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Germany Weighs Possible Consequences Of Heavy Weaponry Supplies To Ukraine

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Germany Weighs Possible Consequences Of Heavy Weaponry Supplies To Ukraine

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Berlin actively discusses the perspective of deeper involvement in Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

Discussions in Berlin about the supply of heavy equipment to Ukraine are ongoing, with lobbying for such supplies having the aim of forming a certain public opinion to drag Germany into a confrontation with Russia. The intense debate in the German government over the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine, including the Flakpanzer Gepard anti-aircraft guns, leads to the country completely abandoning a less militaristic policy that was forced on the country after its defeat in World War II.

In addition, 60 Ukrainian soldiers arrived in Germany on May 11 to begin 40 days training on the five-man operated Howitzer 2000 artillery system, and other training centers are reportedly opened/opening, thus making the European economic powerhouse a proxy of Ukraine and a participant in the conflict.

Elements of the German government are lobbying for the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine, particularly Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, on the other hand, takes a more cautious and balanced position, stating that the possibility of the Bundeswehr supplying more heavy weapons to Ukraine is practically exhausted. At the same time, he noted that Germany would continue to provide financial and military assistance to Ukraine.

None-the-less, Germany is still delaying the transfer of the Flakpanzer Gepard to Ukraine. According to Welt, citing a source in the Ukrainian government, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht did not provide correct information for obtaining weapons. The Minister did not inform the Ukrainian government that they would have to order the Flakpanzer Gepard directly from Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW). The German outlet reports that Kiev was told that it would receive tanks directly from the federal government.

The head of the German Defense Ministry announced that the contract would be between Ukraine and KMW, therefore excluding the participation of the federal government whose role was only to give permission for a deal. As a result, the actual timing of Gepard deliveries has not yet been determined.

What is being omitted from discussions is that German-supplied weapons, and from other Western countries, could end up in the hands of neo-Nazis organizations like the Azov Battalion and even onwards to extremist Islamic groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. According to Iraqi security military expert Jalil Khalaf: “America has sent a lot of weapons and so-called neo-Nazi volunteers to Ukraine. The very fact of this is a great danger not only for these countries, but also for the whole world, because no one rules out that these weapons can go to extremists or even IS.”

It is recalled that ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other jihadist organizations in Syria received Western-made weapons that were initially supplied to so-called “moderate rebel groups.” With Ukraine still having access to the Black Sea via the major port city of Odessa and being within a close flight proximity, Western weapons could very much be smuggled from Ukraine in the post-war period to Islamic terrorist organizations on Russia’s frontier in the Caucasus, keeping in mind that both ISIS and Al-Qaeda have a presence in the region.

A US intelligence source told CNN on April 19, when speaking about weapons accountability in Ukraine, that: “We have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero. It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.”

In addition, a US defense official said that in making the decision to send billions of dollars of weapons and equipment into Ukraine, the Biden administration factored in the risk that some of the shipments may ultimately end up in supposed unexpected places. But right now, the official said, the administration views a failure to adequately arm Ukraine as a greater risk.

It is more than likely that the West, including the US and Germany, very well know that these weapons end up in the hands of Far Right extremists like the Azov Battalion and Right Sector, but put the responsibility onto Ukraine under the guise of not knowing where weapons end up once they enter the country. There is every possibility that in a post-war Ukraine, especially if the country maintains access to the Black Sea, the weapons will be recycled on another Russian frontier, just as Western-made weapons used to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were redirected against Syria.

Although Germany claims it was de-Nazified when it was defeated in World War II, by supplying weapons to a Ukraine that glorifies World War II Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera – weapons which will more than likely be used by neo-Nazi paramilitary groups that were absorbed into the Republican Guard and officialised, Berlin demonstrates that it is reluctant to take a neutral posture and considering the prospects to be actively involved in the conflict to support Ukraine. In light of the normalization of Ukrainian neo-Nazis across the Western media sphere and a Europe increasingly submissive to Washington’s interests, Berlin is still willing to militarily supply a regime that upholds Nazi ideology.


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Captain Hohol

The only consequences at this point should be nuclear warhead armed iksander missiles taking out the entire advance of the AFU from north east of Kharkiv all the way south near Izyum.

Assad Defeated Zionists

No need to use tactical nukes inside Ukraine. Ruskies will probably use all kinds of WMDs inside their own territory if Ukrainians make the mistake of entering Russia. That means Putin will always have the initiative since he can move his forces to where they’re needed most while Ukraine has to protect all of it’s border with Russia and even the one with Belarus.

10 Dead Generals

“If Ukrainians enter Russia” . Now we’re talking. About the real Russian military ‘power’. Thanks Putin for showing the World the truth about Russian Military. Nukes and that’s pretty much all, like NK.


