Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Polish authorities have fined Russia’s Gazprom a whopping and unprecedented $7.6 billion (or 6.5 billion euros) for constructing the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany.
While Poland anti-trust authorities have claimed Nord Stream 2 is fundamentally a politically motivated attempt to punish Polish consumers while increasing European dependence on on Russian imports, Germany has stood by the project even amid the Navalny poisoning affair which has strained its relations with Russia over the past month.
Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection decision seeks to legally force the six companies jointly building and financing the project to cancel their contracts, despite the gas pipeline being in its final phase of development. This includes European investors OMV, Wintershall, Engie, Shell and Uniper.

What legal basis does Poland have to do this, besides wanting the Russian Energy Contracts for itself? Surely this is a form of piracy?
Everything is upside down in West. Cheap clean safe gas energy is dangerous and totalitarian, and the most expensive fracking oil and ugly noisy subsidied windmill energy are good and democratic.
Sooner or later they will have to take all these idiotic windmills down again, as not only is there unlimited gas/oil/coal resources but Russia continue to invent cheap alternatives.
Nuclear power plant on a barge easy to sail everywhere, hydropower. Like we can pull out drinking water from the air, we are also able to pull out electricity directly from the air, m.m.
Russia has that portable nuclear power plant, on a barge. Boris meanwhile embraces gas turbines in non windy areas.
AM, legality does NOT apply: the satanic usg, and its puppet Poland, are acting FULLY in line with their satanic nature. You cannot expect otherwise. “He has bilateral pneumonia. He is in the hospital, receiving comprehensive treatment. Unfortunately, the blood condition has worsened — it is very thick. Doctors can not even take it for analysis to monitor the condition and see the course of the disease,” – the complicit wife of the mass murdering satanic SHIT, called SHITFACE, who has allegedly cv (& diabetes).
Must admit, getting seriously wound up with it all. Since Trump came out of hospital, raving about his Vitamin Cocktail curing Corona and Reiner Fuellmich mentioning ‘crimes against humanity and class action lawsuits’, they have double downed on insanity. Poland, who will be getting the EU Loan bill and also US Military Bill Package, is now looking at the Disney Script, with regards the ‘Snow White Apple Guide To Balancing The Books’. Whilst trying to colonise Belarus and sue a gas company for their commercial interests. Everything is beyond insane.
Trying to get you over 30 000, AM, don’t slack off.
“The UK is Ukraine’s most fervent supporter … we are utterly committed to upholding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Johnson said in a statement.
The dumbfuck knows, that, at best, ukraine is a colony of the satanic usg, being robbed of its wealth and making the Ukrainians poorer and less healthy, and, essentially killing them off.
“The Strategic Partnership Agreement we are signing today signals the next chapter in our relationship. It’s a chapter that will bring increased security and prosperity for both the people of the UK and Ukraine.”
More utter shit.
Boris is full of it and I always used to vote Conservative. Cannot vote for anybody now, owing to politicians lust for ethnic cleansing.
Going back to one of your comments yesterday, concerning MK Ultra and Navalny. Do you remember Boris, when UK Foreign Secretary and in charge of intelligence and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, meeting up with Sergey Lavrov, over in Moscow. One of the diplomatic gifts he took with him was a wreath, to place on Nemstov’s memorial, on the bridge.
Wasn’t Nemstov taken out by the neighbours under the guise of a false flag? Dear Boris, so loyal to his Caucus Granny or was it great-gran and Turkish grandpa. What happened to the ‘hidden tribe’?
He’s got weird eyes, something not right, wouldn’t surprise me if he’s possessed. The default position on murders in Russia, when they blame it on Putin, it’s much more likely that Putin didn’t order it, and it’s easy to blame someone without proof, except, of course, there IS proof: pointing at the murdering accuser.
The eyes, so dead, just like Navalny. All they can do is project. Yet, have you noticed how those who demonise President Putin the most, also try and copy him, one way or another, with zero success.
Erm, I meant the eyes of navalny. Who were you referring to that you thought I was referring to? (I hate it when disqus only allows you to see the first (truncated) line of your own post).
Boris. His eyes are as dead as Navalny’s.
Ah, no. boris just looks overwhelmed and out of his depth. He doesn’t do pressure well.
Still see his eyes as dead.
