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MARCH 2025

“Glory To Ukraine!… Russia Is Shit”: A Closer Look At Navalny Supporters Detained During Anti-Government Rallies In Russia

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"Glory To Ukraine!... Russia Is Shit": A Closer Look At Navalny Supporters Detained During Anti-Government Rallies In Russia

A screenshot from the video

MSM and leaders of the Western states that fiercely support any destructive tendencies in Russia like to paint participants of anti-government events and supporters of Alexei Navalny as some kind of ‘real Russian patriots’ and ‘fighters for the freedom and democracy’.

Here you go. The video provides a closer look at the core of Navalny supporters that staged provocations, attacked police and regularly claim that their ‘peaceful intentions’ are being ignored by the ‘bloody Putin regime’.

More about the situation with Navalny and anti-government protests in Russia:


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Black Waters

“Peaceful protesters”… Hmm were do i hear this before… “Moderate Headchoppers” Oh, it’s right…

Assvalny and his neo-nazi dwarfs should be put in jail for a long run, specially assvalny. He needs solitude with a dark room for at least 100 hundred years.

johnny rotten

Why isolation? she could play the whore for many life sentences, at least she would have a social utility.




Far less violent than engineered riots in Europe and USA after a black thug died from a drug overdose, BLM and Antifa (government, NGO, and corporate financed with internal state backing) only wanted an excuse to riot.

Navalny’s a Liberal capitalist, it was never as rosy as presented, nor is democracy and republicanism. It’s governance by a rootless plutocratic clique.

The truth doesn’t fear investigation, that’s why thought crime laws exist to protect lies.

Since when did he defame a veteran?


Trap Is Not Gay

Youre still a paid shill


Amazon Prime Promotes Torture (TV show ‘Hunters’): https://archive.org/details/AmazonPrimePromotesTorture

Very warped mindset to associate savagery with “honour,” anyone who drops down to their enemy’s own level is no better.



Just Me

Ukraine is infected with Khazar criminals masquerading as fake Jews and they are intent on destabilizing Russia and loot its immense resources,unfortunately the same wretched creatures of the gutter are now in power in the US cesspool, with same agena. Russia needs to get a tighter hold on these Jew vermin or will face severe problems like the Bolshevik Jews who destroyed Russia in 1917


Harry Smith

Ukraine can’t be infected with Jews because Bolshevik Jews created Ukrainian state and Ukrainian nation. Jews in Ukraine are the biggest and natural part of ruling elite.


A concise and precise description of what is ‘Ukraine’ and what is ‘Ukrainian’.

Kenny Jones ™



Jews infect almost every country, including all countries with white demographic majorities.

Trap Is Not Gay

No, the USA is the Jewish central in the world.

Albert Pike

From MIGA to MIGA – same same like before under Trump – but this time its the complete intelligence apparatus. I see Avril Haines was sworn in by Kamala – isn’t that the presidents job – does anybody know?

‘Haines being sworn in as Director of National Intelligence by Vice President Kamala Harris on January 21, 2021’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avril_Haines

Kenny Jones ™



Indeed they are, keep in mind that Judaism is a problem with or without the Ashkenazim. Not all of them descend from Khazars, those with ancestors from eastern Europe do. Without their existence, the west would be in a better spot.


“Russia needs to get a tighter hold on these Jew vermin or will face severe problems like the Bolshevik Jews who destroyed Russia in 1917”

It has been 30+ years (since collapse of USSR) that “prophets of the Russian doom” have been saying the same bullshit, just like you did now. In the years of the Boris Berezovsky (in Kremlin) Russia was 100% under Jew oligarch control. Newly arrived Putin in dying Russia has managed gradually to impose himself as major opponent and to make them run for their lives out of Russia! (with Russian billions in their hands true but they had to leave despite full Western protection and support they had!).

