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GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (Infographics)

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GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (Infographics)

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The GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) is a 110 kg precision-guided glide bomb designed to provide aircraft with the ability to carry a higher number of precision strike weapons. It allows US Air Force aircraft to carry a pack of four GBU-39 SDBs in place of a single (907 kg bomb.

The video below was originally released by SouthFront in April 2019:

…The prime striking weapon used by the IAF is the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). Vestiges of these bombs are often being found on sites of the Israeli strikes. In particular, GBU-39 SDBs were employed on March 28 when the IAF targeted supposed Iranian targets in Aleppo city.

The GBU-39 SDB is precision-guided glide bomb developed to provide aircraft with the ability to carry a higher number of more accurate bombs. The GBU-39, which was first introduced by Boeing in 2006, has a standoff range of more than 110km due to its pop-out wings. The 250lb (113.6kg) bomb uses an inertial navigation system (INS) and GPS to hit static targets with high accuracy, although it has only 22.7kg of explosives.

Another GBU-39 advantage is its stealthy signature. The bomb has a length of 1.8m and a diameter of 0.19m, but its radar cross section of 0.015m2 only. This creates additional difficulties for enemy air defense systems in the event of a massive strike with the usage of GBU-39 bombs. In September 2008, Israel receives approval from the US Congress to purchase 1,000 bombs. Israel was the first country outside of the US to receive the weapon.


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Jens Holm

Very very long but also very informative video.

Weapons should only be allowed in videos.


Precision-guided glide bombs like the GBU-39 and loitering munition as the IAI Harop are areas where Russia lags behind just as they do in drones in general. Not repelling Israeli attacks is because they do little damage and that they are conducted from outside of the Syrian border. That said Syria still intercepts incoming targets like GBU-39 with a slight success but still Israel has some success and hits some targets. If Israel conducted attacks from within Syria they would be considered fair targets. There’s also @ImageSatIntl that works closely with Israeli intelligence and is part of Israeli propaganda.

Lone Ranger

Disney called, they want you back…


Why did Disney call you? Did you escape from Disney’s Animal Kingdom?

Icarus Tanović

Mickey Mouse is looking for you, you fake viking. Because you are ridiculous.

Jens Holm

There we go again. Trash writing garbage only.

A minimum should be to write how, why or shen he is ridiculous.

But sh no, thats too advanced for You.

Jens Holm

Its a very sober comment. Yours is no comment.

Jens Holm

You should learn form this article and comapre with other kinds of warfarte as well as You then know the enemy better in a more realtic version.

Here You also have the Russian agenda confirmed. Assad i´s nott comander of the russian airforce and army.

Russians dont like Hesbollahs as well as Iranians according Israel.

Jens Holm

A good statement


We see how rather small and cheap drones are being used more and more in military operations and also as a front line bomber without putting a human operator at risk. Russia doesn’t have that kind of drone capability yet. We also see how Israel use the range of precision-guided glide bombs and IAI Harop etc in precision strikes from ranges of 100km. One thing many forget about the low cost GBU-39 is how small an light it is and how many that can be equipped at the same time on a plane. I think the F-16 can carry 8 GBU-39 and a modern small plane like the JAS-39E can carry 16 GBU-39 at the same time. That makes it possible to have a great impact from a single plane from a vast distance. Russia doesn’t have light and long-ranged small diameter precision-guided glide bombs. SVP-24 can solve non long-range bombing but it can’t solve the lack of precision-guided long-range munitions.

Rhodium 10

You dont know nothing!..1º Russia have kalashnikov drone similar IAI Harop…one of them killed HTS commander and famous TOW operator….2º Iran have better drones than Israel!…30 of them flew 1250km and damage many Gas depot inside Aramco company!…3º Russia have long range guide bombs like the K029E Range 100km!..


Lookup the SU-70 and try to tell me that Russia knows little about drones. The SU-70 has flown tandem with SU-57, it’s not just theoretical. Please note the amount of ordinance that the SU-70 can carry.


