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Gaza Strip Escalation – May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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A military escalation between Palestinian armed groups (mostly Hamas and Islamic Jihad) and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) took place in the area of Gaza Strip on May 29-30.

This exchange of fire was biggest since 2014. According reports from the both sides, the IDF carried out strikes on at least 65 targets in Gaza. In turn, Palestinain forces launched over 100 projectiles at various Israeli targets. Sirens warning Israelis of strikes were triggered at least 166 times.

Palestinian groups described the recent increased wave of shelling on Israeli targets as a “response to the Zionist aggression and the crimes against our people and the members of the resistance.”

The escalation started early on May 29 when 22 projectiles were launched from the Gaza Strip on Israeli targets. A part of them was intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome system, but at least 10 of projectiles were not intercepted. Then, Palestinain forces carried out more strikes on Israeli targets aiming to deliver maximum damage to Israeli military infrastructure. However, at least a part of the strikes hit civilian targets or areas near.

Immediately after the first shelling from Gaza, the IDF started striking targets in Gaza. The IDF claimed that it had been targeting military facilities of Hamas and affilated groups in order to destroy their “terror” infrastructure.

“The target strikes included sheds of drones used for terror purposes, a rocket manufacturing workshop, advanced naval weaponry, military compounds, training facilities, and a munitions manufacturing site,” the IDF said commenting on one of the rounds of strikes. However, IDF strikes also targeted civilian areas.

The Israeli version of targest of the shelling from Gaza:

Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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The IDF provided the following map showing alleged targets of the strikes:

Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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On May 30, reports appeared that the IDF and Hamas had reached a ceasefire agreement. Hamas’s deputy chief in Gaza Khalil al-Hayya stated that “a number of mediators intervened in the past hours and an agreement was reached to return to a ceasefire in Gaza.”

However, Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz denied ceasefire reports.

“Israel does not want the situation to deteriorate, but those who started the violence must stop it,” he said.

The situation is developing.



Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Gaza Strip Escalation - May 29-30, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Netanyahu has done very big blunder. I don’t know this is by mistake or intentionally. Its look like the Israeli forces and Intel have split or they have no coordination.


I always wonder why israel took the neguev desert. Even biblically, the desert neguev doesn’t belong to israel. Moreover, it’s well known that this desert was inhabitant by nomadic arabs.

The answer is that israel has been build on purpose after the Civil war, WW1 and WW2. Taking the desert gives access to the red sea.



The same way, israel took Golan Height for water.

So, ask any israeli supporter especially the dumb religious fanatics why israel has taken Golan Height. they will never answer.

But, the answer is pretty simple. israel is like nazism. Like nazis, israel needs a “vital space”.

My theory is right. Nobody can give a counter-argument, a paradox or whatever.



ty…spot on…. but let me correct u very slightly bro……. NAZI…….I will explain the word…………… Nazi is the word for the partnership of Hitlers party with zionism. Hitlers party= NSDAP = National Social German Workers Party(orig. Nationale Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) Thus in partnership= NAtionaleZIonism…..the deal they made was for the germans to make life very misrabel and unbearable for the jews, thus making the jews want to leave europe and live in the desert country called Israel.You see without WW2 no jew would ever leave europe and go to a desert area with no infrastructure what so ever.This deal was the key to the establischment of Israel.I knwo there was the balfour declaration 3 centuries before, that was a sweet one, but a “jewish” country with no jews????Not possible. And this was not the first deal between germany and zionism.The first deal was the destruction and takeover by jews of russia in 1917.The so called russian revolution.All(100%) of the leading men involved in the overthrow of the zsar and the creation of “red” russia as a communist state were jews.These people all came from the outside of russia, be it England,switzerland or america. The germans made the following deal…They allowed the pricks to use german railway to move in a closed off train, with 20 million in Gold(1917) from switzerland through germany to russia.For that the jews/zionists promised to end the war in the east.Which they did 1917 with the treaty of breslovsk.


Follow the path : Civil War, WW1, WW2, creation of UN, creation of israel. All that is planned 100%. That’s why, you also saw some time ago, nazis in USA raising confederate flag because the first victims of the NWO were the confederate.

As far as I know, there is no contradiction in this theory.

Val Shadowhawk

Please go here and read. https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/exposing-the-nazi-epithet-who-started-it-why-how-and-who-benefits/

Elisabeth Jenders

A slight correction, potcracker: The Balfour Declaration was 3 decades before, not 3 centuries.