Even though that example from Russian recent history is well known to any average dork would be expert on Russia. Dimwits like you perpetuate the same (30 years) old bullshit about immanent danger of Jew menace to existence of Russia. and by doing that persistently presenting Russia and Russians as incapable to take care about their country and themselves (despite the fact that you were proven WRONG for 30 years!). Despite the fact that Russia has grown like Phoenix from the ashes of the SSSR growing from strength to strength. Shoving plainly that “prophets of the Russian doom” are either idiots or propagandists (or both)… Despite the fact that it is US who today is situation to be near collapse not Russia !

But hay some Putin dork is not “Just Me” !

Harry Smith

Look like nobody at SF now is wondering why Navalniy has more than 80% hate rating in Russia. PS as I said it before, Navalniy was a super convenient opposition leader for Kremlin. A 80% hate rating opponent is kinda miracle for any politician in the World.


Navalny is a no-body, but an acknowledged creation of the subservient German BND intelligence service. The US NGOs, a cover for CIA are openly advocating a color revolution in Russia and the chosen color is red.


Russia under treacherous Gorbachev and then drunk Yeltsin made a fatal mistake of handing over its historic heartland if Kievan-Rus to US and NATO warmongers. Even fake dissidents like Solzhenitsyn called Ukraine the heart and soul of Orthodox Russia.

The meddling west must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. The Russian Orthodox religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709 , were fought on Ukrainian soil. The Black Sea Fleet — Russia’s means of projecting power in the Mediterranean — is based by long-term lease in Sevastopol, in Crimea. Even such famed dissidents as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky insisted that Ukraine was an integral part of Russian history and, indeed, of Russia.


The fact is Crimea is soaked in the blood of Russian patriots through History,it will be Russian forever,end of story.

Diana Cornwell

Who said, Scratch a Russian and you’ll discover a Turk underneath? (You yourself inadvertently put your finger on the Khazarian component – if not outright origin – of the Russian polity.) As I said before, Putin is our boy, and he’s not only delivered Karabakh (and eventually Armenia herself) to the Azeris and the Turks. Russia is already compromised and beyond saving, thanks to our partners like Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu operating within the Russian State but representing and advancing the interests of NATO, the City of London and Israel, in that order.


Of course sunshine.. But dont forget your meds..

erwin vercauteren

tyo much fish and chips is bad for your cognitive processes well its clear now


Too much swallow aidz more like it,that piece of sht is a kweer fake identity! These pieces of sht pretend to be someone else,whom have it in for truth!

Lone Ranger

Lay down the LSD Shlomo. Its bad for you…

Diana Cornwell

But, but, Putin’s semen is good for your complexion?

Lone Ranger

Why am I not surprised… Hasbarats thinking about semen… Not even jihadis want to suck your dicks…


But,but you poofta,tranny,incest,fake brit too,just because you love it,slut!

cechas vodobenikov

packuda corn hole from US colony paid by CIA to amuse SF audience

Diana Cornwell

Beavis, definitely.


Fake,snake,fake filthy slut,fkoff you fugly skank,insolent pain in the ass!


Ressembles the disgrace and traitor to the Commonwealth,blair,browder,eu-epp? What the fk is this joan of ark week? How can you ever be in the position to answer anything,if you never ask a question? Your a fkn bot,chances are a blike pretending to be a woman too,either way fooked!

Tommy Jensen

Thats why we won and all Russians know it. Because we defeated Ukraine the heart of the Heartland.

Ashok Varma

Russia should have fully supported the Don Bas liberation forces, now it is a bit too late as Ukraine is the spearhead of NATO drive to Balkanize Russia on the Yugoslav model.


Thats true,the West saw it as weakness,thats why i am hoping those Bandera loving scumbags launch another major attack on Donbas,that would give Putin a reason to finish the job he should have started in 2014 take eastern Ukraine up to the river Dnieper.

Diana Cornwell

Putin is an errand boy for NATO and Israel.


Put the crack pipe down.


Whatever you say Ms Cornhole

Diana Cornwell

The picture in your avatar is only half the story, dear boy. The rest you are unable to grasp even when it’s in plain sight. Perfect! NATO and Israel are assured of winning.


