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From Ukraine To Gaza, U.S. Is Failing

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From Ukraine To Gaza, U.S. Is Failing

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From Ukraine To Gaza, U.S. Is Failing
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From Ukraine To Gaza, U.S. Is Failing

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The United States is failing to further its interests from Ukraine to the Gaza Strip, creating more tensions and spreading wars.

In Ukraine, the failure of the so-called spring counteroffensive was a serious blow to the U.S. who provided the Kiev regime with tens of billions worth of military aid. Kiev`s forces didn’t only fail to recapture any Russian-held territory, but also sustained heavy losses and are now losing key areas, like Avdiivka and Kupyansk, to the Russian military.

The U.S. top ally in Kiev, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is now facing unprecedented internal pressure as he inches closer to firing the commander-in-chief of his forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. The move could spark an internal conflict and sweep away everything the U.S. has built in Ukraine since the 2014 regime change.

Meanwhile in the Middle East, the U.S. unconditional support for the Israeli war on Gaza -which has so far claimed the lives of more 26,000 Palestinians- is bringing the entire region closer to a full-blown conflict.

More than 165 attacks have targeted U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria on the backdrop of the war. Iranian-backed forces, namely the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, claimed responsibility for the majority of these attacks.

Dozens of American troops were wounded and tensions reached new heights after three were killed in a drone attack on the Syrian-Jordanian border late in January. Washington vowed to respond to the attack. An unchecked response could provoke a fierce reaction from Iran and its allies in Iraq and Syria.

The U.S. is already about to start talks with Iraq on the future of its military presence and is reportedly considering a withdrawal from Syria.

In the Red Sea, the U.S. is also failing to end the blockade imposed by the Iran-allied Houthis (Ansar Allah) on Israel-affiliated ships in support of Gaza.

The U.S. amassed a large naval coalition and launched dozens of strikes on Yemen along with the United Kingdom to counter the Houthis. However, the group responded by expanding its operations to include attacks on U.S. and UK vessels.

The Houthis nearly hit a U.S. guided missile destroyer late in January, and later struck two merchant vessels, one linked to the U.S. and the other to the UK.

In Gaza itself, Israel has so far failed to achieve any of its stated goals. Hamas is still heavily-armed and in charge of the Strip. In addition, none of the Israeli hostages have been released by force. The bet the U.S. made on Israel will not apparently pay off, and Washington is already preparing an alternative plan by sponsoring talks on a long ceasefire in Gaza that ends the war there. This would be a resounding defeat for Israel, and by effect for the U.S. itself.

All in all, the U.S. unwillingness to compromise to find middle ground with its rivals has created a dangerous situation from Ukraine to Gaza. Washington is making some changes, however not enough to de-escalate and end the current wars.

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CEO of Yapping

the us major proxies aren’t doing great.

1. syria/iraq – isil/daesh failed. syria proxies 2.0 after fall of daesh, kurdish gang and kurdish terrorists groups failing to hold anything on the ground without the help of the us.

2. neo-nazis in ukraine that have zero link to nazis, losing to russia.

3. zionists… they can’t deal with hamas… over 3 months now, they lost to hezbollah in 2006 – in 2006…

4. i not going to say anything about afghanistan…

CEO of Yapping

i don’t think that jews/zionists are worse than the us… they are 100% with the us but in reality are the little satan european settlers (colonizers). the us doesn’t have any allies but puppets and they never care what happens to their puppet after at all. the same thing going to happen to the zionist settlers.

i really want to see how other us proxies going to do, like taiwan, they saw it all before their eyes. i can understand why china is not in a rush as well.


“america has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” henry kissinger

and he should know as he was involved in lot of us foreign policy initiatives for over 50 years.


german orc got demilitarized hehehe https://t.me/rvvoenkor/61328

CEO of Yapping

oh yeah they got “demilitarized” and still sending money and weapons to their nazis friends.

germany is still part of nato – and tbh fuk’em.


was a descendant of himmler, wasn’t she? and fought in the uber-nazi carpathian sichkos.

denazification going so well, it’s even including its origins in germany now. scholz should be thanking the russkies.

Last edited 1 year ago by theicemancometh

how about kosovo, where the us bombed serbia so it could tear kosovo away from it but now in ukraine, where the ukrops killed more civilians in the donbass since 2014 than any that died in kosovo from serb efforts to stop their rebellion.

how come the us bombs one country that fights separatist rebels and then helps a worse country to bomb not even separatists but federalists for 8 years?


us foreign policy is bullshit. neocons are hybrid fascist/bolsheviks. they make me sick. to hell with ’em.

CEO of Yapping

they don’t care who they are supporting, you should see it as what the us get out of them. in case of ukraine they buying ukrainian companies and stealing resources… also they using to harm russia.


youtube account ‘1420channel’. video: “this story was also made up by the evil west to spoil the image of russia.”

ivan woke up to his korean smartphone. got out of his swedish bed. squeezed german toothpaste onto an american toothbrush. washed his face with french soap. made coffee with a german kettle. put on an italian suit. stepped into his german car. went to work in an office building built by turks.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

walked into a finnish elevator. stepped into his office. turned on an american computer. opened an internet browser on an american operating system. typed a web address in english to access an american social network. logged into his account and typed “the dirty west must never enslave russia!”

