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MARCH 2025

Germany And France Reject EU Plans To Overcome Orban’s Veto On Ukraine Aid

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Germany And France Reject EU Plans To Overcome Orban’s Veto On Ukraine Aid

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

France and Germany are expressing concerns about a proposal by the European Union’s diplomatic arm that aims to bypass Hungary’s veto as Budapest blocks more than €6 billion in aid to Ukraine. At the same time, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has blasted the European Union’s support for the Kiev regime’s so-called Victory Plan.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) has floated the possibility of allowing member states to make voluntary contributions to the European Peace Facility (EPF), which helps finance military equipment. This would enable future funds to flow based on taxpayer consent rather than unanimous support.

However, sources told Bloomberg that some member states, including France and Germany, fear a precedent could be set that would jeopardise the EPF’s future as a foreign policy tool. In some countries, voluntary contributions may require approval from national parliaments, which would add a different layer of complication.

“Some member states, including France and Germany, have voiced concerns over setting a precedent that could imperil the future of the European Peace Facility as a foreign policy tool, according to people familiar with the matter,” Bloomberg reported. “Currently, the EPF relies on mandatory contributions based on each member state’s economic weight and requires unanimity for disbursement.”

The French and German governments declined to provide formal comment.

Earlier, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said that Hungary continues to block the allocation of €6 billion as compensation to EU states for the supply of arms and ammunition to Ukraine. A European source told reporters that the EU’s foreign policy service had presented member states with a proposal for the EU to contribute to the EPF on a voluntary basis, thus bypassing Hungary’s veto.

Orban is the most Kremlin-friendly leader in the European bloc and has repeatedly stalled EU aid for Ukraine and obstructed sanctions against Russia. Even though the EU approved an additional €5 billion for Ukraine earlier this year, Orban has been blocking its disbursement, creating tensions between Budapest and Brussels that have only escalated during Hungary’s rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, as seen with EU member states and institutions boycotting Hungarian-held events.

On October 23, the anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising, Orban said in the Millenaris Park in Budapest that Kiev and Brussels seek to drag the entirety of Europe into a war with Russia by inviting Ukraine to NATO.

“Over the past 70 years, we have never been so close to a new world war as we are now,” he said, adding, “European leaders and Brussels bureaucrats dragged Europe” into the Ukrainian conflict, and now “they want to drag the entire European Union into the Russia-Ukraine war.”

Orban stressed that Kiev’s intentions are backed by Europe continuing to deliver weapons to Ukraine and supporting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s so-called Victory Plan, which aims to “expand the scope of the war by inviting Ukraine to join NATO and moving the frontline to Russian territory.”

Earlier this month, Orban described Zelensky’s plan as scary. In his view, the Victory Plan will only pave the way for defeat and not victory. Budapest stated that it would neither support Kiev’s initiative nor participate in its implementation.

It is for reasons like this that the EU is instigating its provocations against Orban, including trying to topple his leadership and have him replaced with a puppet who will serve the interests of Brussels instead of Hungary.

“We know they want to force us into the war (in Ukraine), that they want to impose their migrants upon us… and hand over our children to gender activists,” Orban said in Millenaris Park before referring to the new pro-EU Tisza party of Peter Magyar. “We know that they’ve got a puppet government (in mind), the party they want to impose on us.”

In July, the first month of Hungary’s Council of the EU presidency, Orban outraged the European elite by travelling to Moscow and Beijing as part of his “peace mission.” The very fact that his efforts to find peace caused controversy demonstrates that Europe wants the war in Ukraine to be prolonged for as long as possible.

However, what was not expected is that the EU’s two most influential countries, Germany and France, would be concerned that “a precedent” could be made where democratic mechanisms are bypassed. In this way, it is seen just how divided Europe is and the ludicrousy of accusing Orban of authoritarianism when authoritarian practices are considered and employed to limit his power and influence.


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Boris Orlov

germany, the dead man walking. just shut up cum-ex olaf. what a statesman you are, destroying a once prosperous country and leading it back into the medieval.

Hasso von Halstenberg

that’s right, but scholz speaks for the german government, not for germany or germany’s population!


no puppet speaks for the enslaved people

Massa John

welcome to the chain-gang


baerbock speaks for anyone other than the german people, esp. the ones who put her in power. she said so herself.

Last edited 4 months ago by antidisestablishmentarianist

no, sergeant schulz only speaks for his zio and amerikunt masters. “i know nothing.”


burning man 2024cat black rock that’s the dead men walking exposed the druids burned people alive in little wooden houses, they created the burning man festival the english basically look at the symbols all english the unicorn the druidism etc.


watch the commonwealth ganes designed by charles, the opening and closing the revival. of baaal. imo. they’re returning the world to paganism solar worship pharoah. out with jesus, out with christianity the statue of david and in with ramses. the slave master.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
Joseph Day

just because they replaced “the sun’, with, ‘jesus’ doesn’t change the fact we still worship the sun.

AM Hants

still trying to get my head around the tunnel in switzerland and the opening ceremony. french olympics and commonwealth, competing for the baaal award.


the current bald empty clown and stasi erika merkill… a match made in hell


all the little co horts a n co conspirators in the planned greatest theft in human history all in it together. all a big cover screen bombs and destruction replacing parades and circuses, whilst they tweak the global laws from the un to create a marxist revolution a fascist nightmare to replace the american dream.


europe needs to cut the umbilical cord from the murderous biden regime or it will face economic ruin.

Joseph Day

too late, much too late

Joseph Day

a disunited european union it seems. goes well with the disunited states of america

AM Hants

both led by the bolsheviks-nazi creators.


imbecilii din ue aserviți, vânduți sua execută orbește ca niște iresponsabili ordinele venite de la washington. parlamentarii din ue sunt atât de imbecili încât nu văd ca sua a urmărit de ani de zile provocarea rusiei și declanșarea acestui război? sunt atât de proști încât nu văd că sua vrea să arunce toată europa în război? sunt atât de proști încât nu văd că sua si-a atins unul din scopuri și anume de a pune întreaga economie a europei pe butuci?


ze frog poofter and the hollow “man” in the empty suit epitomise the end of urupp and the evil cabal running the eussr that is intent on getting itself and everyone else vaporized for its anglozionazi owners.


the “european peace facility” buying weapons for the ukronazis. war is peace. freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength.

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