Stupid men, thats how they like them, very useful stupid and debiel !


Why would Ukrainians want to enter Russia? Have they ever entered Russia? All the need to do is drive the Russian barbarians back across the border and it’s job done.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The US Zionists want Russia to disintegrate.

Ukraine plays a key role here and many US-dominated countries are ready to participate.


One consequence would be many more shallow graves such as this!

.What a waste, and for what? I feel bad for their families who will never enjoy their company again. I home they enjoyed their lives and had some meaningful and fulfilling life experiences before their life was cut short. Like experiencing indoor plumbing, a flush toilet or a washing machine. Rest in Peace, if god will allow that for tools of an oppressor. . With such a shallow Grave the dogs will be well fed, and sunflowers fertilized. https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/urcrkx/russian_forces_dead_in_ukraine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link . .

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin
Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

They are now in paradise and can meet the whole family back to adam and eva.

If some of them are Muslims, they even get a lot of virgins to enjoy.


Can’t do that. Putler (or one of his puppets) said nuclear weapons would only be considered if Russia was facing existential threat. And one can hardly treat Ukraine liberating its own territory as an existential threat to Russia, LMAO. There is not a single foreign soldier in Russia. Of course there’s a possibility that Putler is lying (as he surely is) and would use the nuclear weapon anyway. But that would surely raise some big eyebrows even among his current allies and neutral parties.

Curiosity kills the cat

Not sure why you would want to radiate the Russian soil, for the price of complete international isolation. Even China would drop Russia like a hot potato. Especially, NK too, Kim isn’t stupid.

Back then Khrushchev cut relations with China, due to Mao telling him, that nukes weren’t a problem, more than enough Chinese would survive nuclear war. These days we know no one would have survived nuclear winter. Khrushchev knew that too already, understanding that Mao would become a greater threat to humanity than ally.

Not sure how long a madman in the Kremlin would survive. This nuke topic is just created for the stupidest people in the world. Do you want to be the fitting recipient for it?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Ordinary people will probably not survive but the elite have built nuclear-proof bunkers in several places where they can survive for many years.

Following the Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl disasters, wildlife has returned.

The elite will come out when conditions are safe.

The Jews have calculated that the earth should have no more than 300 million people in the next period.


Germany is run by anglo-zionist pigs, there are Nazis in Germany still and you can’t really kill their ideology, just like Wahhabism in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. That is going to take a long time and you have to stop outside (players) from destroying your people and country.

Training: It would take a long time for one person to learn new systems (weapons) that they have never before used or have some experience with. Let’s say they somehow learn how to use it, how well are they going to do on a real battlefield? Training is one thing but on a real battlefield, you need a lot more experience. Not just how to use it. The other problem is that the Russians going to destroy those, and some of them will need to be fixed. They aren’t getting the full training and they still haven’t gotten used to those systems, it is a fact as NATO is shopping for Soviet Union weapons for Ukraine.

The CIA will aid more of their terrorists in Syria and Iraq (Kurds and Wahhabis) under support for Ukraine. Remember that 30 billion and it is 40 billion and you will see Wahhabis, Kurds, and Nazis with West weapons sooner or later. “We have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero. It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.” I’m sure people here know why the US is so “lazy” about their weapons shipment.

Read this btw: Ukraine and the New al Qaeda / https://www.unz.com/wwebb/ukraine-and-the-new-al-qaeda/


Germany will regret these decisions


Germany always finds a way to destroy itself every generation.


Germany is already bankrupt 100%

10 Dead Generals

Russia is already regretting Germany’s decision :)


Germany may regret this…I have a bad feeling…..Nein, dieser Weg führt in die falsche RIchtung…bitte umdrehen!


77 years has passed since Germany surrendered. They’ve obviously forgotten about what happened to them the last time they fucked with the Russians. There is still time to dial back, but I doubt the West has that function.


Russia doesn’t have America and The UK funnelling war supplies and technology this time with the lend lease act. The outcome of the war may have been very different if Russia were standing alone in WWII Ukraine does though.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

You’re right, this time it will be China supplying Russia with everything needed, since if Russia falls then China is doomed.

10 Dead Generals

Russia can fall any time so better start begging China and give up a small chunck of Siberia.


Russia has Sarmat 2 and 6000 nuclear weapons this time around. Thanks

10 Dead Generals

And that’s pretty much all. The rest of the military is a joke.


Oficial 6000 but there are much more nuclear weapons in Russia

Uncle Ozzwald

Last time when Germany wiped out half of Russian male, fighting age population (25million) and Russia lost 10:1 in man power and weaponry and was totally dependent on US support for continuing fighting? You mean women raped and children shoot, your kind of heroism?