YOU KNOW NOT! FAKE SNAKE FAKE,GET OFF THE FKN DRUGS FLOGG! You never learn do you,fk no! Your just a flog,shut the fk up stick to headjob

Diana Cornwell

Curious, what’s your position on Israel?


You mean occupied Palestine

Albert Pike

Israel yes – Nato (?) not so much. Its more like that Nato is Israels errand boy too…

Diana Cornwell

Jews are the boss’s partners. Not their masters. Whatever you were told…


Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus is Lord: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a448c916b3798537ed366ffde717462c648d4e23ebcc018466085b5755588296.jpg

Albert Pike

I only see masters here, and one of them, Frankist Barbara Lerner Spectre has given long interviews about what the Swedish people must all do to survive, and there were no other bosses mentioned: https://ourcommondestiny.org/#advisory-board

In this interview she even says that if the Europeans don’t follow the jewish leadership, that their survival will not be allowed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI5Qhd3R8ik

Only a boss talks like that. And on ‘OurCommonDestiny’ she -Barbara Spectre- is just one line down from Jakob Rothschild. She is one of the bosses – and she told to Sweden what’s gone happen if they don’t follow -‘without that Europe is not gone survive’. So there are no other bosses ‘Jews are at the centre’ of the lunatic ruling messianic movement.

The others, like the pope who celebrated for years nittel nacht with his Rabbi friends, are just paid actors: ‘According the website of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio gave the homily on these Christmas Eves: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010, and 2011. One wonders if the great Rabbi Bergoglio also participated in the kabbalistic ‘Nittel Nacht’ traditions which take place on both Christmas Eves; tearing toilet paper, referring to Christmas by derogatory names, avoiding Talmud study, reading the Toledot Yeshu, playing cards, playing chess, sewing (the favorite of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson), paying bills, balancing the books, or spinning the dreidel.’ http://callmejorgebergoglio.blogspot.com/2016/12/who-did-bergoglio-celebrate-christmas.html

And the other side like the US evangelicals, are just one horrible bunch of lunaticsand corrupt of mafiosies, selling them selves to highest Jewish bidder. There are no bosses there, where Ivanka Trump could go to for prayer – she goes to Schneesons grave – because there is nobody else.

On the economic side – the same- the WEF is largly Jewish how it was to be expected from a deeply masonic (Club of Rome) institution. Even there are ‘the Jews’ (I don’t mean every Jew, most Jews know nothing about it) in power – and they tell us that straight: https://forward.com/news/150520/rubbing-elbows-with-famous-in-davos/#

And their masonic TheGreatReset is largely outsourced to BlackRock and Larry Fink: ‘Larry Fink, the FT, and Prince Charles are right: it’s time for a reset on capitalism’ https://www.reutersevents.com/sustainability/larry-fink-ft-and-prince-charles-are-right-its-time-reset-capitalism See your Bonnie Prince Charlie – comes lasts, your Jew Frankist ‘Royals’ have no say in that either, they are part of the bunch. There are no other bosses…

Diana Cornwell

Excellent compendium! I must agree they’ve gotten too big for their britches. I am of the opinion that the upcoming war with Iran will bleed quite a bit of their precious blood and treasure, and that’ll take care of this problem. I agree though that things have gotten out of hand to a critical degree. Cults and psychopaths like the one you mentioned are best kept on a much shorter leash. The plebs the world over will pay a heavy price in their stead.

I am surprised someone who is privy to such ideas, hangs around joints like this?