AM, I tried to contact Ollie, wouldn’t work. Do you want to try?: https://www.stalkerzone.org/contact/
I was wondering what had happened over at Stalker Zone. As you know it is one of my favourite sites and there has been nothing, since mid-September. I seriously hope him and site are fine. Thanks for link.
What do you think about this, AM?: https://www.thebernician.net/mps-served-notice-of-private-criminal-prosecution-for-pandemic-fraud/ I don’t know him, do you? Sounds good what he wrote though.
Well done on reaching 30 000, AM, but I DID say ‘over.’
PS, completely slacked off, till the next instalment turns up. Still comment though and love reminders of all that has gone down in the last 6 years. Including the heroes of Donetsk, who sadly gave everything to defend their people and territory. RIP.
You give US Government too much credit in thinking Ukraine is US colony. US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London. Nothing more than a Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal puppet run by Bolsheviks, that are currently destroying the country from the inside. Using COVID-19 (a man-made derivitive of Corona Virus, developed at University of North Carolina. Combined with earlier derivitives of Corona Virus, (SARS, HIV etc) to further develop seven types of COVID-19 each type attacks specific ethnicities while leaving other ethnicities untouched. Added nanobot technology is used to attack the DNA/RNA, if I recall chromosome 8 is identified by US Government “scientists” as Corona Virus. (a lie told more, or less publicly to explain away the nanobot technology attacking and the DNA manipulation begins) The nano technology must be activated by an external source. Nano RFID particles used for tracking, and sending telemetry to the spy, and law enforcement alphabet agencies that all matters of healthcare, and oversight have been given to manage that traditionally have been under the purview of WHO, CDC, and other alphabet health related agencies, until 2019. FEMA was excluded, as it’s doing something else currently. DHS, NSA, CIA, FBI, BATFE, DEA, are the main agencies that oversee, and manage the Obummercare, surveillance, with limited healthcare, based on social status of the goyim it serves(?). All connected to the Globalist NWO agenda, and the accompanying UN Agenda 21/2030 Sustainability Development Guidelines, the world de-population plans. (90% reduction of world population scheduled to be completed in 2030 well underway beginning in 1992) Ukraine is owned by the Cabal, the CIA installed Pooroshenko puppet, recieved his first directives from Jacob Rothschild. 1. Attack the Donbass, kill as many people as possible. 2. Take control of the resources in the region. This as Maidan was being attacked in Kiev, by police, and sniper teams from several countries participating in killing civilians. Shooting fish in a barrel, US snipers among them. Crimea, also targeted. Ukrainian Army camping on Crimea’s border, waiting for orders to attack, the power, and water supply shut off, and on 24/7. No gas service in winter, as service was cut off for non-payment. Arrears accrued in the billions of one fiat currency, or other. All businesses shut down, the Russian language outlawed, even in one’s home, banned from schools, pay, pensions, healthcare cut, infrastructure crumbling. Crimea was the big prize the Cabal coveted, to deny Russia it’s big military base, and only warm water port, and to rid Crimea of it’s Russian population was a dream come true for the Zionist Khazars. Unfortunately the people of Crimea had seen what was coming, and wanted to break away from Ukraine, and basically told Russia we’re joining the Federation. Russia, anxious about their interests, and the people, with the need to secure it’s military base, and port, Putin held Crimea’s hand as they walked through the International Courts to legally seperate Crimea, from Ukraine, and join the Federation. Two Referendums, a pause to change Russian law to remove obstacles in Crimea joining the Federation. Again, Putin was quicker than they thought. (Cabal) Snatched their prize away, right before Rothschilds eyes. Russia then invested cubic Rubles in Crimea, infrastructure projects, agriculture expanded, and restarted, new power plant, airport roads, prepared industry to restart, reopened the Black Sea Resorts, the Kerch Strait Bridge project Russia had dreams of forever. Rebuild Crimea’s military, raised pay, pensions to survivable levels, (not as much as desired but budget) restored gas service and did something with healthcare, schools, work for the industries. Shipyards, manufacturing, ag production. The bridge reduced transportation costs, and reduced travel time to minutes, a huge benefit to commerce, and military access to the military base, and the port. Both critical to Russia’s security, and economy. The City of London’s purpose, and interests in Ukraine, including Crimea, the Donbass, Belarus, and parts of the area surrounding Ukraine is to restore the original borders of Khazaria. Something the Cabal desired very much. Having a border with Russia hasn’t worked out so well as planned. The Cabal wants the land, but not the population. Many are Russian, and the Khazars hate Russia, and Russians, none more than Putin. As much as the Cabal hates Iran, and Persians. Khazars have been carrying their little grudge since 1250(+/-). US Government is the bankers bully, and protector of Israel, that without US military protection would’ve ceased to exist decades ago. That protection is fading, and will end when the destruction of USA is complete. The Zionist Khazars have squeezed out the last drop of anything valuable in US, and are doing what Zionist Khazars do with countries they hate. Destroy them. Presumably the Cabal has a replacement bully puppet, it will need one by 2025 under the current schedule. The British are closer to the Zionist Khazar’s than US. Literally.
