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Germany Is Dumping Its Stockpiles Of Soviet Era Weapons In Ukraine (Photos)

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Germany Is Dumping Its Stockpiles Of Soviet Era Weapons In Ukraine (Photos)


Germany has been dumping its stockpiles of Soviet era weapons in Ukraine on the hope of slowing down the Russian special military operation in the country.

On March 16, the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic showcased one of several German-made RPG-18 light anti-tank rocket launcher which were recently captured from Ukrainian nationalists.

The launcher was made in East Germany in 1988. The Königswartha combine of the German Democratic Republic produced these Soviet launchers from 1978 to 1989.

The RPG-18 fires a 64 mm PG-18 HEAT [high-explosive anti-tank] warhead mounted on a small rocket capable of engaging targets within 200 meters. The weapon can penetrate up to 375 mm of conventional armor.

Germany didn’t destroy these outdated weapons after the unification, likely due to the high cost. Now, it is apparently dumping them in Ukraine as “military aid”.

While Germany supplied the old RPG-18s to Ukraine in secret, the supply of other more modern weapons were publicly announced. On February 26, Berlin said that it will send 1,000 Panzerfaust 3 light anti-tank weapons and 500 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADs [man-portable air-defense missile systems] to Ukrainian forces. On March 3, Berlin announced that an additional 2,700 9K32 Strela-2m MANPADs will be supplied.

Germany, like the rest of the US-led coalition currently backing the Kiev government, hopes that these military supplies will put an end to the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which began on February 24. These hopes will not likely materialize any time soon.


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Muhammad your Prophet

Obviously the Ukranian soldiers have proven themselves far superior to the Putin cockroaches whining about neo nazis all day long. All they need are the weapons to destroy them. It doesn’t really matter now because Putin is a military amateur who has no business going against NATO. Not after the Russian army’s shitty performance.


Obviously the Russian soldiers have proven themselves far superior to the Azovisis cockroaches whining about neo conmies all day long. All they need are the weapons to destroy them. It doesn’t really matter now because zellerboy is a military amateur who has no business going against CSTO. Not after the Ukrobot army’s shitty performance.

Muhammad your Prophet

Prove to me that the Ghost of Kyiv is not real, Scooby. You can’t, you antisemite beast.


The Israelis and Americans used the Georgians in a similar, smaller scale operation. It didn’t work out too well. The Ukrainians didn’t learn a thing from that, and got turned out by the US pimp and are experiencing a worse outcome than the Georgians. It’s the same playbook they’ve used for sixty years. It never turns out very well for the US puppets.


Lessons are never learned.


Brilliant Ukrainian strategy …

“first we let them sink our navy and destroy our air force …

then we let them surround our cities …

finally we let them surround our army in the east and ONLY THEN when their victory looks assured we let loose the trolls of war insulting them and hurting their feelings all the way back to Moscow”


Haha! :-)


Fucking Muslim faggot!


He is not Muslim. No Muslim impersonates the Prophet (pbuh)


Is that why they are surrendering by the thousands? And why fighting age Ukrainian males are fleeing Ukraine?

John J rambo

Nord stream 2 is rolling in its grave 😃.


Just wait. It will be opened 2 month after the war was declared over. It is a billion dollar investment, and Germany will not be able to pay off the private inverstors, if they don’t open it.


Germany simply cannot be alive without Russia’s oil and gas.


Without shutting NORD Stream 1 the russian will loose a lot of soldiers….by prolonging the war.


When they sanctioned the pipeline the media didn’t tell you who actually owns the pipeline and who suffers from sanctions..

Gazprom owns 51% but European gas distributers owns 49%

Gazprom makes their money on the upstream side and the others make theirs on the distribution end.

Gazprom covered their end of the investment with the spike in gas prices last year and they still supply Germany through Nordstream 1

China and Russia just penned a deal in February to link the pipeline from fields supplying gas to Europe through Nordstream 1 and Ukraine to gas pipelines going to Asia … it’s almost like they knew Nordstream 2 was going to be cut off and planned the whole thing …. only it’s more … now the Ukrainian pipeline can be shut off without losing money.

