z goes on, the more I realise, azov is no different from regular Ukrainians. Why the flying fuck is your amazing NATO not safe guarding the re location of children at the border? Why your shining beacon of light, US/UK not using its huge military numbers to provide safety to children at the boarder?

Because you have all been lied to and you keep believing it. The Empire of evil speaks many languages, but it’s main form of communication is fabricated lies and pretending to help.

Sad about those kids now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eeee

It begs the question of why the hell were the children being sent to the canary islands in the first place? Seems like the first place to isolate people and the last to provide them a safehaven in the public spotlight.

They would have moved them regardless of what was published for the public, well ahead of time by other means so everybody is looking in the wrong place.


This is an unbearable crime that must be solved but it would not have happened if Putin/Russia was not committing this unprovoked war of aggression. Mondial hunger and distress, killing of boys men and certainly civilians, rape and tyrannic oppression, lose of jobs this uncivilised drawback in history is because of one mens egoistic vision and rejection of diplomatic peaceful talks, and of the arrogance of both America and Russia.


Unprovoked? Did you just come out of a coma? Dude ignores 8+ years of crimes against humanity by Ukrainians vs east Ukrainians And keep ignoring accords being broken…but hey it’s cool and A ok when the West levels Iraq…no children lived in Baghdad right?

Wow dude …just wow.

Pamfil Military Academy

Spare organs for sorosist gang of demonic animals.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

They have been taken to Israel. There it is common to have sex with small children. Jews prefer European children over Arabs who smell bad.


Wherever there’s a market and a buyer. That says just about anywhere in the Western world.


zelsenky and his coward army and SBU are stealing and selling children for money to buy weapon. Helsinki is gay and will sacrifice every ukraine civilian and kid to save this Zionist nazi scum.

Paul Citro



Fake new, please be serious.


Russians do this;https://t.me/c/1486981915/16260


In case you donțt know, over 30 000 refugees children disapeeared from EU in just two years. just google search these articles, I put the titles. Also, some cou tries don’t register the children, so the situation is much worse than in these articles. In 2016-2018 it was much worse, i read reports oficial that were also in the media with numbers such as 25 000, 33000. So yes, the Ukrainian children are not safe in pedo Europe. Other children as well, of course! And in US 80 000 refugees children dissapeared in 8 months

Over 18,000 children in migration missing in Europe between 2018-2020

The Guardian: Nearly 17 child migrants a day vanished in Europe since 2018

Some months ago there were the numbers: 80 000, now I see they dissapeared from the first google search page, but of course they can be found gogoduck etc if you know the information you will find the resources The Biden administration has lost contact with thousands of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children who have been released from federal custody, according to a shocking report Wednesday.


So good to see the exposure of this fiendish global market, so cruel and sickening.

Mrs. Mary H. Sands, mother of 7, grandmama of 30

I found it and read it, after my precious FB friend said FB deleted her posting of this link’s address. Me being born & bred in the old-time newspaper world 74 years ago, I deem this article is written as an editorial, with a great lack of creditings given. Yet, it is the first mention I’ve come across since just before the mass-media-reported “invasion of Russia”, that a true reason for what would be given that title, is to attack the sex-slave masters & free the sex slaves in Ukraine. I weep. );


This has the Clinton foundation written all over it. They saw an opportunity coming, reopened their doors and went to work.

tom reynolds

Remember when hiLIARys people got caught kidnapping all those children from Haiti? Is this the same bunch?

Jackie Owl

Sold as white slaves by a female agent if Zelenskyy or one if his oligarchs. Those children are probably locked up half @ dozen Arabic princesses compounds. And, least you even think this is in jest, consider how that sh*thole of a society has operated since 1991. They bribed the Clinton’s, bribed Hunter Biden, bribes his old man, “the big guy”. Zelenskyy us a psychopath that wouldn’t bat an eye at compromising Lunch Bucket Joe and forcing him to dance to whatever tune he dreams up. Given the number of changes and increasingly hysterical lies coming from Zelenskyy’s propaganda mill, always in tune with Washington, to where Biden and Zelenskyy sound like a duet, everyone should be outraged.


NATO child trafficking teams have kidnapped them for European aristocracy satanic rituals.

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