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German-Led EU Preparing Suicidal War With Russia

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German-Led EU Preparing Suicidal War With Russia

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On July 16, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attended a UN Security Council meeting, where he spoke about America’s plan to use Europe as some sort of a “suicide squad” against Russia. Lavrov cautioned Washington DC not to live in the illusion that this would work and that it’s an “extremely dangerous misconception”. He also warned the European Union that it “must realize the suicidal role [it’s] destined to play”. Anyone with any knowledge of Lavrov’s credibility as a world-class diplomat would take such warnings extremely seriously. However, in order to do so, one must be sovereign. Unfortunately, Brussels is anything but. Moscow spent (or better said, wasted) decades trying to establish a mutually beneficial partnership with the EU, but to no avail.

In the years before and after the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict (launched by the United States in 2014), the troubled bloc turned out to be nothing more than a mere geopolitical pendant of the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel. Things have turned out to be a lot worse in the aftermath of the special military operation (SMO), as EU leaders openly admitted (and even bragged) about tricking Russia with the Minsk Accords in order to buy time for the Neo-Nazi junta. The revelation came right after the Kiev regime was told it could sign a peace treaty and then renege on it as soon as the Kremlin kept its end of the bargain. This revealed that NATO puppets that hijacked former Ukraine are simply incapable of any long-term agreements and cannot be trusted in the slightest.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, nobody in the political West is either. In other words, if any Western politician says even “Good afternoon”, one must go outside to make sure it’s daylight. And the worst thing is, this isn’t even a hyperbole, as NATO has been lying to Russia for decades and setting everything up for a confrontation while talking about “peace” and “cooperation”. Even in this situation, Moscow still tried negotiating with the thalassocratic power pole, as its leadership valued peace more than anything. The Russian people still remember the horrors of WWII, particularly as they bore the brunt of the sacrifice needed to defeat the deranged Nazi ideology, losing tens of millions of lives in the process. However, it seems Europe’s favorite pastime is to send invasion forces at the Eurasian giant.

Despite the fact that every single one of these has been crushed by Russian military might, the political West never learned its lesson. For over a thousand years, various invasion forces have tried this time and again, but failed every single time, usually ending up with the Russian military marching through the streets of their capital cities, who would then complain about “Russian aggression/invasion”. It’s very difficult to explain these sadomasochistic tendencies of European political elites, particularly now that Moscow has the world’s premier strategic arsenal. However, it seems they’re at it again. While Lavrov was warning about all this, the Kremlin’s old archenemy kept talking about a new invasion force. Namely, Germany wants 800,000 NATO troops to be ready for war with Russia.

Despite never explaining itself over the leaked data about its preparations for a new war, Berlin is now openly talking about plans to ensure that 800,000 NATO soldiers could use its infrastructure freely in case of a direct confrontation with Moscow. According to Der Spiegel, which obtained a “secret document”, Germany expects its and other NATO troops to use ports, highways and railways in the country to move eastward. This would also include massive amounts of weapons, equipment and around 200,000 vehicles “heading towards likely eastern battlefields” within as little as three months. Such statements, as well as unprecedented quantities of manpower, arms and war machinery, suggest that NATO is not only looking to prepare for war, but is planning to start one.

The very fact that Germany is openly talking about using its extensive civilian infrastructure for military purposes means that the said infrastructure is no longer civilian. The Russian military has surely taken this into account and prepared an adequate response in the form of its world-class long-range strike systems that would turn these (now military) assets into rubble. The Kremlin has repeatedly warned that it will not wage another WWII, but that it will simply obliterate its centuries-old opponents from afar. And yet, instead of taking such warnings very seriously, Berlin is looking to secure “alternative routes” and “contingencies, including temporary bridges”. In order to achieve all this, Germany and several other countries are considering the option of changing laws.

Another issue is the lack of manpower, which is why many EU/NATO members are considering the reintroduction of conscription, following the lead of the US, which recently restored its pre-Vietnam War draft policies. For this reason, the EU itself is being transformed into a military alliance (or more precisely, it’s effectively merging with NATO). In fact, Germany is even setting up a “crisis group” if Trump wins, clearly implying that it wants to go ahead with the plan to attack Russia with or without the US. This will leave Moscow with no choice but to demonstrate the destructiveness of its military might for the umpteenth time and finally show Europe where it belongs – on its knees, begging for mercy, which shouldn’t be too hard, as Brussels has been doing exactly that in front of America for over 80 years.