European distributors OTOH just lose their investment and Europeans have a BIG problem on their hands.


The EU leadership are mostly under the control of the banking elites of the globe. The Great Reset will ensure that the banks own EVERYTHING and the people own NOTHING.

Those citizens who are willing to sell their souls to the Khazar Cult will be given privileges for oppressing their kith and kin, such as a better hovel, better food and an electric car etc.


They have to complete siberian2 first though. I don’t think they have the means to redirect all Europen gas yet.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Germany is a CIA colony. Their backs were broken a long time ago. No Free will whatsoever.


There is a reason, why Germany never got its souveranity back, and is continuosely occupied.

Sahara Winds

Germany is occupied by over 30 000 US troops, the US never stopped the post 1945 occupation. Postwar Germany doesn’t even have a real Constitution, as in one written by postwar Germans, for the legitimacy of their own political state, they still have a document written by US-UK in 1946, as the operational basis of the current German state.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sahara Winds

Yes, Germany is still occupied by 30,000 US troops with more firepower than the entire Bundeswehr.


All other East Euro countries will dump their remaining stockpiles in Ukraine as well , I’m surprised if much left after suppling terrorists in Syria for years.

Last edited 3 years ago by Max
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I will fight till the last Ukrop alive. I will throw the last ukrop baby at a Russian tank. Before I retire to TelAviv. Best President ever 😈💯🍷

Joe Biden

Why retire? GO to Hollywood and re-start your career! They always need good Jewish comedians 👍


The entire Satanic establishment is allied against valiant Russian troops. Such has been the burden of Russia for hundreds of years now. Yet every time Russia comes out on top.


When US and allies are at war against someone like Iran or north korea, Russia must send supplies of weapons to US’ opponents.


Absolutely. The next time US attack someone Russians should openly send them tons of weapons.

jens holm

NK should get the Su-35 and the S-400.

basement in US embassy in poland

no country in the world will engage in war with north korea. north korea has the ability to vaporize the whole us continent.


The next time their missile should travel further than just to take down its own launcher though. 🤷

Yamil Perez

German nazis using slavic nazis as cannonfodder against Russia… Hmm strong deja Vu…

jens holm

Here in demark we get german sex hormones. Very effective stuff. Oh boy i lav rotten fish sardines in vinegar. Yummy.

jens holm

Thre are so too many weapons in the world. Here it makes sense. Older Ukras are very familiar to those ones.

In Skandinavia we unfortunatly has seen many singleweapons from East and some extra croime by that too.

The russians has given or sold a lot of theirs too and many to support Assads, because they as many others try to make smaller but much more advance weapons.

I can only support that kind of transmission from passive to aactive support. We have given them about 2500 RPGs and other things too as well as money and civile support. We continue that and the boycut seemes to do well.

Its a strange position to be Minsk2 sideliners like that.

I have written a lot of comments and articles to support wndpower, solarelectricity and less wasting of electricity as well as warming up. It has been good business for Denmark reducing expensive import making no more smog. Even we are in high level for that, we also need electrity to electric cars and build more windpowewr stations.

The best for me inside me is to be less dependent of russian gas. It should never be replaced by gas from USA as well as fx Middle East.


jens holm

Also we need to send more inflateble toys and solar powered dildos. And lots of Vaseline and hormone injections.

jens holm

Also i will need to replace my gas turbine powered dildos. But its a price im willing to pay.


please stop with minsk 2. 8 years ukraine was sideliner and didn’t stop it’s war in the east and did nothing as to minsk 2.

jens holm

Kadyrov never was even near Kiev but are 1200 kilomter away in Grosny.

Ramzan Kadyrov

Wrong as usual. I just chopping Azovisis heads. Needs some Maxamet blade this sandvik goes dull relatively fast.


Nazi’s doing what Nazi’s do best. Germany, again, with its rising nationalist ambitions.

