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MARCH 2025

Geo-Economic Battle for Russia

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Geo-Economic Battle for Russia

REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang

As the world struggles to achieve any semblance of normality amid the developing economic and coronavirus (COVID-19) cries, China is playing towards increasing its influence throughout Eurasia.

In the first quarter of 2020, China bought a record high number of Russian oil (Urals) – 4 million tones. As a comparison, in the fourth quarter of 2019, China received only 2.5 million tones. The previous record of the supplies of Russian oil to China was registered in the third quarter of 2018 – 2.7 million tones. Therefore, China expanded its import of Russian crude by 1.6 times.

This decision of the Chinese leadership could be seen as a politically-motivated move; especially if one takes into the account the declining demand to oil supplies and massive discounts by Saudi Arabia on the Asian market.

Thus, Beijing is choosing to purchase Moscow’s crude oil, as a sort of a “grant” in the conditions of an economic crisis, taking place amid the coronavirus hysteria. How the liberal-controlled economic bloc of the Russian government pushed the country to the brink of the crisis despite years of preparations for the current situation is another question.

Some critics could call the purchase of Russian crude by China a sort of political bribe, which would ensure either Russia’s compliance, or at least Moscow not getting in the way, while Beijing works to realize its geopolitical agenda.

This, however, leads to a bit of eyebrow raising, as Moscow and Beijing have, for a while now, cooperated in various fields of interest, as well as various common regions of interest.

This support from China towards Russia is not unexpected, and it is not surprising, as it also fits into the expected format of new strategic partnerships in Eurasia, that wish to compete with the United States’ ambitions. Purchase of crude oil or not, it is apparent that when it comes to geopolitical activity, China expects that Russia to either support or simply does not stand against the Chinese national security interests.

For example, China formed two administrative units aimed at specifically managing the artificial islands it constructed in the South China Sea.

“The State Council has recently approved the establishment of the Xisha and Nansha districts under Sansha city.”

According to the notice, the Xisha administration will be based in Woody Island, also known as Yongxing Island. Meanwhile, the Nansha administration will be placed in the Fiery Cross Reef, referred to as Yongshu Reef in Chinese.

The US strongly opposes China’s attempt to seize a larger area under its jurisdiction in the South China Sea, not least because it is the region through which the most trade passes year-round.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a meeting with Chinese Ambassador Zhang Xiao.

Kazakhstan’s side reacted an article published on a Chinese website www.sohu.com titled “Why Kazakhstan is eager to return to China”.

“The meeting pointed out that an article of such content does not correspond to the spirit of eternal comprehensive strategic partnership reflected in the Joint Statement of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China, signed by the Heads of State on September 11, 2019. The parties agreed to closely cooperate in the fields of spreading information and mass media.”

Various plans of China’s territorial expansion are actively being discussed in the Chinese society itself. And this appears to be taking place into most directions. Alongside all of this, the intensification in the confrontation between China and the US appears to be all but avoidable.

Another important factor is that the increasing supplies of energy resources from Russia will allow China to be covered in the event of a new military conflict in the Persian Gulf (it will likely involve the US and Iran). In these conditions, Russia, as a key Chinese partner, becomes the apparent and vital supplier of energy resources by contrast with Saudi Arabia and other large oil suppliers.

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the dire situation in which the markets and state economies already were. The crisis deepened the global and inter-regional competition, including those between the two key economic players: Beijing and Washington.

Russia is both an object and a subject of the global geo-economic standoff.

It is an object by virtue of its size – it has a massive market which needs materials (raw and otherwise), but it also produces its fair share of products and energy. It is a subject in terms of the simple fact that it is the world’s second largest military power and is one of the leaders on the international diplomatic scene.

Due to the same reasons, the US might also move towards easing the rhetoric towards Russia, and attempt to expand trade and economic cooperation, something which China would likely also plan to do. Even the media organization of Michael Bloomberg, a key Donald Trump competitor said that it was a possibility.

