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From Jai Ram to – Hai Ram

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From Jai Ram to – Hai Ram

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Written by Supratim Barman

The OverSeas Friends of the Bharatiya Janata Party, or; OF-BJP, is fairly big in the United Kingdom, and more so in the United States of America. It surprisingly even has a huge number of followers in the United Arab Emirates.

You can visit them at their official online information portal at http://ofbjp.bjp.org/ and read up all about their plans and visions of the future for the vast Diaspora.

The OF-BJP is divided into various administration wings such as the OF-BJP-USA, OF-BJP-UK; which lay down concentrated focused attention on the Hindu Diaspora within their target nations. It is extremely well funded, very professional and very efficient.

After all, the BJP, in itself, is the largest political party in the world with 174,000,000 openly declared members. They tower over the world’s second largest political party, which is the Chinese Communist Party that has 91,000,000 members. (These figures are from 2019 and the membership figures for the BJP are probably far higher in 2022).

The BJP overtook the CCP in 2015, during the first elected term of office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and today they are nearly twice the size, in terms of membership, of the CCP.

It is a formidable achievement that has required dedicated long term planning, mobilisation of marketing and public relations resources in order to garner massive funds and investments into the party’s political apparatus. Creation of a message that appeals to the Hindu public that constitutes approximately 80% of the Indian population.

There is an interesting fun fact here. The population of the Indian Republic is currently statistically marked at 1400 million, of whom, 1120 million, (or 80%), are Hindu by faith. The BJP or Indian Peoples’ Party, (in a loose English translation), is a unique political organisation, in that, it is primarily a religious movement. So, if one assumes that BJP membership is solely Hindu, then 174 million members out of a population of 1120 million Hindus within the Indian Republic equates to about 15% of all Hindus within the Republic.

In other words, 15% of the Republic’s Hindu population are open members of the BJP, (which is a significant number), plus you have the vast number who are not members but are avid supporters and will always vote for the BJP at any and every opportunity; for when casting their vote is deemed an essential necessity.

The BJP, without a doubt, is a force of nature and its mechanics and machinery will be studied by future generations of scholars who will, in turn, earn countless PhDs from their research and study of this incredible phenomenon.

The BJP actively seeks to integrate religious dogma, the political structures of administration, national identity, language, history, education, conduct of living, delegation of one’s rights onto iron-cast stratified layered divisions, regulation of business and money, all aspects of science and the very essence of what it is to be a Hindu and Indian; into one unified whole.

The BJP has no grand designs for world domination, in fact they would be happiest if the world forgot about them and they be left alone to recreate the Indian Republic in their own image. But, the BJP does not have that luxury of glorious isolation. The political party that they are; and the country, which they govern, are part of the world at large and all are influenced by events that develop and unfold many miles from their shores.

The current leadership of the BJP are very technologically savvy and are also very adept at understanding the scope and power of projecting image perception via social media. They know how cheap and ruthlessly efficient social media can be if applied and directed with careful planning. They realised early on that direct messaging to the masses can be achieved cheap and cheerfully at very little cost via laser like use of mass media technology.

They timed it beautifully with the colossal promulgation of moderately priced smartphones flooding like a deluge into the Indian market from about 2010 onwards.

The party have dedicated IT Cells that are able to exploit the full gamut of targeted campaigning. They have used Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp like a force multiplier in propagating favourable narratives, instigating opinions, changing the mood and colour of actual contextual facts, altering the timeline of events; in other words; altering the very perception of truth and reality. As I said earlier, there are more avenues for PhDs here than Harvard and Oxford can handle if you want to get busy and start recording and analysing this gigantic political entity.

From Jai Ram to – Hai Ram

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We know all this and none of this is new. What we may have as an inkling at the back of our minds but we somehow cannot put a finger on, is how all this can turn in our hands against us.

