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MARCH 2025

German Defense Minister Reveals Her Wet Dreams About Dominating Over Russia

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German Defense Minister Reveals Her Wet Dreams About Dominating Over Russia

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On November 29th, German Defense Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s protégé Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said that the threat from Russia has become more obvious.

“The fact is that the Russian side has made significant investments in the modernization of its armed forces, that it has new types of weapons, that the threat has become more pronounced,” Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said, speaking in the Bundestag.

German Defense Minister Reveals Her Wet Dreams About Dominating Over Russia

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In her opinion, because of this, NATO should strengthen its defense capabilities.

“We must strengthen our position by calling for negotiations with Russia on issues such as disarmament from a position of strength. This has always been a good position of German foreign policy, and so it should remain in the future,” she claimed.

In response, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu compared the German Defense Minister, who called for talking with the Russian Federation “from a position of strength”, with a spoiled schoolgirl.

During a conversation with reporters, he recalled that after such a statement by the predecessor of Kramp-Karrenbauer as Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ursula von der Leyen, he advised her “to ask her grandfather what it is like to talk to us from a position of strength.”

Regarding the statement by Kramp-Karrenbauer, Shoigu said:

“The situation resembles the performance of a primary school student with these attacks, by the way, towards students of a completely different school. Moreover, a student whose mom or dad is a school director who can afford everything, she can go to the podium and begin to say that this should be discussed.

So we are in a different school, we have a different director. Therefore, it is necessary to study and show that you are not so white and fluffy … You still have a hundred years, if not more, to praise what your ancestors did.”

Kramp-Karrenbauer’s statement was also commented on by the official representative of the Russian Foreign – Ministry Maria Zakharova.

She stressed that Berlin has “not its own strength.”

The diplomat recalled that the largest American foreign contingent after Japan is located in Germany, which “speaks of the appropriate nature of the American presence in the FRG.”

“When the power is there, but it’s not yours, you cannot control it, but they don’t let you dispose of it, and at the same time you’re afraid of losing it – this is a sign of dependence. Simply put, the position is seam. means “weakness, failure, incompetence,” she concluded.

Statements about the “Russian threat” are periodically made by Western politicians, most often from the Baltic countries and Poland. Moscow has repeatedly stressed that Russia will never attack any of the NATO countries.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, NATO is well aware that Moscow has no plans to attack anyone, but is simply using the excuse to deploy more equipment and battalions near the Russian borders. Moscow has repeatedly expressed concern about the buildup of the alliance’s forces in Europe.


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viktor ziv

LOL, excellent remark by Shoigu he advised her “to ask her grandfather what it is like to talk to us from a position of strength.”


To ask whom, mongols?


No the communists you know whom absolutely decimate it’s beggotten spoilt nazi losers!


Where are your commies now? :D

Bruno Gama

They left a legacy that didn´t let Europeans and Americans sleep at Night… You know, 8.000 nuclear warheads… And there are Communists in the LARGEST ECONOMY OF THE WORLD: In Trump´s Words that´s should be what you understand GINA! People´s Republic of China and Russia will Eat the decadent/fraudulent/in total debt pussies of the West!

Bruno Gama

300k US soldiers with PTSD after Iraq and Afghanistan and you Warmongers believe you can attack Russia and China! Hahahahahahahahahaha…. US only win a war small caribbean islands like Grenada in 1983, awesome victory! hahahaha

Bruno Gama

By the way, the Nazis still around, in USA. How many nazis in a country controlled by Israel? Isn´t it strange for you? hahahahaha


Very strange :) Cheers

Bruno Gama

Kkkkk A Nazi doesnt ser another Nazi… sees a Mirror. No Wonder tge more anti-communists were the Nazis.





Bruno Gama

The Obese States of America, like your nickname implies, can´t fight a major war…The More decadent you are, more desperate you become… 300k soldiers got PTSD in a war against the “mighty” Iraqi guerrila, that becomes ISIS, that was decimated by Russia, Syria and Iran… hahahahahaha… You were pounded in the head (literally) by Iran missiles and what´s American´s response… That´s OK… OK? An American base attacked, buidings and equipment destroyed and no response? What a “proud Empire”!


Seems like you are a bit upset. Did I say anything wrong?

Bruno Gama

I Just said the reality. Soviet Union is no more. Empires Fall. First UK, then USSR, now US. China is the largest economy in the world and the gap will only wide. I am no upset at all. While the Us pacific large amphibious burns in San Diego, China lands a probe on Moon. American Exceptionalism, “New American Century”. Sorry Mate. Not going to Happening. US is closet to a Civil War, than “world domination”. But continue to eat your bacon and your MSM bullshit.


“While the Us pacific large amphibious burns in San Diego, China lands a probe on Moon” realky mate? That’s your prove US empire falls and China rizes? :) You make me feel sorry for you, I could try to help you just for fun and I would come with better arguments.

