German Leopard 1A5 at the 2015 Military Day in Uffenheim on 7 June 2015. By Wikimedia user Rainer Lippert.
Germany has issued a permit to export Leopard 1 main battle tanks to Ukraine, Steffen Hebestrei, a spokesman for the German government, told reporters on February 3.
The decision was first reported by Süddeutsche Zeitung, who said in a report that the delivery of Leopard 1 tanks from the industrial stocks could be made as soon as the tanks are repaired. According to the German newspaper, Rheinmetall and Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft want to refurbish “dozens” of Leopards 1s and could supply them to Ukraine if Kiev was willing to buy them.
Another report by Der Spiegel magazine said the German government decision concerned only 29 Leopard 1s, which were in storage at a military manufacturer.
The Leopard 1, which first entered service in the 1960s, is the forerunner of the more advanced Leopard 2. The tank is armed with a 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A3 L/52 rifled gun.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung report noted that there are still problems in obtaining the required 105 mm ammunition for the tank. Although Brazil has large stocks of the ammunition, the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has so far refused to pass it on to Ukraine.
Developed in an era when high-explosive anti-tank warheads were thought to make conventional heavy armor of limited value, the Leopard 1 design focused on effective firepower and mobility instead of heavy protection. The tank features moderate armor, only effective against low caliber autocannons and heavy machine guns. This makes it vulnerable to most, if not all second and third generation anti-tank weapons.
The newer versions of the Leopard 1 are equipped with a day\night capable targeting systems, comparable to the ones installed in early Leopard 2 versions.
Germany became one of the main military backers of the Kiev regime after the start of the Russian special military operation around a year ago.
Last month, the German government decided to send 14 modern Leopard 2 tanks from Bundeswehr stocks to Ukraine. Kiev forces will reportedly receive more Leopard 2s from Poland, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal and several other NATO states.
The decision to supply Ukraine with Leopard 1 tanks is meant to make up for some of Kiev forces losses in equipment, as well as to prepare for a large-scale offensive against the Russian military in Spring.
If you check Western Mainstream News you will see countless headlines about the speech Putin gave at Stalingrad declaring: That once again Russia is facing German Tank with Iron Crosses on their borders! Western Propagandist says that Putin alleges that there are German Tanks on their borders and that Putin is lying there is no Nazis in Ukraine
SMH I am so done with the lies of the Western Media they think we are stupid, Putin is right, he is facing Nazis again just like his ancestors in WW2 and Putin is going to defeat the Nazis again for a second time, without sending tanks, Putin declared: That he has other weapons to use, I’m hoping that he’s going to bring out the Nukes soon!
The Russians are right America is the Anti-Christ and they are fighting a Battle against the Devil himself!
So the war is between devils and gods. Then more houses of worship should be built.
Derp and derp again.
It’s cheaper to learn from the Islamists, kill everyone who doesn’t believe, so everyone left is a fanatical believer.
Then they should win the religious war.
That’s how the moslems built their major empires? Pick up a book some time, fuck-o.
Honestly Clyde is right, Muslims kill those that don’t believe in them unlike the Christians that are Tolerant!
Tell that to the Cathars.
Three per day, over a thousand per year, many newly built, rebuild churches, extensively restored, repaired and renovated, opened and USED. Full seminaries.
for the past thirty years.
Three per day or over a thousand per year for the past thirty years, Newly built, Rebuilt, extensively repaired renovated restored, opened and filled. The seminaries are full too.
Are you people here really that stupid, that you can t see that ALL these so-called western governments (from USA to EU) are communist ?
They are PLAYING, JUST PRETENDING to be fighting against Russia, when in fact they do everything to weaken USA+EU and to support Russia, and to stir up hate inside the Russians against Germany and the West in a whole. That’s because ALL the western governments leaders are pro-jewish communist agents – who work hand-in-hand with WEF and Putin to start World War 3 and force Jewish World Dictatorship (NWO-JWO) onto mankind !
Wake up Folks ! Now ! Before it is too late !
The rich people never care about religion or ideologie so calling them jews is as calling a western polititian christian it is just plain wrong.
Ideologie and religion was never for the rich and powerfull but allways a good tool for them.
The only way to ever defeat them is to make sure the normal people who share there religion, ethnicity or ideology know that we do not target them cause they are not the ones causing the problems. Only a few hundred familiys do.
Some of them may or may not be jewish but it’s important what they do not as what they were born to.
Putin’s brother Viktor died of starvation and diptheria during the siege of Leningrad. I think we can understand why he isn’t happy about Ukrainian nationalists attacking Russians in German made tanks. The only western powers showing any sense are the Austro Hungarians.
Austrians are snakes. Why do you think that Austrian Hitler went to Germany to lead his war? He didn’t want to destroy his homeland Austria. In that siege the Austrians also took part, not only Germans. Zionism was created in Austria, too. By Austrian Theodor Herzl.
