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MARCH 2025

“Global NATO” To Have Disastrous Effect On World Security

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“Global NATO” To Have Disastrous Effect On World Security

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The political West now effectively operates under a “you’re either with us or against us” foreign policy framework.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In late April, when the UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss called for the creation of a “Global NATO” as part of “a shift in world order”, few seem to have noticed the magnitude of such an announcement. The statement followed calls by US President Joe Biden for a ‘New World Order to be established’ just four weeks prior during his Warsaw speech. The UK Foreign Secretary claimed that the world order established after the Second World War was failing and that the formation of “a global NATO” was necessary to “restore Western and allied ascent” in global affairs.

“My vision is a world where free nations are assertive and in the ascendant. Where freedom and democracy are strengthened through a network of economic and security partnerships.”

She stressed that the UN Security Council and other post-WWII security structures “have been bent out of shape so far, they have enabled rather than contained aggression.” The bending (or outright ignoring) of UN rules to enable aggression on various countries is most certainly true, just not in the way Liz Truss thinks.

The statement comes amid repeated expressions of frustration among many Western leaders that of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council, the only two non-Western members (China and Russia) blocked resolutions targeting other non-Western countries such as Syria, Zimbabwe, Iran, Sudan, and most recently Russia itself. It follows longstanding calls for a new global governance superstructure, most likely based on NATO, which would allow the West and Western-aligned countries to “assert and coordinate greater power” in global affairs. In other words, a more “optimized” use of the dwindling power of the political West and its vassals while attempting to take control of other countries’ resources.

Truss stressed that under this new form of globalization, access to international security and trade should be made conditional on countries’ political positions. The UK Foreign Secretary stated that “economic access is no longer a given” and that it “has to be earned.” She added that countries who wish to earn it “must play by the rules” and that “this also includes China.” These statements come as Western powers openly threatened they would target Russian shipping in international waters, a move similar to targeting Iran and North Korea. The possibility of targeting Chinese shipping was notably also raised in a US Naval Institute paper two years prior. This effectively amounts to piracy, ever so euphemistically called “enforcement of freedom of navigation”.

In regards to the “Global NATO” and the future targeting of China, Truss emphasized plans to further arm the government in Taipei, in what would be yet another direct move against the People’s Republic of China. Taiwan is universally recognized as a part of China by the United Nations, all UN member states, as well as the constitution of the island itself. However, maintaining state-like institutions and Western-aligned administration there has increasingly been raised as a priority for Western security architecture.

Combined with attempts of a crawling reformation of the UN, the creation of a “Global NATO”, whatever it may be called, would spell a disaster for the security of the world. The North Atlantic Alliance has a dubious security track record, to say the least. Despite being formed as a supposedly “defensive” security pact, the alliance is anything but. It has so far attacked numerous countries, starting with the destruction of former Yugoslavia to invasions and bombings all across the Middle East, stretching from Libya to Afghanistan.

Concurrently, the belligerent alliance is continuing its expansion in Europe, getting ever closer to Russian borders. Despite decades of Russia’s repeated pleas and warnings, NATO refuses to honor the promise given to Mikhail Gorbachev that it would not be expanding “an inch to the east”. The result of such a policy are the tragic events now taking place in Ukraine. Worse yet, the US, as NATO’s leading member, has withdrawn from all arms control agreements, with the exception of the New START, which is set to expire in less than 4 years.

NATO’s aggressive posturing in Europe and the Middle East has pushed the world into another arms race, with Russia being forced to develop a plethora of new types of weapons, most notably hypersonic weapons and new advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles to restore the delicate strategic balance of power. Middle Eastern powers, such as Iran, are forced to spend a large portion of their GDP on the military since the US (and by extension NATO) has been threatening the country for decades. Conflicts in both Ukraine and Syria primarily stem from NATO policies toward Russia and Iran.

This new “Global NATO” is set to spill over this instability into the Asia-Pacific region, which has so far enjoyed a decades-long period of unprecedented peace and prosperity. The crucial part of this growth has been the blistering economic development of China. In order to curb China’s growth, the US first engaged in a massive trade war with the Asian giant. However, with the realization this would only have a very limited effect on China’s growing power, the US and NATO are determined to challenge China militarily, forcing it to spend more on defense, while also fragmenting the Asia-Pacific region along geopolitical lines. Western planners believe this would inevitably lead to economic decoupling, which would negatively affect China’s export-oriented economy and long-term development.

It’s a certainty that countries such as Japan and Australia would be involved in these efforts. However, getting other powers in the region to come on board will be much more problematic. South Korea is too focused on Pyongyang and China’s influence there is still appreciated in Seoul, in addition to extensive economic cooperation. India, for its part, is deemed as “too independent” for the taste of the political West, which now effectively operates under a “you’re either with us or against us” foreign policy framework.