The current Indian Government is adamantly not towing the line as dictated by the United States of A with regard to enforcing sanctions on the Russian Federation. In fact, India and Russia are reactivating the Rupee-Ruble Monetary Mechanism via which the Indian Republic and the USSR traded with each other until about 1991.

They are each actively engaged in reviving this system in order to bypass the restrictions on bilateral trade via the sanctions that have been placed on the use of the US Dollar upon the Russian Federation.

The United States Press Secretary has asked India to “think about on which side of history they would like to be remembered”. The Japanese Prime Minister has visited New Delhi and reminded India that it is a member of the QUAD and is obliged to condemn Russia, which India politely ignored. The United Kingdom Trade Minister has threatened India with trade sanctions and the Indian Government didn’t really even bother to reply.

India has abstained from voting on 4 UN Resolutions that were framed against the Russian Federation.

India is in fact putting into place every mechanism available, as well as constructing new ones, to buy petroleum, fertilisers, grain and rare earths from the Russian Federation via complete avoidance of the US Dollar, as in down to the non-use of every instrument of the extensive American financial infrastructure and associated institutions; and mapping out detailed banking architectures for purely Rupee and Ruble transactions.

Into this mix figures the Islamic Republic of Iran, and its need to find a buyer for its limitless oil which so far has been restricted by US sanctions. India is a huge producer of medicine and pharmaceutical products that again do not come under US patents and licence restrictions, and for which Iran is an eager potential trade partner and buyer.

India has even indicated that it may no longer be beholden to the ridiculous Gulf Sheikhs for its petroleum requirements anymore and that these Sheikhs now need to start behaving themselves with regards to the massive human rights violations that they perpetuate on the huge Indian work force within these desert wastelands.

I would like to touch here on the fact, which may be somewhat controversial, and that is that the vast Indian missile programme that was initiated in the mid 1970s, is not designed to target the Peoples’ Republic of China nor the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (The range of India’s nuclear warhead tipped stock missiles are not long enough to reach the population of Beijing and they are too long for Islamabad).

Approximately 80% of India’s nuclear missiles have been designed since the 1970s with only one city in mind and that city is downtown Riyadh within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And the reason for that is to keep the shifty Sheikh honest, and for him not to keep having these sudden random delusional thoughts and alcohol soaked Visions of Global Domination via International Wahabi Jihad.

India does not have a drop of petroleum reserves and has to import every drop. When there was no other viable option, India had to bend the bowed head to the desert Sheikh and put up with the ferocious humiliation meted out to its citizens within these Gulf sand pits; but the events that are now unfolding in Ukraine are beginning to lead to rapid Eurasian Integration and the creation of vast markets and Trade Alliances that will bypass the need for these semi deranged autocratic inconsequential Sheikhdoms.

China and India are the two largest importers of petroleum in the world and if both start to buy oil in a currency other than the US Dollar, well than that in itself indicates the start of the end of the PetroDollar and the collapse of the shaky foundation upon which the entire global financial system sits.

There is every possibility of India and Pakistan as well as China now resolving their territorial disputes.

How does the OverSeas Friends fit into all of this? Well, the US of A and its lackeys are in no way going to allow the rug to be pulled from under their super efficient system of hegemonic exploitation. They will make it well nigh impossible to attempt any mess-about with their lucrative extortion racket.

They will hold these OverSeas members to ransom, as most are now citizens of the US and the UK. There are already rumblings from the various Human Rights Organisations and other assorted NGOs that are looking to interfere within India’s internal affairs with veiled malicious intents. The same American Media Tech that the BJP used to distort facts from fiction will be switched on in a ferocious campaign to wreck havoc within the Indian Republic.

There will be overt attempts to instigate powerful waves of Colour Revolutions within the Indian Republic that will initially look to act as a warning to the man in charge to behave himself and stick with the pre-determined script of privatising every Indian State Asset back onto the books of the erstwhile East India Company, the job for which he was groomed by these Corporations in the first place.