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Conan M

on july 16, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov attended a un security council meeting, where he spoke about america’s plan to use europe as some sort of a “suicide squad” against russia. lavrov cautioned washington dc not to live in the illusion that this would work and that it’s an “extremely dangerous misconception”

Conan M

asking “why” after 10 years of terrorism with it’s next door neighbor that has destroyed and murdered and displacedhundreds of thousands it’s cousins home in the eastern donbas… acts of terrorism by it’s fellow un members that has violated it’s embassies abroad… committed acts of terrorism inside it’s borders like crocus hall and killed it’s civilians… stolen it’s money in foreign banks….

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

why” russia remains in that $hithouse called the un 6,000 miles awaywith their veto power “vote” in the unsc that gives them absolutely nothing in return?!!! “why” do they remain ?… and not become the leader of the free world that needs them start a new un charter at home in moscow?!!!


cause just like russia before them every single other country in this world will wait until it is targeted itsefl by the west. the only who will join russia would be those allready targeted by the west like north korea, iran, syria. china and india and many others will hesitate. try to do what russia did before them wait hope it wont be as bad. one by one is the plan of the west and if the others let it happen one by one it will work.


the problem is that russia is not as every single country in the world. double standards-british inventions. russia think they are equal but in the west russia is a shithole that should be destroyed 300 years ago. putin said his poor russian people and the west are partners but it simply doesn’t work. u.s. hegemon is doing anything they want, they flooded germany with illegals, destroyed their industry, they are raping their women and probably children as well and germans they quiet.

Last edited 5 months ago by hyh

inevitably, u.s. hegemon will force eu to fight russia, as germany is not u.s. ally, they are their vassals. the only ally in u.s. that matters is israel but it is a bit different story. in fact, israel is the architect of u.s. foreign policy, nation of 10m is bullying nation of 350m. because of rotschilds central banks . this is a fact that putin never addressed as he is complicit in that.


putin got rid of the rothilds a decade ago,kweers thing you know but do not!

Conan M

wwiii is preordained. the west is full of $bitc0in and the east is full of physical pm… the u.$./u.k. is a bonafide banana republic of it’s own making post 9/11… russia could have started a briics consolidation after maidan which was the red line 10 years to go to remove itself from the un starting it’s own in moscow that would have divided the eu members -italy in particular and probably spain and possibly france had they been bold enough. now we will never know?…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

france is finished,muslims will take control,just like they will in germany.


it is all putin-lavrov fault. they played nicely with western partners, they even didn’t responded when poroshenko bombed donetsk luhans frombombers so the west come with the conclussion russia is so weak they can do anything and then putin decided to take crimea by surprise. it was grave mistake. he should take all eastern part of ukraine or nothing. now russians x nato are in war that can’r be solved without ww3


its all your fault hyeena parasites of this world,your going down gimp,no puf can save you!


despite the headline, questions and ludicrous contentions (ie ‘it’s very difficult to explain these sadomasochistic tendencies…’) the simple answer (try occam’s razor) is always overlooked.

from the 1930s, possibly before, the usa used the weakness of europe/uk and its greedy, power mad, imbecilic leaders, and simply exploited the f*ck out of them (while they all did the dollar dance – and so much more). usa has effectively ruled europe since 1945; sickening really.

Conan M

yes. money lenders since rome have been this way. and rome knew how to firewall themselves from the poison weed that it recognized from non-jew culture would be their undoing if they didn’t segregate that weed from the rest from the republic. and to rome’s credit, it is why it lasted as long as it did. obviously russia hasn’t learned that they will be their worst undoing if they don’t reign it in!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

inteleg ca dupa alegerile din dec 2024 in românia vor avea loc recrutari sau racolari sa le faca nr de osteni ceruti de nue


f bine, sa mearga mociolacu si mociuca la confruntare.


deci cota per judet e 2000 de oameni carne de tun.


bravo, nue are deja cote pt strans idioti ce merg sa lupte.


mociolacu deja a promis tva de 9% pt medicamentele celor care vor lupta si pensionarilor care vor merge sa lupte


sigur ca ungaria nu va merge la tranta cu ursoaica, ca nu e proasta.


vor ajunge multi sa ceara azil politic in ungaria, sa nu moara de fraieri pe front


nue e mult mai periculoasa ca motan


din manifestarilor lor grecia, turcia, ungaria, slovacia nu vor merge la lupta. totul e la nue, mic si cia. razboiul e f bun pt vanzarea armelor

Gneaus stapo

assclown articel as always and drago is a total moron, small example his ” for over 80 years… yada yada”…. 80 years ago brussels was still occupied by germans.


today germland usa colony

Gneaus stapo

stick ur ivan flathead subhuman assclown comment up ur ass, dumb sob. watching / listening too much russian flathead propaganda is obviously hurting the 2 brain cells u are left with.

