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FSB: Detailed Timeline Of Provocation Acts Of Ukrainian Navy

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FSB: Detailed Timeline Of Provocation Acts Of Ukrainian Navy

On November 26, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) released a detailed timeline and description of provocative actions of the Ukrainain naval group in the Black Sea on November 24 and November 25. SouthFront ptovides an exclusive translation of the FSB statement (emphasis added):

  • At 16:40 24.11.2018 inside the Russian Federation’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), in about 28-30 miles southeast of cape Meganom, forces and means of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in Crimea detected warships of the Ukrainian Navy: support ship “Gorlovka” (hull No U-753) and the sea tug “Yany Kapu” (hull No A-947), which were avdancing to the northeast in the direction of the Kerch Strait.
  • At 21:30 when the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy approached the state border of the Russian Federation, PSKA-302 (SF: Russian Coast Guard the Sobol-class patrol boat, also known as Project 12200) informed them about the procedure for crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation and the rules of navigation in the Kerch-Yenikalsky channel, which includes a filing of application to the Maritime Administration of the port of Kerch 48, 24 hours ahead and confirmation 4 hours ahead that the warships of the Ukrainian Navy did not do. The commanders of the warships of the Ukrainian Navy responded that the naval group is not planning to cross the state border of the Russian Federation and transit through the Kerch Strait.
  • At 22:23 PSKA-302 informed the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy about the closure of the navigation area near approaches to the Kerch Strait from the side of the Black Sea in the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. The group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy was maneuvering in the EEZ of the Russian Federation at a distance of 6-7 miles from the state border of the Russian Federation, .and on a heading that would traverse the Kerch Strait.
  • At 02:05 on November 25 of this year, in the EEZ of the Russian Federation in the coordinates 44° 50’N 36° 29’E, pskr “Izumrud” found BAK “Nikopol” and “Berdyansk”, passing eastward in the direction of the Kerch Strait.
  • At 03:45, BAK “Nikopol” and “Berdyansk” approached the area where the ships of the Ukrainian Navy were located: support ship “Gorlovka”, sea tug “Yany Kapu”.
  • Until 05.30, support ship “Gorlovka” was refueling both BAKs.
  • At 05:35 BAK “Berdyansk” (call sign “Schooner-175”) reported to the technical observation post (cape Takil) about the planned passage of the warships of the Ukrainian Navy (the sea tug “Yana Kapu” (call sign “Desna-947”), BAK “Nikopol” (call sign “Schooner-176”), BAK “Berdyansk” (call sign “Schooner-175”)) to the port of Berdyansk through the Kerch Strait at 06:00 am Kiev time (07:00 Moscow time).
  • At 05:45, the commander of PSKA-302 informed the commander of BAK “Berdyansk”: “In order of implementation of the right of the Russian Federation, as a coastal state, to ensure security in the maritime area in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 12 FZ-155 of July 31, 1998 “On the internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation” peaceful passage through the Russian Federation’s territorial sea in the area (coordinates) is temporarily restricted as you were previously notified. We recommend that you do not cross the Russian Federation’s state border until the restrictions are lifted and mandatory regulations are fulfilled in the seaport of Kerch”.
  • At 05:50, the following information was received from the commander of BAK “Berdyansk”: “In accordance with the provisions of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine “On cooperation in the use of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait of December 24, 2003,” we have the right to freedom of navigation.”
  • At 06:30, the commander of PSKA-302 informed the commander of BAK “Berdyansk” that in the Kerch-Yenikalya canal, a permissive procedure was in place to ensure the safety of navigation and was carried out in accordance with the scheduled plan, which is approved by the captain of the Kerch port. The application for passage of the strait is submitted 48 and 24 hours ahead, and is confirmed 4 hours ahead. These requirements are not met by the Ukrainian side. In this connection, the passage of the warships of the Ukrainian Navy through the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal is prohibited (in accordance with paragraphs 20, 38 of the Mandatory Resolutions in the seaport of Kerch, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from October 21, 2015 No. 313, in the Kerch Strait there is a permitting procedure for the movement and anchorage of ships).
  • The group of ships of the Ukrainian Navy ingored this information and continued its advance in the direction of the Russian territorial sea.
  • At 07:10 in the coordinates of 44 ° 52 ‘N, 36 ° 31’E, the Ukrainian Navy ships crossed the line of the state border of the Russian Federation, proceeding to the Kerch Strait (in violation of paragraph 3 of Article 25 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 31.07.1998 No. 155-FZ “On Inland Sea Waters, Territorial Sea” and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation”).
  • From 07:20 PSKR “Don”, PSKR “Izumrud” took measures to prevent the passage of the warships of the Ukrainian Navy through the Kerch-Yenikalsky channel, called the Ukrainian ships by radio and demanded that they have immediately leave the territorial sea of the Russian Federation (in accordance with art. 30 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982). Demands to leave the territorial sea of the Russian Federation were ignored by the ships of the Ukrainian Navy.