These OverSeas Friends have openly shot themselves in the foot. They will be branded as supporters and fund raisers for a political party that may be about to be sanctioned, bear in mind here that the current Prime Minister himself was on a travel ban to Europe and United States, until he was duly elected as Head of State in 2014. Having kept him on a ban would have looked silly especially when there were billions of dollars worth of junk that you needed to sell him in the form of weapons, KFC franchises and profiteering from cyber coolie outsourcing services.

The Friends now will be pressured to exert influence on the BJP to get the Party to change their tact and not be so uppity and have these strange thoughts about sovereignty, regard for the welfare of the citizens of India first, keeping the interests foremost; and all that. In-fact, the Party itself is so firmly in the grip of foreign money that any slight deviation would in itself automatically cause massive contradictions within the minds of the Party leadership and administrators.

How will the Friends react? Are they smart enough to even understand what is coming up the road for them and do they even have the intelligence to deal with it.

They will be tested under fire which will indicate their level of opportunistic commitment to their ridiculous cause.

You see winning an election is easy. You can use mass media to influence voters. You can even cook the books and employ “scientific vote rigging”. The BJP have become experts in winning elections. They know which buttons to push, how much influence and pressure and money needs to be applied and where. In fact, they know the system like the back of the famous hand. However, winning is one thing. But governing a nation as vast, complicated and as important globally as the Indian Republic is another thing altogether.

And now in 2022 may be the very first real test that the BJP has ever taken. So far, it is not looking too bad at all. This exam will allow for the BJP to rid themselves of the corrosive fascist control of the RSS and to ditch the cheap opportunists, especially the Friends of the BJP with their clownish and petty shop keeper tendencies and outlook on money and life in general.

These are monumental times of tremendous Global Significance for Humanity, where the unfinished business of laying to waste the vestiges of Imperialism and the curse of Empire is about to take place. These are great days.

Humanity is about to be rid of the interest soaked model of financial parasitism. Children will eat healthy and grow up to counter the Evils of Fascism. Mothers will stand proudly and resist their oppressors in the name of their fathers. Vested interests will be brought to trial for their crimes against humanity and they will be exposed and destroyed.

Marx was deeply influenced by Islam. Not the politics and the superstitious aspects of the philosophy but by the essence of the scientific aspects of the composite model of society that was being explored.

Religious middlemen, fakirs, fakes and fools who have turned religious philosophy into a commercial business will be exterminated like a disease that they are.

The world is a giant interconnected brain dealing in nothing but information and there is much to learn, much to appreciate and much to incorporate into our lives. But without a doubt, these are tectonic shifts and I, for one, am fortunate to have lived this long to be a part of these events unfolding upon us.

There is the whole massive development of Pamir Highway Integration and EurAsian and EastAsian trade, which I hope to touch upon in my next essay.

Oh yes and before I forget, Jai Ram loosely translated to English from Hindi is Glory to God. Hai Ram – loosely is Oh My God, What Happened Here.

The BJP may have used Hindu Ideology, American Corporate Money, Fascist support of the RSS and her OverSeas Friends of low IQ and morality, but history may have gifted the Party a unique chance to become the champion for the Global South and for Humanity itself. And it seems that the Party has understood and is eagerly accepting the challenge and starting to discard the more primitive aspects of their manifesto that was designed to appeal to sections of their more semi-literate audiences.

Interestingly, it maybe the Philosophy of Marx and the Principles of Islamic Finance and an Egalitarian Society, two things which the RSS fervently hate, that may be what saves the Indian Republic at this crucial moment. Two things that the BJP may paint into the colours of their own flag and incorporate quietly; but, in their own unique image.

Who knows but there are some chaotic days ahead.


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Can I have Russian military equipment?

No, buy it from China!

Modi being happy. 🤷🤭

Ashok Varma

You are a attention seeking basement dwelling PUNK troll who is here 24/7 ranting sheer ignorance. Get a life.