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When you have to use oppressive means to get compliance to your politics, you know that you are engineering an unnatural and dysfunctional state of affairs. The west has created an evil empire of lies and is now seeing great resistance around the world to its liberal indoctrination and regime. It is no accident that the same countries that supported German Nazis, in the beginning are doing the same now – and yes the US did economically support Nazi Germany, Sweden did support them with materials, the UK did support them with partitioning nations…… in addition to the direct hands on ones like Romania, Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland…… The West has lost the plot on freedom, if it ever had one! It just has now a regime, a very nasty one, that has no interest in freedom, but every interest in it’s elite’s interests dominating the world by bullying and its own people by financial circumstance, control of media and propaganda!

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar

and they have really taken all the cloaks off now….their totalitarian goals are brazen and clear to see. They don’t even pretend to hide behind the mantle of “freedom” any longer.

Hanged Moskal

Sure thing, Russia is the land of the “freedom” together with China and Nord Korea.

Hanged Hohla

You forgot to mention that Ukraine is also a country of “freedom”, because Zelensky banned opposition TV channels. What kind of “freedom” can there be without prohibitions.


It’s no accident that the west are banning foreign media that does not agree with their regime message, confiscating goods and wealth from national groups as a punishment …. Note the German Nazis like the present day western ones, confiscated in the same way. This is a fight now for the west to install their monied royalty to govern the world – the exceptional master race. The bottom feeding cheerleaders from the west, no not know what they do – to support a western regime that will make them poor subservient slaves – poor economic pawns waiting eagerly for their conversion therapy.

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar
Flush goes the natiion

I live in the west and we see it. The current corrupt falsely installed regime is wrecking everything and needs to go. MSM is a lie and a joke.


It’s a new world for the few and not for you! But as always man leaves God out of everything they do, But God has a plan as well. Jesus is the one world order! Luke 17:20-21 King James Version 20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.


I could unroll the ancient scrolls just to make you shut up, sacred writings corruptor, but i won’t do it, please go to eternity waiting for your beloved Jesus. You hide it from kings and scholars and gave it to the childs… Do you known why the Gods act like this? SuperDavid = SuperMoron

That’s Stupid

You seem to forget that Even Russia and China use oppresive manners for political purposes. In Russia, you can’t say anything bad about the military without going to Prison just for starters.. Don’t even get me started with China.

jens holm

He is excused. They not even know whats going on in their own countries.

Its very impressing he not even know the many changes in restrictions by Putin. In the prison Dumas are Dum As.

Hanged Moskal

You can’t say Putin is a 4D Chess master clown and Russian army is a laughable stock for the world. That would be a Nazi propaganda in Russia.

But Ok, slavery is freedom and freedom is slavery. Like any other Russophile text.


You are just trying to use whataboutism, to deflect from the fact that the west are trying to apply regression and revisionism to abandon a free trade and open world economy and replace it with one of a fourth Reich that tries to exclude whole COUNTRIES unless they politically conform. This is the west going back to the days of enforcing opium trade, east india trading company.. The reason they are doing it, is they start to lose in that open structure, hence they try to take the game board back and change the rules. Russia as always has to be the defender against such Nazism, and they will do it – as a world without Russia will not exist!

That’s Stupid

While I agree to some extenet, every country including Russia and West politically attempts to use opression. In it’s a most basic form, all that is happening is just that we’re cheering for one oppressor over the other. Most political figures and parties prefer power. So they will do everything they can do to stay in power. People as a whole are morally corrupt unfortunately.

Beldar Conehead

It’s called tyranny.


The freedom they preach is just the dimension that’s visible to everybody so they are good ones but its always had been about full global domination in the Ancient Roman Empire Style. You should learn how to play Multidimensional Chess variants to understand their game… Three dimension one is heaven (above) where normal people lives is surface (earth) and there is below (earth center). Have you already understood the meaning of the Star of David in the Israel culture? Learn now my friend and you will discover how the surface game is played.


Also there is three main dimensions in military (air) heaven above, surface earth (land control) and its sea (naval power), you can add more dimensions to your military but if you control this main domains all others are secondary. Need to learn how to play multidimensional chess to add knowledge… At least start with three dimensions and then if you mastered the first three main dimensions could add more…


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !




Except Germany was an imperialist aggressor, Ukraine on the other hand hasn’t attacked any other countries, they had a civil war sure, but most countries do the same in cases of separatism. Take Russia with the Chechen wars for example, civilian casualties there exceeded 100,000, now compare that to 5000 dead in Donbas.