“Yet a small opening exists to professionalize a segment of bilateral U.S.-Russia ties. Russia has long been interested in pulling the United States into coordinating the global oil market. Although the United States does not need to join OPEC+ and its pledges to mandate production cuts, having regular exchanges about global energy trends could create a niche for constructive discussions between Russian and U.S. officials. It is not crazy to think that a dialogue around common energy interests could evolve into a more meaningful conversation about how to deal with Venezuela’s collapse, for instance,” one of the recent Bloomberg articles says.

However, in the current situation, it is understandable that the Russian leadership is more inclined towards cooperating with China. Beijing has demonstrated itself as a complicated, but also consistent and stable partner. In contrast, the US has spent the last almost 30 years in very apparent attempts to entirely undermine any semblance of Russian strategic power and shake the foundations of the Russian state itself.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Article points out the obvious problem, America with it’s two party back-stabbing, bickering political system is much less stable as a long-term growth partner (for Russia) than China with it’s one party governance system.

Swift Laggard II

there is nothing admirable about one party states. even USSR was a one party state

Dick Von Dast'Ard

There is nothing admirable about the U.S. two party, one permanent govt either. Just a ridiculous Punch and Judy show, (one where attempted internal coups occur) while the Crocodile still rules the banks, every few years or so.

Ray Douglas

There is no difference between the ‘two’ ‘parties’ in US. They are both run by the deep state and no matter who is president they just follow the path laid out for them. Whatever the big bosses want they get delivered by whomsoever is occupying the White House. It is really just one party, they just squabble to make the sheep believe there is choice.

Daily Beatings

It’s simple, China is avoiding the petrodollar. Why embrace the currency of a country that now considers you a sworn enemy?


Exactly – US global power depends on ongoing foreign demand for US dollars to finance trade – this insane system allow the US to create money out of thin air, USA now indebted for 24 TRILLION, this whole house of cards will come crashing down if enough nations dumped the dollar especially for crude oil purchases (oil accounts for the largest single USD transactions daily).

Zionism = EVIL

Projected debt by August is $30 TRILLION and a totally bankrupt Americunt economy.

Treasury warns national debt could reach $30 trillion by end of September and unemployment to hit 20%

Tomas Kinoshta

does not matter. US has largest economy


you babble in ignorance of debt.

Tomas Kinoshta

USA defaulting on its debt is no big deal. Argentina has gone bankrupt seveal times. S Korea went backrupt. USA will still be most power nation after bankruptcy.


And Americans will be poorer…

It is a big deal. Another transfer of wealth.

Tomas Kinoshta

to who? no country in Europe has much oil. transfer wealth back to USA.


If you understood your monetary system, that would be self explanatory. Transfer of wealth from the poor or middle class to the rich.

Jonathan Cohen

They can easily pay interest as long as the interest in denominated in printable dollars. Interest rates would then rise, but then why are they are now extremely low? at the opposite extreme?


FIAT banking and the petro dollar are different things, while in America only are they tied together.

Those who do not have FIAT debt are being bombed back to the stone age.

A Proud Black Republican

The anti-china hysteria from America is insane. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if China was blamed for a rainy July 4

Zionism = EVIL

To take China down was part of the Pimpeovirus, but the Americunt dumbasses miscalculated and the timing went wrong as China is too strong now and will be rampant and Americunts and their arselickers are kaput globally.

Jonathan Cohen

The pot is certainly calling the kettle black, but the kettle really is black. Both nations let the virus out through early denial.

Tomas Kinoshta

China sucks, I do like the China policy toward muslims. 1 million muslims in camps, The USA needs the same idea. 10 million blacks in camps.


why play the ponzi scheme any way at all ?

Saddam Hussein said he would trade oil in Euros. He was killed.

Qaddafi said he would trade oil in gold. BAM.

Globalists would be impotent without the petro dollar. End the petro dollar you end the imperialism and the wars. .

And then we see a new America. Americans have 300 million guns.

gonna be a party.

Trap Is Not Gay

China has such a strong market… And not only about numbers – but also people quality (human material), the Chinese isn’t a German or a Briton, but he holds some tier – as many Asians the Chinese is used to work his ass to get some value in return (no lazyness, no theft, etc).

Unique opportunity – IF China knows how to manage and make it work, and of course, without losing it to the ‘democracy’ of big bankers owning everything (if you know who).