You say comments are created so nobody reads them? 🤷😂

te qifsha nanen

He said you were a delusional imbecile with reading and comprehension problem along with 1000 other mental problems you bitch have.

Last edited 2 years ago by te qifsha nanen
S Balu

Ashok Varma Biggest traitors to India are anglicized indians ie coconuts who SUFFER FROM INTENSE INFERIORITY COMPLEX AND ARE UNDER COMPLETE zionist control Author has wishful thinking WITHOUT BALKANIZATION INDIA IS UNGOVERNABLE

Emad Subono

US is being rejected by all of Asia as Indonesia is also a rising power.

‘Russia invited’: Vladimir Putin plans to attend G20 in Bali in sharp rebuke to US and NATO impotency.


your right thank you


why do you want russian weapons? i thought you liked everything from your western lovers. Go to ukranie, americunts and europedos are giving away weapons over there.


Modi surely will rethink buying Russian weapons, indeed.

Not only do the Russian Forces fail badly, but the equipment shows the weaknesses of the overcome military doctrines they are designed after.

Even China will think twice about its Soviet era weaponry and equipment.

te qifsha nanen

You can have your daddys dildo in your ass. Boring, mentally damaged imbecile.




That’s the NATOs/globalists plan.

Ashok Varma

They will fail as Russia, China and India will NOT fall for their racist divide and rule neo-imperialism. The world’s future is in Eurasia and the Anglo-Saxon and Zionist racists are done. US is now a confused mongrel in decline.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
S Balu


Ashok Varma

You have made a valid observation. Anglo-Zionist hubris and racism is uniting the world against these NATO warmongers. Ukrainian Nazi racism has turned all of India, China, Muslim world, Asia, Africa and Latin America against the Euro trash racism and American hypocrites. Indonesia has sent a personal invitation to President Putin to attend the G 20 summit.

The legitimate Russian action in Russian Ukraine has even brought China, India and Pakistan together to support Russia along with 95% of the world. 🇷🇺 Rusi-Hindustani bhai bhai ♥

basement in US embassy in poland

wonder if russia helped india during her struggle for independence against british colonialism.

Ashok Varma

Indeed. USSR was one of the first countries that supported Indian struggle against British racist imperialism. After 1947, Russia/USSR aligned itself with India and all national liberation movements. Indian public loves Russians who supported India in 4 winning wars. Even today, 70% of Indian weapons are Russian. We even picked the AK-103 as our standard rifle.


Sweet how important I want to be with my content.


In the end we can only grow in importance with copycats and grouping through commenting for Ukraine and Zelensky.

Why do I need copycats? Because copycatting is the name of the game today. Everybody wants to make a lol online or offline, and everybody tries to copy what everybody else does.If nobody copied my importance, I wouldn’t care if anybody did anything with it ever again.That’s life. What matters to me now is not who got where first, but whether or not we’re going somewhere together as Loki. That’s the future of our commenting. I am not looking back. Commenting moves forward when different Lokis start working together or against each other. When Loki copies what another Loki does, that other Loki gets promoted. So yes, copycatters move humanity forward. 🤷🤭

Ashok Varma

It would help if Loki trolls find a job and not ruin every thread. Namaste.


You only need better arguments. 🤷😉


and you need a brain.

S Balu

Ashok Varma Loki is busy looking at solving the sanitation problems India has and he is confused why Indians tend to gather near Railway tracks and PRACTICE COMMUNAL DEFECATION CAN YOU SHED SOME LIGHT ON IT PLEASE


Yes India is a large nation and they will become in time culturally significant. But the concept of nonviolence is deeply entrenched in the cultural fabric of the Indian society. In that sense Indians will always be more inclined towards democracy and will not favor totalitarianism. Also their democratic process is relatively functional and the country is simply too big and diverse to be able to be controlled by autocrats. India is a extremely complex and diverse society from an ethnic and cultural and religious perspective. The liberal-democratic model is preferable to the Indian body politic because it allows the state to manage this complex society in a smooth way without having to worry too much about control and complexity. India can never become socially conservative like Russia. It is already a multicultural country and has been so for millennia. The Russian political model can never be implemented in India and for sure the Indian political model would never work with the rigid totalitarian stiff heads of Moscow. Russia has a better chance to become more European than to become more like India.