Tom Segev describes in his book “The First Settlers” that many were forced by their superiors to emigrate to Palestine.


english is not my mother language…u know what i meant.thanks anyway sis. forced by their superiors!!! FORCED……MADE….. spot on….and thats just logical..like i said….palestine was in 1940´s a desert area with none what so ever infrastructure…no european would migrate from europe if not by force or out of desperation…..

Val Shadowhawk

Here is the true origin of the term ‘Nazi’https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/exposing-the-nazi-epithet-who-started-it-why-how-and-who-benefits/

northerntruthseeker .

So let me get this straight… Here we have Israeli Mossad agents in the Gaza Strip launching bottle rockets back into Israel that never ever hit an actual target… And now these psychotic Jewish bastards are screaming to high heaven that these “militants” are “attacking poor little Israel”?

I hope that others see the real picture here…. Israel wants this to happen to have world opinion once again swung over thanks to their control of the media, into “support” for the Jewish pricks…


ty …spot on bro


Sunnis and arabs are so uneducated, illeterate and naive.


” illeterate” right lmao


His speling is redicklious.


evan worz

Icarus Tanović

Datz bicouse hes english ist not natiwe.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taFM1rRDNGk Click on YouTube to see more. https://israelpalestine.liveuamap.com/pics/2018/01/01/21591791_0.jpg https://i.dawn.com/large/2018/01/5a4a899d63e31.jpg

Israeli terrorists have kidnapped Ahed Tamimi and her parents at midnight by gunpoints. Nobody knows where Israel have kept them hostage. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and small kids from the streets and hold them hostage. Many of them Israel kill in fake combats. The US and UK brutal regimes have invaded Palestine and have held all Palestinians hostage for last 100years. The gang of US, UK, France and Israeli migrants is a great security threat to the whole world. If Vietnam can be freed then Palestine can also be freed from this gang and Israeli migrants can be deported back to their native countries.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6hGvvpwV_Y Click on YouTube to see more. GAZA KIDS SUFFER – Israeli migrants vs children of Palestine

US, UK, SA and Israeli migrants have invaded Palestine, Syria and Yemen and have held hostage these three nations there. Now this is responsibility of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China etc that send their TV news anchors and leaders to Palestine, Yemen and Syria to know about their casualties, damage, needs etc and how to rescue them from aggressors.

There are now many hostage children that are dying due to starvation, disease and poisonous drinking water. Their movement is restricted to limited areas which is further reduced each day by border wall movement inside the Palestinian areas. In each Kilometer in Palestine there are checkpoints and observation towers of these immigrants.


“The escalation started early on May 29 when 22 projectiles were launched from the Gaza Strip on Israeli targets. A part of them was intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome system, but at least 10 of projectiles were not intercepted.

sounds more like an iron sieve system than an iron dome system.


Gaza gets bombed if it doesn’t attack Israeli occupiers and it gets bombed if it does attack them. No difference. Palestinian forces get to choose between getting bombed with or without fighting back, they chose the first option. :/

Lena Jones

Grad missiles from Gaza into israel? I like it. A fucking lot!

Icarus Tanović

The concerning thing is that many Wahhabis are operating in Gaza, under the false hood of true Islam. But all we know that they’re, actually Mossads agents.

Val Shadowhawk

They are and have been operating there for some time. It is all part of ‘israel’s’ plan to destabilize any entity that resists its vile machinations. This too will fail. Syria is purging this zionist creation and will soon recapture the Golan Heights.

Icarus Tanović

I pray to dear Lord to that. Theirs, Israeli policy is “My way or die way!”


Palestine will soon become free from Israeli migrants.

In 2015 under conspiracy US, UK, France, and SA took whole Syria from Syrian nation and held 95% Syrian hostages. Then Rohani, Putin, Assad and Hezbollah jointly begun Syrian rescue operation and with in 3 years rescued 70% Syrian hostages from US, UK, France and SA. The remaining 30% Syrian hostages will also be soon rescued from them.

Then Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Jordan and Egypt will begin the rescue operation for Palestinians hostages from US, UK, France, SA and Israeli migrants. Israeli state of migrants will be dismantled completely and they will be deported back to their native states from where they have migrated under conspiracy. There will be just one country called Palestine and not any other country.

Val Shadowhawk

Yes indeed it will!!

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