India could be another China, but it’s not just about numbers.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, the Jew parasites and 5 eyes tried to destroy China with the Pimpeovirus but that has boomeranged bigtime and China is coming for them.

Gary Sellars

No, Trap IS Gay. Disgusting faggot.

Zionism = EVIL

This hardly takes the wisdom of Confucius to figure out that the dumbass Americunt cowardly cunts and their Zionist masters and limey git lapdogs will go after Russia’s immense wealth and China which has grown too big for its boots. The only real option the Russians have is get rid of the Jew parasites,which are fifth column historically and from a geo-economic and strategic point, increase economic, military, strategic and political alliances with China and Iran and beyond. The evil rotten Jew cunts think that Russia is softer target than China as the oligarchs have penetrated most organs of Russia state and business. It is time for a real pogram to get rid of the Jew cancer once and for all.

Swift Laggard II

you place too much faith in China. China is no ones friend or enemy. what they care about is money, not your ideologically driven mirages

Zionism = EVIL

You are just another dumbass PUNK with simplistic one liners and have never ventured outside of your mommy’s stinking twat. I have kicked faggots like you in arse all my life, so fuck off and don’t respond to my comments as it is beyond insulting to be engaged intellectually by a queer retard. Kapeesh maricon.

Ricardo Xavier

This hardly takes the wisdom of Confucius to figure out that the dumbass Americunt cowardly cunts and their Zionist masters and limey git lapdogs will go after Russia’s immense wealth and China which has grown too big for its boots.

The only real option the Russians have is get rid of the Jew parasites,which are fifth column historically and from a geo-economic and strategic point, increase economic, military, strategic and political alliances with China and Iran and beyond.

The evil rotten Jew cunts think that Russia is softer target than China as the oligarchs have penetrated most organs of Russia state and business. It is time for a real pogram to get rid of the Jew cancer once and for all.

The ultimate Zionist wet dream as elaborated during the hubris filled era after the collapse of the USSR was to turn Russia into a vassal state and control its immense wealth and ideally pit the Slavs against the Han Chinese in a nuclear war, but thanks to PRC excellent leadership that dumbass dream evaporated and now these cunts will try to destroy the Chinese economy, but will fail miserably.

Just watch how the Bilderberg Jew cunts increase propaganda against China and bring lawsuits and tariffs to bankrupt it. Chinese are very cool customers and will fuck the western faggots like there is no tomorrow in a thousand ways, starting with arming Iran, Syria and Iraq.

I agree with this statement, but, this dude needs to know that strait long texts are not enjoyable to read. Learn to space the text to people be able to stop reading and think as long are reading…

Arch Bungle

The road to Russia goes through Iran.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist Kaplan plan written right after the collapse of USSR when their hubris was at its peak was that Russia can be coerced into a client state as people like Yeltsin and Putin share the same corrupt goals, China like Iran is a very old civilization and has suffered immensely from western occupation, humiliation and exploitation, there are still signs in many western racist countries that DOGS & CHINESE not allowed. The Chinese were hooked on opium trade from Hong Kong and India, but the Jew Bilderberg global parasites though that China can be exploited as a cheap factory for the western consumers and remain docile, they miscalculated Chinese nationalism and determination to remain free. Now they unleashed bio-warfare on China to destroy it, but that has boomeranged. Russia however remains an easy target due to Jew penetration and oligarchs who control Putin and most of the Russian government. Perhaps, Shoigu is the only real Russian patriot and his days are numbered like general Major General Igor Yevgenyevich Konashenkov who was sidelined after he questioned why Russians are not shooting down Zionist aircraft.


Traiano Welcome

I think Putin has to tread a fine line between entrenched Zionist interests which have infiltrated many of the key institutions in Russia, and then survival of the Russian People and State. I don’t think there was any way he could have put Russia back together again after Yeltsin other than treading that fine line. However, I believe he knows very well that at any time the Zionists would throw Russia under the bus like they did during the bolshevik revolution and like they did during Yeltsin’s rule. His game is to avoid becoming a victim of the shadow Zionist forces while gradually making Russia invulnerable to them.

It is not possible for the West, or the Zionists to control the Chinese (or for that matter, the Indians or even the Thai or the Viet).