OUCH — President Putin found a way to LEGALLY cut off all energy supplies to fachist amerika’s EU stooges !

“Putin wants rubles for Russian gas

The change will affect energy exports to “unfriendly countries”

Russia will now accept payment for gas exports to “unfriendly countries” in rubles only, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the government on Wednesday.

The president explained that Russia plans to abandon all “compromised” currencies in payment settlements. He added that illegitimate decisions by a number of Western countries to freeze Russia’s assets destroyed all confidence in their currencies.

“I have decided to implement in the shortest possible time a set of measures to change the payments for – yes let’s start with this – for our natural gas supplied to the so-called unfriendly countries in Russian rubles, that is to stop using all compromised currencies for transactions,” the Russian president said.

“It doesn’t make sense to deliver our goods to the EU and the US and get paid in dollars and euros,” he added.”

The announcement caused a spike in the cost of contracts for gas supply at the TTF European hub, Forbes Russia quoted data from the Intercontinental Exchange as indicating. During Wednesday’s trading, the gas price rose from €97 per megawatt hour (MWh) to approximately €108.5 per 1MWh, but after the president’s speech, it jumped by another €10 to €118.75 per 1MWh, before retreating to €114 per 1MWh as of 1pm GMT

love it, Love It, LOVE IT !


Russia wanted to pay interest rates with rubels, paid in dollars. So what?

And there is enough supplies from different sources mid and long-term anyway. Then Vlad can fart biggest farts with all that gas no one wants. 🤷🤭


monkey stop farting from your shithole gay mouth

Straight Edge European Patriot

Mr Modi knows Bhagavad Gita, and Vedic culture, but only superficially : he is also puppet of global cabal, sadly.No politician is to be trusted…

But Hare Krishna food charity in UA and Donbass is helping the hungry there : Hare Krishna Food for Life, ( already more than5 yrs in Donbass, milions of warm dishes served to war refugees, civilians ! )

Check Kiyv Hare Krishna Temple, Kharkiv Food for Life as well. Pisza Zyzni.

World biggest plant based charity : Food for Life, vegan veggie. Many Hare Krishnas in Ukraine, in Russia as well :-) This is real hope for humanity, because politics is always cheating !

instead of babbling about your temporary likes and dislikes, your “so important” national philosophies which will end when your body will end, and where you going next ??? Nationalism keeps you in low bodily consciousness : and this is what n w o wants…


chaddi rantings


Beware of Chaddi Nazis of India

Chodi Slayer

Indeed. People doesn’t realize that these Chaddis RSS, BJP is directly inspired by NAZI. What a weird world we live in. hahahaha.


Muhammad paedo

Gentleman Jim

This kind of petty sectarian thinking introduced by the British racist imperialists is causing India’s backwardness. India can only progress as a secular inclusive society integrated with Eurasia and at peace with all its neighbors. The NATO war on Russia is a wake up call for China, India and Pakistan not to fall for western evil designs. So far only the Arabs and Ukrainian Nazis have been patsies for US and UK divide and rule and ruin nations.

Chodi Slayer

It’s weird to see Indian ultra nationalists cry in Russian website. No, India isn’t a thing in Global politics. They are just a huge opportunistic market to sell. Saudi doesn’t care about Indian Missile. They have spread Wahabism with petrodollar just fine. The arab sheikhs you cry about are just happen to be a great opportunistic friends of China or Russia. It’s all about business. RSS has done a great job to create idea of multiple Pakistan from India.

Gentleman Jim

Modi is a divisive figure but the weak Congress has not challenged RSS and BJP extremism either.

