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MARCH 2025

German Newspaper Fires Cartoonist For Drawing Netanyahu Caricature

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German popular daily newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung fired its experienced cartoonist after his caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been criticized in social media and described as “anti-Semitic”, Reuters reported on May 18.

On May 15, the German daily published a cartoon of Dieter Hanitzsch, which depicts Netanyahu in the look of Israeli singer Netta Barzilai, who had won the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest. In the picture, Netanyahu is holding a missile in his hand and the text balloon above him is saying “next year in Jerusalem.”

After the cartoon triggered a public censure, the newspaper’s chief editor Wolfgang Krach apologized for the cartoon:

“The cartoonist said he merely wanted to point out that next year’s contest will be held in Israel. But one can also see it differently, and it could be considered anti-Semitic. Thus it was a mistake to publish it, and we apologize.”

The cartoon’s author didn’t share this opinion and refused to apologize, stressing that newspaper’s editors had approved his draft before they published it.

The issued carton came just days after the May 14 protests at the Gaza border amid the US embassy inauguration in Jerusalem. Israel was criticized by the international community over the use of a harsh military pressure against Palestinians.

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Bravo for him! He may be unemployed, but he still has his dignity and honor…which is something his overlords can’t say.


Dignity and honour does not pay the rent. In a world where virtually every media outlet is controlled by Americans/Jews, this guy could be out of work permanently.

Zionism = EVIL

It is interesting that Charlie Hebdo can draw incendiary cartoons insulting 2 billion Muslims but even a single child killer Zionist scum can not be mocked. What hypocrisy.


yo shittie… I do not have a problem with a cartoon with mahomed fu@king a goat. A cartoon is a cartoon right? So pls better talk about the shittie muslims who killed thousand of children in Syria and Irak in the name of that fake imaginay person.


Funny part is that the “democrats” in sunnis countries who always love to make cartoons against their “corrupted” leaders surely did nothing this time !!! XD.

Also, the so-called human right activits and freedom of speech liars have disapeeared this day. XD.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Germany… A nation of spineless women.


ahh, the Nazi guilt trip – Zios have them by the balls- . Theres no business like Shoa business

Wahid Algiers

EXACTLY, the ever lasting guilt trip. The world’ s damned Zios have them by the balls. Theres is indeed no business like Shoa business and distributed by an us-jewish Hollywood play names “Holocaust.


Why women? Are spineless women worse then spineless men for some reason? :P

paul ( original )

I think he means the men are women.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Everything in the West has been feminized, and everything in the West in consequence is a dungheap.

Wahid Algiers

YOU are on my line and I am on yours.


Do you really think Americans would be any braver, if Germany had flattened every major city in the US was still to this day was occupied by German troops, and most American politicians and media outlets were controlled by Germany?

Nobody so totally controls every facet of a nation like the USA.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

What is preventing any country from telling the Jewnited States to go to hell?


Quite a lot actually. But it is what needs to happen. It is equally difficult to believe that the bastion of freedom and democracy (UZA) is run by criminal cabals of oligarchs with a distinct ethnic bent and that its Congressmen swear loyalties to another country in preference to their own. It is mind-boggling. We can ask the same question, what is preventing Americans from gaining control back of their own country? Good day to you!

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Cowardice. And a braindead “religion” (it is no such thing) called Judeo-Protestantism.

Zionism = EVIL

German’s are cowards and their NAZI tactics are now emulated by their ashkeNAZI proteges. It is an appalling joke that even questioning the fake Hollywood staged “holocaust” is a crime while a real holocaust of Palestine is taking place in front of global media.

Wahid Algiers

Maybe. And if so, who is guilty? The fucken US-invaders in 1945 with their zio-jew-leaders in the back?


Looks like the cartoonist will get a whopping payout for wrongful dismissal. S/He has won the alto-lotto, “das is bestimmt sehr glucklich”……lol


Europeans and people in middle east are in the exact same situation. The question is why aren’t they making an alliance to counter USA domination in other to free themselfs.

Wahid Algiers

Absolutely right. But you missed the bastards……zio supporting jews and zios.


Criticism of Israel and its leadership is now anti-semitism.


Europe saves itself only if it criticizes Israel, otherwise it will end like Germany and the USSR.


So you caught that, the State of South Carolina, passed exactly such a law, on the very day Israeli snipers killed 60 odd Palestinian protesters for the “Right of Return”.