Their culture and thinking is so different and contrary to western thinking that they are effectively immune to Zionist mind-virus that has infected the west. Moreover, Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions have never really entrenched themselves in China, so Zionist Evangelicalism never had a chance to corrupt the Chinese state to the point where it serves Israeli Zionism.

Zionism = EVIL

Your comments are always insightful and simpatico. I agree, the Chinese won’t bend to Zionist media brainwashing or the CIA fanned NGO’s and the pushing of “Christianity” as they have a pretty strong hybrid culture and beliefs. The Jew corporations thought like India, Bangladesh, Philippines etc they will keep China enslaved as a global sweat shop, well the PRC had other plans and in any case China is too big with 1.4 BILLION people to be fucked around with. The Chinese have very long memories and will make life very difficult for the Americunt dumbasses.

Swift Laggard II

putinid is a zionist. it amazes me the lengths people will go to avoid the obvious and rationalize the odious

Gary Sellars

If Putin was a Zionist he wouldn’t have lifted a finger to stop the destruction of Syria.

If Putin was a Zionist the western MSM wouldn’t be so harshly critical 24/7 (the media jew Masters would cut him slack).

If Putin was a Zionist he would have given in to the globalists (in fact he would never have resisted in the first place and would have continued where shabbos-goy Yeltsin left off.

Putin respects Jews, but he isn’t their puppet.

Traiano Welcome

Damn! We think alike!

Traiano Welcome

If Putin was a Zionist, Syria would have been an Israeli occupied territory 7 years ago.

Seriously, at one point even I thought he might be, except that when you look closely, Putin really gets in the way of Zionist plans while still playing nice with Israel . .. Why? Because Israel is the one lever he can pull to stick it to the USA! Imagine if he managed to get control of the Zionist core at the center of Israel, and influence American policy via AIPAC … The USA would be nothing more than a Russian vassal state, governed via Israel, instead of just an Israeli Vassal State governed from Tel Aviv :-)

I don’t know about you, but I’d put on a funny hat and make nice at the wailing wall for a few years if I knew I could win that end game!

Ray Douglas


Gary Sellars

The other factor protecting China is that unlike the US and Russia, the treacherous Jew termites can’t hide within the populace and pretend to be one of them while playing their nefarious games of advancing their tribe and its interests while harbouring their centuries old hatreds and desire to gain “vengeance” for past wrongs, both real and imagined.

The jews stick out like dogs balls in China, obvious to all observers. Deny the jew the obscurity it needs to operate and you prevent the termites eating out your foundations.

Traiano Welcome

> The jews stick out like dogs balls in China,

Absolutely. But … Wait … Here’s an interesting absurdity:


And even weirder:

” In China, due to the political situation, research on the Kaifeng Jews and Judaism in China came to a standstill until the beginning of the 1980s, when political and economic reforms were implemented. In the 1980s, the Sino-Judaic Institute was founded by an international group of scholars to further research the history of the Jewish communities in China, promote educational projects related to the history of the Jews in China and assist the extant Jews of Kaifeng.[16] The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Israel in 1992 rekindled interest in Judaism and the Jewish experience, especially in light of the fact that 25,000 Jewish refugees fled to Shanghai during the Nazi period.[17]

It is difficult to estimate the number of Jews in China. Numbers may change simply because of a change in official attitudes. The last census revealed about 400 official Jews in Kaifeng, now estimated at some 100 families totalling approximately 500 people.[18] Up to 1,000 residents have ties to Jewish ancestry,[13] though only 40 to 50 individuals partake in Jewish activities.[19]

Some descendants of Kaifeng’s Jewish community say their parents and grandparents told them that they were Jewish and would one day “return to their land”,[13] others are only vaguely aware of their ancestry.[20]

The Kaifeng Jews intermarried with local Chinese sufficiently to be indistinguishable in appearance from their non-Jewish neighbors.[21] One trait that differentiated them from their neighbors was not eating pork.[13] Qu Yinan, a Chinese woman who discovered her Jewish ancestry after her mother attended a conference on minorities in 1981, says her family did not eat pork or shellfish and her grandfather always wore a blue skullcap.[22]”

… I’d say this looks like an attempt to fabricate an entire people within the Chinese cultural mix where there really is none.