Chodi Slayer

2 Years ago Indian god was Donald Trump. Today Indian new god is Vladimir Putin. Jay Putin.


Muhammad paedo died by poisoning

Gentleman Jim

Stop this idiotic nonsense as it is irrelevant to the topic and is harmful for India.

S Balu

Hindu Absolutely how did you know? It seems to me you want to join prince Andrew’s gang eh

Chodi Slayer

Don’t start with those hindu. The maximum our Russian or western friends knows about Hindus are about Hindus greatest kamasutra manual or sexy yoga.

But do they know about hindu gods was fucked by our SUN according to mahabharatha? Do they know the hindu god Brahma who created a daughter and fucked her? Oh man these are more kamasutra than kamasutra manual. The nasty hindu reads these everyday and rape and night. The rapist capital of the world.

S Balu

Chodi slayer So true indians have no value system they worship money


Prophet Muhammad died because of poisoning.Just today 8 pakistani soldiers were killed 😁

Chodi Slayer

All the 30 million gods couldn’t save Indian defense head Bipin Rawat. And Indian dreams of becoming superpower in 2020.


India should be extremely careful in purchasing western fighter jets. The Rafaele fighter jets must be reduced to only 30%. Western countries are Absolutely dishonest and bandits.


there is no western its zionist, the jews control europe and america


I remember once during the Cold War the Soviet submarines saved the Indian sovereign during Nixon presidency.

Ashok Varma

Soviet warnings kept the US out of Bangladesh liberation war and Russian weapons won the day. That is why Indian generals want Russia to be more aggressive in Ukraine.


India will make a lot of money making business with Russia. Right know they signed a lifetime contract to buy several millions barrels of oil with 20% discount. And surely they’ll use national currencies.