Albert Pike

“I am surprised someone who is privy to such ideas, hangs around joints like this?” 70% at least of the guys here see it similar then I see it. Sure they hope that it will not be that bad, and that there is at least one guy left who fights against the plan. Before it was Trump and Putin, who were (falsely) seen as that last ones standing to take on the fight. Surely there is more hop(e)ium then knowledge around that perception. But humans need hope and they tend to hold on to their false hopes up to the last moments. To erase that false hope and to get people into seeing the grimm reality, requires a non- confrontational approach. To your hopes ‘that the upcoming war with Iran will bleed quite a bit of their precious blood and treasure’ – that’s your ‘hop(e)ium’. After seeing the devastation of Beirut, and having personal kowledge of the amount of yellow cake which had been shipped out of Pelindaba to Dimona, I have my doubt that the Hojjatieh controlled Iranian people really do have a chance, to bleed them enough that is stops. The Iranians have mostlikely only access to nineteen fiftiesh nuclear arms technology, and not generation 4or5 which Israel used in Beirut, which looks like a conventional explosion – but is not. So to who’s side will the controlled world opinion swing(?) – to the one who looks like he is using conventional arms (but is using generation 4or5), or to one who burns everything (because he has only access to generation 1or2)? Therefore your hope ‘that’ll take care of this problem’ – might be false too…

Diana Cornwell

Thanks for the sobering reply. I am not suggesting that either Iran or Israel or the Rothschilds will come out on top. Their people, like the rest of the human race, will suffer greatly.

The Iranians can pretty much destroy Israel with a concerted and sustained conventional missile attack from Iranian and Lebanese territory. They don’t need nuclear weapons for that. Just enough destruction to shut down Israeli airbases will cripple Israel’s sustainable military superiority. (Hitting Dimona will be the icing on the cake).

I don’t think the Jews will wait for that. They will attack Iran with nuclear weapons because that’s the only way they can cause extensive damage to Iran. There are no other options. The world economy has been destroyed on purpose by our dear leaders which unfortunately includes the Frankists and the like that you mentioned. It was necessary in their view, to cover up the unsustainable financial fraud which is colloquially known as the petrodollar system. But – you know how much these creatures love that ‘order out of chaos’ nonsense – more than that, “upper management” are hell bent on taking *all* decisive power out of the hands of the plebes. They want only masters and only their indentured servants to subsist. This will be their undoing. There is a bullet waiting around the corner for each one of them, even if the bullet doesn’t know it yet. How do you think Rome was brought down?

It is when the lord of the manor forgets in his hubris, that, without the butler, he’s nothing.

Your dear Frankist Jews and their collaborators have forgotten that, and taken their masks off, pretty much.

We survived and assimilated the French Vikings (The Normands). As our American friends say, Bring it on.

Keep the faith. They’ve got none. Their power is like Bitcoin: pull the plug on electricity (real power, as in the hands that do the actual lifting and fighting) and poof, there it goes.

cechas vodobenikov

sexually repressed CIA corn hole back after more LSD

Diana Cornwell

I feel for you. All you Russians can afford is agricultural alcohol (vodka) that makes you go blind and destroys your testicles. I guess that’s why you import Turks to service your wives.


Listen up dumb slut,you are in no position of stength,you have been fired from the Commonwealth,mentaly unfit to serve the truth,shame on you horr!

Lone Ranger

+25 Shekels. Dont spend it all at once Shlomo…

Diana Cornwell

Does that mean you do everything solo? How sad…

Lone Ranger

For you…




Putin is Christian orthodox,you abnoixious insolent low iq degenerate fake!


They allready got smashed,so no they have no powers indefinetaly npo future in poofs!

johnny rotten

Dear Ali, I saw the film Damascus Time and I really appreciated it, a compelling story and in many ways also moving, however a style of story different from the usual Hollywood films with papier mache heroes, here there were real people, even the representation of bearded demented people was effective, good pace and excellent photography, they must have spent a lot of money on it I thought, I have already reported it to several friends, here in the West in the oppressive disinformation bubble we are denied access to other points of view different narratives in style and content, I renew the thanks for the suggestion, if you have others post the links.


That piece of trash in the vid is typical Hitler Youth.

Albert Pike

Igor Kolomoysky made the Azov Brigade, and Kolomoysky is hardcore Lubavitch, so kindly lay the blame where it belongs:

‘Members of Ukraine’s Jewish community, such as Natan Khazin, have reportedly served with Azov, as have ethnic Greeks, while the motley Right Sector incorporated Muslim Chechen and Crimean Tatar fighters into its battalions. That such ultranationalist battalions as Azov and Right Sector reportedly received financing from oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, who is a dual Israeli-Ukrainian citizen and a prominent member of Ukraine’s Jewish community, also undermines the notion that these units adhered to the anti-Semitic tenets of traditional white supremacist ideology.’ https://www.russiamatters.org/analysis/ukraine-hub-international-white-supremacist-fighters


Even Hitler was a birth of jewish depravity. Heck, there were theories going around at the time, that he was a jew himself.