Stupo the germ

germ tantrum—senile🤣


hates the truth what do you expect from the all ranty nocando!


inferior germ tantrums—smeshnoy


give it up assflogged tranny worshipping weak pussi riot fk,wake the fk up low iq degenerate!

Ramses ll

zzzzzombie speach from talentless volodolf ghey fanclub orch troll

Last edited 5 months ago by Ramses ll
Gneaus stapo

shukran/ plaziva, dankeschön for mummy answer from sexual insecure putler fluffer. really? who in 2024 still think ghey is an issue/ proper insult?…thats so 1930’s stalin like.


nato planning war on europe—to steal more tax $ from peasants to send to amerikan slaveowner

Gneaus stapo

no need for tax $, just use the frozen rashnik fonds/ assets. easy and trust me,those russian $ will be used,just like the interests/ profits are getting used already.

Stupo the germ

russia has more assets from west europe than eu has—immoral germ steals then cry when russia humiliates 🤡 germ

Gneaus stapo

really? give me a sum and plz no igor koncheckov fantasy sum like 600% shot down ukrainian airforce.


wheres the proof,id# plz no? shut ye fkn lieing mouth dreamy demonic gimp!

Gneaus stapo

cant come up with number? why i am not surprised,dump flathead subhuman assclown soldestka assclown horde scum bolshivik member.


putin said very well once, if russian borders are invaded by nato country, in terms of if russia is been attacked first from any nato country or other will not hesitate to use either tactical nuclear war heads or normal issued nuclear bombs whom are 200 kilotons and up to 2 megatons. fuck hell no russia will not do another conventional war, fuck it they will use their nukes

Gneaus stapo

moscow fluffer will do nothing, there are no red lines, time for mike pompeo plan,get the glooves off and kick rashniks out of ukraine.


pompeo is nothing but a fat turd,putin infact allready destroyed the useless weak cia cretin.

Gneaus stapo

putin is a mafia gangster,all he ever achieved was stealing billions,other than that he is a fluffer/ whimp. fuck that gay jewish gobnik

Edgar Zetar

the hegemon has raised and sit their childrens around his table, they are all drunk so they will obey, the finely crafted brewery made by the supreme hegemon made them all insane, the shaped corn of the ethernal unicorn are pointed towards russia. they want the move the ‘head of the snake’into moscow, divide them and make them childrens. the exceptionals will not retreat, they will double down, only would wait aggression, covered or uncovered against russia.

Edgar Zetar

the supreme hegemon, their childrens wanted to remove the russian father and put in their place the ‘head of the snake’ so they can conquer russia, plunge all their resources, enslave and corrupt everyone.


well, russia told them peace is the way but their dealing with retards that think they’ll beat russia, sucks to be them.


the nwo clowns think they will live in bunkers while the dippy-sheep die above ground. they can destroy this civilization and start their own afterwards with them in control. if anybody wants to live in the world the psycho-clowns make, they deserve it.


germs–65000 active military;russia 1.6 million🤡


more to the point battle hardened and conditioned rissian military usa + nato stand no chance (period)

Gneaus stapo

then krokodil drug effect is of and u stupid rashnik realise, nato is next door, few km from shit petersburg and ready to go. horrido yo-yo dran drauf drüber sieg


if only russia recognised poland as a country of brothers… together those two slavic countries could create new europe. treat poles as brothers and all slavs together will rule the new world. we have practically common language, great geolocation, resources and hard working people. germans, austrians and others will join soon but on our terms!

Gneaus stapo

lol u are an assclown.

in history rashniks did so many “good” things to the polish, that it will take 2ooo years for ur fever dream to come maybe true

Gneaus stapo

watch tvp world instead of russian tv and u can learn what ur polish neighbours think about ur rashnik fever dream/ fantasy.


the poles are as proficient at back stabbing as the kurds are.


time will tell if militarists and politicians can be dissuaded from their ways. a good third of germany was under russian military occupation for decades, the magic can certainly happen again.