Bruno Gama

I have a better argument. In facto i already said that. GDP. China already surpasses in Both Nominal and PPP. And the Gap Will grow only. US Will not be the second. Will be the Third. Índia will come too. Demographics matter Mate! América is the continent you moron. US is the country. I am happy because day after day the malignant US influence in the world decays. Bye Mate, go eat your Bacon and watch CNN or Fox News… Or maybe you could join the Army to commit warcrimes. From Abu Ghraib to your ally Aussies shinning drinking from a prosthetic leg of a dead Afghan. Your reign of terror is coming an end. Bye fatsy us warmonger!


No, China’s GDP does not surpass USA’s yet, also PPP is a standard that puts quantity above quality… And my reign of terror will haunt your thoughts and your dreams until you make a depression. But don’t worry, SF has a therapy group here. Tell us all your dark thoughts, mate!

Bruno Gama

Hahaha. You are hilarious. In CNN China Will never surpass US. But i dont have time for teenagers Trolls. Bye Mate. Eat your bacon and take your cocaíne,or fentanyl, the most drug addicted country in the world. I have no time to delusional people. Go nuke Russia like Dr Strangelove! Hahaha


Okay mate! I will :)

Bruno Gama

A question: Did you know already who Will be your next president? And those dead republican guys Elected? Covid States of América could not Handle it. New Zealand could. Again. How amazing US are! Flawless in fact I Wonder how facing such Mighty and it’s Awesome vassals Russia and China didnt capitulate? Hahahaha


I bet. Generally smaller countries can deal better with covid than larger ones, also with crime, transport, public services. I don’t know who my next president will be but I like you call China and Russia vassals, which is a new point of view for me. Internet never chase to surprise me. Keep it up!

Bruno Gama

You bet? Hahaha. About dark thoughts i dont have it. In fact, i Like very much the Soft US. The Land of Hedonism. What Is sad too see how many people are in poverty, doesnt have healthcare. US has the worse social index of all developed countries. But your Government are made of liars, crooks and killers. Your mind is so thin that cant even separate the country and the people from the Government. In fact, i Wonder, you might be CIA! Hahaha Your place isnt here, is in extreme right wing groups. Bye Mate. Youll talk alone from now…


Ok, please don’t do anything stupid.

Harry Smith

I do suggest you to google about R1a haplogroup.


Shoygu has it?

Harry Smith

Partially. His mother was ethnic Russian.


What stupid, bombastic title. She is woman doing wrong job for fuck sake, can’t you understand that?! That woman is actually doing what she was told. What was expected from her by her boss. Being a woman and having order from another woman (Angela) her boss, to take “hard line” and talk “firm” not giving up a “millimeter” of ground to pesky Russians. She has translated that into what feminist like her imagines that “macho” reaction of men would sound like. A menacing and aggressive posture based on weakness, so typical for all poodles….

Russain gas = yahwoll ! , Russia = nyet!


That she is doing “wrong job” is her and only her choice and her problem! There is absolutely no reason to pity her or use a less aggressive language to answer her babbling..


You got it all wrong. It is not that I want to pity here or defend her (even less). I just try to understand the origin of that posture instead of taking those words as their face value garnished with 3rd rate journalistic sensationalist sauce.

It is always the truth that should be the subject and not only form without substance (like in this case). Have nice day.


If you put it this way – ok. You could write it more clearly tough..


QUOTE: “She has translated that into what feminist like her imagines that “macho” reaction of men would sound like. A menacing and aggressive posture based on weakness, so typical for all poodles…“


:)) u know what.. forget it..


Sometimes I tend to complicate. There are days when I am not clear even to myself…lets say that is one of those days.

Take care.


No hard feelings :)

Davide Herzog

It has a very important job . A public job . On its decisions or statemente can depend the lives of millions people . It’s not its problem at all . This transformer can provoke world’ s disasters . Ps : don’ t use a term like ” she ” referring to transformers : those could be offended if in that same thay those feel themselves to be men . Don’ t you remeber what happened when at a meeting with culona merkel Putin gave it as a present a bunch of flowres ? It felt offended and main stream media all over the world said he was a sexist and fascist .

Kenny Jones ™



I don’t know why that got so many downvotes, it’s funny.

Kenny Jones ™

Russia is too soft on Europe, let them think


I agree, they are begging to be humiliated like a masochistic bitch.


probably not the best idea provoke Germans into armament

Rhodium 10

Germany is nothing like all Europe in a war vs Russia…first of all dont have gas and petrol…Russia can cut gas and petrol to EU beside pipelines of Azerbajan and Norway plataform..while Russian Subs hunt petrol vessel using long range antiship cruise missile…even the Zircon ( 1000km)…I have doubts that petrol vessel companies and crew will risk his life to supply oil in EU terminal ports despite protection vs Russia ( we are not talking about Somali pirates)…without oil…NATO is Junk.


Iran is nothing compared to how many things will start blowing up in Russia if they try anything like that.


slime died in an instant,make no mistake,clean through your bullet proof heart!


Is that your best pick up line?

Rhodium 10

As usual from time to time occupybacon tell Jokes….

Tommy Jensen

There is nothing wrong with the Russian people, they are innocent. Its their regime government who is wrong and who deny the Russian people its freedom and its access to usury loans. Therefore the Russian people will joint the US/UK forces and are willing to blow up every piece of their own country to get rid of their government, so they also can get usury loans…………………………………..LOL.