Tommy Jensen

We are all in it together.

Albert Pike

I am not fan of Hitler as such (but I do respect what he did on good stuff on the Germans till 1938), what is fact is that many of his laws like the Nurmberg laws did protect the Jews from mixing with non Jews, the same as the Germans, the same way. These principles were following ariosophic ideas, which were theosophic ideas. And Theosophy and Freemasonry is one the same, a hebrew frankist religious offspring. That in Nazi/Nasi Germany the Zionist flag (which became the flag of Israel) was under special protection, is therefore no surprise. And if you read nowadays about Trump in jewish publications then they behave like he was an ‘Antisemitic, Anti-Jewish, Anti-Israel president, and nothing could be further away from the truth. Trump was always first MIGA, and then only MAGA. Very likely it was the same, or similar, with Adi. Now was he what Marvin Antelman said that he was, well he could be. His Reich was called the Reich of 1000years, which is messianic, and the Frankists were messianic. Now as what he himself was seeing the Frankists – that’s difficult to say, since Jakob Frank was glorified in German literature for 200years, at least since he arrived in Offenbach – coming from Brno which was only 55km away from where Hitler forbearers lived in Döllersheim. So they could have been followers of Messiah Rabbi Frank and they might have been belivers in that messianic religion. If they were, then they might have been part of the folk which met on the 9th of ave each year in Karlsbad.Then it could have been like Marvin Antelman said that it was. Did they the Frankists see them selfes as still jewish – difficult question, they where as much crypto Catholic, as they were crypto Jewish. If Trump was only on the outside MAGA, to be unconfronted MIGA, then might have been the same with ‘Adolf Hitler founder of Israel’ http://holywar.org/txt/founder_of_Israel.pdf


And let’s remember that the concept of sacrificing 6 million jews for the “greater Israel” was a jewish concept, not a nazi one.

I agree with your considerations. Hitler’s behaviour shows a suspicious attitude to follow the jewish-messianic blueprint. And if we watch at the net result of the Shoah ( total impunity for Israel ), we cannot avoid to be suspicious.


these roaches would have been with Vlasov during the war and the Nazi puppet ROA,and we know what happened to that piece of shit.

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis were mentally handicapped corrupt nazi bootlickers 80years ago and they still are. Nothing changed. There is a reason the Ukrop flag and the Down Syndrome Awarness ribbon are one and the same…

Lone Ranger

They should get the same treatment as babykiller ukropnazis did after the war. They were shot point blank and run over with trucks than thrown into unmarked ditches. Nazi fertilizer is the best ?

cechas vodobenikov

Ukraine now a problem for the fading anglo empire–they pay billions so Ukraine buys Russian gas/coal—ukraine sends prostitutes to sexually repressed anglos—empire soon to fragment into failed state like ukraine—repulika de banana southeast; Stasi/antifa confederacy NW; BLM/LGBT Hollywood autocracy; trumpistan democratic conspiracy monarchy; NYC becomes Israeli protectorate; new england annexes incompetent English colony after Scotland secedes and they announce new hybrid puritan gay lube dimocratic hypperreal feudal nation

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I pointed out. The innocent Russian people wants freedom and be like an American. “Go home Yankee but take me with you”……………………………….LOL.



You p00fs are the reason usa has no more effective constituates,because your all fkd up! Living only because your elders worked their butts off,your a fekn soros parasite that’s all!

Cheryl Brandon


Kenny Jones ™

The plan for greater Khazaria will fail, white Russia will defeat the (((parasites)))


Yes,folks what we got to see is a cksuker of the modern pink swastika world of soros/lgbtq: What a frgn egg head!


Stupid Banderite fuktard… :-)

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