Gneaus stapo

if the rashniks keep their current speed of offensive, i will leave a mark in my last will for my grandchildren to be prepared for the rashniks in 2080

Gneaus stapo

as a german militarist i strongly disagree…ivans not welcome + no chance for rashniks to reach fatherland ever again.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gneaus stapo

you are not the same germany as you were when ol adolf was in charge, so you’ll run up the white flag within a week.

Gneaus stapo

try it and see how it will end.

millions upon millions of our death enemies can sing ya a river about it….+ even if we loose wars,we still always come up on top in peace.

putler driving kersh bridge in mercedes benz 😂… nothing says more obvious beating deutschland, than driving in german mercedes benz 😂 in den

Last edited 5 months ago by Gneaus stapo
joke biden

putin drives aurus russian made not inferior germ car

Last edited 5 months ago by joke biden
Stupo the germ

dead germland usa colony–no need to invade incompetent germland


allready happened you are inferior satanic beings for starters,weak as tranny piss,pfft!

Stupo the germ

germ military pathetic obliterated by superior russian

Gneaus stapo

superior casualtiy rate indeed, two world wars and 30+ million rashniks killed.


real numbers are 7.5 million soviets vs 8.2v million nazis dumass,fk captain britshits fake numbers,thus you will die in vain.your god now is fat tattooed tranny obey it,gimp!


born loser,either way your minors will become radioactive recipicents thus all the blame on you! because you just never learn about life god or anything,being broken + weak is your motto,enjoy isis taking over in the future!


looks like the joo’s want revenge against russia for the failure of its plan to set up another squat.

Gneaus stapo

ah the joos, the ones u rashniks/; nazis are so obsessed with


i’m english you foolish fritz.

Gneaus stapo

ur a tommy? lol who gives a damn,if u act like a rashnik,get sonderbehandelt like a rashnik/ joo.

horrido yo-yo dran drauf drüber,sieg


yes, and you obviously did in replying. i’m on russia’s side as they have the moral high ground.

if you weren’t such a gehirnverweigerer you’d also see that.


the jews who ran you dumb fkrs,check it out today homosexual zelensky trollop,fkn drrrrrrrrr!


herr holz, the hollow “man” in the empty suit with liverwurst for brains is ready to burn germanistan crispy like that other gimp, onkel adolf before him, not to mention stasi erika merkill. the tiny hats can always count on their germanistan livestock to burn the haus down when called upon. ve vill burning urupp aka the evil e.u.s.s.r. ja ja ja

Stupo the germ

as inferior germ i envious of mighty russian

Gneaus stapo

subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum bolshivik flathead idiot, learn spelling, correct is german or deutscher


bow down to your tranny god oh pissy weak one,think you know it all,you know not! woke faggit!

Gneaus stapo

lol what do u try to day rashnik flathead subhuman assclown?


inferior germ stupo released from her nursing home desperate


vista la determinazione di germania, polonia, usa, uk, francia e altri , mi chiedo se non converrebbe alla russia di fare un primo passo [ molto importante] e cominciare da berlino e far capire a scholz e c.ny che non c’è tempo per aspettare ancora visto che si parla solo di fare guerra alla russia e mai di accordi di pace.


oltre tutto mi chiedo quanto ancora la russia sia disposta a farsi menare per il naso dalla nato/ue ed ucraina con i continui movimenti di trasporto armi e altro sul mar nero [ vigilato da droni – spia ] e cominciare ad usare i suoi sottomarini tanto vantati !

Raptar Driver

the sons of lot ( teutonics) have always been salty about the superior position of the abrahamics (slavs). this is what leads to devastating war after devastating war, thankfully this will be the last one?


teutonics of todays need neuronics andmay god show mercy on their degenerat/ brainwashed souls!


their mistrained liberal faggits will conquer the world along with biden+ france ,give it a rest useless!

Edgar Zetar

we cannot avoid war, just have to get ready. democracy doesn’t exist in europe, freedom is a farse from hollywood movies, the republics are the best places for corruption. could anyone tell me what is real in western civilization?… you cannot even blink or have doubts in war because your enemy will not and you will be gone before realizing it. hope persia is ready for war.

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