Do you think that when/if Russia introduce SU-70 it solves all of Russias problems of lagging behind in drones? It will not.


You think it’s a problem because you only hear about the use of the US drones.

Assad must stay

this and every other weapon system US spent billions on has become completely and totally useless in fighting covid-19 hahahaha, imagine if all that money was spent towards actually caring and helping its own citizens


We thank our American allies for giving us the bomb, the IAF has alot of targets to wipe out inside Syria and we need to put it in good use. Now let’s continue roasting some Shia filth.

Harry Smith

Yes! Right! You have to thank every American taxpayer who died from COVID because they sacrificed their lives just for Israel to have more bombs. Who needs healthcare when Israel gets money support from Washington? Hurray for IDF! Hurray for AIPAC!


Israel gets only 3B$ a year in foreign aid, that is hardly enough to fix the U.S healthcare system so your argument is invalid. In return, the U.S gets other weapon systems we’ve developed like the Arrow or the Iron Dome which both been tested and proven effective.

Harry Smith

One new and fully operational medical ventilator costs around 40 000. Let’s say 50 grans. 3 blns makes 60 000 ventilators. Period.


Well, trust me we could manage even without the money. Israel’s current defense budget is 20B$ with an option to be increased in the near future due to Iran. We need the U.S to supply us with arms, the money is secondary. Israel also keeps the U.S interests in the region, if U.S forces ever needed our help in Syria then the IDF is there to assist. Once we kick out the traitor from the PM office and give it to someone patriotic, the IDF will roll into Lebanon and Gaza which will make Turkey’s presence in Idlib look small. 150K on standby, 450K can be called into duty if needed.

Harry Smith

If you can manage without USA money why you are taking them?


Because Egypt gets it too, it’s part of the peace deal we had. I don’t mind giving it up, if they do the same.

Harry Smith

OK. Russia sold several ventilators to the USA at the peak of epidemic. If you don’t need the money, why you don’t bought ventilators from Russia or China or whatever and gifted them to the USA hospitals?


Ask Bibi not me, if it was up to me I’d send help to the U.S as much as I could.

Harry Smith

How much dollars you donated for Americans? There are a lot of requests of help from them at FB. How many Americans you personally did helped by donating your own money?


I personally donated money and food supplies to Israelis at my community, we have poor people here too you know. My government should help the U.S with medicines and ventilators, I think it’s more important than money now. And again, we are not beggars and we should stop taking money from the U.S, atleast that’s how I see it.

Harry Smith

No help for poor goyum? Wow! I am shocked! [sarcasm]


That should come from all of our tax payers money to help our American friends, but as individual I’d rather see the people here in my community have some shelter and food. Nothing to do with being “Goyim”.


“Well, trust me”. Trust you? That would be extremely foolish.

“we are not the Saudi army that escapes from the battlefield, we fight or die”. Like in 2006? You fight women and children you cowards!


Yeah again with the women and children thing, it never gets boring does it? it’s not like they have armed terrorists that aim to kill Israelies. But alright don’t trust me, just watch it for youself after we kick out the traitor and we go on to offensive.

Swift Laggard II

big mouthed boasts mean zero in the real world.


I’ve done more than talking.

Boris Kazlov

Your depraved joy will be short-lived, the Messenger of God is coming.


I think these were nifty toys almost 15 years ago but, are only effective in certain circumstances (same goes for any older weapon system unless it is adjusted to the new realities). What was going on in 2006 doesn’t count anymore. Don’t think so, okay ………….. aircraft carriers.

I think Israel uses them because they are relatively cheap and do some damage. However, in addition to much of what they have thrown at the SAAF getting shot down, much has targeted absolutely nothing, because the Israelis get fooled all of the time. Their track record on damage done in Syria is horrible, compared to how much stuff they have actually shot at. An on the cheap glider confronting Russian based AA is not something they had in mind at Boeing when they developed this thing.

Overall, it is an interesting article. Thank you SF.

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