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Gaza Massacre Provoked Global Anger

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Gaza Massacre Provoked Global Anger

Black Flag Flies Over Imam Reza Shrine in Iran

According to official data provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health, by this morning the total number of civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 3,000 people, of which more than 1,000 are children. Hundreds of dead still remain under the rubble after Israeli strikes, including at the Al-Ahli hospital, where hundreds more civilians were killed on the evening of October 17.

Despite Israel’s attempts to blame Hamas for the attack on its own civilians, the bloody strike on the hospital provoked harsh global reaction.

Israel was accused by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Cuba, Iraq, Turkey, Venezuela, the African Union Commission. The EU, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, Japan condemned the attack but did not blame any side, calling for further investigation.





The head of Palestine called the attack a “military massacre.” In response, he refused to attend the quadrilateral summit in Amman, where the US President was going to arrive.

The press service of the King of Jordan announced that it canceled the quadrilateral summit in Amman. The leaders of Jordan, the United States, Egypt and Palestine should discuss the “opening of humanitarian corridors.”

The head of the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, claimed that discussing humanitarian issues while the basic human rights, including the right to life, are being violated in Gaza, is meaningless.

“A war crime has been committed – the bombing of a hospital in the Gaza Strip. Dozens, even hundreds, of people died. This crime absolutely cannot be tolerated. In this regard, we are canceling the summit.”

Syria blamed the West for the shelling of the hospital as an accomplice to the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians. The Iranian president called the incident a “war crime”, threatening Washington and Tel Aviv with response. In Iran, the protesters demanded to declare war on Israel. Thousands of civilians gathered on the Palestine Square with slogans like “Death to America.”

“The flames of American and Israeli bombs dropped on innocent Palestinians who were in a Gaza hospital will soon engulf the Zionists”.

“By committing this heinous and brutal crime, the Zionist regime of Israel has once again demonstrated to the world its savagery and inhumanity and proved that it does not have the slightest commitment to the principles and norms of international law during the war,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

The Middle East exploded with anti-Israeli riots after the massacre of Palestinians in the hospital.

Erdogan called the Israeli strikes on the hospital an unprecedented atrocity and called on the world community to take action. Meanwhile, in Turkey, clashes broke out between the protesters and the police officers in different cities. The police used water cannons to stop crowds which broke to the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul. The Turks were trying to break into the US military base Kyurechik in Malatya. There is a radar station deployed in the base. The protesters threw stones at the military and their own policemen.






Hezbollah declared October 18 a “day of unprecedented anger” in response to the mass murder of civilians in The Gaza Strip. Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Lebanon. The crowds broke into the embassies and consulates of Israel and the United States. The police used tear gas to prevent the storming of the US Embassy in Beirut. An angry crowd also gathered at the French Embassy in Beirut, throwing stones at the building. The security forces lined up to prevent the storming, but judging by the footage, they did not provide any active resistance to the protesters.






Clashes in Jerusalem:



In Jordan, police struggled to contain a crowd which was trying to storm the embassies of Israel and the United States.






Protests also broke out in Toronto:



In the US, thousands rallied near the White House:



Back on October 16, the UN claimed that “disproportionate Israeli strikes on Gaza are a war crime.” However, the West blocked any actions to stop the bloodshed.

Earlier, the UN Security Council failed to adopt a draft resolution of the Russian Federation on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.  Russia submitted the resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on October 14,. It condemned the strikes on the Gaza Strip and called on the parties to cease fire.

The United States, Great Britain, France and Japan voted against the Russian project. The US Permanent Representative to the UN, explained the US refusal by the fact that the document did not condemn the actions of Hamas. The Permanent Representative of Palestine to the UN said that the Arab group supports the Russian draft UN Security Council resolution. Hamas stated that they appreciate Putin’s position.

After the bloody attack on the hospital, Washington did not accuse Israel, but the Pentagon called on Israel to comply with the “laws of war,” and the White House stated that Biden intends “as a friend” to pose “several difficult questions” to Israel.


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Peter Pitt

total hell on earth. its a double wammy for people in europe and the west, if you support israel your a racist that supports oppression and if you support palestine your a terrorist. meanwhile the streets are apparently full of protesters. its a wet dream for the west, us, eu and israel, they get to kill thousands of people and further double down on their populations.


to take the red pill, do a search of “world’s largest open air prison”. israel are the terrorists.


so much so, for the nazis, this is another normal day, for someone else a total nightmare.


they dig their own graves and the time is decisive


at one point the government of turkey, jordan and egypt won’t be able to contain the public outrage and this may lead to a large middle east war.

u.s. aircraft carriers, 2k marines on standby… i’m starting to wonder if it’s not the hidden but true objective of the ultra zionist regime currently in power in israel.

these mad ultrazios would definitely seek ww3 to extend their borders to those of “heretz israel”.


maybe get their war with iran they want.


tak zase darebácky štát usa bráni teroristické činy izraela!!! hnus!!! turecký prezident erdogan by sa mal rýchle zorientovať, lebo inak mu hrozí niečo podobné čo už raz zažil. nemôže posielať políciu a vojakov na vlastných ľudí, len za to žiadajú spravodlivosť pre palestínsky ľud!!! bude si musieť vybrať.

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