Last edited 2 years ago by AfroWasp
jens holm


Country Last Previous Reference Unit Denmark 1 1 Dec/20 New Zealand 1 1 Dec/20 Finland 3 3 Dec/20 Singapore 3 4 Dec/20 Sweden 3 4 Dec/20 Switzerland 3 4 Dec/20 Norway 7 7 Dec/20 Netherlands 8 8 Dec/20 Germany 9 9 Dec/20 Luxembourg 9 9 Dec/20 Australia 11 12 Dec/20 Canada 11 12 Dec/20 Hong Kong 11 16 Dec/20 United Kingdom 11 12 Dec/20 Austria 15 12 Dec/20 Belgium 15 17 Dec/20 Estonia 17 18 Dec/20 Iceland 17 11 Dec/20 Japan 19 20 Dec/20 Ireland 20 18 Dec/20 United Arab Emirates 21 21 Dec/20 Uruguay 21 21 Dec/20 France 23 23 Dec/20 Bhutan 24 25 Dec/20 Chile 25 26 Dec/20 United States 25 23 Dec/20 Seychelles 27 27 Dec/20 Taiwan 28 28 Dec/20 Barbados 29 30 Dec/20 Bahamas 30 29 Dec/20 Qatar 30 30 Dec/20 Spain 32 30 Dec/20 Portugal 33 30 Dec/20 South Korea 33 39 Dec/20 Botswana 35 34 Dec/20 Brunei 35 35 Dec/20 Israel 35 35 Dec/20 Lithuania 35 35 Dec/20 Slovenia 35 35 Dec/20 St Vincent and the Grenadines 40 39 Dec/20 Cape Verde 41 41 Dec/20 Costa Rica 42 44 Dec/20 Cyprus 42 41 Dec/20 Latvia 42 44 Dec/20 Georgia 45 44 Dec/20 Poland 45 41 Dec/20 Dominica 48 48 Dec/20 St Lucia 48 50 Dec/19 Czech Republic 49 44 Dec/20 Oman 49 56 Dec/20 Rwanda 49 51 Dec/20 Grenada 52 51 Dec/20 Italy 52 51 Dec/20 Malta 52 50 Dec/20 Mauritius 52 56 Dec/20 Saudi Arabia 52 51 Dec/20 Malaysia 57 51 Dec/20 Namibia 57 56 Dec/20 Greece 59 60 Dec/20 Armenia 60 77 Dec/20 Jordan 60 60 Dec/20 Slovakia 60 59 Dec/20 Belarus 63 66 Dec/20 Croatia 63 63 Dec/20 Cuba 63 60 Dec/20 Sao Tome and Principe 63 64 Dec/20 Montenegro 67 66 Dec/20 Senegal 67 66 Dec/20 Bulgaria 69 74 Dec/20 Hungary 69 70 Dec/20 Jamaica 69 74 Dec/20 Romania 69 70 Dec/20 South Africa 69 70 Dec/20 Tunisia 69 74 Dec/20 Ghana 75 80 Dec/20 Maldives 75 130 Dec/20 Oman 49 56 Dec/20 Rwanda 49 51 Dec/20 Grenada 52 51 Dec/20 Italy 52 51 Dec/20 Malta 52 50 Dec/20 Mauritius 52 56 Dec/20 Saudi Arabia 52 51 Dec/20 Malaysia 57 51 Dec/20 Namibia 57 56 Dec/20 Greece 59 60 Dec/20 Armenia 60 77 Dec/20 Jordan 60 60 Dec/20 Slovakia 60 59 Dec/20 Belarus 63 66 Dec/20 Croatia 63 63 Dec/20 Cuba 63 60 Dec/20 Sao Tome and Principe 63 64 Dec/20 Montenegro 67 66 Dec/20 Senegal 67 66 Dec/20 Bulgaria 69 74 Dec/20 Hungary 69 70 Dec/20 Jamaica 69 74 Dec/20 Romania 69 70 Dec/20 South Africa 69 70 Dec/20 Tunisia 69 74 Dec/20 Ghana 75 80 Dec/20 Maldives 75 130 Dec/20 Vanuatu 75 64 Dec/20 Argentina 78 66 Dec/20 Bahrain 78 77 Dec/20 China 78 80 Dec/20 Kuwait 78 85 Dec/20 Solomon Islands 78 77 Dec/20 Benin 83 80 Dec/20 Guyana 83 85 Dec/20 Lesotho 83 85 Dec/20 Burkina Faso 86 85 Dec/20 East Timor 86 93 Dec/20 India 86 80 Dec/20 Morocco 86 80 Dec/20 Trinidad and Tobago 86 85 Dec/20 Turkey 86 91 Dec/20 Colombia 92 96 Dec/20 Ecuador 92 93 Dec/20 Brazil 94 106 Dec/20 Ethiopia 94 96 Dec/20 Kazakhstan 94 113 Dec/20 Peru 94 101 Dec/20 Serbia 94 91 Dec/20 Sri Lanka 94 93 Dec/20 Suriname 94 70 Dec/20 Tanzania 94 96 Dec/20 Gambia 102 96 Dec/20 Indonesia 102 85 Dec/20 Albania 104 106 Dec/20 Algeria 104 106 Dec/20 El Salvador 104 113 Dec/20 Ivory Coast 104 106 Dec/20 Kosovo 104 101 Dec/20 Thailand 104 101 Dec/20 Vietnam 104 96 Dec/20 Bosnia and Herzegovina 111 101 Dec/20 Macedonia 111 106 Dec/20 Mongolia 111 106 Dec/20 Panama 111 101 Dec/20 Moldova 115 120 Dec/20 Philippines 115 113 Dec/20 Egypt 117 106 Dec/20 Nepal 117 113 Dec/20 Sierra Leone 117 119 Dec/20 Swaziland 117 113 Dec/20 Ukraine 117 126 Dec/20 Zambia 117 113 Dec/20 Niger 123 120 Dec/20 Bolivia 124 123 Dec/20 Kenya 124 137 Dec/20 Kyrgyzstan 124 126 Dec/20 Mexico 124 130 Dec/20 Pakistan 124 120 Dec/20 Azerbaijan 129 126 Dec/20 Gabon 129 123 Dec/20 Malawi 129 123 Dec/20 Mali 129 130 Dec/20 Russia 129 137 Dec/20 Dominican Republic 137 137 Dec/20 Guinea 137 130 Dec/20 Laos 137 130 Dec/20 Liberia 137 137 Dec/20 Mauritania 137 137 Dec/20 Myanmar 137 130 Dec/20 Paraguay 137 137 Dec/20 Togo 137 130 Dec/20 Angola 142 146 Dec/20 Djibouti 142 126 Dec/20 Papua New Guinea 142 137 Dec/20 Uganda 142 137 Dec/20 Bangladesh 146 146 Dec/20 Central African Republic 146 153 Dec/20 Uzbekistan 146 153 Dec/20 Cameroon 149 153 Dec/20 Guatemala 149 146 Dec/20 Iran 149 146 Dec/20 Lebanon 149 137 Dec/20 Madagascar 149 158 Dec/20 Mozambique 149 146 Dec/20 Nigeria 149 146 Dec/20 Tajikistan 149 153 Dec/20 Honduras 157 146 Dec/20 Zimbabwe 157 158 Dec/20 Nicaragua 159 161 Dec/20 Cambodia 160 162 Dec/20 Chad 160 162 Dec/20 Comoros 160 153 Dec/20 Eritrea 160 160 Dec/20 Iraq 160 162 Dec/20 Afghanistan 165 173 Dec/20 Burundi 165 165 Dec/20 Congo 165 165 Dec/20 Guinea Bissau 165 168 Dec/20 Turkmenistan 165 165 Dec/20 Haiti 170 168 Dec/20 North Korea 170 172 Dec/20 Republic of the Congo 170 168 Dec/20 Libya 173 168 Dec/20 Equatorial Guinea 174 173 Dec/20 Sudan 174 173 Dec/20 Venezuela 176 173 Dec/20 Yemen 178 177 Dec/20 Somalia 179 180 Dec/20 South Sudan 179 179 Dec/20 Syria 179 178 Dec/20


