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MARCH 2025

George W. Bush, Freudian Confessions and Foiled Assassinations

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George W. Bush, Freudian Confessions and Foiled Assassinations

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Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark 

Death, remarked Gore Vidal about Truman Capote’s passing, was a good career move.  The novelist Saki also considered the good qualities of shuffling off the mortal coil.  “Waldo,” he writes in “The Feast of Nemesis”, “is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death.”  But what of those instances when death is foiled, the Grim Reaper cheated?

Former US President George W. Bush has had the good fortune of facing such a foiling, though the claims remain fresh.  On May 24, Shihab Ahmed Shihab Shihab, an Iraqi national living in Columbus, Ohio, was arrested and charged with aiding and abetting the attempted murder of a former US official and charges of attempting to bring foreign nationals to the US.  The nationals in question are said to be affiliated with the Islamic State group.

According to court documents, the FBI foiled the alleged plot through using informants.  In November last year, Shihab is said to have told one of them that he “wished to kill former President Bush because they felt that he was responsible for killing many Iraqis and breaking apart the entire country of Iraq.”

In subsequent discussions with the informants, Shihab is alleged to have said how he “wanted to be involved in the actual attack and assassination of former President Bush and did not care if he died as he would be proud to have been involved in killing former President Bush.”  One may fault the intended outcome, but the historical reasoning behind the motive is hard to rebut.

A statement from Bush’s chief of staff Freddy Ford had the former president expressing “all the confidence in the world in the United States Secret Service and our law enforcement and intelligence communities.”

This would have caused a gasp from those in the intelligence community so wilfully maligned in the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003.  The issue again surfaced in March 2019, when former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer took to Twitter to wash his hands while dumping on those who had supplied the intelligence.  “There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years,” he began.  “After no WMDs [weapons of mass destruction] were found, the left claimed ‘Bush lied.  People died.’  This accusation is a lie.  It’s time to put it to rest.”

Unconvincingly, Fleischer proceeded to shift and spread blame, claiming both he and Bush “faithfully and accurately reported to the public what the intelligence community concluded.” He implicated the CIA and other intelligence services, including those of Egypt, France and Israel.  “We all turned out to be wrong.  That is very different from lying.”

Bush’s role in the Iraq War was again appraised in his May 19 speech on election integrity, when he enlivened his gaffe-strewn legacy with a momentous Freudian slip or, as John Fugelsang described it, “a Freudian confession”.  In referring to Vladimir Putin and Russia’s “absence of checks and balances”, Bush had something of a coming out moment: “the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq … I mean, of Ukraine.”  On realising his error, and no doubt hoping to strike a note of levity, he suggested, “Iraq, too” and pointing to age as an excuse (“Anyway, 75!”).

Guffawing followed and could only come across as ghoulishly telling about the predations of power and cant.  It was reminiscent of the light-hearted response to his cringeworthy performance at the 2004 White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  While narrating a slideshow featuring a picture of himself peering under furniture in the Oval Office, Bush could not resist quipping: “Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere.”

David Corn, writing at the time for The Nation, found little reason to be amused.  “Before an audience of people who supposedly spend their days pursuing the truth, Bush joked about misstatements (if not lies) he had used to persuade (if not hornswoggle) the American people and the media.”

The same could be said about the Iraqi poet Sinan Antoon, who refused to partake in the merriment, however nervously expressed, by the audience gathered at the Southern Methodist University.  “Freudian slip about past massacres (of other barbarians) amuses audience,” he tweeted gloomily.  “All is well in the settler colony.”

All is certainly well for Bush, who, as absent-minded dauber, has undergone a rapid rehabilitation as elder statesman.  Little is mentioned these days of his culpable role in leading an invasion of a sovereign state that saw the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands, displacements, poisonings, and the destabilisation of the Middle East.  “When your guilty consciousness catch [sic] up with you and you end up confessing but no one cares to hold you to account,” observed Representative Ilhan Omar.