A corrupt state is a lot more vulnerable to external sabotage and infiltrations, that’s how the communism was rushed to collapse. Regan just gave the green light and boom, in few years USSR was bankrupt. The silent explosions are even more powerful than the ones you can hear, Tommy.


indeed it would be interesting to see Russian elite and officials driving Lada


No,flying mach 3+ more like it!


they must have a thick skin to withhold such pressure

Rhodium 10

Indeed it would be interesting to see in 10-20 years every body driving Chinese cars…


my friend has geely emegrand. very nice car actualy. i wouldn’t mind to have one either. Volvo quality


Last time it ended with Berlin reduced to a pile of rat shit by the red Army.


If USA allows Japan and Germany will have border.


at what cost?


Incest started it,cccp ended it,move on!


ok lets move of from 28million soviet casualties, as if it never happened


A very big cost,what was the alternative become enslaved to the third Reich?


which is why i am saying not to provoke another war like that. don’t you agree?


But Russia isn’t provoking one,thats the point.

Peter Moy

Listen up you transformer/ tri-sexual/dike/genetic/whatthefuckizit/dike freak: the fact is you are just a highly paid Bundeswehr whore so get on your knees for your occupying US masters. You are extremely fortunate that the Russian Foreign Minister was just being polite this time. You are still a complete amateur with your verbal nonsense compared to the Uncle Shmuels in Washington, DC.


Her grandfather was probably a camp guard in Dachau,Nazi cow.

Trap Is Not Gay

“Disarmament” (of you, of course).

Sometimes I can’t believe how these people try every lie in the book to roll over everybody else.

If you put down your weapons they’re going to invade, fill your country with blacks, spy on you, “propaganda” (lies) you into oblivion, desmoralize everything you hold dear and suddenly, most chairmen are of a certain religion with no debate allowed.

Captain Freedom

To handle the Bundeswehr, russian traffic police would be sufficient. We’re talking about an army with no morale, almost no functioning hardware, no virtue and no purpose.


Lol,not wrong:


She can fk0ff for the commonwealth cares,needs to get off the sex change hormone tabs too,frgn creep

Tommy Jensen

Merkel has recently approached US with a proposal that Germany get equal partner to America so we are equal partners, and Russia is OUT in the cold as equal partner to America………………………LOL.

That means that US and Germany are together and we speak together as women in power, a common strength of women of force with special values.

Women of Germany can now outmanoeuvre the obsolete old macho men in the Kremlin regime who are suppressing women and dont recognize that women can do exactly the same thing as men, as we are FREE women from a FREE world and Russia is not!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc3b000bb89006dc7dcb51ef50f400ac6aa4f364d3ce3e35cb17fc268828ecd4.jpg


Feminazis ain’t got the balls to deal with the truth, nor have homosexuals praising them either:

Harry Smith

Dear Jimi. Mr Jensen is local grand master of sarcasm. ;)

Harry Smith

Lili Marleen! https://youtu.be/8btnYYDbkqQ

cechas vodobenikov

good satire




Great come back, to ask her grandfather what it is like to talk to us from a position of strength.”

cechas vodobenikov

senile transgender dreams.

Alberto Garza

all fearful of the agressive russian bear but pay no mind to be under military occupation from the united states .


“This has always been a good position of German foreign policy, and so it should remain in the future”…

Germany at the start of Operation Barbarossa was the single most powerful nation in the world. Germany today is a weak vassel state of the declining US empire.

Don’t even try to provoke Russia you stupid little cow. This is what happens when ignorant feminazis take over your government – you get the most unsuitable people whom are largely hired because of what’s between their legs.

chris chuba

Basically saying, ‘first get off your back and stand on your own feet before lecturing the world about being in a position of strength’.

Bruno Gama

The corrupt Euro-Atlantic Order uses PSYops, and Hybrid Warfare as they know they can´t win a war against Russia or China… It´s time to Russia and China to ramp up their Hybrid Warfare also… In US alone 300k soldiers suffered from PTSD after Iraq and Afghanistan War. Guilty and Weakness. Imagine waging a War against Russia or China, even Iran, they can´t afford it. NATO is made of pussies, if they had to put boots on ground they will go home and hide behind their mothers… Putin is soft in Psychological Warfare, not like Khruschev were…but Khruschev were in Stalingrad killing Nazis. The generation that wiped out Nazis of the World are dying by the coming of age. Russians must take care to not become pussies like the Euro-Atlantic Tree-Huggers!

Bruno Gama

Shoigu and Zakharova dinned early… Europeans are weak. Russia should stop say it Will not invade. A little Exchange of hybrid warfare doesnt hurt! Berlin Will be shinning alter the RS-24 Yars reaches Potsdamer Platz.

Bruno Gama

The Picture of the decadent EuroAtlantic Disorder :Conservative Hungarian Politician Caught in a Gay Orgy with Drugs in Brussels. The Politician was a close Friend of Orban. Neoliberal Europe is this. They still want to Talk in “position of power” ? Hahahaha

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