You need to add the lens of reality with regard modern weapon systems. Why do you think Cuba was not allowed to deploy nuclear missiles. Surely the western argument would be that Cuba has sovereignty to deploy whatever it likes? Similarly with Iraq – according to great fictional writings, western countries were under imminent 15 minute threat! The result an invasion was justified for security reasons! Israel uses the argument all the time when striking external targets in the middle east. People are not stupid, they see the dual standards! For my part I only see the reality, expansion always comes up against a hard rock in the end, and the projection of an existential threat from one country on another will fail the sovereignty test and will get a response. That is the reality of war! Ukraine was to provide the NATO platform to threaten Russia existentially, it was also procuring a nuclear weapon capability and was assisting in bio weapons research. In deed I am amazed how restrained the Russians have been with their special operations. I would have threatened them with nuclear weapons, if inspectors were not allowed in, they didn’t disarm and didn’t agree to desist persecuting political and cultural differences.

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey BurnedNeuron look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also


Tears of anti-Russian bitches taste like heaven

Why did you decide that there was someone there. Show me the statement of the Ministry of Defense where it was said that the Ukrainian Air Force was completely destroyed.


Everyone is already a vassal of the American/London bankers. Russia and China are just being rebellious. They would have been giving a bigger cut of the profits but proved to be paper tigers not worthy of consideration. Harsh but true, survival of the fittest.


ROFLMSLAOOOO —– and then you woke up, uKRAPiTrash slug !

SIDDOWN, fewI —- you embarrass yourself with your clownery !




It was Strelnikov by the way.

jens holm

Most of us feel fine for those systems. We are rewarded for it in GDP and livingstandards.


More, superficial jargon used to deceive. Naive. Simple minded studiously programmed to deceive load of it.


Any site willing to let a pig like JHK post shouldn’t be taken seriously.

jens holm

You are right. Free speech should not be like that.

jens holm

None has to read this.

Putin unite people having China as comma assist.


Nuts! They’ve already fked up their own regional security with Nato expansion and the Ukraine mess, and now they want to rule the world? What’s this? White Man’s colonialism 2.0 Would love to see a replay of the British-Sino Opium Wars, only this time the PLA-N will steam up the Thames and burn down the Queen’s palace.


The angloZionaZi empire of shit is going down the toilet and all the Trussed hoes and cadavers in chief in USSA or Pirate Rock can no more stop the overdue collapse than erase their evil history of global genocide. It’s all over bar the civil war reloaded in Slumville, USSA and the mass hanging of the “royals” and all their spawn by the colonial imports now running Britland.

Tracie Smith

The idea of any world order manned by dumb and dumber (Tuss and Bio) is horrifying.

Wishing for stability

I am not foolish enough to believe that Russia or China have ideal societies but as I don’t live there I am inclined to not critic their actions or societies.

Without exception our leaders in the west are all corrupt and are in thrall to foreign and corporate interests, our elections are either between two corrupt entities giving the illusion of choice or are fixed to exclude anyone else from taking power. A change of government matters little as the same failed policies just get continued by the same foreign or corporate sources. NATO is just an extension of this and just as we the citizens of our countries get no choice in government policy but are forced to comply so members of NATO get forced to comply with the dictates and policies of whatever corrupt entity gets elected to the USA.

Edgar Zetar

The great game is Full Global Domination, and all policies, goverments, laws, commerce are just tools to acomplish the Big Game. Please go one century ago if you want to understand how this Frankestein” Utopian belief was created, when you fully understand what happened from Victorian Period to WWI you can go back one century in the past and understand what happened during the French Revolution, Napoleon, until the formation of PRUSIA. You have to understand this to have a full view of this Era and Beliefs in the Western Hemisphere.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Nato is a lgbt nazi issil pedo psico uranus !! onu is full of nazi parazites for the digital control by the pedos rockfellers and rostchikens !!!


Cry barbaric russophiles, cry! Cry hard !

WT Baker

Take notice the behavior of Japan as it puts on display it’s intent to abandon it’s pacifist constitution and return to it’s imperial militarized state. Remember 1920? It’s obvious the government of Japan is cozying up to the British in the attempt to destroy Russia. Of coarse this will fail miserably yet the potential for expanding to another front against Russia is real and very dangerous.


Ukraine is the dirty proxytute of NATO.


Everybody’s cordially invited to watch the Russia’s victory parade scheduled tomorrow showcasing an array of latest hypersonic missiles along with all the captured NATO soldiers and mercs in cages mounted on large parade floats. What an spectacular show to watch.

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