  • At 08:35 the warships of the Ukrainian Navy were brought to combat readiness: the artillery installations were uncovered, the artillery barrels were raised at an angle of 45 degrees and directed towards the warships of the Russian Federation (in violation of Art. 11 FZ-155 dated July 31, 1998 “On the internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation”). The Russian side informed the ships of the Ukrainian Navy that in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation the threat of the use of weapons will be regarded as a violation of international law and the law of the Russian Federation.
  • At 10:35 the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy in the coordinates 46 ° 09’N, 36 ° 33’E reported to the headquarters of the naval base “Ochakovo” of the Ukrainian Navy that they were blocked by the coast guard ships of the Border Service of the Russian FSB, it is difficult to sail for the sea-tug, so they recommend to Gyurza-class warships shake off at maximum speeds and go beyond the navigating channel.
  • From 10:35 to 18:30, as a result of the maneuvering of the Russian border ships, the group of Ukrainian ships was blocked in the vicinity of anchorage No. 471 (south of the Kerch Strait).
  • At 18:30 the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy in order to blockade running got under way and began to move 200 degrees toward exit the territorial sea of the Russian Federation, the speed of BAK Berdyansk, Nikopol – 20 knots, sea-tug Yany Kapu – 8 knots. PSKR “Don”, PSKR “Izumrud” began following up the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy, brought to them the demand to stop (in accordance with Article 30 of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, with paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 31.07.1998 No. 155 – FZ “On the inland marine waters, the territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Russian Federation”).
  • In the period from 19:00 to 20:40 PSKR “Don”, PSKR “Izumrud” were continuing pursuit of the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy, calling them for communication on channel 16 fm band, setting sound, light and pyrotechnic signals about stopping. The group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy did not comply with the demands to stop. (in violation of clause 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law No. 155-FZ of 31.07.1998 “On Inland Sea Water, the Territorial Sea, and the Contiguous Zone of the Russian Federation”, Article 30 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730- I “On the State Border of the Russian Federation”).
  • At 20:42 PSKR “Izumrud” warned the group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy about the implementation of preventive shooting if they continue to ignore signals and demands to stop (in accordance with Article 30 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730-I “On the State Border of the Russian Federation”, paragraph 9, 11 of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 No. 80 “On Approval of the Rules for the Use of Weapons and military equipment in the protection of the state border of the Russian Federation, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation “).
  • Due to the fact that the warships of of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service have exhausted all the possible measures as it stands to prevent violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation by warships of the Ukrainian Navy and in accordance with the Rules for the Use of Weapons and Military Equipment while Protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation, the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation On February 24, 2010 No. 80, the commander of PSKR Izumrud decided to carry out preventive firing from an onboard artillery mount toward the Ukrainian Navy warships.
  • At 20:45 PSKR “Izumrud” in the coordinates 44 ° 53’47 N, 36 ° 25’76E of the Russian Federation territorial sea fired warning shots in the direction of the group target (BAK “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol”, sea-tug “Yany Kapu”) on the port quarter from the PSKR “Izumrud” from the distance 2 kbt, which allowed to see the fact of the exercising of warning fire (in accordance with clause 10,12,13 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 No. 80 “On Approval of the Rules for the Use of Weapons and Military Equipment while Protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation, the Exclusive Economic Zone and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation ”). The group of warships of the Ukrainian Navy did not respond to the demands to stop, did not come on the radio, continued moving towards the line of the state border of the Russian Federation.
  • At 20:50 PSKR “Izumrud” warned BAK “Berdyansk” that in case of non-compliance with the demand to stop, it will be engaged with fire for effect. (in accordance with paragraphs 24, 25 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 No. 80 “On Approval of the Rules for the Use of Weapons and Military Equipment while Protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation ”). BAK “Berdyansk” ignored the warnings.
  • At 20:55 PSKR “Izumrod” in the coordinates 44 ° 51’3N, 36 ° 23’4E in the territorial sea engaged BAK “Berdyansk” under fire for effect.
  • At 20:58 BAK “Berdyansk” heaved aback, the commander of the warship came on the radio, informed about the wounded on board, and request help.
  • At 21:06 PSKR “Izumrud” arrested BAK “Berdyansk”, took off 7 crew members, including 3 wounded, who received first aid, the primary measures were taken to rescue of the warship of the Ukrainian Navy.
  • At 21:15 PSKR “Don” stopped and arrested sea-tug “Yany Kapu.”
  • At 21:27, Ka-52 helicopter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stopped BAK “Nikopol” in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation. MPK-118 “Suzdalets” of Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation approached to the place where the warship of the Naval Forces of Ukraine was stopped in order to monitor its actions.
  • At 23:21 PSKR “Don” arrested BAK “Nikopol”.
  • At 00:40 on November 26 of this year, PSKA-605 delivered the wounded seamen of the Ukrainian Navy to the port of Kerch, the wounded were sent for treatment at the 1st Kerch City Hospital.
  • At 01:10 the arrested warships of the Ukrainian Navy were started to escort to the port of Kerch.
  • At 06:40 the arrested warships of the Ukrainian Navy were dlivered to the port of Kerch for further investigation.

