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German Green Party In Crisis – Board Resigns After Election Defeat

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German Green Party In Crisis – Board Resigns After Election Defeat

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Written by Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies (Belgrade)

The Greens in Germany are drawing personal conclusions from a series of electoral defeats and are now restructuring the party leadership. The two chairmen Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour announced their withdrawal from the party in Berlin on Wednesday.

The Greens had suffered heavy losses in the last four elections (European elections and the regional elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg). In Brandenburg they had more than halved their result. The party has left two regional parliaments.

Only in the state of Saxony did they narrowly manage to be represented in the state parliament again. “The election result on Sunday in Brandenburg is a testimony to the deepest crisis our party has faced in a decade,” said Nouripour. “It is not about the fate of one party alone.” It is about the fundamental question of whether in Germany, as “the country with the greatest responsibility in the European Union, it will be possible in the future to continue to make good politics for peace, for Freedom, for justice, for prosperity and for climate protection”.

“It takes new faces to lead the party out of this crisis,” Ms Lang said. “Now is not the time to be stuck to your own chair. Now is the time to take responsibility and we are taking that responsibility by enabling a new start,” she added.

Lang and Nouripour were elected chairmen at the end of January 2022. They are relatively popular in the party. Lang and Nouripour did not comment on their successor.

According to media reports, State Secretary for Economic Affairs Franziska Brantner and Bundestag member Felix Banaszak are in discussion. Brantner is a close confidante of Economics Minister Robert Habeck, who could lead the Greens into the next federal election as their candidate for chancellor.

Banaszak was formerly leader of the Green Party in North Rhine-Westphalia and is an important representative of the left wing. The Green Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck called the party executive’s announcement a “great service to the party”.

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann called on the government to hold early elections. “Our country will not be able to endure this government for another year!” Linnemann told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”.

There is no way around new elections. The resignation is a respectable step and the Greens have to fundamentally change their policies, said Linnemann. But how could a party that has become increasingly established in Germany over the last 80 years come to this disastrous point?

Of course, most of the Green Party’s voters are in western Germany and in the big cities. But even there the party faces competition from other left-wing groups. Despite the massive media debate on climate change, which is one of the Greens’ main issues, they suffered such a strong defeat.

Since the AFD (Alternative for Germany) can be seen as the clear winner of all these elections, the question naturally arises as to where the Green voters went. Green voters do not easily vote for a right-wing party. It is therefore very clear that the votes have gone from the political center to the right and the Greens have lost their quota to the center.

But what was the reason for these defeats? Maybe it wasn’t a lack of effort in the election campaign or the constant unprofessional appearances of the Green Foreign Minister. The reason for the problems and possible decline of this party is the increasingly visible distance from its roots. The Green Movement was known for its peace initiatives for decades. And the party has finally moved away from these ideals of peace in recent years.

The harsh words regarding arms deliveries to Ukraine particularly irritated many voters. The Greens used to be against wars and now they are marching at the forefront of escalating forces. Completely absurd political behavior when it comes to migration policy has also led many voters to make a different decision.

When it comes to energy policy, fewer and fewer people trust the Greens. The rise of the AFD and the decline of the Greens show us yet another aspect of German domestic politics. The real political center has clearly shifted to the right and Green voters have moved to the center. Since the consequences of the absurd migration policy and other mistakes will be visible for years to come, this shift from the center to the right will not end any time soon.


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they must all go to the foreign legion of the teutoniclithuanianpolack order. and they don’t need to attack in ladoga lake, they can try, for example, kalininegrad. don’t forget to take van der leyen on the vanguard.

fudge cracker

greens == communist


if i wasnt as gay for crocus, i would tap anal-ena! she likes it in the pooper just as crocus does!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i do! honey my love, its so nice of you to remember! heheheh

K. Lewis

you must really be a degenerate sexual deviant since you post this everyday. disgusting fool

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i want everybody to know how gay i am! wanna join? a threesome is the best!


i think they’re done. it would be one thing if the greenies knew what they were talking about, but like albore, its a lot of hot air and fat govt. contracts. so, fraud, at taxpayer expense. alternatives hold lots of promise but to run the grid you need steady reliable power.


they know exactly what they want its just that finaly the people who voted for them seem to have understood it. the green plan does not mean having the same nice life like today just carbonfree. the green plan is the wealthy will have the same nice life just carbonfree and the poor wont be able to afford a nice life in the future and become noncomsumers which will then help the environment.


correct. and all of them will slowly migrate to socialist, démocrat and far left parties…..because it’s the same scam. communism is the bottom-top way to globalism. capitalism is the top-bottom way to globalism. they work together. the only way to get out of globalism is nationalism. that’s why nationalism is labelled as evil by all the msm…

Karl Heinz Rdant (CARLOS)

what is missing in the article: on thursday morning, the entire youth board of the greens resigned and resigned from the party as a whole!

at the moment we are witnessing the decline of a once left-wing, green party, which has degenerated into a tesla-driving lgbtq warmonger clique! – auf nimmer wiedersehen!!!!


the trans gender mutant retard phatt phucks have taken krautville down the sewer with them.


german green party is historically a house of pedos.

Karl Heinz Rdant (CARLOS)

…indeed, there were attempts by the west german greens in the 1980s to decriminalize sexual contacts with minors.

fortunately, this party was then (as soon as again) at 5% and these ideas could not be implemented due to a lack of majorities…

Date history

you are wrong ! 1st kharkiv free -1 october 2022🧨🧨 2nd zaporojhie – 13 january 2023 🧨🧨 3rd donetsk 15 february 2023 🧨🧨🧨 4th lugansk 30 january 2023 🧨🧨🧨 on process are : odessa – 19 september 2024 🧨🧨🧨 moldova – 30 september 2025 🧨🧨🧨 21 december 2025🧨🧨🧨 peace talks -the end 🎆🎇🎄✨🎈🎉🎉


they are intellectually unfit to understand the key issues. therefore they cannot be a serious political party. never were. they have proven to be rabiat warmongers. cheering for the sexual lost, incapable of understanding what society needs. a sad lot.


there was no crisis. people don’t want the idiotic agenda that the wef employees of the greens were pushing.

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