Can’t wait for Mariupol to fall and all Azov Ukranian Nazi’s die and I can celebrate with vodka! Salut!


According to the retarded moron that knows nothing about National Socialism.


You’re too lazy and narrow-minded to figure out it’s been lied to its entire life about WW2.


They quite literally accuse anyone they dislike of being a “nazi”.

jens holm

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck…

Andy Lee Lowell

Which Euro country are you from, Nazi? Answer that question.


nah, you are not nazi. you just worship Hitler


Kill all Nazis!



Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Karl Wolfe

Send them back to where they came from, but with an ICBM attached. It’s time to fix the problem: Pax Americana is not what President Kennedy wanted, or his brother, or his son, or Reverend Martin Luther King. They must be stopped PERMANENTLY. Inform China. It is time.


I wish that but unfortunatelly isn’t possible without total life annihilation on earth (well, all mobsters from all over the world have antiatomic bunkers and provisions for 30 years)


I still asking myself when the hell russians will STOP the NordStream 1 pipeline and throw all EU into great depression and turmoils. Here in Romania, there is no more flour and sunflower oil and the price of fuels, gas and methane, sky-rocketed, normal bills for heating already cvadrupled with peoples being more and more revolted. Not to mention the prices for food which gaining increased momentum towards continuous increasing. I think russians adopt a bad political strategy which will cost them a lot in human lives…..stop the NordStream 1 and set Europe into Middle Ages ! They do that onto you, boys ! Do it too !

Andy Lee Lowell

The German people are picking right where they left off in 1918 and 1943. Those were last two times the German military was operating deep inside Russia and Ukraine. Germany’s goal both times was to kill, rape, maim, and enslave Russian people. That’s because German elites believed they were entitled to turn Russia into a German colony.

In excess of 20 million Russia people lost their lives in the 20th century due to German racism, ethnic chauvinism, hatred, and imperialism.

Ultimately, Germany was conquered and divided by Soviet Russia. That happened because Soviet Russia was forced to fight a long, bloody war to defend itself against German militarism and imperialism.

Now, Germany is getting ready to fight WW3 against Russia. In 2022, that German effort will use Ukrainians as intermediaries to fight “Germany’s war.” But give it another decade or two, and the Germany military will be back in Russia, operating war machines to kill and conquer.

For Russia, there is only one solution. Someday, Germany will have to be experience the effects of a single SS-18 Satan missile. A missile delivered from Russia to the German heartland. Russia will be forced to defend itself against German evil yet another time. For the final time.

The SS-18 Satan missile landing in the German heartland.


It’s utterly stupidity. Russia will be obliterated too. So, no winners.

Andy Lee Lowell

But you don’t understand.

The point I’m making is that Germany will start the next war with Russia. Germany will fire missiles at Russia, Germany will send F-35’s to bomb Russia. Germany will send troops and powerful weapons of war to kill and subjugate Russians.

Again, just to make sure you understand: German people will attack and try to kill Russian people. That’s what Germans did in WW1 and WW2. That’s what Germans will do again in the future, when they start WW3.

So…what do you think Russia will do? Passively allow itself to suffer millions of dead civilians and troops? That’s what you expect, don’t you?

But you are wrong.

When Germany starts a war of extermination against Russia in the future, then Russia will resort to the only remaining choice it has to defend itself. That means someone in Russia will press a button. Then an SS-18 Satan missile will strike Germany within minutes. There will be no more Germans left in the world after that.

Think about what I just wrote. Germany’s history is moving in circles. What will be will be.


Andy i‘m from germany and i can tell you that we won‘t start any war with anybody. Our military is absolutely garbage and we wouldn‘t even be able to fight against poland.

Andy Lee Lowell

You better not. Germans killed many of my family members. Next time Germany attacks Russia, the ENTIRE German population will be exterminated within 15 minutes.


