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Germany Acts Irresponsibly By Sending Troops To NATO’s Eastern Flank

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Germany Acts Irresponsibly By Sending Troops To NATO's Eastern Flank

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The measure shows Berlin’s willingness to worsen the situation of European stability, instead of seeking diplomatic means.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Germany is interested in further worsening tensions in Europe by boosting NATO’s policy of “encircling” Russia. According to the Ministry of Defense, Berlin would be ready to send thousands of troops to Lithuania with the aim of reinforcing NATO’s eastern flank. In practice, the measure only prolongs the security crisis, as it poses a direct threat to Moscow.

On June 26, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that Germany would be ready to send around 4,000 troops on permanent mission to Lithuania. According to him, the objective would be to maintain a “robust brigade” in Lithuania as a way to increase NATO’s defense capacity on the eastern flank. The declaration was made in Vilnius, where the alliance will soon meet for a summit, at the day German and Lithuanian forces were engaged in joint military exercises, the Griffin Storm drills.

The minister also informed that infrastructure works need to start in Lithuania in order to receive the soldiers and their families, since they will be permanently accommodated in the country. Pistorius believes that, with this condition met, Berlin could actively contribute to the improving of NATO’s position on the eastern flank.

“Germany is prepared to permanently station a robust brigade in Lithuania (…) Precondition [for the deployment] is that the necessary infrastructure is in place – barracks, training grounds and depots”, he said during a meeting with Lithuanian counterpart Arvydas Anušauskas.

There is still no specific deadline for completing the deployment of German troops – not even an official confirmation that Lithuania will accept the German offer. However, the country’s authorities have already stated that they are really interested in the “assistance” and informed that they will work to meet the infrastructure requirements. According to Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrelius Landsbergis, “this is a strong message and acknowledgment that Eastern Flank needs to be strengthened”.

In fact, the news was not something unexpected. The German government was required at the last NATO Summit to keep troops and equipment “pre-positioned” in high combat readiness to be deployed on the eastern flank – both on German territory and in the Baltics – in case of a military crisis with Russia. Currently, Berlin already maintains a contingent of 800 troops in Lithuania, which corresponds to half of the 1600 NATO troops in the country. Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Norway, Croatia and Luxembourg are the other nations that contribute with military personnel to the Baltic state.

With an additional 4000 troops, the number of foreign troops on Lithuanian soil would more than double, which point out the level of escalation planned by the alliance in the neighboring region of Russia. NATO believes that the current moment is serious and urges its members to be prepared to face Russia, if necessary.

It is impossible to deny that the moment is serious. NATO and Russia are in their biggest crisis of all times, never having been so close to a direct military conflict between them. However, this deterioration of diplomacy is the sole fault of NATO, which is the side that insists on the strategy of the liberal think tanks of “encircling” Russia, promoting unnecessary militarization of the countries close to Russian borders and arming the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and prolonging the conflict in Ukraine.

To reverse the crisis, NATO’s attitude must be the opposite of what is being taken. The alliance should stop the militarization of hostile countries near the Russian border, in addition to signing a non-expansion treaty, creating favorable conditions for peaceful coexistence with Moscow. Otherwise, the problems will continue for a long time, increasing the risks of open conflict.

As far as Germany is concerned, more than an attempt to comply with the alliance’s requirements, the measure also echoes the country’s interest in acting more actively in the current conflict. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated recently that her country and the European Union are at “war with Russia”, which shows the level of aggressiveness with which Berlin deals with Moscow today.

By sending troops to Lithuania, Germany is not “strengthening the eastern flank”, but simply engaging in provocative and irresponsible maneuvers against Russia, serving American interests in the region. Like Ukraine and Poland, the Baltics are countries significantly affected by Russophobia and rehabilitation of Nazism, being the states most likely to recklessly start an open conflict with Russia involving NATO. And by keeping troops in the country, Berlin will be helping to accelerate that.


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mighty orc

the usa colony licks senile brandon boots


more dead boot lickers.


southfront gives ukraine statistics, always the same rubbish without proof.


germans where there before. pig, always the pig. you can not expect from the pig any thing other than it coming back for more. and as always german pig will be slaughtered, those idiots never learn!


and the nazis are the ukrainians? there are more nazis here than in the whole ukrainian army


the fascist capitalist pig at the orders of the nazi capitalist anglo scum both pigs paedophilic and genocidal,both satanic white feudalist porks will be erased soon from the face of earth in the name of light and love. amen


german nazis in the baltics again, after what happened in ww2 there should be no german troops in any other country than germany.

Gneaus stapo

there should be and wont be ivan flatheads outside of russia, endlösung der russenfrage is coming. ur ugly kind will be contained inside ur flathead zoo/ habitat. us germans on the other side are welcomed everywhere, our troops have best relations with the rest of the world and are the total opposite of nazis.


don’t worry bro, everywhere the rf army is, russia it is. lol

James Connolly

i’d go further and say that germany should have been perpetually prohibited from ever having an army or a “defense” industry after ww2. today it seems the nazis have taken over again and are looking for a fight with russia. they couldn’t defeat russia in the 1940s and they wont do it in our time either. it’ll all end in tears for the german nazis….three time losers


4,000? is that all? i think we have to accept that warefare has changed. the soft squishy things are cheap as chips and will all be squashed, by either side. its all about mine-fields, drones, intelligetn missile systs and air defence. both sides need to be ramping up all this stuff, not soft squishy things, which are already ten a penny. robotic mine clearance, ai autonomous drones and death rays, thats whats needed. especially the death rays.