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R Trojson

100s of millions will die because Putin wants war and will do whatever it takes to provoke a war with the west.

Dmitry Lunyov

the mental hospital in a different location, you have the wrong address

Carne João Pasta

Lol. Unbelievable. I want off this ride already. I thought some people were dumb and stupid but it’s getting real!

Concrete Mike

Ah this guy is somethig else…he changed his line finally though…its guys like him that i cant wait to get my hands on if this stupid war they want so much starts.

R Trojson

You will have trouble getting you hands on Putin since he is too well protected. You might be able to get your hands on a Russian soldier or more likely a merc.

Concrete Mike

No im talking about YOU amerinazi prick…i dont have a beed with putin, he hasent harmed me or my society…you and your kind its another story….must be nice having to look over your shoulder every day

R Trojson

No need to call me names or have a stroke over one post. You need to work on your English language skills so it is clear who you are referring to. When you say “this guy” it a little ambiguous.

Sorry you have to look over your shoulder every day. Much of the 3rd world that you live in is like that. Suggest you focus on improving life in your village or with your family in your own hut, instead of trying to address world wide issues. If everyone improved life in their own home or city the world would be a better place

Concrete Mike

Look at what im doing improving a road in my hometown…

Wtf do you do all day?

Im not english and do the best i can…im not an ideological drone like you. I think…i dont copy paste like you. And i dont want to name you out, thats my choice what words I use…wtf are you language police now?

Ill call you a degenerate peice of shit if i want to, i call it like i sees it.

Your on a script not me bubba. I dont look over my shoulder, im not scared, im an honest citizen that speaks his mind. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/64e2b323c49e8e0134a775b2e5873de06ac09ce28e538010de1a80a9b30ea401.jpg Your classification of the people of the world reveals your fascist beleifs… im canadian to clear this up, but im not better than a guy from congo, pakistan, france, russian or american…we are all the same people. 23 chromosomes

R Trojson

Obviously you love Russia’s head, Putin. I am not here to tell Russians or Putin how to run their own country. Do what ever you want in your own borders. Unfortunately Puppet Putin is invading other countries which makes him open for criticism from those of us who believe war is a last resort and should not be used to rebuild the USSR.


Because the Washington and NATO navy wish to blockade Russia. They have created proxy regime in the Ukraine which have allowed Western navy to blockade Russia. LOL

Russia is not a Palestine. If Russia a little bet doubt that their nation safety has been compromised then they will not wait and will burn all Washington and NATO navy in Black Sea and in the Mideast. They are already on the Russian target.


LOL you’re out of your pills

R Trojson

So the US has a naval blockade of Russia. I know the media has been missing a couple big stories this year but how did they miss that one?


And WHO sent military vessels on a deliberately unauthorized trip through the Kerch Strait ? Looks like the Pindo trolls are out in force…8)

R Trojson

They do not need Russia’s authorization. There are international agreements that Russia signed. Not Russia is violating those agreements to provoke more bloodshed. It is just going to get far worse for Russia from here on out.


Yes but the dead will be Americans/Israelis/British, so it will be good for the environment and the human race. I’m a libertarian, and if you and your fellow travelers want to commit suicide by Russia, it’s your choice, and nobody should stop you.

R Trojson

Then there are war mongers like you who support acts of war and hope for the extermination of Jews, Americans and British. Be careful when you wish for death and destruction.

Concrete Mike

Who invaded iraq and libya?? Not russia. Fuck off you fat sack of crap. When you and your cohorts die you will go to hell while we will die a martyred heros.

You are the face of evil on this planet…your a corporate salafist the worst of the worst and i will gladly get nuked if you burn with me.

We the people of the world do not want war. The people of russia knows the horrors of war best..they know and dont want war.

Only you corporate salafists want war. We will find you. Pray that you get nuked first because if WE get our hands on you…tu va passer un mauvais quart d’heure mon tit crisse de tabarnak!!!

Tudor Miron

I know what you feel Mike. This kind of mental disorder that this troll (Trojson) is displaying here would be funny if it would not be so dangerous for human kind.

R Trojson

So you believe Russia’s actions are more likely to further world peace than provoke war with the west?

R Trojson

If Putin does not want war then why is he attacking Ukraine ships in violation of international agreements?


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The Ukraine proxy regime will be soon reached to their final destination.

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