These two mentally diseased monkeys jens and Loki (+1000names) keep spamming total garbage all over this place again and again and moderators do nothing (if they even exist)


jens homo senile idiot—there are no corruption comparisons—they are fascist perceptions…your stupidity never surprises


All i know is that liberal West has come to it’s limits and it cannot offer anything new anymore. Nothing that would lead to some significant progres to us as a Human race. But it’s nothing tragic, we have seen this before, with other civilisations. However, the western ideas of humanism, enlightment, democracy and socialism will be used as solid foundations for new social models. Along with wisdom from the East, like buddhism, hinduism etc. I’m sure that the future models will be developed in the global south.

Ashok Varma

The so-called west was based on slavery, racism and exploitation of weaker states, now the global power balance and demographics have changed and most of the awakened Eurasia, Latin America and Africa have rejected neo-imperialism. The NATO hyenas war on Russia is the final straw for both China and India as if Russia loses, then China is next for sure and India will be under immense pressure to be colonized again. NATO is an aggressive racist imperialist evil as the latest propaganda against President Putin dressed up as an Asiatic Mongol has exposed. The west is totally racist laden with hubris and arrogance.


They are still murdering people in the forests calling them maoists. Animals and environment protection are what matters. There is no peace without protecting animals and environment. Forcing 1.4 billion people to be Hindis is disgusting. Save us this ridiculous soft piece on India.


the most corrupt nations on earth—USA Denmark etc require sanctions and arbitrary tariffs to survive….jens homo corruption index made in Langley by CIA

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
supratim barman

does anyone know what the Z in Operation Z stands for?

Last edited 2 years ago by supratim barman
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