germanys robust brigade, lol. who makes this stuff up? won’t feel so robust if russia and belarusians show in lithuania the nazis western equipment that it doesn’t operate any different their.


they are robustly defending the right for their wifes to push tranny propaganda on their children and fuck with turkish migrants, i means the democratic values….


racist and homophobic, you have it all, you would do an awesome us citizen


the soldier in front is mr. radulovič. the cleric behind is miloševič relative. :)

christian reinhard

whole military worldwide is just a theater-crew to rip da tax money

Icarus Tanović

this pig in front is named radulović, meaning serbian-wolloch vlašina pig shit. not a german in sight. serbs shit all over the west excluding uk, england in particular because english are fucking dangerous tough gangsters, so they do not want to be dead meat on london, southamptons and other cities streets.


agreed, twol egged pig in foreground.

Chris Gr

what radulovic and bullshit? you are still mad that your jihadis lost in bosnia and now you are having delusions.


nato wants to convince it’s people that russia is a threat by moving soldiers around pretending to be taking countermeasures. the bizarre bellicose nature of their leaders makes them seem like they want a war and yet ignore the nuclear elephant in the room for the sake of some weird psy-op.


just how does the argument go that the baltics and neighbours of russia are all now suddenly in severe danger?

Erik Nielsen

incredible they are at it again. barbarossa i, ii, iii. the same 6 mio, the same ‘war’szawa, same dresden, same d-day, same bs.

christian reinhard

same jews behind

Peter Jennings

some adult should tell those at nato that the ‘current moment’ is only serious because they have broken their agreements with the russian admin and are now pushing their luck. the people of nato were told it was formed as protection against the old soviet union. the people of nato were told that the organisation was defensive, yet here they are pushing their warmongering luck. maybe a better name for the malodorous organisation would be hato, because that’s all they have in their hearts.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Jennings

‘nato’ is correct –north atlantic terrorist organization

Gneaus stapo

gut das die kameraden näher an die ostfront verlegt werden. horrido johoo, dran drauf drüber, sieg und ehre unseren tapferen soldaten und all unseren osteuropäischen kameraden. the axis of freedom is truely forming.


need to arm and train pro-russian partisans in the baltics to make life of these nato occupiers and their local fascist hosts a living hell.


bog i grab you by the ankles …


the anglosaxons never gave up the idea of more land for their people. it’s unfortunate that the slavics of ukraine are acting as their battering ram and being exterminated at the same time.


i think you are in the wrong here. currently germany, and that includes it’s population is still guilt ridden from the events in ww2. look at the recent years. germany opened it’s borders to let an uncontrolled flow of immigrants in, sold their soul to the us and just do anything to hurt themselves. it’s more that they hate russia for showing them that war is something very real and you have to calculate with it in your decisions.

Thomas Turk

wot.. you hollpw-hoaxing ’bout them slave labor camps with special privileges or pregnant ones, with over 1000 births in auschwich, 2 swimming pools, orchestra, juice docs treated the gs and the remaining inmates chose to leave with the g not wait for the reds..?


well what do you expect from the current german government? a government whose ministers publicly said to journalists that the goal is to deindustrialise germany to hurt russia with that… you just can’t make such sh*t up… let’s see how the next elections will turn out…


“germany acts irresponsibly”… the last 30 years in a nutshell. but (these) german politicians will always do what washington demands of them. no matter the cost. they’re a feudal class without any responsibility. and i’d bet they are “allowed” to escape to the us should things go south there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter

germany is effectively a usa colony. they dont have a independent foreign policy the usa controls every aspect of it. the united states decides what happens. most germans dont even want war or the climate hoax green deal or massive immigration today germany is not even a country as it dousnt have a constitution only basic law the ww2 victors pushed upon it.


it will not through german politics, officials or authorities to put an end to the populist joke of a party called the afd (alternative fur deutschland). no, it will be through direct us intervention. some asshole from the ned or ambassador in berlin will say something something “antisemites” and the stool pigeons in the parliament and elsewhere will fall over their own heels to obey his order asap. vassall state since ’45, lackeys ever since.


russia parked tanks at the reichstag before, they can probably do it again…

Gneaus stapo

flatheads couldnt park modern tanks in kiew, then took 10 months to park rusty t54 in bakhmut and given that speed, no chance for flatheads in berlin before 2099.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

germans politicians have been taken over by london similarly to kiev. in kiev its been achieved thru azov nazi organised by mi6(and cia) in germany the masons/intel community (20 eyes +) do all that job.. those mafiosi networks got to be removed if we want common sense to come back..


germanistan is an integral part of the anglozionazi empire of shit and has been since the onkel adolf caper was financed by juice banksters in the 1930’s. now with the evil eussr/natostan running rampant and getting crushed in rump ukrapland, of course the hollow man in the empty suit and his vacuous al ciaduh sidekick, anal barebutt double down on chao$. onward to the collap$€. z

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo
christodoulou Anastasis

and there comes the president of lithuania gitanas nauseda. in an interview with the media, he said that the german army “is not the kind of girl you can call for a good evening by the lake in the countryside”. “it’s a serious army who should be offered a marriage contract”.. my self i argue that she’s just the girl for an hour.

NATO Soy Boys Went Kaboom in Kramatorsk

why are germans tolerating american occupation boots on their soil 78 years after ww2? this does not sound like a real country to me. its a land of cucks and boot lickers

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