I didn’t know that, but if true I can’t say I’m that surprised.

Wahid Algiers

Many in Europe (I am German) mix up antisemitism, zionists, jews. They do not really know the differences.

George King

Anti fascist is the new ant-semitism?


Of course, Israel is racist, a state of apartheid. Are Jews the chosen race or not? They were Nazis before Nazism.

Wahid Algiers

The brave Germans took the chosen race because they are chosen. Best times are over.

Wahid Algiers

Does that mean I am a Semite?

George King

It is hard to tell what is meant by the Orwellian use of the term Semite. Original meanings before the “Ministry of Truth” and its “Ministry of Records” are the following interpretations: a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs. a Jew. a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah.

However it appears that it has been captured for propaganda and (a hidden meaning) for the right of return for European converts not of the faith but as a linage of mercenaries who offer their services.

The Farney Fontenoy

How to check if it’s antisemiticism; Is it unconditional support of Israel? No? Antisemitism!

paul ( original )

It is rather a good cartoon with quite a lot of layered meaning. Those with a bit of literary knowledge will know that ‘next year in Jerusalem’ is fairly well know phrase relating to the foundation of Israel . Also of course the capital city of this years winner is usually next years host.

On a slightly different note I am at a loss to understand why Israel seems to produce these bizarre performers ( remember Dana International). They are not alone but to me it just looks like a freak show.

Hisham Saber

Jews in general are freaks.

‘ Ye will know them by their deeds ‘ ….. Jesus.

The Farney Fontenoy

If an obese woman clucking like a chicken is the best ‘performer’ that country can produce, it says a lot about the state of things there! BTW this woman did a live cover of ‘Gangnam style’… it’s on youtube and it’s so painful to watch I almost feel sorry for her… almost.

paul ( original )

Yes but remember she is the best in Europe!


Imagine. Eurovision votes are rigged. So, imagine the american elections.



It will force all european nations to recognize jerusalem as capital of israel when they will all go watch Eurovision in jerusalem !!!


Yes, it is a typical attempt to gain legitimacy for an illegal action.

Wahid Algiers

The typical jewish manner as well as zionist manner.

Gary Sellars

Modern Germany… what a useless cucked nation… slaves to the shekel-grubbers…


How much lobbying did it take for the israhellIs,to claim to be winners of a European song contest?lsrahell is in the middle east, in occupied Palestine ,so why are they allowed to take part,?.?.Saudi Arabia could be winners next at this rate.Israhe’ll is being rammed down the throats of people on a daily basis as if it was a haven for human rights and freedom,when in fact the opposite is the case.The Synagogue of Satan.

bryan seals

The European song contest was won by an Asian country. I propopose that next years Euros are held in Cambodia/


I’m not sure what the cartoonist meant by the drawing, other than dissing Netanyahu. Is he protesting Natenyahu’s policies or to the fact that a contest is being held in Israel? And why is South Front writing about this instead of any of the other things that happened this week? (Rhetorical) It is not news that anti-Semitism is frowned upon in the west, although it’s debatable over whether this counts.

Promitheas Apollonious

anti-semitism? Since when having an opinion and telling things as they are is anti anything? Been a conditioned slave it is in your blood, i understand that. Not all are like you as*kissers.


Truth is hate-speech to those who hate the truth.


The level of descency and intelligence or rather the lack thereof in this forum is clear from the comments: There is one, one (!) newspaper that withdraws a controversial cartoon, and the whole nation of Germany is called “spineless”. Seriously guys, are you clinically insane? Who then, pray, refused to go along with the Neocons and didn’t go to war in Iraq? Who then criticised the breaking of the nuclear deal? Yes, there were also cowardly decisions, but considering that the US is whitewashing every single Israeli attrocity this kind of talk is really fresh…


At any rate, this is just a publicity stunt.

Zionism = EVIL

German NAZI protecting their AshkeNAZI proteges.


jews again.

Patrick Gibson

It is very disturbing to see the power that Israel has over the different nations around the world. I wonder why that is true. They are killing unarmed civilians in a ghetto called Gaza and the world just says nothing. Very strange.

Wahid Algiers

…and the so-called state of Israel plays the football qualification in Europe, participates in the Eurovision Song Contest……send them (zionists, us-jews) to hell and the world is freed.


Germany lost its sovereignty in 1945.

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