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MARCH 2025

German Prosecutor Found No Russian Involvement In Gas Pipeline Sabotage

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German Prosecutor Found No Russian Involvement In Gas Pipeline Sabotage

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The possibility of NATO’s implication seems the most plausible at present.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the West’s unsubstantiated narrative that Russia sabotaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. Now, even some German officials are beginning to admit that there is no evidence to blame Moscow for the crime. Indeed, as the question about the real culprit remains, at some point Berlin will have to investigate the possibility of sabotage by countries it considers as “allies”.

German Prosecutor General Peter Frank during an interview with Die Welt newspaper on February 4 stated that there is no evidence to blame Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September last year. According to him, the investigation is still ongoing, but so far nothing has been found to blame Russia.

“It currently has not been proven (…) The investigation is ongoing (…) We are currently evaluating all this forensically. [The suspicion] that there had been a foreign sabotage act [in this case], has so far not been substantiated”, he said during the interview.

As we can see, the prosecutor seems to be skeptical about the very possibility of foreign sabotage, which seems irrational, since several experts indicate that the explosions in the two gas pipelines did not occur spontaneously or due to a mere malfunction, but by deliberate interference. This has been confirmed even by Western authorities, such as the Swedish government, which conducted unilateral investigations in November and concluded that sabotage had taken place, although it has not said anything about which country would be the saboteur.

A few days before Frank’s interview, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had refused to comment on the investigation, claiming that he would wait for concrete evidence to be obtained before making any public statements. At the time, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova criticized Scholz’s omission, stating that his lack of transparency on the matter made it appear that “Berlin has something to hide”.

Zakharova’s words indicate a suspicion on the part of the Russians that the Germans could be somehow wanting to forge evidence against Russia to please their NATO partners. Another possibility is that they are preparing a narrative to claim that there was not any sabotage, as the prosecutor seems to have suggested when he said that no evidence of a foreign operation was found so far.

German Prosecutor Found No Russian Involvement In Gas Pipeline Sabotage

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These maneuvers on the part of the German government would be happening because of the absolute impossibility of blaming the Russians for the attack. On the 1st of February, The Times published a report stating that the German investigators are “open to theories that a Western state carried out the bombing with the aim of blaming it on Russia”. Obviously, no Berlin official has confirmed this, but it is possible that this information has leaked and that now the Germans are trying to justify themselves to the West through this statement by Peter Frank, alleging the lack of evidence of foreign attack (Western or Russian).

In fact, this constant repetition of mistakes only undermines the credibility of the German government. Rather than denying that sabotage took place, the best thing to do would be to simply admit that it did happen, and the responsibility was not Russia’s, but some other country’s. If concrete evidence is found that a Western state destroyed the pipelines, Berlin should admit this and publicly condemn the aggressor country, reacting by imposing coercive measures, sanctions and breaking diplomatic relations – just as it certainly would do if Russia were responsible.

It must be remembered that experienced military experts, such as Donald Trump’s ex advisor Colonel Douglas Macgregor, suggested that the US and UK were responsible for the attack. According to Macgregor, only these two countries have naval forces capable of carrying out this type of sabotage. He categorically states that the Russians were not involved in the case, considering the way the operation was carried out.

“You have to look at who are the state actors that have the capability to do this. And that means the [UK’s] Royal Navy and the United States’ Navy (…) I think that’s pretty clear (…) The Russians did not do this”, Douglas Macgregor said in early October.

Admitting that Russia is not involved is an important step, but it is still insufficient. The German government, if it really wants to defend its sovereignty, must continue the investigations, and admit what already seems clear to all specialists: Berlin was the target of sabotage planned by its own “allies”.


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Germany is still under US occupation,those bitches will do what the US says,end of story.

Stephan Williams

I must have been posting my comment at the same time you were, Cromwell. heh heh … Great minds, and all that…


The British are in it big time too. The British ‘elites’ have been Germany’s (and Russia’s) biggest enemy for a hundred years. The US is just their Golem.

Stephan Williams

Germany is still an occupied country. They are completely controlled by outside forces.

Their “leadership” are whores to (((power))).


And they should be. They are the real nazi, no?


Germany is controlled by sick Jews.


Current German Leadership will Prevail, InShahAllah(swt), Ameen.


Turkiye will eliminate kemalism, InShahAllah(swt), Ameen.

Boba Lazarević

That’s fair to acknowledge publicly, but why would Russia be a suspect to even begin with? This destruction took away their revenue and the crucial leverage over Germany.

And why is the US not the suspect yet? The US is the only one that had everything to gain from the NS 1 & 2 getting wrecked, and they made it very clear time and time again, in no uncertain terms.

The Yanks did it, it’s beyond any doubt. Biden promised it, Nuland is bragging about it, and the entire political and media milieu on both sides of the aisle is cheering on.


No shit but are they going to say who did it? No.

“The investigation is ongoing” and after years they close and people forget about it.


Tára? To predsa všetci vieme!!! Nech radšej povie, kto za tým teroristickým útokom stojí!!! Je na čase odhaliť svetu pravdu a aby ten kto spáchal tento teroristický útok začal niesť zodpovednosť!!! Koho kryjete? Rusko si predsa po tých perepetiách ktoré malo pri budovaní Nord Stream, samo nevyhodí vlastný projekt.

John Kesich

But did he look for US/UK involvement? The fact that Germany, which was the most seriously impacted by this terrorist attack has been remarkably silent about it makes me wonder if Merkel knew it was on the board before she left.


The Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation rather quickly announced that the bombing was the result of Britain (while there is no doubt that their thralls were compelled). I believe them.


The most cunning thing from the us side would have been to blackmail the germans into doing it thenselves so they cannot ever “find” the culprit.


They jointly and quickly blamed the Russians for MH17, so this is an improvement. Again no need to involve the directly affected Country (first Malaysia and now Russia). The West (especially Western Europe excluding GB) is like a echo-chamber now, and they are so void of any arguments, evidence, trustworthiness, that at times it all becomes comical (if only it wasn’t so damn dangerous)

Last edited 2 years ago by Slavonac

Russian Gas was biggest Germany mistake. Europe got enough coal for transformation period (10-15 years) – soon all Europe energy will be from renewables and nuclear. Price doesn’t matter – all the money stays in the West anyway…


The entire genocide in rump Ukrapland and all sideline terror actions are the result of the thrashing and flailing of the dying angloZionaZi empire of shit. Anyone that still hasn’t that figured is thankfully triple covaid$ death squirted and booooooosted.



SF, you’ve placed this aricle incorrectly under #Syria, while it should be under #Ukraine because it concerns Europe.


How is it possible that someone downvoted a perfectly correct “heads up” notice to SF, in order to move the interesting article to the correct hashtag? o_O

Cârnatul Săsesc Retardat

Ok, if no Russian implication then who did it?????!!!!! … here is where the brainwashed german brain broke appart … lol …ups, wrong programming

Last edited 2 years ago by Cârnatul Săsesc Retardat
Tommy Jensen

Unbelievable, surprise surprise surprise, who would have thought that. Legal experts found what nobody else could figure out.


Zbytočne sa namáha. radšej nech odhalí kto za tým teroristickým útokom stojí. Neverím, že to tí bastardi nevedia!!! To sú ozaj až tak strašne blbí?


Germany should declare war to Poland and United States, shouldn’t it?


Oh Really!! They are the enemy; remember what Mercle said about the Minsk agreement being a scam to arm the Ukronazis. What a bunch of pshyco babble.

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