The Trump era aided the process of revision and cleansing, with traumatised Democrats and some notional progressives longing to return to the good times of the Bush imperium marked by illegal wars, warrantless surveillance and state sanctioned torture.

In 2019, Yale University, via a delegation of students who might have known better, bestowed upon Bush the Yale Undergraduate Lifetime Achievement Award.  The decision to select the former president as the recipient was drawn from a vote by over 1,000 students, suggesting that collective amnesia is rife.  In a statement, Bush acknowledged the role played by the university in shaping him, expressing pride in joining the ranks of Anderson Cooper, Maya Lin and Jodie Foster, concluding with the triumphant, “Boola Boola!”

With Shihab’s arrest, Bush can draw upon a well of sympathy by claiming that Freedom’s Land had, at the very least, a president worthy of being the target of an alleged assassination plot.  But in prosecuting a man nursing a grievance over the role played by Bush in perpetrating the destruction of his homeland, another brutal invasion will receive some renewed attention, if only briefly.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


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deserved to be stoned to death

Washington DCorruption

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

GW Bush


– I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully 😀


Victor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin’s prime-minister, said many funny sentences like Bush: “This has never happened before, and here it is again.”

Lesco Brandon

Shoed to death


Bio lab holocaust to all the world is the end for pentagon/cia/4th reight us toxic credentials (period)


Wow, the Federal Bureau of Israel solved the Bush assassination before it even happened. But the grocery and school shooters that they groom go undetected. Weird.


He could say “Iran” instead “Iraq” in his speech as he did before. Failed attempt to convert his surprise confession to a joke. He is the most stupid president, was before Biden. Looking at such morons you will believe in any conspiracy theory about deep state or hidden masonic government, not very hidden though.


George W. like his pedophile father (https://www.amazon.com/Pedophilia-Empire-Franklin-Disgrace-Historys-ebook/dp/B078QKJZ8D), should have been frog marched to the Hague for their family’s security company’s complicity to the Towers and Building 7 (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11) in “building that New World Order”!…

But where… Oh where… were the leader(s) “to be” (http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html) that could have done much after the 3 buildings 2 planes?… Yet stayed silent (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/) and got fiendishly rich in the process!…

Lots… and Lots… of blood on ALL their hands in that duplicity!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Muhammad your Prophet

I’m sure that Vladimir Putin would hire thoses ISIS terrorists immediately to fight in Ukraine if that could only win him the war before the Russian economy collapses. It’s no secret that he’s a deranged and sadistic as they are. And just as shameless. Because right now he’s operating out of self preservation by giving away all of Russia’s massive oil reserves almost for free just to pretend that he isn’t the moronic military amateur he is. At the expense of the entire Russian population.

Muhammad's mother

My God damned faggot son, while I’m whoring myself to feed you, you’re online spewing bullshits. Go to Ukraine and fight, you useless pos.

USA incompetence helps Russia

Fake and failed Muslim keep talking so we can ☝️and laugh at you

Muhammad your Prophet

When is the terrorist Russian president calling those ISIS freaks to join the fight? It has to be soon. It doesn’t look like he has much time left.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Sine he’s free, along with Cheney, Hillary Clinton and Obama, we know that the moral authority of the international criminal court in the Hague is complete bullshit.

The Crunge

I don’t know if this really was a Freudian slip by Bush. I don’t believe in Freud’s ideas, but non the less, Iraq is one of the few countries George knows and he probably just said it because he used the word Iraq after invasion so many times. The war in Ukraine has only been going on for three months, and George seems to need need more then 3 months to get the name of a country down cold.


Why 9/11 changed everything.


And why we’re still dealing with it going on 21 years later!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Lifetime Award Achievement from Yale to Mr Bush… Just have to join the points and you get the answers

Lesco Brandon

This gets me all the time:



George Bush was ranked #1 on the stupidity scale in a survey for all US Presidents.

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