Too much to reply to, AM. But if you state the City does the controlling, didn’t you say elsewhere that the City belongs to the rc? I read that the jews claim the southern (at least) region of ukraine as theirs – they said they’ve been there nearly 2 000 yrs. Supposed they were a bit miffed that ukraine wouldn’t allow them in to go to uman. Also as a 2nd jewish/’jewish’ homeland. So where do those as mentioned in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 fit in?
More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-8818173/A-virus-surge-Ukraine-puts-hospitals-strain-again.html
Health service gone to shit, mainly because of suprun, who I think of as a female mengele, although of course, it also applies to those evil shits who put her, and others, into ‘power’.
I don’t believe this: ‘government pays the equivalent to [sic] $56,000 [sic] to families of medical workers who die from the coronavirus’ – must mean 56 000 grivna, about £1 600.
The other thing is the 15+ bio weapons labs, with full US diplomatic immunity that set up base in Ukraine, advertising for Russian DNA. With Monsanto-Beyer setting up base, alongside all these bio-weapon labs, it does not look good for the people of Ukraine. How many were cleansed in the 20th century?
” advertising for Russian DNA ” What is Russian DNA ?
What they were advertising for. All answers, CIA, Langley.
What is the precise DNA code for your average Russian and why do US military controlled bio-weapon labs want it?
I know. I was making a rhetorical point aimed at all the idiots that say the Russians are mongrels, that Europe has no indigenous populations, and that race is just ” skin color “.
Sorry, if I was snappy, but, get a tad sensitive when trying to understand why bi-weapon labs have full US diplomatic immunity, when advertising for Russian DNA. Thought we had progressed not regressed since the 40s.
” why bi-weapon labs have full US diplomatic immunity, when advertising for Russian DNA. ” Putin and his ” partners “.
‘Cleansing’ continues this century. Nothing short of mass murder.
Exactly and fully supported by media.
The present age is, in a profound sense, an age of absurdity. Poets and dramatists, painters and sculptors proclaim and depict the world as a disjointed chaos, and man as a dehumanized fragment of that chaos. Politics, whether of the right, the left, or the center, can no longer be viewed as anything but an expedient whereby universal disorder is given, for the moment, a faint semblance of order; pacifists and militant crusaders are united in an absurd faith in the feeble powers of man to remedy an intolerable situation by means which can only make it worse.
None whatsoever,it’s between russia and germany,cia/usa/deep state have no powers over truth!
They oppose NS2.. While they themselves buy most russian Gas or re-imported ones from USA.. .. I wonder why russia is giving attention to such foolishness. Let them make it 500 trillion. But let them implement it and let see.
Dem Panslavism not working
Poland obviously going to have less Eu money given to them… The begging bowl has come out again. Whores for cash hand-outs.
Plus, allegedly Poland also has to pay back the EU loans, starting next year. Together with that mega bill for hosting US troops and missiles.
you should add a map of the pipelines, Poland is spitting poison because they are losing the transit fee on German gas. German user will pay less, not more. polish user can buy almost directly to Russia. and in any case they have LNG from U$A.
Let the Poles pay the extra fee for “Freedom” gas. Germans can buy the cheaper Putin gas, and the Germans can reexport it to Poland as Nato gas to make Poles feel better.
Good luck enforcing that judgement!
Just another packa fascist coksukn law trolls,trying everything to cost humanity a helluva lotta more, irrelevant officials,hired by irrelevant unelects such are they of the cia’s,tell then to fkoff and burn in hell!