Note the attempt to “discover” Jewish ancestry as if Judaism is a genetic characteristic that can be passed on through generations (it’s not, it is a religion).

Aside: The fact that this is treated with a straight face on Wikipedia tells me that Wikipedia is just another fan fiction site.

Gary Sellars

The jews will try to infect China, but the latent anti-bodies of Chinese cultural self-identity will kick in and neutralise any and all attempts.

The shlomos and their Kosher Nostra global crime syndicate won’t turn China into a goyim slave-nation.

Tommy Jensen

You stole our silver treasure in the Temple in 66 AC. We own the world today and its pay back time………………………….LOL.

Jon Robinson

Wow, you are nuts and an anti semite to boot, just repeating the usual conspiracy nonsense about Jews controlling everything


Bankers control credit right ? Nothing else matters.

Jon Robinson

Well thats not true at all, and claiming all bankers are Jews is another of your silly claims, what is it about Jews and global conspriacies that give you a hard on?


Well, you are a fucking idiot, or a liar. I never made such claim because I am not an idiot belIEver. And of course it is true you fucking halfwit. Who else controls credit besides the bankers.


And I don’t make silly claims dimwit, I state matters of fact. Because you are too stupid or ignorant to understand them, doesn’t change that FACT.

Now fuck off, you are much too stupid to be talking to me. I am likely one of the two non Jewish people on this page who are not prejudiced against Jews. But you have a great big chip on your shoulder. Its called stupidity.

“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”

― Bertrand Russell,

Tommy Jensen

If they could take down India and make India poodles up to this day, they can also subdue China. Its only a matter of time before China love gay parades on top of green energy, clima changes, GMO crops and minority rights.


The road to russia goes through your profile, bot

Arch Bungle

Another brain dead utterance from the resident hasbara troll turd. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?


Weather is awesome in Tel Aviv. Unfortunately I’m not there (but I will be next year). I keep telling you, calling me a hasbara (especially since I’m not) is a compliment. But let’s talk about why your mother didn’t have that abortion

Zionism = EVIL

You are a dumbass Mizrahi cunt from Morocco like Sisi, the racist Khazar trash AshkeNAZI treat you Arab converted Jews worse than shit. I was in occupied Palestine when the smiling buffoon Rabin was in power and saw that the Khazar trash treat you Arab Jews worse than Apartheid or Americunts treat blacks.You cunts sell vegetables and trinkets on streets and hustle like whores and not a single senior position is ever given to you low lives. The Jew cunts have a worse caste system than India and you Mizrahi/Sephardic cunts are at lowest peg. Should have stayed in Morocco arsehole, at least you would have made it to Spain and wash dishes :)


I agree, he is a stupid troll in pay of the jews and says and writes what he’s told to write or say – best thing is if the jews in palestine, by that time next year, are terminated big way so his, the idiot’s, travel plans won’t come to fruition.


Adolf, I keep telling you – I’m not paid. I do this for fun. You’re a distraction from real issues. Best thing is next year I’ll be celebrating my kid’s bar mitzvas when they become adults and the next generation of JOOOOOOOS who will stand up and beat trash like you down. Boy.


nah they’ll be on the run or be 6 feet under – the only thing saving them is if adelson can secure the jews lebensraum in the disintegrating states of A, rest assured. and the embedded jewry with double passports in other jurisdictions will be included or subjected to pogroms never seen before. so there you are schmuck or is it hymie or kike or whatever – you’re doomed!


Uh huh. I’m here waiting and all you do is talk. If by doomed you mean bored to death by your y’all, you’re spot on. If you mean amused to death by your empty threats and keyboard muscles you’re 100% correct. Call me when you’re ready to step up little girl.


megalomaniac suffering delusion…Jews will be the same kind of slaves as the rest of us after globalism happens. You are delusional if you think the rich give two shits about Jews, Muslims, or anyone else for that matter.

You hate others, in response to hate from them.. The whole lot of you are twisted in the head.


Well, considering how many Jews are rich, i’m ok with that


Not rich enough tool…And our kids, your kids will be the slaves. You are just another useful idiot, rushing towards your own subjugation.