No matter if it is syria, ukraine or armenia/ karabakh Putin or somebody around him is allways delaying and stopping the russian side whenever they have an advantage. Both in syria and in ukraine the west was stunned at the beginning and you heard multiple times that delivering weaopons does not help cause russia will winn before these reach the battleground.
Only after all those delays the west adepted their plans and started systematically arming, training and most importantly dared to remonte control the attacks.
you hope nukes come into play? Are you insane?
The West has to be destroyed, there is no other way, if the Russians don’t then the West will strike them!
Leave the nukes out mad man. Why would you think about nukes when Putin refuses to destroy the ukrainian supply lines.
The only Mad Men is the Leaders of the West, that have destroyed their economies and their citizens way of life all just to destroy Christian Russia, now citizens in Poland have to chop wood to heat their homes, and in British their citizens are having to make Olive oil lamps just to light up their homes, this War has completely backfired for the West!
And yes I do believe Nukes should be used if Russia doesn’t then it’s investable the West will strike Russia with Nukes, so it’s a question of do we wait and let the West strike us or do we Strike them First and just take them out! You also have to remember that the West wants this War and they started it so they have to prepared for all the ensuing consequences that comes along with it!
FOR SALE : Brand NEW WESTERN TANKS of all makes including NATO trained crew of 4 for 50% of the Russian offer !! Supply is limited so 1st come 1st serve !! Call Z- Elensky at : 1-800- TANKS-R-US !!
The armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project had over 1000 tanks at the outbreak of hostilities. Are they all gone? Why is the supply of 29 antiques of any significance? Strange.
May have been 1000 at some time. Now destroyed, unserviceable due to poor maintenance, lack of spare parts, or sold to line pockets.
Sure. So what do the US and NATO vasssals think that the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project will do with thirty or even 100 of these Beetlemania keepsakes?
I have no idea, but the Western Tanks are not antiques and I do believe it won’t make any significant difference in the War because it appears that the Russians have had enough of the West and is preparing to strike Ukraine hard!
Leopard 1 tanks are absolutely antiques. This article is about the delivery of Leopard 1 tanks. Good job.
Fašistickým a nacistickým bastardom sa zase raz zachcelo Drang nach Osten? Zrejme už zabudli na to ak sa to pre nich skončilo. Tak si to potrebujú zopakovať. Verím, že RF a jej ozbrojené sily budú teraz oveľa dôslednejšie!!!
So first they need to be “repaired” which begs the question “what shape will they be in when they get to Ukraine?” Secondly is Germany sending mechanics to keep them running, that is, the ones that are not destroyed in combat or by artillery? Tanks will do nothing for Kiev.
This is all window dressing as the plug is pulled on the failed Ukrainian CIA project. It will join South Vietnam and the Somozas on the dung-heap of US imperialist projects that crashed and burned. Even the trolls know it, whichis why they’re back to their cartoon character whining about wicked Putin and claiming that the breakdown of the consumer economies in the US empire is not happening. They can’t really say much about the actual fighting anymore.
What a bunch of idiots. The Ukrainians manning those tanks are as good as dead. There won’t be enough tank crews to man the Challenger 2s M-1s and Leopard 2s when they finally arrive.
They have already sent these months ago.
Those things, if they make it anywhere near a battle (doubtful), will be rent apart like beer cans at a trailer park 4th of July barbecue.
What can these poor Germans do, they are out of real tanks so it’s time to scrape the scrapyard and look for museum pieces, next delivery will be some Tiger and Panther tanks with a new paintjob.
Leopard 1? Moving coffins for naive ukronazis and dump mercenaries. Those tanks have almost ZERO value on battlefield.
a bit over zero, better than nothing, but barely on the level of an t62.
So? leo1 have a bit better optics and thermals, but weaker armor and armament even like a t62. so just more stuff for target practise for russians and theyr allies.
Putin’s Nuclear Option At the St Petersburg International Forum last June attended by 81 official delegations, President Putin made it clear that dollars and euro reserves should be sold for fear of confiscation and due to their losing purchasing power. Not only has Putin primed foreign governments to dump their dollar and euro reserves, but NATO’s aggression over Ukraine is bound to drive up commodity and energy values in fiat currencies, and therefore the natural level of interest rates and bond yields. In short, by his response to NATO aggression, he has the power to destroy the alliance’s currency and financial systems. And given that Russia, China, and the entire SCO membership would benefit from a gold standard, there is every reason for him to take the nuclear option, not of the warhead variety, but the financial.
ne vous inquiétez pas, les léopards 1 sont des ancêtres,comme moi j’ai fais mon service dans ces engins en 1975 donc cela date
Wow..Leo 1’s… (Low whistle) boy they were the height of technology.in 1976.as a defensive sniper tank.they should work well against T90
a t90 can penetrate the weak leo1 armor even at 5km, while the weak 105mm gun of the leo can not do nothing on the frontal armor of an t90 tank, not even under 500m
All this will become apparant to ukraine as their newly trained crews fry like bacon in their german mobile tombs. When they sending in the shermans?
Is this a joke? Leopard 1 belong in a museum.
Another piece of western junk