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German Bundestag: Turkey Should Learn From Germany In Dealing With History

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German Bundestag: Turkey Should Learn From Germany In Dealing With History

Originally appeared at DWN, translated by Karin exclusively for SouthFront

The SPD-foreign policy expert Mützenich has recommended to Turkey, in the course of the Armenia debate, to take Germany as a model in dealing with a dark chapter of their own history. Gregor Gysi criticized the absence of Angela Merkel and the heads of government.

In the parliamentary debate on the massacres of Armenians, SPD foreign policy expert Rolf Mützenich has defended the discussion of the topic in the German parliament. “We, as MPs will not be intimidated, no matter from which side,” Mützenich said on Thursday. He, like other speakers, called Armenians and Turks for reconciliation.

Germany knows from personal experience how difficult and painful the historical revision was. “Today we want a Turkey that meets in a similar openness and size a dark chapter in its history,” said Mützenich.

Union Group Vice Minister Franz Josef Jung (CDU) said: “We’re not about to put Turkey on the pillory.” Only those who have learned from mistakes of the past can look to create a better future. Considering how many Turks are living in Germany, it is particularly important to achieve reconciliation.

Bundestag President Norbert Lammert (CDU), said before the start of the debate, the German parliament is not a commission of historians and not a court. However, it would “not avoid uncomfortable questions and answers”, especially because the former German Reich shares some guilt.

Gregor Gysi representative of the Left Party said, it is a matter that happened a hundred years ago “name it finally what it was: a genocide of up to 1.5 million Armenians and Arameans and members of other Christian minorities”.

Gysi criticized that Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (both SPD) did not participate in the debate. This was “not very brave,” Gysi said. He regretted also that there was no joint request that includes the Left Party, because the Union had refused this.

After the debate the Bundestag will vote on the resolution on the Armenian massacre. In the proposal by CDU, the SPD and the Green Party it is requested the events to be called genocide. The Turkish government rejects this classification, which sparked outrage in advance. Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned because of the resolution of a worsening of German-Turkish relations.

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