Uh huh, but richer than you so at least we’ll be higher up on the totem pole.


as I said, you are just another useful idiot babbling your ignorance as knowledge. There is no totem pole dimwit. That is the point of the currently being decimated middle class.


You didn’t “say” anything. You “wrote” and that’s why we win. (who says we’re middle class)


I did say, while you are too stupid to understand what I said. For the third time, you are ” just another useful idiot” And you have won nothing, except the tool of the day award. Congratulations halfwit..


Nope, you haven’t “said” anything, you’ve written a bunch of conspiracy nuttiness. I understand, it’s not your fault, there are lots of reasons. You were dropped on your head, your mother married her father………


Yes, I thought that was what you would say.

“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”

― Bertrand Russell,

You are an idiot, you see the world like an idiot sees the world. Not your fault. Being born stupid is out of your control. Just like being born with the micro dick that swings between the sticks that you walk on.


For a person who suffers from a mental defect you have a remarkable insight. And for my dick, I didn’t know you were so interested in me, sexually speaking. I’m sorry for you that I’m married. I do, however have some gay friends I can Introduce to you. Most are professionals with advanced degrees so I’m Not sure they’d be interested in a simpleton.


Wondering how a micro dick comment turned into a confession of your gay adventures. I really don’t care who you fuck. In fact, I would rather you be queer, than be ignorant and stupid as you clearly come across here.

And I don’t care if you call me a homo either. I am not threatened by stupidity or sexuality. I have no prejudice for you to exploit dimwit. And I know that is your tactic. Reading the babble you post.


Well, you’re the one who first raised the subject of my dick and you’re going into the details of my sexuality. Strange for a guy who claims he doesn’t care. Seems like you’re living a lie. Listen, other than your parents/grandpa nobody cares about your sexuality. I mean, maybe if you were a pedophile (are you?) or maybe you like sheep & goats (sorry, they can’t consent either) that would be a problem. At the end of the day, I’m still not gay and if I were an unemployed loser like you would not do it for me. Sorry sugar, you’re not my type.


really bothered you huh micro man :P

fluck off now dimwit, you are a 2 digit bore…


Wow that’s like 4 posts in a row where you’re still commenting on my dick. You must really be desperate. It’s kind of pathetic, you know. I mean literally EVERYONE on this board, including the Russian Government now knows just how interested you are in another man’s penis and that sort of thing is illegal in Russia. I’d be careful if I were you. Now run along, many states are opening up so you’ll be able to find a chicken hawk on a corner & get your fix, sugarpie.


You are still talking about it. Truth hurts huh dimwit :P


What, the truth about your repressed homosexuality? Maybe for you. I mean, you seem to be very focused on being a homo and projecting it. Does your family know of your leanings? I should look into telling them. Your whole community should know about you so they can support you.


Look at you, all cursing and outraged. It is so cute how angry I make you. See, I do own you – I’m in your mind like an itch you can’t scratch. And it really pisses you off just how much of a loser you are while I have everything – successful career, family, financial comfort, all of it. And all you little insignificant nothing gutted dweller coward of a little girl can do is write pathetic insults on a chat board. Thanks – you’ve inspired me to donate to the IDF. Hopefully it will buy more bullets and rockets to eliminate scum like you.


shalom, have you been sniping palestinian kids today? was it a fun?shalom shalom.

Porc Halal

The less money flow going to wahhabi terrorists financiers the better!!…

Zionism = EVIL

or the taxdollars going to the kosher Jew swines.

Porc Halal

Dude, zionism and islamism are two bad ass ideologies…i suspect there is a very deep and strong connection between the two…

Zionism = EVIL

All religions are man made fantasies for the dumbasses to believe in something, however radicalization of the Islamists is part of the Zionist plan, who do yo think created the headchoppers dating back to the 1980’s USSR-Afghan era to fight the “godless commies”. Now who do think brought the Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechens, Uiyghurs etc to Syria and Iraq? the dumb illiterate motherfucker goat shaggers could not even find it on a illuminated map? Even the books on Wahhabi fundamentalism are printed by the CIA at the university of Indiana. Ever wonder why these Wahhabi cunt headchoppers have never attacked the Zionist parasites? it really does not take a super genius to figure out the glaring obvious!