You are telling shit again. Germany is not acting at all. It cannot because it is occupied by the US and UK since 1945. It is like I beat you into coma, then cut your face out, build as mask from it, and sell the mask to China. Then a year later a chinese guy puts it (the mask) on, and suddenly someone claiming that you are running around in China, as he had clearly seen your face. So it was definitely you. To him, that’s very clear. But truth is: No it’s not you, it is identity-theft, nothing else.

Same goes for the situation in Germany. It is occupied since 1945, the occupiers ( at least US & UK) are still there. No own constitution, just occuption law /SHAEF) hidden behind the so-called “Grundgesetz” which is nothing but a order made from the US occupation administration. Before it was signed US occupation authorities changed what they wanted to change and only afterwards they allowed it. It is basically not worth the paper it is written on. Its to project and display “Freedom and democracy”, it is a hoax, the whole BRD is nothing but a state-simultion, which in fact just poorly covers the actual ruthless occuption dictate that is in place.

The place called Germany is today governed by a fully jewish cabal of criminals, who are the most evil creatures one can imagine. They openely declare that they do everything to harm and eradicate the german people. So, Andy Lee, do not talk about the “germans” or “Germany” when in fact you mean the US-judeo slave-colony called BRD, which is doing only what the US & UK occupiers are ordering them to do.

So instead of Germany better write jewish controlled US&UK-occupied german territory (BRD). Think about it, by german law (Nuremberg Laws) it is strictly forbidden that any jew or guy of jewish origin can have a seat in politics, banks or anything important to the state and its people, so that it is impossible for jews to do harm to the state or its people. But since 1945 nearly every chancellor in BRD was eighter jewish or of jewish origin. From Adenauer, to Schmidt, Brandt, Merkel etc. Those few who were not were absolute dependend high-grade freemasons like the current chancellor O. Scholz who is member of the Parsifal Arc-lodge, and therefore too highly connected to the jewish masterboard, which gives him the orders.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey

Do you really think Germany is doing this on its own free will and not at the behest of an external hegemon like the US/NATO?

Last edited 3 years ago by joey_n

All you write is complete bullshit. Germany was dragged into WW1 by stupid contracts and the warmongering of jews in England, France and Serbia.

And dragged into WW2 by jews in England, USA and Poland and UDSSR. Germany at best intended to make Europe free of jews, and kick these creatures out from there. Germany did not want to eradicate other countries, or make Russia a russian-free colony of the Reich. The goal was the same which Putin now has in Ukraine.

Putin wants demilitarize Ukraine, and de-nazify Ukraine. Hitler wanted demilitarize UDSSR, and de-communistize UDSSR.

But when Hilter did it – that of course was a bad and evil “War of Aggression”, but when today Putin does the exact same, then suddenly it becomes an act of selfdefence and humanity. It’s really creepy.

England was always jealous on Germanys ability to regroup and build incredible machines and high-quality products and economy etc. Therefore it (especially Rothschild in the City of London) did everything to bring the whole world into war against Germany. Exactly the same thing which is now happening against Putin.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey
Andy Lee Lowell

You can say I’m talking shit all you want. But I know a Nazi when I see one. Right now, you look like a Nazi to me.

Death to all Nazis.


So NATO members are flooding the heart of Europe with AGTM’s and manpads at the same time they’re recruiting volunteers from around the world including Idlib.

What could possibly go wrong with that scenario?

It wasn’t that long ago that I had to take off my belt and shoes and walk through a chemical scanner to fly because they were scared I had a bomb in my underwear and now they’re handing out guided missiles like candy at haloween.

The maharaja

Russia should advise the west that any captured weapons will be returned to country of origin and sold to people on the street via black market. When a few RPG turn up in gangster wanna be hands they may think twice before sending again.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Muy buena noticia para la Fuerza aérea Rusia ya que podría destruir todos esos suministros con un ataque de presicion ya sea bombardeando todos esos suministros con bombas guiadas por láser o utilizando misiles de largo alcance y precisión!! Y si algo llegará a sobrevivir a dichos ataques sería un buen trofeo de guerra para las milicias RPD y RPL

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