All the bridges across the Dnipro are still standing and the Bandera are constantly being resupplied and re-enforced. Humanitarian strategies, vague political goals, and body/equipment counts are the same failed concepts the Americans tried in Vietnam.


Perhaps the idea is to keep these links open, draw in reinforcements and equipment and destroy them in the Donbass front thus de-militarising Ukraine which was one of the main objectives. In this case the enemy comes to you like ants from a nest. Thanks

10 Dead Generals

Like Moskva to Snake Island


Russia has been threatening whole Europe, so the faster Germany train and deliver, the better.

10 Dead Generals

Indeed, soon Germany will lead EU support for Ukraine.


Berlin will be bombed backwards to 1945 or Germans will finally throw out the fag$ and dyke$ they call their “leaders”, send the occupying Pentacon filth packing back to Slumville USA and then beg Russia for forgiveness and promise to rip out the last vestiges of all things angloZionaZi from its evil soul.

Either that or goodbye all things EUSSR aka Natostan and the last bits of a once sovereign Urupp.


“Foreign Minister Annalena Barebutt” or Bouncy Bouncy Barebutt as she is known …from the Gyorgi “Soros” Satanic School of mindless Idiots “running” the judaic cesspool aka the EUSSR slash Natostan.

This fatty is known for her trampoline “skills” having “studied” circus antics and “tricks”on her way to turning Germanistan into a Hillybilly Clintonesque “glassed over” desert in Western Urupp.

Watch Bouncy Bounce Barebutt…..bounce. Who said Germanistan wasn’t skrewed


You can’t make this s#it up….except they did and now this piggy assed moron is the all new transgendermutantretard answer to ….Onkel Adolf. FFS!


There was a bear in a zoo with a very large compound, the Zoo keepers left the bear largely alone and it was content wandering around and marking its territory, it would periodically go into hibernation and do very little.

The old keepers retired and new ones took their place as he was leaving the retiring head keeper said “A word of advice leave that bear alone”

The new keepers were unhappy with the bear ” Look at all that land wasted on that stupid bear” they all said. They schemed to take the bears space away the bear wasn’t happy but didn’t do a lot.

“Lets fence off bits of land and eventually we’ll cage it and we’ll have all the land” said one keeper. They started to fence in the bear and said to the animals inside the land they had taken off the bear that they had tamed the bear and the animals now owned the land but that they would have to obey the keepers. The bears cubs were enclosed into the land next to the bear, seeing the cubs being content seemed to calm the bear.

They keepers started poking the bear through the fence and let a pack of dogs into the enclosure where they attacked and harassed the cubs , the bear was getting angry but they had it mostly fenced in so they continued to torment the bear. “Let’s stop feeding it” said one “it’ll get weak and die off,” ” great Idea” said the rest. (Sanctions) The bear finally got enraged. It burst through the fence and slaughtered some of the dogs that were attacking its cubs and grabbed one of the keepers and ripped his arm off he was feebly hitting it with a big stick as the bear sat on him.

The rest of the keepers gathered in a bunch ” Send in more dogs ” said one, so they did but the bear kept killing the dogs. ” Throw him a bigger stick” said another. They did throw him several big sticks but to no avail. ” Shoot it said one” “Are you crazy said another if we shoot it, it won’t die, it’ll just get really get mad and kill us all and everyone else it can get a hold of.” They had to shut the zoo to visitors and were losing money rapidly.

The old head keeper passed by, saw ripped fence and the mess of the zoo, shook his head and said ” I warned you to leave that bear alone.”

hunter bidé lab pork !

German is a Prostipute !!! like all the faggot gang of parazites !!!!


German opinion is build using its mass media. To understand how the media in Germany is working, just check the web page of Swiss Policy Research from Switzerland, which assessed and presented the media links to the USA: search for ‘Medien in Deutschland’ and look at the Slide (Medien in Deutschland: Das transatlantische Netzwerk /Media in Germany: The transatlantic network).


And no Gas or Oil for the Germans (old nazi’s), its if nothing has happened no 23 million Russians dead in WWII, Putin Nuked them !


The question is, why the Russians are fithing this war in the old way’s, why not use the real arms, thanks and attelerie are out, rockets are in, and they have somme other nice arms, but is it an tactique to leth beleef their enemys they are weak, are they waiting for the big thing whats coming, theu do know much more as whe do !


I still don’t understand how Russia has not besieged Odessa yet, or even why Russia hasn’t disabled all of the airports, railway lines and lorry routes into Odessa. This should have been done a month ago.

mike l hutchings

this is why tactical nukes were invented…..

Ray Douglas

Germany has not been de-nazificed and requires some more attention.

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