Arch Bungle

End terror funding to the Zionist colonial state of Israel.

Gary Sellars

End the Zionist colonial state of Israel.

There, that’s better :-D

Traiano Welcome

I need to set my ambitions higher …

Zionism = EVIL

That is an obvious FACT, unless the Zionist cancer is abolished, there will be no peace or justice in the region or the world. These parasites will destroy the planet with their greed and evil.

cechas vodobenikov

unlike the individualistic anglosphere where individuality does not exist, Asains and Slavs r collectivist societies…”In our arrogance we are European; in our acts and development we are Asian”. A Chekhov Collectivist peoples think dialectically; individualistic peoples particularize and decontextualize (Richard Sennet Gorer observed that amerikan could not make connections–they only comprehend discreet disconnected facts….there r many Russian speaking Chinese University students in Tomsk and the reverse in Shanghai, Harbin (a large Russian speaking community to this day)….”what unites the slavophiles, Alexandr Herzen and the Marxists, is the belief the western individualism is an enemy of individuality”. Vladimir Golstein (1999). Riesman described amerikans as “over conformist semi-automatons….the Uhygers may be hostile to the Chinese—the khazaks, also Turkic peoples r not; the Mongols r more ethnically similar to Asians but more closely align themselves w Russia—likley due to their many wars…Autonomousregions—Buriyat, Kalmikiya, Tuva are all majority Mongol Buddhists– (where the most murders per capita occurs in Russia Both Mao and Ho chi Minh admired Stalin—both for his humanitarianism and ideology….while the USA, UK, France, Germany supported Franco, the USSR provided assistance to the duly elected republicans

Zionism = EVIL


Traiano Welcome

I swear that guy is a blood sucking vampire. Shouldn’t he have died 50 years ago?

Zionism = EVIL

These evil Jew cunts don’t die thanks to organ harvesting of third world kids, this ugly Jew rat is 100 years plus and still not dying and spreading evil.

Traiano Welcome

My favourite Kissinger quote (this guy was truly sick):

“The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.””

Tommy Jensen

Agree. We have our problems and we cant help everybody. If Russian Jews want Gulag, let them have it.

Traiano Welcome

Who is this “We” you speak of?

If one part of your “We” can be thrown to the gulags, what kind of “We” are you?

I wouldn’t want to be part of any race/nation/culture that is willing to send even one of it’s own to the Gulag, let alone thousands.


Isn’t that what every rich guy is, a blood sucking vampire?

Traiano Welcome


Re Kissinger: He is not a vampire because he is rich, he is a vampire because his actions literally suck the life out of people.


That is your subjective opinion. Truth is, the rich suck the wealth out of everyone who isn’t rich. Without the money, we have no life.

So yes is the correct answer. And prejudice is not an argument, it is a failed mind trying to fool logic.

inequality is real,and it sucks the life out of everyone on its bad side..


You want to suck what? Again, your hatred of the people who have actually made something of themselves is more a deflection of your self hatred. It’s ok to be gay. Come out and accept it and then you’ll have to project less. I mean, you’ll still be an unsuccessful loser, but at least you’ll have come to terms with your sexuality.

Lone Ranger

Win win, instead of lose lose.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Once upon a virus… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5BZ09iNdvo

Neo Onh

small correction: Russia is the number ONE nuclear power….if it should come to that…

Ray Douglas

I cannot see Russia abandoning China at this stage or any other stage. If they did they would deserve everything that would happen to them. The US does not want ‘Partners’, it only wants willing fools. Together, Russia and China, with Iran can bring about the demise of the US. The world awaits.

Tommy Jensen

China must stop obstructing International waterways of free navigation in the US Sea and stop trying to undermine our influence of freedom in the Eastern atmosphere.

Russia must respect a cooperation with America on Russias goldmines on their territory, and compensate for the millions of innocent Americans with foodstamps and soup kitchens as a result of Putins interference in the American election and KBGs chemical warfare in London.

You will have to pay or feel the pain!


You are a halfwitted babbler… You are too stupid to even see that you are a useless eater in the eyes of those who own your twisted genocidal nation.

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