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

poko molo becomes more stupid each week

M. Paraplu

zero link to nazis? they are bandera supporters. they are nazis, and not neo-nazis, plain nazis.

Last edited 1 year ago by M. Paraplu
CEO of Yapping

what these clowns doing…

fox news and bbc : u.s airstrikes on syria now!1!1!

fox news and bbc : “sorry, they’re not ours.”

fox news and bbc :”wait… no they’re american”

fox news and bbc: nevermind, i retract

the reality is nothing major happened yet. the attacks on the us will not stop for many reasons and blaming iran wouldn’t get them anywhere. iran and their allies have the same goals, iran doesn’t need to enforce anything on their allies.

Last edited 1 year ago by CEO of Yapping
CEO of Yapping

centcom: we struck more than 85 iran-related targets in iraq and syria, using 125 precision munitions and long range bombers flown from the u.s.

the only video i saw so far was an ammo depot in al-qaim, iraq that was hit. i think that was the reason why there was a loud noise… from rockets explosions after the airstrikes.

also, lmfao what happened to those big mouths in the us? the united states will not strike inside iran – cnn lol.


it looks like us is pounding some sand or demolishing some empty houses in the desert with iran’s permission.

CEO of Yapping

what a time to be alive, the us military informed iraqi government before the attack, they most likely inform where they going to attack as well… the us did that.

reported by not great news channels (telegram) – most of the targets had already been completely evacuated, leading to a preliminary toll of 13 deaths and mostly material damage to the facilities. 10 in syria and 3 in iraq but who knows if it was even 13 deaths.

CEO of Yapping

okay to clear this shi* from those clowns:

“the first strikes started in eastern syria around 23:30 local time. these initial strikes were likely carried out by the royal jordan air force, which took part in the attacks in coordination with the u.s. per wsj.”

CEO of Yapping

jordan agree to host the us troops unlike syria and iraq. so, yeah the had to also to some point protect these apes as well and “do something” as the attack took place in jordan side…

if something funny happens to jordan… lmfao. jordan is a monarchy… lol


so, how is jordan controlling its palestinian population? like the shah did with savak?


jordan? jordan is not doing anything and is not the sort of country that could afford to do it. jordan is walking on a tight rope and can’t afford to make any enemies, but that could be a cover for us clowning in the desert.

it is just a show for a vast stupid population living in that shit hole called us to help reelect the senile biden.

Last edited 1 year ago by vietnam

true vietcong…

CEO of Yapping

yeah no i don’t care if jordan join the us or not – my point was the first few attacks were most likely done by jordan not the us.

fox, bbc, fuking abc were saying it was us then saying no it wasn’t the us, yes it was, no it wasn’t…

to your comment, we don’t know what part jordan took in first wave of attacks – again my point the first strikes started in eastern syria around 23:30 local time. jordan + the us…

jens holm

in my amerikant colony were submissively bend over for amerikan lgbt

jens holm

never writ ut—glagarin did..bend over a pleasure for us


schizophrenic jens tard

jens holm

its a copy rat

poko molo sean

rat not senile–me dementia

Kurva Math

stop taking meth

jens holm

its a copy rat.

Russian Humanitarian

sex with rat is normal in denmark —

jens holm

i never wrote that and the same for the dirt below

jens holm

i writ rat


why you prefer lick feces than dirt? very pervert homo jens

jens holm

amerikan incompetent insouciant robotards need paliation in gay bars

jens holm

idint write that

Russian Humanitarian

we know because jens homo illiterate

jens holm

well, i wroute this but i was undar influentce, so it was nott relly me… its komplicated

jens holm

only influence by glue and senility


propaganda, correct reading of situation: uk war on ukraine is failing. uk replacement of usa by junior partner (china) in africa and middle east is in progress

finland moron

we always succeed with senile lgbt

poko molo sean

all tard hillbillies in my trailer like gay village people fentanyl and jens holmo

jens holm

a copyrat wrote those dirts

poko molo sean

i fail- no writ jibber

jens holm

i wroute zhat

jens holm

why i now rat? cuz senility

jens holm

i dirty since uncle hans sodomized me


i feel your pain–uncle homer did same to me

Russian Humanitarian

we offer mentally ill amerikan discounted seroquel

jens holm

i copy rat on suxan for cia

jens holm

i never fail when copy rat


in my dictatorship we execute assange; snowden free in russia


not failing, ending participation and support for these forever wars.folks overseas were supposed to be working on brics and getting off uncle sam’s coat-tails after all these decades. work a little fas-ter, america’s leaving, losers. un might get boxed up and shipped to moscow or teheran or someplace like that, no more us fed-cheese. byeeeee


the half/s of the donetsk republic militia , lugansk/luhansk republic militia which are offensive forces and not territorial defense of the donetsk republic and lugansk/luhansk republics are advancing with the russian military are advancing.

gaza on the other hand. israel is actually making progress in gaza.

jens holm

toilet to dirty bed bad day in my nursing home w lgbt senile nazi

jens holm

dognap dump in my diapers

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